Thank You for the Breakfast a...

By DeeStory

248 15 2


Chapter Two
Chapter Three

Chapter One

119 7 2
By DeeStory

Thank You for the Breakfast and Pills

Chapter One.

That moment when you roll over in bed and your feet touch the cold wooden floor after giving your newly wedded husband the best fuck of his life...Yeah, I did that.

Honeymoon goals, right?

I turned and watched his eyelashes rest on his cheeks and his hairy salt and pepper chest pound up and down on his beautifully aged melanin skin, he cracked and smile and twitched his hip a little under the sheets, hands stuffed in his underwear.

"Do you need anything?" He threw away his dirty tissues, "I'm going to run to the kitchen." He let out a sigh, one that told me how satisfied he was with every breath. He definitely wasn't trying To go anywhere right now.

"No thank you babygirl." I smiled and walked away grabbing my phone, scrolling through various social media apps before opening the fridge and grabbing a water and package of water flavoring, pouring it in, shaking it and chugging it for dear life.

"That's it right there." I whispered to myself.

I had only been married for 24 hours but I think I could proudly say that I officially had the life for someone my age...

The sparkle of my rose gold, 6 diamond, specially engraved, size 4 wedding ring caught my eye on the water bottle and I couldn't help but smile. I was a married woman, "I'M A MARRIED WOMAN!" I found myself yelling, slapping my hand over my mouth as I looked back toward the hallway that led to the bedroom. No one was fazed.

I was officially a woman in many ways according to my husband. I'm sure if someone would have told my mother that in 17 years her newborn baby girl would be married to Nathan, My superman, my best friend, my support system, my first love, my everything. She would have given me up for adoption faster.

He saved me honestly.

I guess the real question is who gets married at age 17 when it wasn't even an arranged marriage or some bullshit like that, well, bitch, me...that's who. And I wouldn't change it for anything, Nathan may have been years older than me but he has knowledge, wisdom, good looks, good coin and yes you guessed it...good dick.

So who am I to complain?

Other than that I've known of him since I was 12 years old in 6th grade doing a project on what college I wanted to attend in the next 5 years, he came up to our school and did a presentation, of course I didn't pay attention to him then in anyway other than my ticket to a good education, although he had a memorable face and spoke highly of where he taught, and I was dedicated to the school. I graduated from high school, got accepted and it was just my luck I got his class.

Freshman year I didn't do a lot for his attention like the other college thots, so that made him want me even more. He has never been married and never liked women his age, always younger. He slept with about 5 of my classmates before he made it his goal to get me.

But I wasn't concerned with him, that made him even more aggy and determined to get me. He even tried to pull the 'fuck me or fail' card before I finally stayed after class to see what it was he wanted. We messed around, kissing, sucking, never fucking. I was a virgin and planned to stay that way until I was ready. He was never the aggressive man all my classmates said he was after he cut them off towards me. Maybe I was something special, I mean I got the ring so obviously I was, right?

I ended up not only passing his class but falling for him by the second semester from all the staying after class and also the way he made me feel like I was a student and a friend, he asked for a date, but on one condition it had to be for my 17th birthday.

So we went out and I saw a different side of Professor Duke, I saw Nathan, A more genuine side, I almost forgot he was almost 25 years older than me. We had a great time that night and since then it's been an up and down roller coaster but we're strong, next month it will be one month since the wedding, my 18th birthday and one year since we started dating.

I love my old man.

I pressed a few more thumbs ups, turning them blue before I heard shuffling behind me. It was Nathan.

"Hi professor," I grinned. "Why are you out of bed?"

"I got a little business to handle," His voice was sleepy and that turned me on but also made me slightly sad. "I'll be back in a few hours."

"What kind of business?"

"School business." Was all he said before he threw on his outfit, grabbing his wallet and keys before leaving.

On our honeymoon.

That was 6 years ago, and in that time I soon learned where he was going when it wasn't about school business, after a year into our marriage he wanted me pregnant. That didn't happen, and when it did not for long so I finished off a few more months of school up until I had to become a dancer.

After three years into our marriage I still couldn't give him children and it became more aggressive on his end, he took it harder than me, loss after loss to the point of abuse on top of more control.

We've now been married for 6 years and I have full recollection of who the man is that I married in no particular order. A professor, a husband, a pimp, abuser, controlling, lovable, smart, asshole of a husband of mine.

This has been the same old song for the past 7 months, period, ovulation, positive test, abortion, coke up to escape the pain, repeat. The 46 year old was getting tired of my infertility shit, he made sure I wasn't on any kind of birth control and made sure he fucked me every day of my cycle so I would become pregnant, to some women that sounds like the trying to conceive dream but when you're in a abusive, controlling, unloved relationship it's not when the decision is one sided.

He just doesn't understand I don't want his legacy to continue.

"Why do you keep doing this to yourself Roth?" I sighed, signing my discharge papers as my ob/gyn, Stassi, watched my every move.

"I just can't have his kids, you're the only one that understands this relationship, the only one he trusts with my pussy other than him," Stassi cracked a smile. "I got to get out of here Nathan is throwing some party tonight for the girls and I have to be there."

"More pimp parties"?

"Every second Wednesday." I bit the inside of my lip, grabbing my stomach. I felt so empty once again.

This would be abortion number 5 and just like the others I've never felt more guilty in my life.

I needed something stronger than this pain medicine to get a through another one of these parties. One thing I loved about Nathan's pimp parties was that the supply of drugs had no limit.

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