Sesshomaru's Dream

By DragonShifter1700

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Yumi Yuro, bad ass bitch that can't be tamed by no one gets into trouble when she meets Kagome Higurashi at... More

Chapter 13: Wanted Dead
Chapter 14: Motherly Yumi.
Chapter 16: Yumi meets Bankotsu
Chapter 17: Yumi vs Ginkotsu, Awaken the inner Demon
Chapter 18: Meeting Totosai and Yoso?
Chapter 19: Yumi to the rescue.
Chapter 20: Inside mount Hakurei
Chapter 21: Naraku's new form.
Chapter 22: The new moon speaks
Chapter 23: Wolf get lost!
Chapter 24: Sicking Event
chapter 25: Yumi's time at home
Chapter 26: Sesshomaru's Discovery
Chapter 27: Sesshomaru's Discovery part 2.
Chapter 28: Allow me to introduce my self.
New Character: Yuki
Chapter 29: One Hell of a Day
Chapter 30: Down the Rabbit hole
Chapter 31: Introducing, Reviling and Reuniting
Chapter 32: Yuki's teacher
Chapter 33: Attack On Yumi
Chapter 34: Fear's on the loose.
Chapter 35: Hoe's for sale!
Chapter 36: the demon of the nether world
Chapter 37: Battle at the Graveyard.
Side chapter 1: Cherrystem knot
Side chapter 2: the pocky game
Side chapter: Swamp Demon
Chapter 38: Prove your worth
Side chapter: Happy Birthday Yumi
Side chapter: Yumi's sketchbook
Chapter 39: do us all a favor and leave!

Chapter 15: Lovely Night

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By DragonShifter1700

Chapter 15: Lovely Night

(Yumi pov) He kept me close to him with his one arm, me not being able to move much since his chin is on top of my head. I sat still waiting for his next move or for him to speak. This must not be so easy for him... that or something is really bothering him.

"Sesshomaru: Yumi..."

I tilted my head up as he did the same, I looked at his face and he started at the stars.

"Yumi: Yeah?"

"Sesshomaru: I'm unable to give you a full answer as to why I bit you, but knowing you, you just might rage. So to put it simply, I did it to kept Naraku away from you as much as possible."

He looked down at me and we made eye contact.

"Yumi: There's another reason for it. But you're not gonna tell me, are you."

He closed his eyes and sighed. So one reason was to keep Naraku away... What he did was smart, Naraku does fear Sesshomaru in away and knows that- He reopened his eyes and kissed me knocking me out of my thoughts. Then he pulled away as if reading my mind he spoke.

"Sesshomaru: If you are with me Yumi, you would become untouchable. Mostly to Naraku, even if it was just my scent he wouldn't dare come near you."

"Yumi: You are a threat to him as am I, but one advantage... I'm only human despite all the things I can do... Am I really that weak?"

I put my head on his chest only to feel his hand leave my wait and stroke my hair a few times, then he leaned back, cupped my cheek and made me look at him. We made eye contact and he shook his head but smiled.

"Sesshomaru: If you were weak Naraku wouldn't fine you as a threat. You are incredibly strong for a human."

Sesshomaru... I smiled at his comment, then I hugged him.

"Yumi: Thank you."

After a bit we still sat there, a few kisses where shared as we enjoyed each other company and talked, finally I got the courage to ask him about his arm. I looked up at him and stroked his cheek making him look at me.

"Yumi: What happened to you arm?"

He looked at me to his arm less side as my hand landed on that shoulder.

"Sesshomaru: Inuyasha cut it off using Tetsusaiga when I was in my true form."

I was leaning on him then I sat up straddling him once more with shock written all over my face. Inuyasha's sword did that. No wonder why he wanted my Katan at first, he saw how I could deflect an attack.

"Yumi: But why?"

"Sesshomaru: I wanted it for myself and was/am willing to kill Inuyasha for it, along with that human girl."

"Yumi: Kagome... Have you attempted to kill her?"

"Sesshomaru: On more than one occasion."

I opened my mouth to rent but then closed it looking away. out of the corner of my eye I saw his face turn in my direction with a confused look.

"Sesshomaru: No scolding."

I sighed then turned to him, with a smirk.

"Yumi: You know I would if I could. But if I did then I would be a hypocrite because I too am guilty of nearly killing her. So I can't blame you."

He chuckled and I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Yumi: Can I see it?"

He looked taken back by my question.

"Sesshomaru: What?"

"Yumi: Can I see your arm?"

"Sesshomaru: Why?"

I tried to take off his top, but he stopped me.

"Yumi: Cuz I want to see it up close."

He grabbed both my hands.

"Sesshomaru: I'm not in the mood to do so."

I gave him an irritated look as he smirked at me.

"Yumi: Your a dick."

"Sesshomaru: Now I truly wont show you."

"Yumi: Just take you arm out of you sleave. Do it now! Don't make me strip your ass."

I blow my hair out of my eyes and saw Sesshomaru's interested and yet amused at what I said. He let go of my hands and I got up and stood in front of him. He took off his armor and then pulled down his sleeve, I walked over to his side and rubbed what was left of the arm.

"Yumi: Did it hurt?"

"Sesshomaru: Not for too long."

I'm glad he's not lying to me. Then again he knows that I have no issue with kicking his ass if he does lie to me.

"Yumi: Are you angry?"

"Sesshomaru: No I'm not one to hold a grudge, it was in the heat of battle."

I smiled as he looked up at my face.with my left hand I cupped his face and felt him move his head to wear he kissed my hand.

"Yumi: You fight with honor and pride. I admire that Sesshomaru."

I waived my right hand and the water from the river came over to us, Sesshomaru shocked but then relaxed.

"Sesshomaru: I see you've been training... Even with the earth I saw you control it without your Katana."

I nodded and then made the water go over his arm. he looked at me questionably.

"Yumi: I want to see if I can heal it... Do you trust me?"

He nodded and I heard a faint yes. I nodded then with my sharp nails I created a deep but healable cut on what's left his of his left arm. He's blood mixed with the water and they began to take the form of a arm.

"Yumi: Mizu."

Just like the the bloody water heald Sesshomaru's arm making him a temporary arm but just as good as the old one. I hope it's as good as the old one. I took a step back painting, but put up one of my hands as to say 'I'm fine'. I sat down on one of the rocks and looked at him examining his arm.

"Yumi: Go ahead try it out."

He got up and began to try out his new arm, even his demonic energy flowed to the new arm and he was able to use his abilities. He put back on his armor and then he walked up to me, his new hand rested on my knee then glided up my thy. I watched him in curiosity, He know's I'm drained from pulling off such a move... What's he doing? Leaving my leg he moved his hand to my side and traced the outline of my body, finally reaching my face using his new hand he tilted my chin up forcing me too look at him. We made eye contact, he chuckled and smiled. My eyes had widened at the sight. Not the reaction I was expecting.

"Sesshomaru: You never cease to amaze me Yumi... How do you do it?"

He then kissed my forehead, I looked down in at my feet. He seemed to notice this.

"Sesshomaru: What's the matter? Not satisfied?"

I put my hand on his chest and gently pushed him back from me. He took a step back and eyes widened, I looked up at him.

"Yumi: I hate to admit this but I don't know how long it will last... I wasn't even sure it would work."

He shook his head, picked me up and carried me bridal style. I looked at him and tilted my head.

"Sesshomaru: I'm not as stupid as you may think Yumi... I knew that this is a new technique that you are trying and I'm amazed at how your efforts are worth it. Now rest it's late and you're in no condition to be up, and have no reason for it."

I smiled and leaned my head on the softness of his fur and closed my eyes drifting into unwakeable sleep.

"Sesshomaru: Thank you."

He said in almost a whisper, I took a deep breath in and out.

"Yumi: Welcome."

Ok almost unwakeable sleep. I felt him stop and his head turned as to see if I was sleep talking or really awake, but I kept my eyes closed just to save his pride. He resumed walking back to camp. I'm too nice to him. I took another deep breath in and snuggled closer into his fur, I felt him pull me closer and sit down wrap me up in his fur and lean back on a tree. But then again who's to say he doesn't spoil me? Next thing I knew I was out cold. What a lovely night... Sesshomaru... Am I.... Falling for you?   

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