Yaoi One Shots

By AudreyGuidry

38.3K 470 131

Got bored and would get random story ideas so I'm making small stories out of the ideas. (You can have the id... More

His Prized Prey
Kidnapped by A Vampire?!
My Prince of Darkness
The Little Boy Was The Wolf All Along
What Are You?

The Blue Haired Vampire Prince

2.6K 50 4
By AudreyGuidry

Once upon a time long, long ago, there lived a Prince who was a blue haired vampire. He was such a beautiful man, but his looks were spoiled by the night.
This prince was over 100 years old and loathed the humans for being able to walk in the sunlight.
One day, the prince snuck into the city during the day, wearing a cloak over himself. He hadn't fed in a while and needed someone to quench his thirst. The villagers at the moment were all preparing for the arrival of the Prince of Light.
"Excuse me mister?" He looked down to see a little girl tugging lightly on his cloak. He smiled and crouched down.
"Yes, little one?" As thirsty as he was, he'd never hurt children. The little girl smiled and spoke up.
"Please try to check out this address for more beautiful clothes! Everyone dresses nice and pretty when the prince comes and well.. Your clothes are pretty dull and uhm.. Blue." As annoyed as her comment was, he continued to smile and took the flyer.
"Ahh thank you so much! I'll do my best to try to check it out." He tipped her with a silver coin and continued on his way. Now in this time zone, one would say that the prince was rich, but that's only because he doesn't spend money on electricity and light.
The prince lived in a mansion hidden in the shadows. The trees around it were old and unkept so they spread across the house. The mansion was already in pretty bad shape in itself, so it was thought to be abandoned. That was the luxury to the prince to not constantly have people bother him.
He was on his way home when the people suddenly started to become rowdy. People gathered around the main passageway, women and children alike screaming in joy and excitement while the men stood back and watched. He began to move into the crowd to see what was stirring the people so much until suddenly a sight so beautiful caught his eyes.
The Prince of Light had appeared within the city, waving and greeting the people as he passed, and for a moment, a quick brief moment, their eyes met. They both looked at each other with a confused and curious look before the crowd pushed the blue haired vampire down in the path causing the carriage the Light Prince was in to roll right over his arm.
"GYAAAAAAAAAHH!!" The Blue Haired Vampire shot up holding his arm in pain. Millions of people began to scream and gasp at what they just had experienced.
The Prince of Light immediately jumped out of the carriage and crouched down near the vampire.
"Oi sir! Are you okay??" The vampire, blinded by such a sight, looked away and grinned.
"Heh I'm fine! Tis only a scratch!" But when he lifted up his limp arm, tis was not just a scratch. One lady passed out at the sight.
"Oh my! This is my fault, I didn't have the carriage turn in time. Come, we must treat you immediately!" As the Prince lifted the vampire up, the vampire had seemed to go in slow motion by the feeling of warmth coming from the man. He wondered if that was what the sunlight humans loved so much felt like.
Before he could comprehend what was happening, they were already in the carriage heading back towards the castle. The vampire was terrified, he couldn't heal or they'd know he's a vampire, but if they tried to fix his arm, they'd still find out somethings up. He wasn't ready to die so young at an age of 112, he wanted to still find a way to see the sun and to fall in love with a beautiful maiden.
"Heh you don't have to do this for me, I'm just some random peasant on the street, no way should you be so trusting of me!" He stutters slightly and nervously while speaking, but the prince just smiles and laughs.
"A suspicious man wouldn't point out if he was suspicious. And it's my duty to help my people when they're in need." The vampire sat back in defeat. He had his head tilted to the ground until the prince suddenly pulled the vampires hood off and they looked each other both in the eyes.
It's happening again.. The vampire thought to himself as he pried his eyes away from the other mans gaze. The vampire knew himself to be the only one able to hypnotize people with his eyes, so how could this mans presence overwhelm him so much?
The Prince began to laugh. He had no longer looked so Saint like in the vampires eyes.
"I'm so sorry. Your hair. It's too ridiculously hilarious!" He continued to laugh as he stated how unnatural the vampires hair looked. But he couldn't help it, all his life he remembered being born with beautiful unusual blue hair.
"It's okay. I understand how weird it would appear to human eyes." After saying that had he caught his mistake, but the prince gave no sign of noticing it. Instead he caressed the vampires long hair and examined it. The vampire felt extremely awkward for the rest of the ride.
Finally, they had reached the castle. The vampire immediately flipped his hood over his face to protect himself from the light. The prince got out and lead the vampire into the building. Immediately, the blue haired vamp was shot with looks that could kill. The envy was written all over their faces, every last woman looked like they wanted to rip him to shreds for being so close to their Prince.
"Forgive the servants, they simply just don't like anyone but themselves around me." The vampire continued to walk with his head down. The presence of the light around him weakened him slowly as his power began to drain. He wished for darkness to regain his strength, and to have a chance to escape unnoticed.
Eventually they came upon a room surprisingly not like the others. The lights were dimly lit with only a few candles to provide as light. It made the vampires powers restore quickly but it also felt.. Odd. There was definitely something wrong with the situation and he knew it.
"Excuse me sir, but wouldn't you need light to be able to perform surgery?" The prince smiled.
It didn't seem as reassuring and pleasant anymore.
Something was terribly wrong.
The vampire immediately started to back up in order to try to use his ability to turn to mist and run away, but the prince suddenly pulled out a rosary from up his sleeve and held it out towards the vampire. The prince began to smirk with triumph seeing the shocked vampire.
"O the who feasts and bathes in crimson, by the power of the tree of binding, you shall no longer bring fear to my people!" The vampire yelled out as a light shot out of his chest and began to be absorbed by the cross.
The vampire fell to his knees before the prince who smirked as he examined the cross in his hands.
The vampire was alive, but something felt off. He shot up and looked at the prince who looked back to him. The prince grasped the vampires arm and the cross began to glow as he started to heal the bone and flesh. The vampire was at a lost for words seeing his own powers being used by the prince.
"Listen here vampire, your powers are mine now and if you wish to be able to ever get them back you shall listen to me and be my servant. I may be a prince but I'm also a priest. As long as I hold your powers in my hands I'm immortal. And if you wish to keep that immortality as well, you will stay by my side. Till death do us part." The prince lifted the vampire up by the collar of his shirt and smirked as he looked into the eyes of the vampire. The vampire wanted to resist and to just run away, but how could he? He had nowhere to go and the moment he'd step outside he'd perish.
He hung his head in defeat. The prince had won.
"Very well, but if you break that deal you will face my wrath." The prince laughed and put his hand on the vampires shoulder as he moved his face only centimeters away from the vampires.
"Do I look like I'll break my promises? I never lied to you, I simply left details out. You're going to be mine now, my little Prince of Darkness."

-note: I was running low on motivation here, so I hope you enjoyed it even a little.

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