They Don't Believe In Us (fre...

By AstroAlien37

15.9K 803 1.4K

Gerard Way is your average outcast at school. He's bullied, has a couple of friends, and likes to keep to him... More

1- The Start of It All
2- Break Out Of Your Shell, Angel
3- A Not So Typical Day in the Uneventful Life of Gerard Way
4- Tripping Over Gerard Way Both Literally and Emotionally
5- This Never Meant Nothing To Ya
6- A Kiss And I Will Surrender
7- Gerard Did What?!
8- Friction
9- Awake In Your Arms
10- What's This Feeling?
11- I Know
12- A Day to Remember
13- Elena
14- The Candy Incident that Scared the Shit out of Frank Iero
15- Why Would Something Like That Be A Phase?
16- The Night When Frank Iero Nearly Lost His Temper
17- Be My Escape, Frank
18- "Tell Me A Story Every Night Before Bed..."
19- Shocking Blue Eyes That Resembled Kurt Cobain's
20- Can You Feel My Heart? Because You're Making It Beat Out Of My Chest
21- What's Happened Between You Two Before
22- Almost Caught and Our Lives At Stake
23- Saturday *cue Fall Out Boy song*
24- You're In for a Doozy, Frank Iero
25- The Edge of Tonight
26- What's Going On With My Brother?
27- Make Me A Mess, Frank Iero
28- Christmas Eve Part 1
29- Christmas Eve Part 2
30- All I Want For Christmas Is You
31- I'll Help You
32- The Chapter in Which Frank Iero Covers a Kurt Cobain Cover of a Beatles Song
33- What's The Worst That I Can Say?
34- He Finally Expresses Himself
36- The Day Gerard Way Wasn't Ready to Have Two Meaningful Conversations
37- How Life is Going Without You
38- The Ending of One Chapter, the Beginning of Another

35- You Gotta Live Your Life to the Fullest, Right?

152 8 23
By AstroAlien37

Gerard's POV

"You boys look so handsome!" My mother is gushing at both Mikey and I. The reason she's being like this, well, is because it's prom. Mikey's first prom and my last. "Any last minute change of plans for your after prom that I need to know about?"

"No, Mom, it's still at Pete's." Mikey piped up.

"And you left your sleepover things at his house yesterday after school, right?" The both of us nod our heads. "Gee, honey, when's your friend getting here?" Donna questioned me after getting the answer she first seeked.

"Any moment, Mom." I check my phone to see if I have any texts from my date. I didn't have any, but the thought didn't worry me because there was a knock on the door. Speak of the devil. "I bet that's him." I go to the door and open it, to reveal Bert standing before me, a single rose in his hand.

"This is all very fucking cliché isn't it?" He joked as he handed the delicate flower to me almost shyly. I slowly took it from him and looked at it. I've always favored roses if I had to choose a favorite flower. They're classic, mature, and gothic all at the same time.

"You made it cliché with the damn flower, McCracken." I smiled at him and let him in, setting the rose on the doorway cabinet, hoping my mom would see it and take care of it solely because I was too lazy to do anything about it.

"To add on to that vibe, then, you look nice." Bert gestured to my all black suit, the jacket of a sleek velvet material that hugged my waist and shoulders. I loved it, honestly. I rolled my eyes at his fitting comment.

"Yeah, yeah. So do you." I said as my two family members walked into the hallway to join us.

"We all ready to go, then?" My mom was taking the three of us to Hayley's where everybody was taking the stereotypical group photos then we were all carpooling to the hall the school rented for the dance.

"You all better enjoy tonight. Especially you two." My mom pointed to Bert and I. "It's your last prom so spend it wisely, live the last of your teenage years while you can."


Mikey, Lindsey, Bert, and I had carpooled with Pete. Lindsey actually sat on my lap the entire time in all her deep red, flowing dress glory. I had even kissed her shoulder blade just as a joke but she laughed and turned her upper body around to ruffle my hair before kissing my forehead. Our actions made our fellow passengers mock us in "aww" and "I'm melting" and "stop being so heterosexual".

"Oh, shush." Lindsey exclaimed. "Hey we're here! Ready for the wildest night of our lives?"

We were the last of our friend group to arrive to the school function, and it was extravagant.

"Glad you actually came this year?" Lindsey joked with a nudge to my shoulder.

"You know I was sick during prom last year so don't you dare throw shade!" I laugh at my best friend before wrapping my arm around her waist and pulling her in for a quick sideways hug.

"You honestly didn't miss much. Just a stereotypical school dance with awful music. The only plus side of it was the food and getting just a lil' tipsy at Pete's afterwards. Prom is my only excuse to get drunk. I don't like to do it often but it's the one night I let myself go."

"Ah but apparently you guys went to a party on Halloween, remember?"

"Ah, yes, but the only thing I drank was some limited time Mountain Dew they had because I was really feeling it." I nodded at the woman's clarification as we reached our assigned table and sat down, waiting for the supposed heavenly food to be served. Bert sat down beside me and we shared a smile as Hayley and Dallon joined our table. Ray, Andy, Pete, and Mikey were seated at the table beside us with Ray's date; a girl I'd never met before but have heard him talk about in the past. I forget her name, though.

Within half an hour the rest of the prom attendees arrived and pictures were being taken, both by the high schoolers themselves and professionals.

My stomach was actually grumbling quite loud now. I really wanted food.

"You're gonna devour the fuck out of your food, Gee." Bert laughed after about the fifth time I stomach decided to make itself known, making the rest of the table laugh and only succeeding in making me blush.

"I'm starving, okay! I haven't eaten since breakfast!" I huff in embarrassment.

"That's on you, then, buddy ol' pal." Dallon joked, making my face scrunch up.

"Never say that again, Dallon. For your own sake."


Lindsey was right. The food was the best thing I've ever had on my tastebuds. I literally groaned when I first tasted the meal.

But back to, well, now, we've all been on the dancefloor dancing terribly like we all do in our own special ways.

The DJ just finished playing the one Journey song that's always played despite them having much better songs than that. But I enjoyed it nonetheless, since literally everything else was pop, rap, and country, I relished these small moments of throwback to the best of classic rock.

"Alright all, we've yet to play a slow song for you, so let's settle down, give our hearts a break to slow, and relish in these happy, small moments with the people you care about here." As the beginning of the song started playing, I was just standing there awkwardly, about to go sit down at the table, when I felt a hand gently intertwine their smaller fingers with mine. I looked down in shock to find black nail polish contrasting with smooth, white skin.


"Nuh-uh, you're dancing with me." I roll my eyes at her persistence before giving in while she turns around and places her arms on my shoulders (not before she messes with my hair, of course) and I, definitely awkwardly, put my hands on her waist.

"You're so shy about this." She chuckles.

"Well it's not like I don't dance with girls or anything. I-I don't know boundaries, what you're comfortable with-"

"Stop panicking, it's okay, Gee!" Lindsey pats my cheek in attempt to calm me down. "Don't worry about it, we're best friends. You shouldn't even have to worry about it." When Linds says that, I bite my lip and nod my head to reassure myself.

"Yeah, yeah. You're right."

"I know I am!" She smiles playfully before deciding to rest her head on my shoulder. It's moments like this that I miss with her. Mindless cuddles have happened less and less ever since Frank became something in my life. "Just so you know, I love you. We never say that enough and people never take that seriously, especially within friend groups. You're the first friend I made here and I'm so thankful. I felt I had to tell you that." At Lindsey's words I smile small as I give her a light squeeze.

"Stop being so cheesy during the slow song, Linds." I joke. I feel her smile and chuckle a bit, but I break our silence after a moment. "I love you, too, by the way." My voice lowers, as if it wants to relish in this simple moment between us that is becoming more and more rare for us to share. Our lighthearted conversation after that doesn't last for long before I feel a nervous tap on my left shoulder. Confused as to who could want my attention right now, I turn my head with a very evident look of perplexity. Until, that is, my eyes are met with Bert, and my face softens.

"Can I be cliché again and steal you for a dance?" I smirk at the boy before me until I feel Lindsey nudging me away from her and more towards Bert. I turn back to look at her, about to ask her a question, until she interrupts me.

"Dance with the boy, Gee. I'll just go steal Pete from your brother." She gestures to where the two of them are, and I follow the direction she pointed to, and sure enough, there Pete was, hands on my brother's waist and my brother's hands on his shoulders, dancing near the corner of the room, as if to help hide themselves away from the world.

"I thought they were being suspicious..." Bert trailed off as both Lindsey and I nodded in agreement, turning to Bert and taking his hand, much like Lindsey did to me only a minute or two prior. As Lindsey walks away giddily, I can feel the nervousness radiating off of Bert. He very clearly did not know what move to make. Sighing in mock annoyance, I take both his wrists and place his hands on my waist before I reciprocate what Lindsey did to me.

"I'm not gonna lie, this is awkward." Bert cracks up into our silence, making me chuckle.

"When aren't pre-adult dances awkward?"

"Okay, I know your question is rhetorical but I'm gonna answer with 'drunk at parties' because they have literal no care in the world. You should see some of the moves I've seen. Actually... no... don't. It's scarring."

"Knowing you, Bert, I bet you participated in that dancing, too." He stares at me when I say that and a huge, lopsided smirk grows on my face. "Mhmm... knew it."

"Shut up, I was drunk." He mumbles.

"And that's okay. I can't say I can relate because one, I've never drunk, and two, I've never danced dirty with anybody-"

"You've never been drunk?"

"I mean... I've been buzzed from a wine tasting I went to with my parents a couple years ago... that's it."

"Dude." I glare at him.

"You're making me not wanna slow dance with you. Good thing the song's almost over-"

"Wh- no! Sorry, I'm sorry. I apologize. It's just because I used to only ever be around people who drank and did drugs, so..."

"I understand, Bert. It's okay." I smile. "Don't worry about it."

"Are you sure-"

"Yes, I'm sure. Now shut up and let me enjoy this." I laugh and smile at Bert widely before once again reciprocating what Lindsey did to me and resting my head on his shoulder. That required us to step closer together, and I felt Bert's hands go from being on my waist to wrapping around my lower back. He rubbed a hand up and down soothingly before interlocking his hands together.

"Okay, now I'm enjoying this."

"It's calm and comforting, of course you're enjoying it."

"I don't get this very much."

"Well that explains why you enjoy it." I joke. I get so comfortable that I close my eyes. It's really peaceful like this. But I feel like as soon as my eyes closed, the slow song ended and some upbeat rap song I didn't know. It was so abrupt that it startled Bert and I apart. The two of us looked at each other in shock before breaking out into a fit of laughter. And that's how the rest of the night went. All of us danced, more like jumped around, to our heart's content and had a great time.

We all carpooled with the same people we came to the hall with, and headed back to Pete's house.

"Yooo this is gonna be dope." The rest of the car groans at Pete's words.

"Don't ever fucking say that ever again." Mikey complained.

"Why 'dope', Pete?" Lindsey asked, confused.

"My parents said they'd leave the house for the night, so we have the house for ourselves."

"Why on earth would your parents do that?"

"Because they're Pete's parents, Gerard, don't even start to question because you'll just get ridiculous answers in response." Lindsey rolled her eyes at Pete's excitement.

"Why on earth are you so excited, then, Petey-boy?" Lindsey mocked. He only smirked before smiling like a lunatic. "Get on with it, dude. Spill it-"

"I got alcohol." Immediately when I heard those three words my eyes shot to see Mikey's reaction, recalling his Halloween incident when he was scared to get into alcoholism because of dad. I saw something flash through his eyes (he was sitting shotgun next to Pete and I was in the backseat behind Pete, so I could see him). But overall he didn't seem phased by it. He seemed to be happy about the thought of possibly, most likely, getting drunk. Lindsey and Bert were automatically on board, whereas I remained silent.

"Hey, you don't have to do anything you don't wanna do." Bert whispered to me when he noticed my discomfort, recalling our dialogue when we slow danced. I looked up at him very briefly then looked back down at my hands in my lap before nodding my head briskly in understanding to his words. My heart was pounding as we grew closer and closer to Pete's heart. I didn't want the possibility of giving in through a weak mind and getting drunk, therefore making bad decisions I wouldn't remember.

"Let's get this party started!" Pete exclaimed when he pulled into his driveway. The rest of the car cheered except me and started to clamber out of the vehicle.

Oh God, I don't wanna be here.


I actually wasn't having a bad time at all. I've yet to have a drink and it's funny seeing my friends slowly getting more and more loopy by the sip.

"Guysss guysguys... let's. playagame." Pete, the one who's had the most to drink unsurprisingly, slurs in an outburst.

"Like," Dallon hiccups. "what?"

"Neverrr have I... ever. NeverhaveIever. 'N like... every time we lose, we take. A sssshot." Pete lifts empty shot glasses and the bottle of vodka he mysteriously popped out of nowhere he was drinking from. "Everybody's playing comesitdown." Pete gestured to the room as he plopped down on his ass.

"Geerard, come on!" Hayley grabbed my hand as she giddily passed me and tugged.

"Hayley, I don't wanna drink..." I tried pulling out of her grasp respectfully, but man, that tiny girl was persistent.

"Soooo? They're just shots. Small drinks. Small. ...Smol. Come on!"

"Ye-ah... Gee join us." Andy laughed along as everybody's attention was soon drawn to me. And before I knew it, they were all joining in, telling me to tag in and play.

"Dudeeeee. Live a little." My brother comes out from using the bathroom, encouraging me as well to drink.

"Thought you were afraid of drinking, Mikey." I replied determinedly.

"Because of Dad? He's weak, G-Gerard. Had a low self-esteem and all that shit. His weak mind isn't gonna stop be from having fun with my friends." He sat down next to Pete and put an arm over his shoulder and slumped all his body weight into Pete's side. "And it shouldn't stop you, either." I stand there, thoughts whizzing and whirling through my head, literal angels and devils on my shoulders telling me what to do. All eyes were on me, waiting for my decision.

"Fine." My little crowd applauded. "... People get drunk for a reason... for fun... so what if I drink a little?" I sit down between Lindsey and Bert and they both lean into me, making me the delicacy in a sandwich, almost.

I ignored the little angel on my shoulder that was seemingly ashamed at me, and listened to what sounded good to me in that moment: to get wasted with my friends for just one measly night of my life. To enjoy myself, and enjoy the shits n' giggles with friends that I may not maintain as we grow into adulthood.


We're well into the game, and I'm rightfully buzzed right now. Still slightly aware of what I'm doing, but definitely with a weird feeling throughout my body.

"Okay okay okay." Ray said, as it was his turn, "Never have I ever.... um... oh! Had sex with my gender.. or.. sex. Or whatever term is used." Ray hiccups after he speaks before smiling widely and giggling as there are intense discussions between people, then everybody looks at me with a glint in their eyes. I bite my lip trying to hold back a smile until I can't hold it any longer.

"Fucking dammit, fine." Everybody laughs, and I fall slightly into Lindsey's side, making her fall slightly into Hayley. "P Weezy hand me a... a shhhot." I slur with a high pitched giggle afterwards. Once handed to me, I down it instantly, scrunching up my face at the burning sensation that I'm still far from used to. "Aw dammit I've only got four left."

"At least you're not Pete, who's got one left." Dallon nudges Pete with a wiggle of his eyebrows.

"Accctually..." Everybody silences when Pete speaks up, and we watch with wide eyes as he brings down his remaining finger, then everybody uproars.

"Shit, dude, you've slept with a guy!?" Lindsey literally jumps up from the ground, but doesn't last long because she's so wobbly she falls right on her ass, causing an insane fit of laughter from everybody.

"Yessss I have but SHH! My memories only." He chugs his shot. "Let's hope it happens again soon." Pete winks at Mikey, making him blush and my eyes widen even further.

"No! Don't you dare Pete fucking Wentz that's my fetus brother."

"Hey!" Mikey shouts with laughter. "Letmegetroyallyfuckeduptheass." I glare at him rather drunkenly. "Because it's not like you have or anything, what's the difference?" I try to come up with an excuse to give him but find none, giving up with a huff and sitting back properly. Bert gives me a couple light pats on my shoulder, as if to say, "It's okay. He was bound to have this day come sooner or later."

"Hey! Pete has zero left! Let's do something else I can't think of anything I haven't done that I could see you all doing." Ray brings up. Everybody hums in agreement then start to think of different games we could play.

"What about 7 minutes in heaven?" Hayley asks in a quiet, petite voice.

"YES." Pete exclaims, jumping up and down somehow while sitting. The only one that remains quiet is me, solely because I've never had an instance to play and I only know a small portion of what it's about.

"What if we don't wanna do that? Can we just... startwitha kissss, then decide if wewannakeep it up... for seven minutes?" Lindsey asks, her blinking becoming slower and more delayed by the moment.

"That's just.... Just spin the bottle, silly." Ray counteracted Lindsey's offer, which made her break out into a fit of giggles.

"Oh yeah. You're right. Soooo... that."

"But what if I wanna do more than kissing?" Pete pouted, taking a swig from the bottle in his hands.

"Then do that after this, silly." Hayley waved a dismissive hand as if to say, "duh."

"Do we have a bottle?" Andy asked, and right at the moment that he finished that question, Pete lifted one up triumphantly and placed it in the middle of our little circle.

"Let's kiss people!" He shouted. Alcohol and hormonal teenagers. What a mix. And that mix was starting to kick in. Pete volunteered to go first, so he did, and we all watched impatiently as it slowed down and finally decided to stop: on Dallon. And the room being filled with teenagers, giggles surpassed from all of us until they finally leaned up to each other and placed sloppy, drunken kisses on each other. Pete took it more seriously and bit Dallon's lip when he pulled away. Next was Mikey. The bottle span, and woah, big cliché moment here, it landed on Pete. And let me tell you, I've never seen somebody so excited to be kissed in their life. When it happened, the room uproared, screaming that their most recent OTP was finally happening and pictures being shot shakily from phones. The two actually had to be broken apart from Ray and Bert. And speaking of Bert, it was his turn. He had gotten Hayley, and the kiss was cute and chaste, and hearts definitely melted.

Oh shit, wait, it's my turn. Haha. It was harder to spin the damn bottle than one would think, and my hand slipped at first, but I got it eventually. Phew. Who's it gonna land on? Huh? Hmmmmm? At first I thought it was gonna land on me and I'd have to somehow kiss myself, hah, what a funny thought, but it didn't. It landed on my best friend seated right next to me.

Lindsey fucking Ballato.

"Hi, Gee." She said before she hiccupped rather abruptly, making me snort.

"Get on with it you noobs." Ray complained. Lindsey flicked him off before suddenly grabbing my face and delicately kissing me, lasting only the briefest of seconds.

And so it continued. Lindsey then kissed Andy, Hayley kissed Mikey, Dallon kissed Ray, Andy kissed Bert, Ray kissed Pete, Pete kissed me, Mikey kissed Lindsey, Bert kissed me, then I kissed Dallon, and so on. It went on for around ten more minutes after that until Mikey and Pete started paying less and less attention to the game and more and more attention to each other. It started with subtle touches to the arm or leg, but escalated quite quickly. Then came the intense making out, which is when people bickered at them to get a room. That only led to Pete breaking apart from Mikey and smirking before standing up and taking Mikey with him upstairs from the basement to what I presumed was Pete's room.

"Now what?" Andy asked.

"Well I don't... don't know about you, but Hayley and Dallon seem tooooo be getting on the... same page as Petekey." Bert replied. And sure enough, there they were, sucking face. I giggled loudly at the ship name, and had to throw my arm on his shoulder to keep myself from falling backwards. Bert didn't mind, though. And neither did I. It was comfy.

"We're getting narrowed down by the second." Lindsey hiccupped. "ImeanIdon'twannagetlaidtonight BUT I find nothing wrong with making out with anybody left. If not then I'll just make out with my hand no biggie." The rest of us chuckled at the mental image.

"Nah, let's play video games!" Ray suggested, pointing rather ecstatically to the gaming room the Wentz' had, with insane variety of games.

"Is there Star Wars: Battlefront?" Andy asked, to which Ray nodded.

"Mhm. I was here a couple weeks ago and we played it."

"Sweet!" Lindsey exclaimed, standing up and almost tripping over the couple making out on the floor. "Oh, shit! Okay, it's fine. I'm fine. Actually, I'm gonna... get a beer. Ray Toro! Beer me!" She lifted her arms and stood up as straight as possible, really wanting her damn beer. I could see her excitement for alcohol as Ray went into the mini fridge at the bar he was previously sat against and handed her one, as well as the rest of us. Bert and I managed to stand up with the other three, but only succeeding when we got help from Andy literally giving us a hand. Yet again I nearly fell, but both Andy and Bert caught me, and I wrapped my arms over their shoulders and squeezed them close to my body, giving the two kisses to their foreheads.

"To friends! Whether we're making out or playing video games who the hell cares because we're drunk." Lindsey toasted once she got the cap off. We all cheered before clashing our bottles together and taking big swigs. My beer was in the hand that was around Bert's shoulder, and since I didn't really want to do the effort of lifting my arm up over his head, I simply pulled my arm around and drank, causing our heads to bump into each other and spill our drinks slightly on our shirts. I sideways glanced at him to catch him narrowing his eyes at me, so I only stuck my tongue out in mock and kissed his cheek. That, on the other hand, had caused me to put more body weight on his side. And you know drunken people. They can't stand for shit. So down we went. We were successful in not spilling our drinks, which was dire important in our state, but got distracted when I landed on top of him.

"Oops." I said before laughing immensely. I felt oddly uncomfortable, so I shifted my body weight so my legs were outside of his, making it easy for me to sit up. I was gonna attempt to get off of him, but when I sat up, he sat up with me. "What are you-?" I didn't finish my sentence. Mainly because Bert was looking at me weird with his really blue eyes and it made me feel funny. I'd say it was a good funny, though. Nothing bad about the funny feeling at all. His hair had fallen across his forehead, so I pushed it back past his ears and continued to play with it at the nape of his neck after I slung my arms over his shoulders. Bert was still staring at me. And it made my whole body tingle and my hands falter from messing with the back of his hair.

"Can I-" Bert got caught with a hiccup. "can I-I... kiss you?" The sentence was finished off with another hiccup. I didn't need to answer him, because all the kissing I'd done tonight made me want to do it some more, the craving of lips on mine grew at the thought, so I closed the space between us and kissed Bert roughly, and I felt him kiss back automatically. Apparently our three other friends still hadn't gone to play the game because suddenly Lindsey said, "Oh, there goes the third pair of horny teenagers well fuck. Too bad for them, more Star Wars for us."

"Let's go, Linds, Ray got it set up!" Andy tugged on Lindsey's hand while sporting three beers in his other hand for the three of them. Then they went into the gaming room, closed the door, and were gone. As soon as the door closed, Bert's arms snaked around my waist and pulled me flush against him and our kissing got more intense and sloppy. I was undoubtedly getting turned on, the familiar moment of the blood rushing to my lower half making the feeling catch like fire. Soon, the both of us were gasping for air between our kisses, and the next time we broke apart to take a breath, I smirked and cradled the side of Bert's face and delved in for some much wanted French kissing. My sudden action surprised Bert to the point where his body flinched, which happened to make our lower halves brush against each other. The feeling gave me an intense spark, and I couldn't resist. I grinded down hard against him and we both moaned into each other's mouths. Bert's hands traveled up under my t-shirt and explored my flesh, his hands like ice against my warm skin until they traveled down to my hips and squeezed. In turn I bit his lip toyfully and moved one of my arms back to take his wrist on direct his hand to my ass, all the while grinding down harshly once again. His immediately obeyed and groped the skin of my backside, turning me on even more and the bulges grew more evident in our baggy pj pants. My right hand slowly went down his chest and grasped his shirt briefly before continuing downwards and going for it: palming his crotch. He bucked up instantly, on instinct and his mouth parted from mine.

"Wanna go somewhere?" I asked out of breath as I leaned forward and kissed his neck, squeezing his package slightly as I did so, making him groan and tilt his head back.

"God, yes." And before I knew it, Bert lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist to keep attached to him, and we fumbled to one of the few guest bedrooms the Wentz' had down here. Like, seriously, they were rich. Once inside (thankfully we got into an empty room instead of the room where definite faint noises could be heard from Dallon and Hayley), it was all a blur. In a flash we were both naked and Bert was on top of me on the bed and grinding steadily into me and nipping at my neck, which was beyond pleasurable. As much as I wanted him to keep leaving marks on me, I couldn't take the wait any longer. "Just fuck me already." I begged into his ear with one hand sprawled and tangled in hair on the back of his head and the shoulder gripping mercilessly into his shoulder blade.

Then without a care in the world from either of us, he entered me and our fun really began.


I was awoken by a burning light and an absolutely pounding headache. What the fuck? I felt a warm body behind me and it was already obvious to me that we were both naked. I didn't feel an ounce of clothing on me nor on the person pressed up against me. Having awoken to that feeling numerous times in the past, I passed it off as normal.

Oh, Frank and I just had sex. Nothing unusual.

But what was unusual to me was why it hurt to look at anything remotely light. And this headache! It was killing me! I groaned, deciding I needed ibuprofen, so I sat up. Bad idea. It made my head hurt worse.

But what was more unnerving was that this room looked nothing like Frank's room. Any room in his house, even. It was far nicer. Not that there was anything wrong with his house, though. And I heard muffled voices just past the door. Familiar voices, for sure. A girl and some guys.

"They were so loud that it was wearing off my drunken state, I swear. Otherwise why would I remember it?" That was Lindsey's voice! Why was Lindsey here?

"Oh, shit..." I heard another voice. Was that... Mikey?

"What? What is it, Mikes?" Hold on a minute, that was Pete.

"Gerard got drunk." I did what?

"So...? What are trying to say?" Lindsey questioned.

"I'm saying that... he got drunk... and it wasn't with his boyfriend." My heart dropped to my stomach and my throat instantly went dry and I could swear that my headache just increased times ten. Then who was in the bed with me? I was afraid of the truth, though it was already toying at the back of my mind. There was no way to ignore this, so I sucked it up and turned around.

And there Bert was, sound asleep and definitely bare ass naked. Just like me. I couldn't help the whimper that came out of my mouth as I fell off the bed. Tears were stinging my eyes and I felt like I was going to vomit. Oh wait, I was definitely going to vomit. I fumbled to stand up and rushed to the bathroom, luckily getting there just in time. I don't know how long I was hurled over the toilet, but eventually the nausea subsided. I flushed and rinsed out my mouth, thanking the Wentz' momentarily when I found mouth wash and pain killer tablets.

When I walked back out of the bathroom, Bert was awake, and sitting upright, clear confusion on his face. That is, until he looked over and saw me. And boy, the look of horror on his face.

"Fuck." He muttered, his tone obviously stressed out. "Did... did we... you know?" I cover myself and look down walking around the messy room and finding my boxers and putting them on.

"Well, when I woke up I was naked and you were naked and you were spooning me, so what the fuck do you think, Bert?" I spat. His face was disgruntled after I said that, but I didn't feel bad at all. I just gathered his pajamas and tossed them angrily to him as I put my own on piece by piece until I was fully clothed.

"I fucked up, Bert. I fucking fucked the fuck up. I can't fucking-" I stopped myself and took a deep breath, rubbing my temples as tears began to spill like an ocean's current. "I fucking cheated on my boyfriend. My loyal, amazing, fucking perfect boyfriend." I can't help the choked sob that escapes my lips. "I'm a fucking awful person and I want to die."


holy WOW this chapter ended up long! even after me cutting out chunks! oh well! (please just.. like, comment, share, all that shit. i love you all!)

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