Hiding A Neko's Tail (TMNT)

By BananaMuffin20

4.5K 283 69

How can I explain any of this? I'm not sure. I have a tail, I have ears, and I can't quite remember when or w... More

Chapter One: I'm Not Sure How to Explain
Chapter two: What Am I?
Chapter three: Roof Jumping
Chapter Five: Story Time.. With Friends
Chapter Six: Retro Mutagen Glass
Chapter Seven: Training.
Chapter eight: He knows.
Chapter nine: And I Know He Knows
Chapter 10: Spying
Chapter 11: Kraang
Chapter 12: Kidnapped
Chapter 13: Chips and Mutagen
Chapter 14: Practice Makes Perfect
Chapter 15: Randy
Mutated Secrets

Chapter Four: welcome to the lair

463 26 17
By BananaMuffin20

Chapter Four: Welcome to the lair
We were climbing down a ladder into the sewers. Well, I was climbing. April, Donatello, Leonardo, Raphael, and Michaelangelo jumped down the manhole. As I climb down, they tell me to hurry up, but I feel myself slowing down. My eyes and nose were both burning from the sickening smell.

"This is the sewers." I say in disgust, "not a race." I scrunch up my nose when I reach the bottom.

"You'll get used to the smell." April waves me off. "Besides, we aren't there yet. There is a way of walking to do."

"Walking?" I groan. My whole body ached from everything I've gone through and done today. I couldn't bare the thought of moving my body any more than I have so far.

"Get over yourself." Raphael groans annoyed. 

"Shut up, Raphie." I glare, bumping my shoulder into his playfully to annoy him further.

"Raphie?" He growls, walking beside me. I look at him before looking straight ahead at the others who were in front of us. 

"Yeah, that's what I said wasn't it?" I sarcastically comment, glancing back at him.

"I-" Raph starts, but Leo cuts him off.

"Knock it off you, two." Leo orders.

"Aye." I solute him and continue walking in silence a little farther back away from the group, allowing Raphael to be in front of me. 

Once we get closer to their lair, I am hit with a bad smell; and I couldn't tell what it was. We continue to walk until we are all the way into a small living room. The place was pretty great being underground in the sewers.

"What's that smell?" Leo asks before I can.

"MY PIZZA!!!" Mikey runs into another room and quickly I started to see and smell the smoke. He must have been cooking pizza and left it in the oven when they left.

"Mikey! You could have burned the lair down!" Raph runs after him.

"I'm going to go and check on Master Splinter and talk to him about Elexice." Leo looks at April as she nods than he turns to me, "Make yourself at home. If you need anything call Mikey, Raph, or Donnie. April is good help too."

"Aye, sir." My submissive side kicks in as I nod. I then look around a little unsure about the place. It was definitely not what I expected to happen when I had initially decided to run away. I can't believe she... they... came looking for me.

That's what true friends do. They always look out for one another and keep each other safe. My subconscious buds in.

I shake my head and realize that Leo had left us in the room. Donnie and April were talking. I walk down to the bench like couch and sit down. Soon the smoke coming from the kitchen lowers down and the smell is, sort of, gone.

Mikey comes out with a pizza that is a little burnt around the edges. I guess he didn't completely ruin what he was trying to bake. He sets it down on the couch/bench. The steam rolls off the pizza into the air, making the area smell a lot better than it had previously. Granted, you could still tell it was burnt, but the smell wasn't as bad as before.

"Dinner is served!" Mikey shouts happily, looking down at the pizza with excitement.

"I'm not eating that." Raph comments upset.

"Well, no dinner for you then." Mikey sticks his tongue out at him.

Raph back hands him and then they are wrestling on the ground. I roll my eyes at the boys. They act like real little boys, not turtles. For a second, I almost forget that being a mutant isn't normal, but then I remember that this is in fact all real. It's nothing like the stories I read when I was younger. Though, I never read about giant turtles.

I scratch behind my 'new' ears and look around again. The place was pretty spacious. There was a lot of room, probably enough room for them to do many things that "normal" people would do.

"Elexice, aren't you hungry?" April sits by me. I shake my head, having felt nauseated all day and not really in the mood for food. "At least try a slice. Mikey makes really good food, even if you aren't feeling hungry your body has to be craving something."

I look at her confused as she gives me a slice. I nod to the turtles, as Donnie and Mikey grab a slice of pizza, and in a hushed voice I ask, "So how did they become ... well mutants?"

"Oh, Well. . ." April begins, looking at Donnie and Mikey. The awkward silence fills the air as April tries to come up with the words to explain what I was wondering.

"I'll tell you." A giant rat walks across the floor. He steps down and stands in front of the TV. Leonardo follows behind him and sits on his knees in front of him.

"Hai Sensei." She greets bowing her head.

The guy, whom I assume is Splinter, sits down criss cross applesauce in the middle of the floor. He motions for me to come over and sit by him and I do. I'm then followed by: April, Mikey, Raph, and soon Donnie as well. 

"Tell us the story!" Mikey bounces on his legs.

"Michaelangelo, you have already heard it a hundred times." Splinter laughs. His voice sounds so soothing. I look at him closely now that I'm near him, surprised that I'm not nearly as freaked out as I probably should be. His presence gives off this comfortable vibe, like he's been in my shoes before. Did he used to be human? What happened to him?

"Well, I love this story!" Mikey beams, earning another laugh from Splinter. April smiles a little, but covers it with a cough. 

"Just tell the story quickly, it's the only way he will shut up." Raph covers Mikey's mouth. Mikey wiggles under his brother's grip, fake worry plastered on his face as though he can't breathe.

"Yeah, please." Donnie looks at their Sensei, after giving his two brothers a look.

"Well... it all started..."

Hope y'all enjoyed. I'm going to stop with my little a/n's at the end now and just let you enjoy the book. I doubt you guys read these anyway lmao. Whale then.


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