Dear Nick

Von NickNemiDemi

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Nick Jonas and Demi Lovato have known each other since they were six years old, having grown up next door to... Mehr

Coming September 16th!
Heading Home
Settled In
Chin Music
Memory Lane
Tough Guy
Having Fun
Girls, Girls, Girls
Back to Good
Rock Bottom
1 Tequila, 2 Tequila, 3 Tequila Floor
About Last Night
Take It Back
New Normal
Unanswered Prayers
My Angel, My Savior
Catching Up
Piece of My Heart
Perfect Life
Friends Forever
The Date is Set
Date Night
Seeing is Believing
Opening Up
What Should Have Been
The Dance
Lights Out
Mr. Right
Facing the Truth
My Past & My Future
Christmas Miracle
I Promise
Add Dear Demi
Check it out!

Day One (Final Chapter)

3.1K 139 27
Von NickNemiDemi

After Demi & I made love, in the wee hours of Christmas morning, we didn't say a whole lot. We kissed, gazed into each other's eyes or ran our fingers over each other's skin. The moment was absolutely perfect & didn't need conversation. We dozed off, at some point, just as the sun was coming up, then I woke up when I heard one of our cell phones ringing. It stopped before I could wake Demi, but she started to stir beside me, anyway. She was on her stomach, her head turned away from me, so I turned on my side & started kissing her bare back that was exposed. She groaned as she stretched, then turned her head toward me, but not opening her eyes. 

"Merry Christmas, Beautiful." I murmured, leaning to kiss her cheek.

Her eyes may have been closed but an adorable smile made her lips look inviting. I moved to kiss them, tenderly, forcing her eyes to flutter open when I pulled away. "It is the merriest of Christmases." She said, her voice raspy & sexy

"Yes, it is." I put my hand on her hip as I laid down, facing her, our bodies inches apart. "I feel like I'm dreaming, I'm so happy." I said, making her smile. "I don't want to wake up."

"You're not dreaming."

"I don't know... this feels like a dream." I murmured, closing my eyes for a moment as I sighed. Suddenly, I felt a pain on my chest, more specifically, my nipple, so I let out a yelp.

"See? That wouldn't have hurt if it was a dream." Demi was grinning at me, since she had just twisted my nipple, really hard.

As I rubbed my nipple & glared at her, I was still smiling. "Thanks for proving I wasn't dreaming."

"Anytime." She said as she climbed out of bed.

"Where you going? I thought we could cuddle a little more... or do some other stuff. We don't have to be at your parents until 2."

She turned around as she closed the robe she had put on. "I have to pee." She smirked before she skipped from the room.

I sighed, smiling bigger than I had been & laid down on the bed, one arm under my head. With my other hand, I continued rubbing my nipple, since it still stung, but I loved feeling it, because it reminded me that this was real. All of it was real. Demi & I were together & nothing was going to come between us again. I heard a phone ringing again & realized it was Demi's. I didn't want to answer it or even look at it, because I was basking in this moment & didn't want anything to ruin it. Demi came into the room, a moment later. "Your phone was ringing." I said as she came to the bed, slipping the robe off her shoulders. She glanced down at her phone, then touched it with her finger, before she climbed into bed & cuddled up against me. "Who was it?"

"No one important." She said, kissing my chest, making sure she showed my swollen nipple some attention. "I must have pinched it hard. It's really red. I'm sorry." She said, sticking her lower lip out.

"It's okay. I've dealt with worse pain."

Her lip came out even further as her eyes got wide. "I'm so sorry, Nick." She laid her head on my chest & put her arm around my middle.

"It's fine. Now. So who was it that called?"

"Why do you want to talk about who is bothering us on day one of our love story?" She asked as her hand moved down to my manhood & ran down the length of it.

"Why are you being cute & trying to change the subject?" I questioned, as I chuckled.

"I just want to concentrate on us. We have a few hours before we have to get ready to go to my parents." Her head popped up as she inhaled, quickly. "Speaking of which... are we going to tell everyone we're together? Like should we announce it when we get there? Or tell them all later while we're sitting down to eat?"

"We could not say a word & just be ourselves & see who notices first."

"That could be fun. My money's on Denny."

I laughed, nodding my head. "But your mom is pretty keen on that type of stuff... she might notice first."

"True." Demi said, rubbing her hand up & down my shaft, that was getting harder by the second. Her body came up so her mouth was close enough to kiss me, then I moved, quickly, grabbing her around the waist so I could move us & be over top of her. I kissed her mouth, aggressively, nudging my er.ection along her sweet spot. Her hands gripped my shoulders, her nails going into the skin on my back as she moaned, quietly into my mouth. I slowly, slid my c.ock into her opening, then plunged it in harder as she held me tight, her moaning getting louder. The moans turned into drawn out groans as I pushed up into her, over & over. The groans became screams as I quickened my pace, then several thrusts later, we were peaking together, crying out, erotically.

I stared deep into Demi's eyes once our breathing slowed down, then kissed her lips, softly. "God, I love you so much. It feels like my heart might burst."

"I know exactly what you mean. Promise me it will always be like this."

A breath came out my nose, in an amused way, as I grinned down at her. "Didn't I promise you enough last night?"

"I want one more."

"For now." I laughed as I pulled myself out of her, making us both shudder. "I promise, my dear Demi. I am going to love you so much & so severely, that it will always feel like this." I said before I laid beside her & leaned my head on my hand.

"And I promise to let you love me that much." She smirked, then started giggling. Her phone rang again, making her giggles stop as she reached for her phone. She sighed, loudly, then placed the phone back on the nightstand.

"Was it the same person who's been calling?" I asked as she sat up.

"Yea. I'm going to shower. Want to join me?"

"Demi, who is calling you? Is it your mom? Denny?"

She sighed, again, reaching for the robe & slipping it on as she stood. "It was Liam."

My heart felt funny as I winced. "Oh."

"He'll give up at some point." She turned to look at me. "You coming with me to shower?"

I nodded then got out of bed to follow her to the shower. Showering with her was interesting. Yea, we had made love before & I'd seen her without clothes, in dim lighting, but seeing her in the bright lights of the bathroom, was a whole different experience. It was even better that she was soaking wet & sudsy. I tried to focus on the task at hand, but we both got a little distracted with each other. The hot water turning cool, was totally worth it.

Demi wrapped a towel around her chest as I wrapped one around my waist & we headed back to her bedroom. Once in the room, I grabbed her around the waist & smiled down at her, then leaned to kiss her, softly. As I was kissing her, her phone rang again & I let out a frustrated groan. "Maybe I should answer your phone & tell Liam what's up." I smirked as I let go of her & started walking to the nightstand.

Demi's mouth fell open as she lunged toward her phone. "You will not talk to him." She said, looking at her phone. "I just don't know what to say to him."

"Easy... tell him that you accept his apology, but you don't feel like you can be with him, anymore."

"What if I just keep ignoring him?" She asked, scrunching up her face, adorably.

I rolled my eyes & headed toward the door. "I'm going to go get dressed. Maybe you can call him while I'm doing that." I said, then turned around, quickly, pointing at her. "But don't get back together with him."

She giggled, rolling her eyes, this time. "I promise." She yelled out as I started to turn. I flashed her a toothy grin, winked, then left to go to my old room so I could get dressed. I put on the black jeans & burgundy sweater, that I had packed, then grabbed shoes from the dining room, since I noticed it was after one. I held my shoes as I went to Demi's room. I knocked on the door, then heard, "Come in."

I opened the door & saw Demi admiring her reflection in the full length mirror. She was wearing something so casual, but managed to look like she was about to walk a runway. I always loved that about her. Ever since she was in high school, she always took pride in how she looked, even when she was having a lazy day. "It's almost 1:30, Gorgeous. We should get going."

She smiled at me, as she watched me in the reflection. "Are we announcing or just not saying anything to our families & letting them notice?"

"I say we don't say a word. Speaking of saying a word... did you talk to Liam?"

"Nope. I'll send him a text later, telling him what you said."

"Demi... you shouldn't do it in a text."

"Do what? Break up with him? Because I already did that last night, in person." She smirked with her left eyebrow up.

I let out a chuckle & nodded with my lips together. "Good point."

"I'm ready!" She said, turning around with a big smile on his face.

"Yes, you are." I smiled as she walked toward me, then held on to my shoulder as she slipped her feet into some black heels.

After we were both fully dressed we were ready to head out. "I'll drive, since you live here."

As she opened the car door, she stuck her lip out as she looked at me, over the top of the car. "I wanted you to be stranded."

I laughed, hard, then got in the car & started it. As I drove, I reached to put my hand on Demi's thigh, then smiled at her when she grabbed it, almost immediately. "Care to wager how long it will take for someone to ask us if something is going on with us?"

Demi giggled leaning her head back on the seat. "I'm going to have a hard time keeping my hands off you, I think, so it might not take long."

"How about we don't touch at all... like no forms of PDA at all & we just act like we normally would & see how long it takes?"

"I like that idea. It will be fun & just make me want you more & then when we are alone tonight... there will be some serious heat."

I licked my lips, nodded my head as I felt myself getting warm below the waist. "Okay, there will be none of that or our announcement of us, being together, is going to be almost obscene."

"Fine, I'll be good." She said, smiling as she turned to look out the window. I was enjoying this so much, I wanted to find the tallest building & scream from the roof that Demi was mine. She caressed my hand, with her thumb, as she held it & it was the most simple thing, that was the most amazing sensation.

We got to Demi's parents house & both of us took a deep breath, then laughed before we got out of the car. I wanted to hold her hand as we walked, but I refrained, since I had to carry a bag of presents, anyway. Demi opened the door & we were greeted a few feet in, by Denny & Lydia, who were wearing matching Christmas pajamas. I looked Denny up & down & covered my mouth as I tried to stifle my laugh. "Don't you two look cute."

Demi put her hands over her mouth & nodded, trying not to laugh out loud. "Yea, Denny. Was this your idea?"

Denny got a smug look on his face & looked at Lydia. "Oh, it wasn't my idea. It was Mom's & don't worry... she has some for you guys, too." He smirked.

"I am not wearing those." I laughed.

"You most certainly will, Nicholas." I heard Dianna's voice as she came into the hall, carrying two pairs of matching Christmas pajamas for me & Demi. "Our family is all good again & this is something we used to do when you guys were little, so we are doing it again. This is a born again tradition, since we'll have a new generation of Lovatos soon."

Demi & I looked at each other, in confusion, then it hit us. Demi gasped, then squealed. "You're pregnant?" Demi shouted her question at Lydia & Denny, who both nodded, excitedly. We all hugged, congratulated & then when the chaos died down, Demi & I grabbed the pajamas & headed, upstairs, to change into them.

I couldn't help but to smile thinking Denny & Lydia were going to have a baby by this time, next year. Lydia had been talking about when she could finally have time off so she could have a baby, since dancing while pregnant, in a show, wasn't ideal. The show her & Denny just finished up, the one that Beth was rehearsing for, when she died, just ended in early December & it was such a huge success, that there was talk of doing a tour of it in the fall of the next year. That gave her time off, from a steady show, for a bit, but Denny actually had another gig starting in January, so things were going well for them. Lydia would work as a teacher, the job she had snagged a year before, until she could perform in a show again. They were going to be great parents & I couldn't wait to have a niece or nephew to spoil. Being an only child, I was grateful, at that moment, for Demi's family, who was my own family, from day one. They've all been there for me from day one & now that I wanted a future with Demi, I knew they'd all be there for me everyday, for the rest of my life.

I came out of the bedroom, upstairs, where I had changed into the pajamas, just as Demi was coming out of the upstairs bathroom. I couldn't contain the happiness of seeing her, at all, but right now she looked more adorable than I'd ever seen her. "You put your hair up." I said, making her notice that I was there.

Her hands came up to her mouth as she giggled. "Oh my God, you are so cute in your jammies." She gushed as we closed the gap between us. "And I had to put my hair up because this suits the attire."

"Oh, right. You have to have jammy hair. Should I put mine up?" I asked, rubbing my hand over the stubble on my head.

"Yes, I'd love to see you attempt getting your hair in a man bun." She giggled as she took my hand. "You ready?"

I nodded, following her to the main floor of the house, where nearly everyone was gathered in the family room, watching another Christmas movie. I let go of Demi's hand once we got to the bottom of the stairs & I went to sit on the recliner to watch the movie. Demi went into the kitchen, probably to help with dinner.

An hour or so later, Dianna came in to tell us it was time to sit down to eat. "Is my mom still coming?" I asked as I stood up.

"She actually called this morning & said her flight was delayed, so she'll be here for presents & dessert later." Dianna smiled & headed to the dining room table.

Demi was placing filled drinking glasses by a couple of places at the table & grinned at me when I came in the room. "This looks so good, Dianna."

"Thanks, sweetie. I have you & Demi sitting on this side & Denny, you & Lydia are on this side, while me & your dad are at the ends." She nodded toward the table to direct us & we all sat down.

About fifteen minutes into dinner, Dianna looked at Demi, "So, honey, there's no chance of you & Liam working things out?"

Demi shook her head, emphatically. "Oh no. I've already moved on."

I choked on my drink & all eyes turned toward me, Demi trying to hide her laugh. "Sorry... went down the wrong pipe." I said as I looked around at everyone. Denny was looking at me, sideways, like he was trying to figure something out.

Halfway through dinner, I felt Demi's hand on my leg & I almost choked again. I looked at her & almost laughed when I looked at her & saw she was chewing, looking at her dad, like she wasn't groping me under the table. When dinner was over, Demi & I helped clear the table & when we were alone, I leaned toward her ear. "So far, no one has said anything. We must have acted like a couple even before we were one."

She rolled her eyes & smiled at me. "We've barely been in the same room together."

"Okay.... true."

After the dinner dishes were cleaned, everyone gathered in the family room. Dianna wanted to play a game & after much arguing, we all decided on "Say Anything." Demi & I sat on the floor next to each other & at one point, I laid on my side & she was on her belly, so our heads were close. The game was pretty funny, most of the time & one of Denny's answers to a question made both me & Demi bust out laughing. No one seemed to think it was as funny as we did, so we realized, quickly, that everyone was staring at us. That's when I saw Demi's hand on mine, since everyone was looking at it as well.

"Are you holding hands?" Denny asked with a smirk.

Demi & I both laughed again & just looked at each other, not saying a word. Dianna gasped then yelled, "OH MY GOD! I thought you two seemed to be more connected today.... like you were in high school... are you just back to the way you used to be or....?"

"We're in love... with each other." I said, smiling as I kept my eyes focused on Demi's face. "We're together."

Dianna leaped in our direction & threw her arms around me just as I sat up. Demi sat up, quickly, since Denny was coming at her. We all celebrated the news as a family & Demi & I answered all the questions that were thrown at us. Everyone was happy for us & excited for our future, which only validated what Demi & I both knew... we were meant to be. As I enjoyed the evening with my family, my mom included, I had to thank God for all the unanswered prayers, over the years. Finally, I was genuinely happy, when six months earlier I thought happiness would never find me again. Boy, was I wrong. Now, I knew I'd be happy for the rest of my life as long as I had Demi by my side & I promised myself that I'd never take any of it for granted.

Author's Note: This was the final chapter, but I am posting an epilogue this weekend & then many have expressed their desire for a sequel, so I will definitely be doing a sequel. I'm not sure when it will be posted but I will keep ya posted. Be sure you're following me so you won't miss it. Or make sure this story is in your library because I will post an update here when & what the sequel will be.

On Twitter & IG, I asked for your thoughts on whose POV you want the sequel to be in. Please comment if you want just Demi or both. It will definitely be one of those since this book was all Nick. Thanks for reading, guys! I'm glad you enjoyed this book because I enjoyed writing it! 


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