Deadly Decisions

By StarrReina

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Deadly Decisions
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five

Chapter Six

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By StarrReina


The next morning Pavel was woken by his cell phone ringing. He wanted to go for a run this morning after he took Teresa to his place, but he overslept.

“Hello?” he barked groggily.

“Where are you?” Nick asked.

“Why? What’s up?”

“We need to go talk to Dillon Crowley, remember? Or are you having too much fun to get some work done?”

“Ha, ha. Give me the address again and I’ll meet you there.”

“It’s…hold on,” Pavel could hear a clatter as Nick set the phone down. Coming back on the line, Nick continued, “It’s 2983 Via Rencino in Sherman Oaks.”

“Right. Give me a couple of hours.”

“A couple of hours?”

“Look, I’m not even up yet. I need some coffee and I still have to deal with Teresa. She’s been a handful.”

“Gee, I’m surprised. Just drive to the office when you’re ready and we’ll go from there.”

“Fine, see you later.”

After hanging up the phone, Pavel stood up, stretched and walked to the kitchen to make coffee. He fully expected ‘her highness’ would want caffeine when she got up. It would be easier to deal with her if she got it.

Teresa shuffled into the kitchen while he was finishing. He couldn’t help but laugh at her appearance. He never saw her first thing in the morning and—to say the least—she was not a glamorous, morning person. Her hair was mussed and sticking out at odd angles, her face was bare of any makeup making her look pale and her eyes were mere slits in her head.

“What’s so funny?” she asked.

“You are. You’re sort of weirdly cute in the morning.”

“Shut up. I need my coffee. Then you can talk to me.”

“Ah, I see you’re just as personable in the morning as you are all day long.”

“Pavel, just close your mouth and hand me my coffee.”

He poured two cups, handed one to her and sat down at the kitchen table.

“We’re leaving in thirty minutes, so drink up.”

“What part of ‘close your mouth’ didn’t you get?”

“All of it. Like I was saying we need to leave so I can get to work.”

“Just let me wake up.”

He sat and looked at her sipping her coffee. Although she was grumpy in the morning—actually, when wasn’t she?—he found her oddly endearing. She sat quietly while she tried to wake up. It was probably the only time her jaw wasn’t clamoring about something. She wore only her sheer bathrobe he tore off her last night. Even with the slumber in her eyes, she was seductively alluring. Her perky breasts were visible through the robe and Pavel was tempted to take her right where they were, but he knew there was no time because lovemaking with her was not something he could or wanted to do in a hurry.

Frustrated, he stood up and announced, “I’m going to take a shower. Finish packing your suitcase.”

As an answer she saluted him with her free hand, the other wrapped tightly around her coffee mug.

He fully expected rebellion when he got out of the shower. Instead, he found her packing her suitcase as he instructed. As compliance was not in her nature, he was suspect of her intentions.

“I’m glad to see you packing.”

“Isn’t that what you told me to do?”

“Yes, but I didn’t expect you to really do it.”

“Why not? I’m as anxious to leave as you are to get me out of here. I’m just not going where you think I am.”

“I knew it. Now, there’s the Teresa I know. Where exactly do you think you’re going?”

“Far from you for starters.”

“Okay, then where?”

“None of your business.”

“I hate to disillusion you, but you will be going to my place just as we discussed last night.”

“That wasn’t a discussion, it was an order.”

“Touché. However, that doesn’t change anything.”

“Pavel, I have really had enough of your demands. I don’t work for you. I am a woman, one who deserves to be treated with respect. You made a bet with me last night and after I won it, you reneged. That’s very childish and frankly, I expected more from you.”

“I’m sorry, but it’s for your own good. I cannot let you call Angelina. It could endanger her and you.”

“You have created a real mess, Pavel. I thought more of you than this. I know you want me. After all, I am desirable. However, when you treat me with such blatant insolence you push me away. You can stand there and admire this body—and I know you are right now—all you want, but you’ll never have it again.”

He walked over to her and took her hand.

“Teresa, I do want you.  That is a fact. But to think it’s just for sex, you’re wrong. Last night was definitely incredible…”

“Of course it was,” she interrupted.

“Anyway…it was great and so are you and contrary to what you may believe right now, I like you for other reasons. I’m trying to keep you safe. I guess what I’m trying to say—and why I’m not sure—is I want you around in one piece.”

“That’s touching, but they’re nothing but words, Pavel. You have not shown me anything close to what you’re implying. Give me one trait that you like about me besides sex.”

“You’re cute in the morning.”

“Right, try again.”

“I like sparring with you. You give me a run for my money.”

“Speaking of money, I need some.”

“For what?”

“I need to get a place to stay. Father cancelled all my credit cards and until he’s dead and leaves me his vast fortune, I have nothing to survive on.”

“You don’t need money at my place. I have everything you need.”

“Do you not listen when I speak? I’m not going to your place.”

“I don’t have time to get into this with you right now, Teresa. Just get ready. We’re leaving in ten minutes.”

“I don’t think so. I still need to shower.”

“Then hop to it because if you stand around here much longer wearing virtually nothing, we’ll be back in bed and I don’t have time right now.”

“I know you want me. After all,” she said, pushing out her little breasts and twisting the upper part of her body back and forth, “what’s not to want? No matter though, because right now I’m angry at you and have no desire for you.”

“That I don’t believe, not after last night. Now, get ready.”

He left the room quickly before he made good on his threat. Damn, she was alluring! He thought. It was going to be hard to have her at his house every night and not make love to her. Actually, he knew what was going to happen. They would have sex as often as he was home. He just would not be able to keep his hands off of her, but he knew he had to stay objective. He was after all, supposed to be protecting her.

Besides, he had other problems he needed to deal with. Finding out who is harassing him and why, was at the top of his priorities list.

Pavel was finally able to get Teresa out of the house and safely in his car. She kept insisting that she didn’t want to stay with him, but finally relented after he agreed that she could redecorate his place to add color, as she pointed out it so desperately needed.

“Honestly Pavel, that place is so…so dreary. Unless you’ve done something to it since I’ve been there a while ago, it’s not going to work. Do you really expect me to stay in such a depressing place that is devoid of anything remotely resembling color?”

“I expect you to do as I say.”

“That’s not likely. Listen, just let me add a woman’s touch at least.”

“Define ‘a woman’s touch’.”

“Making it habitable.”

“It’s fine the way it is.”

“Are you kidding me? It needs life and that places screams for help.”

“Will you shut up if I agree?”

“Great! I’ll start with the walls, they definitely need color. Then…”

“You’re going to paint the walls?”

“Not me of course. I’ll get someone to do it. And I need to go shopping for…”

“You’re not going anywhere.”

“How do you expect me to redecorate if I can’t go shopping?”

“That’s my point. I don’t want you to.”

“You said I could. Now you’re saying no?”

“I never agreed. I only asked if it would shut you up if I did.”

“You did agree,” she angrily said. Then she smiled and continued, “Just leave it to me, darling. I’ll take care of everything.”

“That’s what I’m worried about,” he muttered.

He didn’t have any idea what he was going to come home to and was almost afraid to find out.


After he got Teresa comfortable at his apartment, he left to meet Nick. They had a lot of work to do and Dillon Crowley was only the beginning. Pavel felt that it was a dead end, but they needed to start someplace and Crowley was as good as any. He was thoroughly convinced that what was happening to him was not a coincidence, but that of a planned attack. He didn’t know who or why, but he was going to find out.

Walking into his office, he saw Nick talking to their superior. Agent Steve Lazlo was still not over Pavel’s escapades with the Mancini family and didn’t trust Pavel like he used to. It was going to take time.

“What’s up?” Pavel asked.

“I’m just filling Lazlo in on our latest case,” Nick responded.

“Tell me, Pavel, just who is after you now?” agent Lazlo asked.

“Good question, I wish I had the answer. Has Nick given you the details that we have so far?”

“Yes. It doesn’t sound like you have much to go on. I doubt this Crowley kid is going to be much help. Have you spoken to Palazzio or Wolters yet? Maybe they can help.”

Sergeant Roger Palazzio and Detective Brandon Wolters were also still sore at Pavel for his deception while on the Mancini case, not to mention his threatening Wolters’ wife. He tried to make it look like he was being faithful to Carlo Mancini when in fact, he was trying to get enough evidence on Carlo to bring him down for good.

“Not yet. Nick and I figured Crowley would be the best person to start with.”

“Well, let’s not get cocky like you did the last time and forget about the local police. Communication, Ivanovich. Do you remember what that means?” Lazlo sneered.

“Yes, Sir.”

“And while we’re talking about assistance, I’m having Forensco help out. He’ll be in here shortly.”

“Why?” Pavel asked.

“I do not have to explain myself to you. Just fill him in when he gets here.”

“Yes, Sir,” Nick answered.

After Lazlo left, Nick and Pavel began to look at Crowley’s file again.

“I’m hoping he can tell us who hired him. Perhaps that will shed some light on who’s after me.”

“I’m not putting too much stock in it. If this kid was hired, I doubt he was directly contacted by the person or persons responsible for the attacks on you.”

Forensco walked in a few minutes later and Pavel and Nick filled him in on everything they had to date.

“What do you want me to do?”

“Dig up everything you can find on Crowley. Nick and I are going to question him now. Call me on my cell when you have something.”

During the ride to Sherman Oaks, Nick brought up the subject of Sherri.

“So, what is it with you and Sherri?”

“What? Who?”

“Your neighbor? Remember her? I went out with her again last night. It seems like all she can talk about is you.”

“What are you talking about? I barely know her. I’ve only run into her a few times and she watched Rita Grace for me once and that was in the hall of my building.”

“Look, I don’t know. Perhaps she has the hots for you.”

“Whatever. I’m not interested.”

“Maybe you need to tell her that because she acts like you’re good friends. I’m attracted to her and I don’t need any competition. Tell me now or all bets are off.”

“Good god, man. I have my hands full with Teresa. How can I possibly juggle more than that?”

Nick laughed and responded, “I can’t even imagine your misery. Good luck with that.”

“Why are you asking anyway?”

“She kept asking all kinds of questions about you, like she was interested.”

“Like what?” Pavel asked.

“Like what you did in your spare time, where you hung out and with whom.”

“That’s nuts. She asked you all this point blank?”

“Not really. She sort of hinted to it. For instance, we were discussing where she would like to go after dinner last night and she asked what sounded fun and asked what you would do. She said it was because she was new to the area and since you lived there too, you would know. Weird is what it was.”

“I wouldn’t worry about it. Like she said, she is new to the neighborhood and you live across town. It seems reasonable she would suggest that I may know.”

“Maybe, I don’t know.”

Forensco called and reported that he found nothing shady on Crowley at all. He seemed to be a good kid with the exception of him hitting Pavel. After hanging up, Pavel told Nick what he said.

“Sort of what I figured,” Nick said.

“Here we are,” Pavel said, pulling up at the curb in front of a neatly manicured lawn. The landscaping was impeccable with rows of flowering bushes on either of side of the front door, bordering the front of the two story Spanish style home.

They walked up the sidewalk and rang the front doorbell. A man with gray hair answered the door. He looked like he was going to play a round of golf; sporting a polo t-shirt and a pair of cargo shorts.

“Can I help you?”

“Yes,” Nick spoke up, “we’re FBI Agents Nick Haxton and Pavel Ivanovich. Are you Mr. Crowley?”

“Yes, what is this about?”

“Is Dillon your son?” Nick asked.


“May we talk to him?” Pavel asked.

“What is this about?” Mr. Crowley asked again.

“Your son hit my car a while back. We’re just trying to clean up some paperwork.”

“I’ve never known FBI agents to do such menial work,” Mr. Crowley noted and continued, “I thought that was taken care of with the insurance companies.”

“Yes, the situation is resolved with the insurance companies. However, it was my car he hit and I thought it best if we just finished up the last few details ourselves.”

“I see. Well, I suppose so. Come on in. Dillon is in his room. I’ll get him.”

He ushered them in and asked them to wait in the living room. Dillon was exactly as Pavel remembered him to be. As most kids these days, he was nondescript and blended in. He wore baggy jeans down around the waist that showed his boxer shorts. The jeans had holes in the knees that are supposed to be fashionable. His arms were tattooed, he had earrings in his ears and his nose and the area between the bottom lip and chin was also pierced.

Although Dillon was of legal age, his father remained present during the questioning.

“Dillon, do you remember me?” Pavel asked.

“Yes, Sir. I rear-ended you at a light. Again, I’m sorry Sir.”

“I know you are. Mr. Haxton and I have been investigating several such incidents that have been happening lately,” he lied. “It appears that most of the accidents are not at all what they appear to be.”

“What do you mean by that?” Dillon’s father asked.

“Well, they’ve been fabricated occurrences. Someone has been paying these kids to do this sort of thing and we don’t know why. We’re here to find out if you were paid to do so,” Pavel said looking directly at the kid.

He prided himself on his ability to be able to tell if someone was lying by looking at them when they spoke. Things such as the nervous twitching of the eye, biting of the lower lip or not directly making eye contact when answering were just a few hints that someone was lying.

Dillon looked away when answering, “No, it was a simple accident.”

Pavel glanced at Nick to see if he caught the same avoidance. From Nick’s grim expression, he didn’t believe Dillon any more than Pavel did.

Nick asked, “Are you sure? You won’t get into any trouble. We just need you to be honest.”

“Son, is there any truth to what these agents are saying?”

“No, dad,” he answered, again avoiding eye contact.

“If you’re lying you’ll have to answer to me as well as the agents. Now out with it.”

Dillon sighed and sat down on the sofa.

“It was fifty bucks, that’s all. I didn’t do any major harm and no one got hurt.”

“How could you…” Mr. Crowley began, but Pavel put his hand up to stop him.

“Mr. Crowley, we know you’d like to talk to Dillon, but we really need to speak to him first. If you get him upset, he might get nervous and miss some important detail.” Sitting on the sofa next to him, Pavel continued, “Now, Dillon, tell us what you know…all of it.”

“Not much, really. He paid me fifty bucks to rear-end you. That’s it.”

“Do you know this man?” Pavel asked.

“I’ve never seen him before, but Pete has.”

“Who’s Pete?” Nick asked.

“Didn’t I tell you to stop hanging around with that kid?” Mr. Crowley spoke up.

“Sir, please,” Pavel said.

Mr. Crowley walked over and stood by the large picture window.

“Dillon, who is Pete?” Pavel repeated Nick’s question.

“He’s my friend. He told me about scoring easy money and wanted to know if I wanted to. Dad,” he looked at his father and continued, “I’m sorry. You know I wanted those concert tickets and you refused to give me the money.”

“We’ll discuss this later,” Mr. Crowley said.

Dillon hung his head like he was ashamed.

“Do you know this man’s name?”

“No, he never gave one and I never asked. He just told me how it was gonna go down. He said that I had to rear-end you and then afterwards meet him in the parking lot of DJ’s and he would pay me.”

“The report said the car you were driving was stolen,” Pavel said. “Did you steal it?”

“No way! The guy gave me the keys and pointed to a car in the parking lot and told me to use that one. I thought it was his. Like I said at the police station, I didn’t steal any car.”

“We believe you,” Pavel said.

“Where’s this DJ’s you mentioned?” Nick asked.

“It’s on Ventura Boulevard, near the Sherman Oaks mall.”

“Did this man meet you?” Nick asked.

“Yes. He said he’d be in touch if he needed me again. That was it.”

“Okay, do you think you can describe this man for us?” Pavel asked.

“I think so, yeah.”

“Tell us what you remember about him,” Nick said taking out his notebook and pen.

“He was skinny, had brown hair, average height.”

“That could describe most of LA County,” Nick observed.

“Anything else stand out about him?” Pavel asked.

“Oh yeah, he had this long scar on his right cheek. It went from his temple all the way to just under his nose like this,” he drew a line on his face with his finger to indicate what he meant. “Looked like a scar from a knife. My friend’s brother was in a knife fight and he ended up with a big scar across his chest. It looked like that.”

“That’s good. Anything else?” Pavel asked.

“Not that I can think of.”

“What kind of car did he drive?” Nick asked.

“It was a black car. I can’t remember the make.”

“Four door, sporty?” Nick asked.

“Just a regular car. It was a four door and it was all smashed in on the driver’s side.”

“Okay. Is there anything else you can tell us about the guy or the car?” Pavel asked.

“Not really.”

“Did he talk to you?”

“Not when he gave me my money. He just handed it out his window and peeled off. Am I in any trouble?”

“Not with the law. We won’t prosecute you, but I suggest you keep your nose clean from here on out,” Nick told him.

“You are in trouble with me though, son.”

Dillon hung his head again. He seemed a nice enough kid, even though you wouldn’t think so by his appearance. In today’s world, young kids believe torn up jeans and body jewelry was the way to dress.

“We will need to talk to Pete as well. Can you give us his last name, his telephone number and address?” Pavel asked.

“I guess.”

“No, you will,” his father inserted.

Dillon gave them the information and said, “Pete probably doesn’t know much more than I do.”

“We’ll talk to him,” Pavel said.

“Mr. Crowley, thank you for your time and allowing us to speak with your son. Thank you for your information, Dillon. You’ve been very helpful.” Nick said.

Back inside the car, Pavel suggested, “Let’s head over to see this Pete Foster.”

“Can we get some lunch first? I’m hungry.”

“Sure. DJ’s?”


“The bar that Dillon met this guy at. Maybe someone there knows something or has seen the car.”

“Man, you’re all about work. Can’t we just sit down and have a nice lunch instead of going to some seedy bar and probably eating a greasy hamburger with limp fries?”

“We can accomplish two things at once.”

“What’s the hurry?” he asked. Then as if he could read Pavel’s mind, he continued, “Oh, wait. I know what it is. You’re anxious to see Teresa. You did say you had to ‘deal’ with her today, didn’t you?”

“Don’t remind me.”

“What’s going on with her?”

“What isn’t? I had to move her.”

“Don’t tell me. You moved her to your place.”

“I needed to put her some place immediately and it’s all I could think of at the time.”

“Why immediately?”

“Let’s just say she’s been making nice with the agents watching her. There’s too much activity at the house and I believe it will endanger her. Her father is not stupid, neither are the people he hires. What’s more, I’ve been there too much and if they’re watching me—which I suspect they are—they’ll know it’s a sure bet that Teresa will be there. I told the agents they’re all off the assignment, except for two men whom I stationed outside my apartment. She can’t go in or out without them knowing it.”

“I don’t think your apartment is a good place, Pavel. Don’t you remember it was just shot up with you in it?”

“I know, but I was desperate. I doubt that whoever was responsible will be trying to get at me there again, which is why it’s safe. Besides, it’s not suspect for me to go in and out of my own apartment and they wouldn’t think I would take her there.”

“So Teresa had no objections?”

“Let’s just say I had to agree to something to pacify her.”

“Oh? You two finally getting a little?”

“I’m not answering that.”

“That means yes. Maybe that’s why you seem to be in such a good mood today.”

“Whether or not Teresa and I are “getting a little” is of no importance. Besides, my mood is always good.”

“Oh, sure it is,” Nick scoffed then smiled at him.

Pavel pulled into the parking lot of DJ’s and looked at the building.

“Well, a bit run down, but I’m sure they serve a good greasy burger,” Pavel said.

“Huh. I’m telling you now that if the food sucks, you owe me.”

They got out of the car and looked around. The entire area was run down and the ideal place for shady characters and mayhem. Bottles and cans littered the parking lot and few cars were parked there. The front of the building consisted of windows with bars and a front door that looked like a few people had been thrown through it and then cheaply repaired.

“This better be worth it,” muttered Nick as they walked in.

The inside was no better looking than the outside, which is probably why the lights were dim so no one could see the rats scurrying about. It gave an overall feeling of disgust. It was much worse than Finnigans where Nick and Pavel used to meet when Pavel was undercover in the Mancini family.

They walked up to the bar and sat down.

The bartender came over and asked, “What’ll it be?”

“What’s on the menu?” Nick asked.

“Not much. Our cook called in sick. Wanna beer?”

“No thanks,” Pavel answered. “How about a club soda.”

“Same for me,” Nick said.

After the bartender brought their drinks, Pavel tried to ask some questions.

“Do you know who owns the beat up car we saw here the other night?”

“What’s it to you?” the bartender replied.

“I hit his car the other night backing out and I wasn’t able to get his name.”

“Don’t know,” was the only response.

“Are you sure?” Pavel asked. “I feel awful that I hit it.”

“If it was already beat up like you said, I doubt he’s going to care.”

“Maybe, but I’d like to at least make it up to him.”

“Don’t know who owns what around here,” the bartender said and walked away.

“It doesn’t look like we’re going to get any information here or food,” Nick said. “Let’s go to a reputable establishment and get something to eat before I pass out.”


They finished their drinks, Nick left a ten dollar bill on the counter and they left.

Pavel drove them to Carlotta’s, an Italian restaurant that served fast food with plastic silverware.

“You call this reputable?” Nick asked.

“It’s better than where we were and it’s fast. Stop complaining.”

After they ate lunch, they went to Pete Foster’s house. They asked pretty much the same questions they had of Dillon Crowley and got the same place—nowhere.

“Pavel, I think the car accident is a dead end. Perhaps it’s not related at all to the other events that have been happening to you.”

“The rear-ending may be a random episode, but if it is connected, I’ll find out…one way or the other.”

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