You love me...? Morby (Human...

By JellBon

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Rigby and Mordecai have been best friends for years, they have no secrets between them. Or do they? And just... More

Chapter 1 The Plan
Chapter 2 Friend date
Chapter 3 Who is he?
Chapter 4 What to do?
Chapter 6 The Truth Part 2
Chapter 7 Understanding
Chapter 8 Isn't it obvious?
Chapter 9 Lets hang out
Chapter 10 Getting Ready
Chapter 11 The Awkward Car Ride
Chapter 12 Ice Ice Baby
Chapter 13 Ice Ice Baby Part 2
Chapter 14 Give It Some Time
Chapter 15 *
Not an update

Chapter 5 The Truth

2.8K 109 27
By JellBon

Mordecai was awakened by the alarm clock sounding again.

"Ugh" he sign and he turns it off, he sat up and rubbed his eyes. He looked over to his friend who was still sleeping. Light snoring could be heard. Making Mordecai lightly chuckle. He went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and got ready. He then went to wake up Rigby

"Yo Rigby wake up! "

"Mmmm," said, Rigby, as he turn around hugging the blanket closer

"Dude come on! We got work to do! "

"Ugh alright! I'm up!" Rigby stretches his back as he got up, lightly pushing his hair out of his face.

"Dude....where did you get those gloves?"

Rigby stopped and look at this hand. He had forgotten to give Kyle back his gloves. "Damn," he thought.

" friend gave them to me," He said

"Your friend? You mean the guy from last night?! Where?"

"......last night.....we saw each other..."

"Last night!? Why? "

"...I needed to ask him something.."

"What did you need to ask him? What was so important that you couldn't ask your best friend? You know I'm always there for you man! Like really I know you don't like to show feelings but if something was wrong you could have told me! Or I don't know woken me up! But no you went to a stranger for help! Why?"

Rigby just looks at Mordecai "whoa...he sounds kinda jealous.... I'm sure it's nothing, he's just no used to me having other friends." He thought.

Rigby sign "listen we need to talk."

"No shit man! "

Rigby went to Mordecai's bed, he pointed to the empty space next to him "Sit, I don't want you to freak and fall after I tell you."

Mordecai gave Rigby a puzzled look but did as he was told. He waited for Rigby to begin.

Rigby took a deep sign

" Right when you went to college I stayed home, for about 3 weeks I did nothing but wait for you to come out so we could hang, my father didn't like that so he sent me to find work, which I didn't do. I just walked around finding things to do till you were done with school, then one day I was at a skateboarding place, watching people skate minding my own business when some punks wanted to mess with me.

---------- Flashback. --------------

"Hey, short kid! Get out of here! " said random kid

"What's your problem man! I'm not doing anything! " said Rigby

"Yeah exactly! You're just staring as us its weird! "

" So? There's not rule that says I can't look!"

"Pffft I bet he can't even ride!"

"Yeah, he's so short! I bet he still needs to hold his mommies hand when he crosses the street!"

The bullies started to laugh

"Shut up! I'm not that short! "

They didn't listen to him and keep laughing, Rugby was about to punch one of the kids when suddenly a skateboard was thrown to the main leaders face.

They all turn around to find a tall, blonde kid with green eyes.

"You know it's not very nice to make fun of others."

The others looked at their leader, who was bleeding,

"Pffft whatever, let's go guys"

And with that, they left.

Rigby turned around

"Umm, thanks, I guess..."

"Yeah sure no problem, but if I was you I wouldn't be hanging around here too much this place isn't for middle schoolers."

Rigby looked at his savior with venom in his eyes.

"I'm not a middle schooler! I'm 18! "

His hero was surprised, "oh I'm sorry it's just you look so young and you're short so" he mumbled the last part.

"Yeah yeah I know, anyways thanks, you can leave now."

"But don't you want to know your hero's name?"

"Pfft no! I didn't need your help! I could have taken them!"

"Yeah sure, from the looks of it, you had it all under control." The hero smiled.

"...ugh fine, what's your name?"

"Kyle, and yours?"


"So Rigby what are you doing here?"

"Just waiting for a friend to get out of college so we can hang"

"Oh, and why aren't you in college?"

".......I didn't want to go."


"Cause I didn't want to alright!"

"Okay okay."

"....why aren't you in college? I'm guessing you're old enough, right?"

"Yep I'm 19, and I am in college, only in the afternoon, I work during the morning's."

" oh really? What are you majoring in?"

"Gaming "

"Whoa really?! That's so cool!"

Kyle smiled at Rigby,

"Yeah, its cool, a bit hard but cool."

"What do you mostly learn?"

"Well, computer software, technology, how it all works."

"Is it interesting?"

"Well yeah, it's my dream to make games one day."

"That's so cool, but so much work!"

"Hahaha yeah, I'm guessing you don't like doing much?"

"No, not really."

"Hmm..wanna play some games?"

"Yeah! But I don't have much, I'm supposed to be looking for a job."

"Well I don't mind paying for you, I work in an arcade so I get to play for free, we could go there. If you'd like?"

" yeah sure! But you just meet me? Isn't that weird?"

" don't worry I'm sure you're harmless," Kyle said with a laugh. As he got up and walked.

Rigby grumbled and followed Kyle.

Rigby and Kyle played games till he had to leave to meet with Mordecai.

" sorry I gotta go, my friend comes out soon."

"Bummer, but okay sure, maybe we could play tomorrow or something?"

"Yeah sure! I'll meet you here tomorrow!"

"Great see you then!"

"See you"

Rigby went to meet up with Mordecai, he was about to tell him about the new guy he met.

" Mordecai! You won't believe who I just meet today....are you okay?" He asked as he saw his friend face it looked upset.

"Hmm? oh yeah, sorry just got a lot on my mind. Who did you meet?"

"What's wrong?"

"Its just, this art project I have to do. I'm not so sure I can do it."

"Don't say that! You're a great artist!"

"I hope so cause this art stuff keeps getting difficult and I also have to do this research paper! Like really! I want to do art, not writing! Not like I mind but still,"

"Yeah no I get you."

"But how was your day?"

"Um it was pretty normal, you know looking for a job and stuff," Rigby said knowing his friend was busy thinking about his college life. He didn't want to distract Mordecai.

"Mhm, how's that going?"

"Umm pretty well I think"

Mordecai laugh "dude your not even trying are you?"

Rigby gave him a punch "dude! Shut up! I'm trying"

"Yeah right," Mordecai said as he rolled his eyes.

" wanna play video games?"

"Sure but only for an hour, I gotta do some school work."

"Pfff lame!"

Rigby and Mordecai spend that day playing video games, and the next morning he went to meet up Kyle.

"Hey Rigby, morning?"

"Hey, man morning!"

"What are you doing here so early?"

"Ehh I have nothing better else to do, and I'm also supposed to be looking for a job remember?"

"Oh yeah, well the store doesn't open till later, so do you want some breakfast?"

Rigby was about to respond when his stomach decided to answer for him.

Kyle chuckled

" I'll take that as a yes, come I know a place that has the best pancakes!"

"Okay, sure!"

Rigby and Kyle talked a bit on their way to the pancake house. Rigby found out Kyle had gone to his high school, it was funny to them how they never met.

"Okay, we're here!"

Kyle said as he open the door for Rigby, Rigby gave him a look but walked inside

"Come let's sit here" kyle pointed to an empty table in a corner. Rigby followed and sat down.

A waiter came to give them menus and left after giving them a glass of water.

"Ummmm......" Said Rigby

"Something wrong?"

"Not really its just....your paying right?"

Kyle gave him a heartful laugh

"Oh man "

"What?! It's a serious question!"

"Nothing it's just you so......never mind yes I'm paying"

"I'm so what?"

"Nothing nothing," said Kyle trying to read the menu

"Come on tell me! "

"You wouldn't like it"

"Well, I won't know unless you tell me!"

" sure? Cause it might ruin our chances of becoming friends?"

"Yes, I'm sure! Plus it can't be that bad right? So you think I'm stupid or something but you're still paying for the food so....."

".....I don't think you're stupid"

"You don't? Then what?"



Kyle sign "Cute! I think you're cute!"

Rigby gave him a shocked look, cute? He'd only been called cute by his mother and old ladies but that was when he was 5. But he had never been called cute anyone else, especially a guy! Rigby didn't know what to say, what was one suppose to reply to that!

"...sorry guess that was pretty weird to say especially since we just meet" Kyle said to break the silence.

"Oh no umm I guess it's fine...well yeah it is weird I mean I've never been called cute by a I guess it is weird but also ...umm unused too...I guess you could say......"

Kyle gave a small chuckle. "Right, then I guess I'll just make you get use to it." He smiled as he ruffled Rigby's hair.

Rigby gave him a strange look, "what's that suppose to mean?"

"Nothing nothing," Kyle said as he put his hands behind his back.

"No, it's something and I'm going to find out!"

Kyle laugh " Good luck"

"Pfft I don't need any luck! I was born lucky!!"

They both laugh. After breakfast, they went to play games. Well, at least, Rigby did since Kyle had to work.

For the rest of 5 months, they spend their days like. Playing video games, eating, and getting to know each other. Till the afternoon when Rigby had to hang out with Mordecai. Rigby was having a great time with Kyle he was so interesting, there was something about him that made him happy to be with him. Maybe because Kyle was a lot nicer to him than others were.

It was a rainy day, Rigby almost didn't want to go outside, but thinking about his day got him out of bed. Also, the food that Kyle will buy for him that day.

"Hey Kyle!" said Rigby as he got to the store.

"OH hey, Rig, what's up? I didn't think you'd come today since it's raining."

"Yeah..well...I don't have anything better to do so..yeah."

"Sure, sure you just came because it's almost my lunch break right?"

"Pfft no! I just wanted to you know beat that high score."

"mhm sure, well I still have to set up some mats on the floor so people don't trip, then we can go alright?"

"Alright," Rigby was about to play a game when his phone rang.


"Hey Rigby it's me, Mordecai"

"Oh hey man what's up?"

"Not much, listen I need you to do me a favor."

"Ummm yeah....sure, what do you need?"

"I left my Art paper on my desk, I need you to bring it to school, can you do that?"

"yeah sure man"

"alright thanks, man, make sure it doesn't get wet ok, it's very important."

"alright man, don't worry, you can trust me. I'll be super careful."

"......ok, see you soon then."

"yep bye."


Rigby hanged up, just as Kyle came back.

"Hey, Rig are you ready?"

"Ummm I gotta go do something for Mordecai, but I'll be right back ok."

"oh...yeah sure no worries. I can wait."

"ok thanks, man."

Rigby ran outside, to Mordecai's house, he got the spare key and went inside. He found Mordecai's report,

"Now all I need is something to keep it safe, but what?"

He then spotted an old book back,

"Ehhh I'm sure he won't mind."

He then ran to Mordecai's school, He called Mordecai when he was outside.

"Hey, man I got it, I'm outside."

"Oh, dude thanks so much!! I'll be there soon okay."

"yeah sure no problem."

The wind started to pick up making the rain harder. Rigby held the book bag tighter. With his eyes barely open he saw a person with blue hair, waving at him.


Rigby walked to Mordecai

"Hey man, here it is," Rigby said as he handed Mordecai the book bag.

"Thanks, man, Dude the weather is getting worst, maybe you should come inside."

"Naw bro it's fine."

"You sure?"

Rigby thought about it for a second, if he went inside he would be safe from the rain but he would also have to deal with the annoying questions of what major he was in and crap he was avoiding.

"...No, it's fine, I can run home. I'll be alright."

"...Alright man, But run as quick as you can, careful with cars, ok?"

"Pssh who are you, my mom? dude, I'll be fine, I'll text you when I get home."

"You better, alright I gotta go back to class."

With that, Mordecai went back to class and Rigby ran back to the arcade. But it seemed to be more difficult, his lungs felt on fire, it was then that he realized. With no food or water, his energy was running low. Still he tried to push himself,

"Just a few more blocks, you can do this Rigby," he said to himself.

But he couldn't do it anymore, He was cold and tired. He slid down on the wall, he was breathing hard,

" I"

He weakly graded his phone. All he could hear was a few rings, and then a voice.


He tried to speak but no sounds came out.

"Hello? Rigby? What's wrong?"

All Kyle could hear was heavy breathing, something was wrong.

"Tell me where you are and I'll come and get you!"

"...-huff-....huff......huff.....5......huff.....huff....blocks....huff.... away...huff....huff...hurry...." with that Rigby blacked out.

"Rigby!! Rigby!!!...shit.." Kyle hanged up "5 blocks away? but where.....if he had to do something for Mordecai...that means he went to his college....being an art major...he should be...." With that, Kyle closed up the arcade and ran to Rigby. 

(So yeah I haven't updated in a while sorry I got..lazy..ha, anyway happy new years to all, I hope you like this chapter. Where am I going with this story? haha I have an idea...somewhat... don't worry it will be great! there might, be another chapter tomorrow. Hopefully. )

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