Tornado (PoT) [EDITING]

By Violet_Sand

5K 137 33

This is a Prince of Tennis FF and is currently under-going editing. Everyone thought that there was only one... More

Character Information
Chapter 01: Prolouge (Part 1)
Chapter 03: Sneakers & Collectors
Chapter 04: The First Gathering & Announcements
NEW Character Information--Edited of 9/27/13
Chapter 05: Iris's Card (No more of the 'past')
Chapter 06: Forever A Broken - Winged Bird
Chapter 07: Bets and secrets
Chapter 08: Somewhere, buried under these lies
Chapter 09: "Mundane" Dreams

Chapter 02: Prolouge (Part 2)

390 13 3
By Violet_Sand

This is the contiatuation flashback on part 1. 



I raised my hand and kept trying to yell out his name. It only came out in a whisper.

"Yuuta...Yuuta..don't go...Y-Y-Yuu...ta..."

I couldn't move. Pain filled me, and even more red blocked my vision. I screamed.



 Chapter 02: Prolouge (Part 2)

???'s POV (haha, not telling!)

I was walking to school when I heard a low-ish pitch noise.


I whispered to myself.

"Well..that can't be a bird...."

I then took off to see what it was.

















When I got to the secene..I saw blood flowing like a river from a body.

I looked around. Nobody but me is here.

I approached the body. When I got close, it was a boy with shoulder length light brown hair. 

He was wearing the Segaku school uniform. It said he was a second year.

He had blood flowing from his left shoulder.

I took out my phone and called an ambulence.

Finally, 10 long minutes later, they arrived.

One of the many people came over to me.

"Young sir. What has happened here?"

"I don't know. I heard a scream so I came and nobody was around. He was against that tree. That's all I know besides picking up this knife that was all bloody."

I took the bloody pocketknife out of my bag and handed it to the man.

He nodded.

"Thankyou young man. But, since you were found on the secene, and had this knife, i'm afraid you have to come with us."

I sighed. There's obvisiouly no way out of this.

"Fine. Not like I have to go to school..." 

He just smiled. And walked away, pulling me with him.

I internally sighed again.

'Why am I the one who gets dragged away all the time?'

Fuji's POV, in the hospitable.

I awoke to something very...bright. Whiteness.

The only other colors there were was the blue curtains and the flowers on the brown stand near the bed i'm in.

I sat up and breathed a heavy sigh, that soon became to painful coughs.

Just then a nurse came in with a clipboard.

She screamed, and ran out, getting some doctors or whoever.

While, back to me, I took a quick glance at my hand and there was blood on the bandages.

"Hey, are you okay?"

I looked to my left. There, was a boy with glasses and brown hair sitting next to me. I didn't even notice he was in the room. He's so quiet...

I realized he asked me a question.

My voice came out all raspy.

"Huh? Oh..y-yes. I'm alright...Who are you?"

He was silent for a moment, looking me over. Considering that his eyes lingered on my now bloodstaind hands, I don't think he belives me.

"You know, you should really change those bandages..." He trails off, avoiding my question.

I took a quick glance at my hands. They were almost soaked with my blood. I decided to play along.

"You're right."

I then leaned back onto the pillow. My hands were on one another on my stomach. I just simply stared at the ceiling.

The door flew open. I turned my head to the sound, so did the boy.

The nurse that freaked out before was standing there with a doctor.

They were panting heavily.

The nurse spoke.

"Y-Y-Young man..are you alright?!"

I simply stared at her.

The boy stared at me.

The doctor stared at the boy, probably thinking that he was the one the nurse was talking to.

'That's what they always think. I know I look like a boy. But if someone who looked like a boy dressed in girl clothes..they'd think that the person was a transvitive. Too bad i'm a girl then.'

I finally decided to speak. I opened my eyes.

"Yeah. I'm fine. I'm perfectly fine. Not like I was coughing up blood a few minutes ago."

My sharp eyes probably looked like I was glaring at her. It didn't help with my cold and rude tone either. I was just upset and mad. But I couldn't remember why....

She squeaked in fright.

"R-Right.."  I looked away. She looked at my hands, where I was staring.

She snapped out of her frightened state.

"Oh my! Those need changed!"

She scrambled to the cupboard near the door.

She grabbed more bandges and took my now bloodied ones off.


They showed many scars. Scars that were from when I was protecting Yuuta from those bullies from years ago...


A light bulb went off in my head.

'I remember now...' I thought.


"He left..." I was staring straight ahead. Tears fell from my opened and shocked eyes.

Then, I just completely broke down.

I wrapped my arms around my legs that were now to my chest. I put my head on top of my knees.

I cried for Yuuta.

I cried for my sister.

I cried for my parents.

I cried for the bullies.

I cried for myself.

Most of all, I cried for god.

Because god and fate are the only things in life that can change the bad to good. The only things in life that can make a huge diffrence weather it'd be good or bad.

The doctor and nurse were just standing there in shock.

The boy, however, was sitting on the bed beside me, hugging me and brushing his hand through my short hair. I leaned into him, My head on his shoulder. Still crying.

He was whispering to me.

"It's's okay. He'll be back...if they left with a goodbye, that means they'll be back again one's okay. It'll all be alright."

I kept crying on his shoulder.

"I will never let you fall......"

I then picked my head up, and stared him in the face.

His eyes show sincerity. Kindness. And something that I couldn't place.

I hugged him.

"Thankyou...thankyou..." I murmured back.

When I looked back, the nurse and doctor were gone. On the table, were bandges and a note.

The note was messy:

~"Before you leave, put more bandages on. Put new ones on 2 times a day.  

Come in for weekly checkups.  

Once you have done this, sign out on the bottom floor. Then you can leave."~

I picked up the bandges with my right hand. Not even 2 seconds and it fell from my hand.

I just stared at it and sighed. I got off the bed and bent down to pick them up but, a hand got to it before I did.

The boy was still here..I thought he left.

"Let me help."

It was more of a demand then a statement, but, nonetheless, I nodded. I walked back to the bed and sat on it.

The boy, whose name I still don't know, gently and slowly took the bloody bandges completely off of my hands. I then noticed that All I had on were my school pants and bandges on my chest and shoulder.

'How did I not notice that?'

I looked at my shoulder, and blood was already soaking it. There was some on my chest, but, not as much as on my shoulder.

When I looked back at the boy, he was already done.

'Wow, he works fast.'

I closed my eyes. I don't know how I can ' "see" ' with my eyes closed, but, whatever.

"Uhh..thanks." He just nods.

He points to my bloodied shoulder.

"Want help with that?"

I froze...but, then I regained my composture. I notiable flinched. I didn't think he'd notice, but...

"If you don't want me to, that's alright..." He trailed off, looking to the side with a blush.

I tilted my head in confusion. He just blushed even more.

"Umm...sure. I don't think I can do it by myself anyway."

He nods and gestured me to stand up.

He then went behind me and started to unravel the bandges. I visably shook and internally wimpered for what he would see.

When all of the bandges were off, they fell from his hands and onto the cold hard floor. He gasped.

I inwardly flinched.

Out of the corner of my eye, I faintly saw him take his hand up to by back. It brushed on a scar that I knew would never heal. I knew be barely touched it hurt like hell.

I very noticably flinched. I gasped in pain.

He imeatily took his hand away.


I just nod, biting my lip.

After the bandges were on again, we took the elavator to the ground floor.

It was a bit awkard so I decided to break it.

"I know you avoided the eariler question, but you're not getting away this time. What's your name?"

My eyes were opened. ...I probably glared at him unintentionally.

He was silent for a moment, but sighed, probably thinking that there's no escape.

"Kunimitsu Tezuka. Who are you?"

I answered immeatily.

"Syusuke Fuji."

He was silent once more. So I turned away, facing the doors, but, I stopped midway because he said something that truely shocked me.

"You're a girl, aren't you?"

Since my eyes were still open, they wided in shock.

"You knew?"

He nodded.

"I began to notice because your voice is much higher than a males. You may look like a boy but, there are things that stand out from that."

I closed my eyes.

I tilted my head to the side slightly and gave him a closed eye smile.


He looked surprised.

"Why thank me?"

I was silent for a few minutes.

'Dang, this is one long elavator.....'

"Well...for many reasons. 1) You saved my life. I could've died, but you saved me. 2) You could've left me there under that tree and let me to die, but you didn't. 3) You help me with my bandges. 4) You consolded me. 5) You're my first and only friend I've ever had. And, 6) You were the only person I have ever met who was able to tell that I was a girl."

I faced him.

"And so, for that, I thankyou."

Finally, the elavator made it to the ground floor.

I walked to the counter. Tezuka was just standing there, but, before the doors shut, he caught up.

After I signed out, we walked outside. It was just around 6:00 in the morning.

I stopped and grabbed Tezuka's wrist.

I pulled him to the side of a nearby building.

I let go of him, and leaned against the wall.

I put my hands on my head. My head was tilted downwards and my eyes were shut.

I slowly fell to the ground, in a ball.

Tezuka slowly apporached me and sat beside me.

He wrapped him arms around me, and pulled me close. My eyes were still closed, and my hands still clutching my head.

"What's wrong?"

I was silent. But then mouthed to him ' "brother" '.

He just nodded.

"....Do you have a place to stay at..?"

I looked up at him. My eyes were now opened.


He blushed.

"I you have a place to stay at? If you don't could go with me...I have some room." He was looking anywhere but at me when he said that.

I was silent for a moment, and he sighed. He started to get up.

My arm flew out and grabbed his jacket sleeve. He looked back towards me.

I closed my eyes and smiled at him.

"Sure. I'd like that."

He smiled lightly at me.


He moved to grab my hand, but, I stopped him.

"I need to go and get my stuff first."

He nods.

We walk off, not knowing the distaster that would soon happen. 


Like it? Love it? Why, thankyou!!...Aww...:3 They had a moment!!


But, between the places of when Fuji said "Where is my real self? Am I at the edge?" and "Tezuka, want to have a match?" It's where Fuji is laying down on the grass, all sweaty. He has his arm over his forehead. HE LOOKS SOO HOT LIKE THAT FROM THE SIDE!!! XDD


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