Deadly Decisions

By StarrReina

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Deadly Decisions
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six

Chapter Five

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By StarrReina


Pavel began to feel guilty about admonishing Teresa and leaving so soon. Maybe it was his libido talking to him, but he decided to go back and spend some time with her. Perhaps it would appease her for a while so he wouldn’t have to worry so much about what she would do next to draw attention to herself.

He would pick up dinner and drive back to the cabin. First, he wanted to go home to shower and change. After he got cleaned up, he called Nick.

“I’m taking the night off. I need to go monitor Teresa. She made quite a bit of ruckus today at the cabin.”

“Is that the only reason why you’re going up there?” Nick asked.

“What is it to you?”

“Nothing. I’m just asking. Have fun for me, would you?”

“Didn’t your date go well the other night?”

“Sort of. I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow. Let’s just say it was a weird evening.”

“Well, good luck with that. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

“Keep your cell on in case I need you.”

“Don’t I always?”

“No. I know you. If you’re getting lucky, you’ll turn it off. Don’t.”

“Whatever, Nick. I have to go.”

He called in an order to the local pizzeria. He had no idea what she liked, or even if she ate pizza, but he was sure she wouldn’t mind as long as it was him delivering it.

It was after six o’clock when he headed to the cabin. It was situated about fifteen minutes outside of town on the back way to the city of Fillmore. He was actually feeling excited that he chose to spend time with her. He needed to relax and a glass of Chianti sounded good about right now.

He pulled up to the cabin and grabbed the pizza. He walked into the front door and into the living room. The television was on to a foreign speaking channel. That’s weird. She must be really bored, he thought.

“Teresa?” he yelled out.

He set the pizza on the coffee table and started walking towards the kitchen. As he did, Maria came shuffling out still wearing Teresa’s bathrobe and slippers, carrying a bowl of ice cream.

“Maria?” he asked, sounding confused.

“Mr. Pavel, what you doing here?”

“What are you doing here? Where’s Teresa?”

“I…uh…she sleeping.”

He looked at her and could see guilt written all over her face.

“Maria, what’s going on? Where is she?”

“Please, Mr. Pavel, don’t be angry with me. She…” Maria began to cry as she tried to continue, “I sorry, she talked me into it.”

“Into what, Maria?”

Maria continued to sob. Pavel led her into the living room and steered her towards the sofa. He handed her a tissue from the end table.

“Maria, I’m not angry with you. Where is she?”

He was furious, but not at Maria. He tried to keep his anger in check so that she would stop crying long enough to tell him what was going on.

After loudly blowing her nose, she answered, “She took my car…my clothes. She said she wanted to go for ride to see a friend. That’s all I know, I swear,” Maria managed to get out between sniffles.

“It’s okay. Did she mention what friend?”

“No, I not know. Please, Mr. Pavel, I sorry.”

He tried to reassure her that everything would be all right.

“Listen, you’re not in any trouble. Let me give you a ride home and we’ll get your car back to you tomorrow.”

“I have no clothes. Miss Teresa has them.”

“It’s okay. You can go in the bathrobe. I’ll return your clothes as well.”

“Okay, Mr. Pavel.”

“Can you give me a description of your car?”

“Is a brown Oldsmobile.”

“Do you know the plate number?”

“I not remember, but I have at home. I can give it to you when you take me.”

“Okay. Wait here a minute while I make a phone call.”

He stood up and walked into the kitchen. He slammed his fist down on the counter in frustration. He could wring her neck. What the hell is she up to?

His phone rang just as he was going to call Nick. He answered it immediately.

“Mr. Ivanovich?”


“It’s agent Montaque. I thought you’d want to know that we just spotted Teresa…” he broke off and Pavel could hear laughing in the background. He could tell Montaque was trying to stop laughing as he continued, “Sorry about that. She was going into Franco De Luca’s house.”

“What? Mancini’s man that you guys are still watching?”

The FBI stationed men to watch De Luca’s house ever since Mancini was put in prison. Although he hadn’t been part of the original arrest, they didn’t trust that De Luca wouldn’t try and get Mancini out if he had the chance.

“The one and the same. She was…ah…dressed a bit differently.”

“Yeah, I know. She’s wearing the housekeeper’s clothes.”

“Do you want us to go in there?”

Pavel pinched the bridge of his nose. He was getting a headache.

“Not yet. Keep an eye on the house and her. I’ll be there as fast as I can. If she leaves, trail her. And if anyone else goes there, I want to know immediately.”

“You got it.”

He hung up, got Maria and drove her home. Fortunately, she lived just down the road so it didn’t take too much of his time. After dropping her off, Pavel headed towards town.

He was pissed. What in the world is she thinking? Is she trying to get herself killed? He wanted to take a hold of her and shake some sense into her, but knowing Teresa, it wouldn’t do any good. That woman had her own will and did just as she pleased. It would be easier trying to keep track of a child who just learned to walk.

His phone rang again. It was Montaque.

“De Luca just went in there and we haven’t seen Teresa leave.”

“Shit! That’s not good. I’m on my way. I want you in the front and your partner in the back. Make sure you’re not seen. If they come out before I get there, detain them all.”

He stepped on the gas and flew across town.


At Angelina’s, Teresa was trying to talk Franco into letting her go.

“Franco, it’s nice to see you.”

“You say that now, but how about when you hung your own father out to dry?”

“That has nothing to do with you. I’ve always liked you.”

“You like only yourself.”

“Dear,” Angelina spoke up, “She only came for a visit. She was just leaving.”

Teresa turned towards the door, “Yes, I’ll be on my way. It was great to see…”

Franco grabbed her before she could leave.

“You’re not going anywhere. There’s a lot of unfinished business we have to deal with.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Don’t play stupid with me. Angelina,” he barked, “get some rope.”

“Just let her go.”

“Not on your life. This girl is going to pay for what she did to the family.”

“It’s not even your family,” Teresa said. “I didn’t do anything to you.”

“I have agents watching my every move because of your testimony. Besides, I’ve worked for your father for way too long to give up my loyalty now. He may be in jail, but he’s still just as powerful. He still rules this organization.” When he saw Angelina still standing there, he yelled, “I said get me some rope.”

Still holding Teresa by the arm in a death grip, he used the other hand and smacked Angelina in the face.


She shot Teresa a look that begged for her forgiveness and left the room.

Franco hauled Teresa down the basement stairs. Normally, there weren’t basements in California due to earthquakes, but unknown to many, a few homes did have them. This was one of those houses. It was completely renovated with a huge carpeted room in the center with doors that led to other smaller rooms. He steered her to one of the doors and led her through it. It was small and consisted of a table, chair, a cot and a light hanging from the ceiling. There was no window and it looked dreary. It was as dismal looking as the visitor’s room in the prison where she went to visit her father. Teresa figured he probably took many others down here over the years to torture them.

He pushed her towards the chair and said, “Sit down!”

She angrily obeyed then glared at him. He stood in the doorway waiting for Angelina to bring him the rope. Teresa tried to convince him to let her go.

“Listen, Franco. I won’t even tell anyone I was here. That way no one will know you let me go.”

“Shut up,” was his only response.

Teresa was getting mad.

“Look you degenerate, you can’t keep me here. They’re probably already looking for me. They know where I went.”

“Liar. They wouldn’t let you come here. I’m not stupid. You got away from them for God knows what reason.”

“I wanted to see Angelina. She’s my friend.”

“You either have balls of stone or you’re stupid.”

“How dare you! I am not stupid. I thought I proved that when I testified against Father. You all thought I was mindless all those years, look where that got Father.”

“And I’m going to make you pay for that. Angelina, where the hell’s the rope?” he yelled up the stairs.

“You are just as stupid as my father was.”

He slapped her hard across the face, “Shut up!”

The hit stung and brought tears to her eyes, but she refused to give in. She brought her hand to her cheek as if she could stop the pain by doing so.

“Is this the kind of life you want? Always running from the law?”

“Who’s running? They have nothing on me. I’m still here, aren’t I?”

“Not for long, you loser. You think you can keep me down here and they won’t find me?”

He turned away from her and stepped outside of the room to call to Angelina again. Teresa saw her opportunity and took it. In one quick movement, she got up, grabbed the chair and smashed it over Franco’s head. He went down in a heap at her feet.

Teresa stood over him, and said, “That’s for Pavel. I told him I can take care of myself.”

Just then Pavel, followed by three other agents, ran down the stairs to the basement, guns drawn. When Pavel saw her standing there next to De Luca, hands on her hips, he stopped short and couldn’t help but grin.

Teresa grinned back, and said, “Shall I handcuff him, too?”

Pavel wiped the grin off his face, remembering he was still angry with her. He walked over to her, took her in his arms, released her and began to shake her.

“What the hell were you thinking? You could have gotten yourself killed!”

“I didn’t, now did I? When are you going to realize that I can handle things?”

“You call this handling things?” he asked, pointing to De Luca. “You’re just damn lucky we showed up when we did.”

“Really? Because from where I’m standing, I see a man on the floor. I’m handing him over to you. Again, I saved your neck.”

My neck? You ungrateful little…” he broke off, hearing the snickers and seeing everyone staring at them like a form of entertainment.

“How did you find me anyway?” Teresa asked.

“We’ll talk about that later,” he said.

He looked around the small room where De Luca put her.

He told her, “Well, the cabin sure beats this place. I should just leave you here. There will be no lattés and no one will come to make you any.”

“That’s not nice. I just saved your neck once again.”

He shook his head at her, turned and said to Montaque, “He’s all yours. Think you can take it from here? I need to get Miss wanna-be agent out of here.”

“Sure, good luck with that,” Montaque answered with a huge grin on his face.

Pavel steered her upstairs. Angelina was sitting in the kitchen, an empty shot glass in front of her.

“Angelina!” she cried, going over to her. “Are you all right?”

“I’m so sorry, Teresa. I didn’t want to get the rope. When I was coming out of the closet with it, these brutes came up behind me and grabbed me.”

“Saving your life,” Pavel said.

“No, you didn’t. Don’t you understand? You just made it worse. Now, Franco will think I went against him like Teresa did the family. I’m as good as dead.”

“What were you thinking, Pavel? See what you did? I told you I can take care of myself. You didn’t have to come busting in here because of your damaged ego.”

Pavel looked from Angelina to Teresa, sighed, threw his hands up in the air and said, “I give up. You are a brat, Teresa. We’re trying to protect you. Now, because of your stupid, little stunt tonight, we’ll have to put your friend in protective custody as well.”

“Good!” Teresa exclaimed. “She can stay with me.”

“No, she can’t,” Pavel said.

“What? Why not?”

“I can’t keep track of you. How do you think I’ll be able to watch both of you?”

“It’s settled then,” Teresa said and turned to Angelina, “It’s not much, but we’ll have fun staying together in the cabin. Do you know how to make coffee?”

Once again, Pavel shook his head at her.

“Teresa, are you deaf? She cannot stay with you.”

“You’re starting to get on my nerves. First, you said it was okay. Now, you’re telling me no?”

“I never said it was okay.” Growing more impatient with her, he grumbled, “We have to go.”

“Wait,” Angelina said. “What’s going to happen to Franco?”

“He’s going to be arrested for the attempted kidnapping of Teresa and hopefully, go to prison.”

“Can’t you just let him go?” Angelina asked.

Despite the way she was treated, she loved him or perhaps it was more about her loving the lifestyle he provided for her.

“He was going to tie me up, Angelina.”

“I know, you’re right. I love him, you know.”

“I understand, but you can’t let him act like this with you any longer. He’s treated you badly for as long as I’ve known you. It’s time you get out,” Teresa told her.

“Get out? What would I do? Where would I go? That is, if I live long enough.”

She was frightened and Pavel could see it. It wouldn’t be the first time he’s taken people like the Mancinis and their goons down, leaving wives and children to try and start a new life. It was going to be rough for her, but at least she didn’t have any children to worry about.

“You’ll be fine. We’ll keep you safe until you testify,” Pavel told her.

“Then what? Do I just keep running for the rest of my life?”

“No. Franco is the last of Carlo’s men. There won’t be anyone left to come after you. We need to play it safe right now, though. He may make bail, so you will stay hidden until after he’s convicted.”

“I still don’t see why she can’t stay with me,” Teresa insisted.

“That discussion is over. Now, let’s get out of here.”


De Luca was arrested, but Pavel felt sure he would be allowed bail. Knowing he would probably come after Angelina, Pavel thought it best that she be put under protective custody. There was no way he was going to put her with Teresa. He would end up having a nervous breakdown. Those two were a lot alike. They were both stuck on themselves and from what he read in De Luca’s file, she seemed to get herself in a lot of scrapes. That is not what Teresa needed around her. She did fine on her own.

He called Montaque back and asked him if he could handle taking care of Angelina. He agreed, so Pavel drove her to headquarters where Montaque said he would meet them. Because he refused to allow Teresa out of his sight for the rest of the night, he dragged her along with him.

After leaving his office, he drove Teresa back to the cabin.

“I don’t know why I have to stay here,” she pouted.

“There’s still a contract out on you.”

“Who is going to fulfill that? As you yourself said, De Luca was the last one loyal to the family and since Father is on his death bed he’s certainly no threat.”

“Until we’re sure that Carlo didn’t hire someone else that we’re unaware of and until he’s dead, you stay put.”

“Honestly Pavel, haven’t I proved to you by now I can take care of myself?”

“You like that word, don’t you?”

“What word?”

“Honestly. You say it a lot, especially when you’re trying to make a point.”

“You’re trying to change the subject.”

“Yes, I am.” Continuing, he added, “From where I’m sitting, you’ve simply gotten lucky. It has nothing to do with you being able to take care of yourself. You need to learn the difference, Teresa.”

“I do know the difference. I’m very capable and that’s something you shouldn’t forget. What is it, Pavel? A big, strapping FBI agent can’t accept the fact that a petite, beautiful woman such as me can handle a little nobody like Franco?”

“You forgot egotistical.”


“You’re petite, beautiful and egotistical.”

“Why are you so mean to me?”

“I’m not. I’m just stating the facts as I see them. I could continue and call you pig-headed, annoying…”

“That’s enough,” she interrupted.

“Okay, I’ll stop. You have to understand that De Luca and people like him are not ones you want to mess with.”

“Perhaps you’re right, but I knew what I was doing. If you hadn’t come running to my “rescue”,” she used two fingers on each hand to symbolize the quotes, and continued, “I could have gotten the information out of Angelina that I needed.”

“And what was that?”

“If Franco or my father is behind threatening you.”

Pavel was actually touched. She seemed to really care and this was her way of showing it.

He grabbed her hand as they sat on the sofa, and said, “Thank you, Teresa.”

“You’re welcome. I’m not so sure I would do it again for you. You’re so unappreciative.”

“I’m sorry. I don’t mean to be.”

“Of course you’re sorry…now. You can make it up to me though.”


“Let me talk to Angelina.”

“That’s not going to happen.”

“Why not?”

“Just like you, we don’t want anyone finding out where she is.”


“Why what?”

Teresa stood up and began pacing the living room.

“Why do you even care?”

“For one, it’s my job…”

“Don’t go any further,” she interrupted. “That said it all. You put your job first.”

“It’s my job to keep you safe.”

She simply sighed and looked at him, shaking her head.

“You are such a man.”

“I’m going to finish the sentence you so rudely cut me off from continuing. For one, it’s my job both as an agent and as your boyfriend to keep you safe.”

“Boyfriend? Is that what you are?”

“Aren’t I?”

“I’m not sure. We certainly don’t act like a couple. We don’t go out, we don’t do anything together.”

“You’re pouting again, Teresa. You have to admit that right now we don’t have a normal relationship because you’re in hiding.”

“It’s killing me, Pavel. Can’t we just go out for dinner or something? It can be someplace remote and I promise to behave.”

“You should never promise that. You are much like a walking time-bomb, ready to explode any minute. I never know what you’re going to do next.”

“Maybe so, but it keeps you interested, doesn’t it?” She smiled at him and continued, “Admit it, Pavel…what would you be doing tonight if you weren’t here with me? I’ll tell you myself. You’d be home sitting on that very uncomfortable sofa watching some stupid ballgame or something. Which reminds me, when I get out of here, the first thing I need to do is redecorate that hideous place you call home.”

“Hideous? I’ll have you know that I hired a decorator to do that.”

“Well, she wasn’t very good. No taste. I’ll start with the bedroom, because that’s where we’ll be spending a lot of time.”

“Is that right?”

“You can be certain of it. You better put in for some time off the minute Father kicks the bucket.”

“I can’t just take time off in the middle of a case.”

“Yes, you can. Have your partner…what’s his name?”


“That’s right. Have Nick take over for you.”

“I can’t do that right now. The case involves me, so unless you can contact whoever is threatening me and have that person take a little vacation, I will be working.”

“I’m glad you brought that up. We’d be further along with this case if you would have let me talk to Angelina.”


“You heard me. I’m in this too, Pavel. I have a vested interest.”

“And what would that be?”

“If you’re hurt, who would take care of me?”

“Oh, I forgot. It’s all about you.”

“Of course it is. Now, back to what’s going on.”

She stood up and began pacing.

“Let me talk to Angelina. I can get information out of her. If it was Franco, then we have nothing to worry about because he’s been arrested.”

“He will probably make bail, so he would still be a threat.”

“True. If it’s not Franco and there is someone else working for the family that we don’t know about, she would know. Give me your phone.”

“No, you’re not going to call anyone.”

“I’m going to call Angelina. Give me the number and your phone,” she held out her hand.

“You’re awful demanding.”

“Please,” she said. “Is that better?”

“Yes, but you’re still not getting it.”

She put her hand back down when she realized he wasn’t going to just hand it over.

“Would you tell Nick no?”

“I wouldn’t have to. He has his own phone and he wouldn’t be in hiding forbidden to use one.”

“My point exactly. I’m your partner now.”

Pavel snickered and said, “I didn’t realize you’d been to Quantico.”

“I don’t need to go there. Everything I need is right here,” she pointed to her head, and continued, “I’ve taken self-defense classes, I’m in great shape and I can think on my feet.”

“Yes, you can think quickly, that I’ll give you.”

“Now that we’ve settled the issue, hand it over.”

“I’ll tell you what, if you can get it away from me, I’ll give you the number and you can call Angelina.”

“You’re on.”

He was still sitting on the sofa when he offered up the challenge. She walked past him and headed towards the bedroom.

“Where are you going?”

“Getting ready to watch you lose.”

She walked out of the room. Pavel waited a few minutes until he began to get curious when she didn’t return. He stood up and walked into the bedroom. When he entered, his libido immediately took over and all other thoughts vanished from his head. She was lying in the middle of the bed on her side with her elbow propped up, her hand holding her chin. She was completely naked.

Pavel looked at every glorious inch of her body. She was lean, curvy in all the right places and absolutely beautiful. He could see that her work outs really did the job. She patted the bed beside her, but didn’t say a word. He walked over to the edge of the bed and stood there, still staring at her. Her belly button was pierced with a small, tasteful hoop that seemed only to enhance her flat stomach. That was something he didn’t expect to see. She didn’t seem the type to defile her body with jewelry. Knowing her, she probably thought it made her look good. He had to admit, it did.

He’s been waiting for this for too long. He wanted to be with her practically since the day she told him they would continue to date. He couldn’t figure out why he would put up with such a blatant ego. She was everything he never wanted in a woman and at the same time, he couldn’t stay away from her.

He sat down at the edge of the bed, almost afraid to get too close. If he touched her, he knew there was no going back. She stretched out on the bed, practically meowing like a cat who wanted her stomach rubbed. He couldn’t stop himself from staring. He has seen many beautiful bodies before, but this was almost exhilarating. Just seeing her like this invoked images of him satisfying her over and over, showing no mercy.

Because he made no move towards her, she took the initiative and moved closer to him. She took his hand and placed it on her breast. She didn’t speak. She didn’t need to. At first, he gingerly touched and teased the tip of her nipple, then need overtook him and he brought his mouth to it and suckled. Her skin was silky smooth and she tasted like a sweet exotic fruit. It wasn’t enough. It was simply teasing him, begging for more. He kissed her and as his manhood demanded attention, he pulled her to him and sat her on his lap. He was still fully clothed and his pants were threatening to burst open. She sat facing him, need written in her eyes.

She slipped her hands down to the button on his khakis, undid and unzipped them at the same time. He picked her up and much like he did before, threw her on her back onto the bed. This time however, he didn’t leave. Instead, he kicked off his shoes, took his socks and pants off and threw them on the floor. Then, feeling like he couldn’t get it off fast enough, he quickly slipped the polo shirt off over his head and added it to the pile. With nothing more than his boxers on, he laid himself down on top of her.

He kissed her, forcing his tongue between her teeth. His breathing was as erratic as his heart beat. He got off of her and lay on his side, bringing her with him. Starting with her breasts, he trailed his fingers down the length of her. He pushed her legs apart and fondled her. It was evident she wanted him as much as he wanted her.

But he wasn’t the only one who seemed to be in a hurry. She pushed him onto his back and straddled him. She rubbed her breasts against his hard chest and urgently kissed him with deep passion. He knew right then that the leisurely, night-long love making he intended was not going to last as long as he hoped; at least not the first time. He pushed her off of him and quickly tore off his boxers. He stood up and grabbed her hand, pulling her off the bed. He pinned her forcefully against the bedroom wall, picking her up as he did so. She wrapped her legs around him and he entered her. She was warm, inviting and ready for him.

No words needed to be spoken. Each wanted the other with such a crazed passion they feared if they breathed too loudly it would break the spell. He immediately felt like all was right with the world. This is where he belonged. Here, with her, making love to the most beautiful woman he ever dared to have.

She succumbed to him without preamble or much foreplay. Normally, she demanded a man take his time and get her to want him. With Pavel, that wasn’t needed. The minute she saw his naked body and his manhood protruding out with the need to be satiated, she knew he belonged to her and vice versa. What happened past this moment was not something she even wanted to think about. Neither did Pavel.

He carried her back to the bed and brought her body beneath his. He took her again; she matched his thrusts eagerly. He knew he found her spot when she cried out. When he felt her climax, he couldn’t hold back any longer and poured his seed into her. The release was long in coming and left him breathless and very satisfied.

He lay back, breathing heavily. It was raw, unadulterated sex and he loved it. He knew he took her like a savage animal, but he was unable to stop himself. She seemed to demand the same intensity.

She lay on her side with her head on his chest. Still, they didn’t speak. He kissed the top of her head and sighed. She began trailing her fingers through the hair on his chest, down to his belly button. When she inched lower, he couldn’t believe that he was already excited again. This was going to be a long night after all.

She moved herself down and took him into her mouth. He groaned as she moved him in and out. She knew how to please a man and that fact was not lost on Pavel. Before he climaxed, he scooted away from her, grabbed her arm and brought her up to him. Turning her to the side, he entered her from behind. Shouts of pleasure erupted from her as torrents of unending desire rippled through his body. He was unable to hold himself back any longer when she reached down and touched him beneath his manhood.

They lay together afterwards wrapped in each other’s arms, not able to say a word. They stayed like that for a while. Finally, Teresa stood up and reached for her robe sitting on the back of the chair next to the bed. She slipped it on and walked over to his pile of clothes. After rummaging through them for a moment, she held up her hand in triumph.

“I win,” she exclaimed. “I got the phone from you and now I’m going to call Angelina. Give me the number.”

Still drifting in and out of satiated consciousness, he could not fathom what she was talking about.


“It’s just as I figured. All a woman has to do is give a man a little sex and he’ll give her anything she wants, even if he doesn’t realize he’s doing so.”

Pavel remembered the bet. He groaned and then sighed.

“You’re not going to call Angelina.”

“That’s not fair,” she pouted. “I won the bet fair and square.”

“So you did, but you’re still not going to call her.”

“Pavel Ivanovich, you are a pig-headed, untrustworthy fool!”

“I never claimed to be anything else.”

“If you don’t give me the number, I’ll call someone who will,” she threatened.

He smiled, “And who might that be? Your father?”

“Fine,” she uttered as she walked toward the bathroom. “You’re going to regret your decision.”

“Of that I have no doubt,” he responded to the door as she slammed it shut.

He stood up and without bothering to get dressed, walked out of the room. He went into the kitchen to get a drink and was immediately taken by surprise.

“What the…”

One of his men was sitting at the kitchen table, drinking a cup of coffee. He quickly returned to the bedroom, pulled on a pair of pants and rushed back to the kitchen. The same stout, short man that Teresa forced to make her coffee on a previous morning sat there.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Pavel demanded.

“Sir, sorry Sir. I’m leaving.”

“The hell you are! Not until you tell me what is going on.”

“Miss Mancini lets me come in and get coffee whenever I want. I guess she’s grateful that I make it for her now.”

“Well, your break is over. If I ever catch you leaving your post like that again, I’ll have your badge! Do I make myself clear?” Without waiting for a response, he continued, “It’s Forensco, right?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Forensco, get your lazy ass out of the house. Consider yourself lucky I don’t report you!”

“Yes, Sir. Sorry, Sir.”

After Forensco left the house, Pavel roared, “Teresa! Get in here now!”

Not at all bothered by his anger, Teresa slowly sauntered into the kitchen.

“What are you yelling about?”

“Why was that man in here?”

“What man?”

“Agent Forensco! He was sitting here drinking coffee liked he owned the damn place.”

“Oh, is that his name? I never bothered to ask it. What are you so upset about?”

“He said you allow him in here whenever he wants.”

“He makes me coffee, which is more than I can say for you,” she answered sitting down at the table.

“Teresa, you cannot have people in and out of here like that. Don’t you realize the danger you’re putting yourself in?”

“It’s more hazardous for everyone if there’s no coffee for me in the morning. What do you expect me to do?”

Pavel closed his eyes, held his breath and slowly released it, trying to calm down. She was so damn infuriating.

“I expect you to learn to make your own coffee. I’ve shown you before.”

“You have and so did Agent…whatever his name is, but I shouldn’t have to make my own coffee. I’ve never made it before. It was just always there when I got up.”

“Well, you’re not living high on the hog now with daddy providing for you.”

Sweeping her hands in the air to encompass the room, she answered, “You can say that again.”

“Teresa, this has to stop. You must start taking this seriously. You were shot, on orders from your father. You’re lucky to be alive.”

“Oh, posh. You worry too much.”

He shook his head and sat down in a chair next to her.

“I’m moving you.”

It was a rash decision. One he hadn’t even considered before now and it just seemed to pop into his mind.

“What? Where?”

“My place. That way I can keep an eye on you more.”

“Ooh…that way we can have sex every day,” she smiled at him, got up and sat down on his lap.

He stood up, still angry at her. His sudden movement caused her topple to the floor. The bathrobe she was wearing slipped off her shoulders.

“How dare you!”

She was mortified that someone would treat her so disrespectfully.

“I dare because I’m tired of you. You are driving me crazy.”

Standing back up, she righted her bathrobe again.

“I cannot believe you just did that. I could have been hurt.”

“Hurt? Hurt? Are you out of your mind? Your continuous rebellion against all orders is going to get you more than a little hurt. The only thing hurt on you at all is your ego. It’s time to grow up. You are not daddy’s little girl anymore living in a mansion with servants at your beck and call to care for your every whim.”

She stood there and just looked at him. Without responding, she walked out of the room. He gave himself a while longer to calm down then followed after her and entered the bedroom. She had taken a suitcase out of the closet and was packing her clothes.

“What are you doing?”

“Leaving,” she muttered.

“Good, pack. We’re leaving first thing in the morning.”

“No we’re not leaving. I am and I’m doing so now. No one talks to me like that. I’ve spent my life being ignored or dismissed. I will not put up with it any longer, especially from you. I’ve been cooped up in this hell-hole and have been treated like a child long enough. I’m not going back to your place. I’m going where I choose to go. Is that clear?”

She was mad and hurt that Pavel of all people treated her like she was someone in the way. She didn’t matter at all to him, she was just a job. She gave a quick thought about why she should even care what someone thought of her, but quickly dismissed it because it was unimportant at the moment.  Well, to hell with you! She thought.

Pavel leaned up against the doorframe and watched her scurry around throwing clothes in the suitcase.

“Just where do you think you’re going?”

“If I choose to tell you, I will. Right now, I don’t want to be around you.”

“What you mean is you have no idea.”

“What do you care?”

“I do. Why do you think I’m here?”

“To get a little, which you did, so you can leave now.”

“I will, with you in the morning.”

He walked over to the suitcase, picked it up and placed it on the chair. Then he walked over to her, roughly removed her bathrobe and threw her down on the bed.

“Now, get into bed and get some sleep. We’re leaving early.”

He left the room, grabbed a blanket and pillow from the hall closet and made a bed for himself on the sofa. There would be no way she could get past him without his seeing her. He punched the pillow down and realizing he was still angry, tried to calm down. He shouldn’t allow his emotions to get in the way of protecting her. He tried to put his job first, but now that they’ve had sex, everything changed for him. There are feelings involved that he didn’t want to even admit to having. The passionate, caring side of Teresa he witnessed earlier was making him question his ability to be objective about her. 

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