Humanity: Nuclear Warfare (Ca...

By KingMuhkenzi

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(BoyxBoy Material) (Gay Carl Grimes) Two and a half years after the hurricane devastation, things keep gettin... More

Runaway Kid
Rough Before The Storm
I Know He's Mine
Neptune's Wrath
Now or Never
Friendly Game
Lights Out
Bloody Knuckles
Teddy Bear
It's Not Over
Until I Say So
Broad-Shouldered Beast
Rubbing Salt In The Wound
Salting The Earth
Hormonal Hurricane
Bittersweet Tragedy
Black Roses
Scream Queens

Faith Is Near

200 17 7
By KingMuhkenzi

//Picture is Lyric//

We got away , fortunately , but this could be the last time . As I walk through the tunnels , I contemplate scenarios of bad guys trying to kill all of us - oh wait .

The hallway was ending and so was Rick's patience . The dude usually doesn't lose his cool like this but after we hit the rooftop , he was shutting down completely .

The end of the tunnel came faster than we thought , only because the other half of it had been blown up - debris still falling slowly .

'Well , this is bad news' Haley sighs 'Can it get worse ?'

'Yes it can' Carl coughs

'Yeah' KC sneers 'I almost got killed because of Rick's bright idea to come here'

'You didn't need to come' Lance cuts his eyes towards the annoying man 'He basically already gave you the boot'

'I worked hard to get here' He sits down in a corner 'You guys need to figure out what the hell youre doing'

I was tired of his complaining , that's all he ever did and it was old

'Dude' I scoff 'Really ?'

'What ?'

'Stop sitting in your pathetic self pity and fucking do something about it if you're so worried about not making'

'Layne , you don't need to yell'

'Yes I do ! He's so full of himself and concerned about only his well-being that you have to treat him like a damn child !'

'I know you're frustrated and really pissed off but you're just making it more miserable'

'I'm making it miserable ? I'm not the one sitting on my ass while everyone around me does shit that actually helps !'

'I know , but you're yelling' He sighs 'It's not making anything better'

'Nice' I sneer , sarcasm dripping from my speech like venom 'Fuck you , Carl'

I could've said more , but I simply stomped away instead . I found a door , shoved it open , and slammed it shut behind me . I didn't need to be lectured by him . At all . I was handling it and he fucked that up .

- - -
[Carl's point of view]

I only have him a few minutes to cool off . I usually let him go be by himself for at least 20 minutes before stating my opinion on the matter or simply just listening to what he has to say without yelling being involved .

I didn't do that this time , there were things I needed to get off my chest and I was determined to let them slide off smoothly .

I walk into the office room and shut the door behind me 'Hi'

He looks over at me , eyes bloodshot and glossy

'Have you been crying ?'

He shakes his head 'Absolutely not'

I nod 'What was that about ?'

'Um , I dunno - how about you tell me ?' He scoffs 'Kinda got fucked over in here'

'No one fucked you over'

'You did' He grits his teeth

I inhale a sharp breath , trying not to blow up on him for everything '...Okay ... okay'

There was a questionable silence as he raised his eyebrows

'You know what ? Okay , how come you can walk everywhere you want and just speak your mind - being a dick in the process most of the time - but when someone tells you how it is , you turn into a monster and stomp away ?!'

'That's not true'

'You've been grumpy since I met you'

'I didn't have to' He shrugs

'Are you really gonna put that on me right now ?'A tear falls down my cheek 'Thanks'

He grabs my arm as I try turning around 'I'm sorry , love'

'I don't need you to be sorry , I need you to stop being an asshole !' I yell 'It's exhausting !'

'Stop' He breathes out

'I'm not gonna stop ! I honestly have no idea who pissed you off seven years ago but I wish they'd fucking apologize !'

'Stop saying that !' He yells , tugging at his hair in one hand as the other scratches his nail on the tip of his ear vigorously , even though I've been trying to get him to break that habit since the farm 'Please stop saying that !'

'You need to quit , Layne' I grit my teeth 'Please break down in front of me , you aren't fooling anyone - we know you're hurting . Hunter is dead , you think it's your own fault , you can't hear out of one ear , and your mind is so messed up that you can barely even function like a normal human being !'

That's when he breaks , sliding down on the ground - his face gets red as tears stream down his face one after the other 'Stop it ...'

I take his seat down beside him and hold one of his hands 'You need to cry , Layne . You're not some strong warrior'

He bites his lip , looking over at me

'You're brave , but there's a giant line you need to break because you're not healthy'

'I'm sorry' He swallows loudly 'I-I'm sorry I left Hunter , I'm sorry your pa hates- hates me , I'm sorry I killed Niyk and Tony , I'm sorry I'm shitty pers-person , and - and I'm really s-sorry for every ... everything'

To be completely honest with you , I don't think I had ever seen him cry before . He might've shed a tear or two when Cayne was born but never actually broke down and cried hysterically .

It was good though , he needed to realize that all the built up feelings he had inside were tearing him apart piece by piece . I didn't like to see him like this at all , it made me very sad , but it was something I had to deal with

'You are not a bad person' I sniff 'You're just a bit confused right now is all , everyone gets like that'

He bites down on his lip ring and wipes his arm over his eyes 'It is my fault'

'What ?'

'You said that I think it's my fault that she's dead but I know it is' He rasps

I shake my head 'Stop saying that , Layne . You literally had nothing to do with it'

'I could've stayed there and helped her !' A growl erupts from his throat 'Or , I don't know , picked her up and took her with me ?! She was like 90 fucking pounds'

'Look at me , Layne' I say 'Look at me'

His glossy eyes roam over to me as he clenches his jaw , I knew he was angry

'Whether you stayed with her or she came with us , she would've been screwed' I sigh 'Do you remember all the stuff that happened after Lavski ? All the people that died ?'

'Tucker , Maggie , Beth , Bailee , Michonne-'

'No no' I shake my head 'Don't call it out , it'll make you feel worse'

'What are you getting at here ? Hunter wasn't weak'

'I'm trying to say ... that either way , I don't think she would've been alive right now'

'Are you fucking kidding me , Carl ?'

'Stop getting mad at me for being honest' I squeak 'You're so ridiculous , Layne'

'What you said was really fucked up' He balls his fists 'You barely knew her , she would've made it'

'I thought Tucker would make it , but he didn't . I thought Michonne would make it , but she didn't' I grit my teeth 'I thought my momma would make it , but she didn't !'

'Don't ... don't say that' He rasps

'It's the same thing , Layne' I sniff 'The same thing'

'Okay , yeah , I get it' Once again , he clenches his jaw

'Do you ?'


'Good ...' I sigh , relaxing my shoulders

'Carl ...'

'Hmm ?'

'We're alone' He grins , scooting closer to me

'Y-yeah , I know'

'Remember what you said ?' He mumbles , trailing kisses down the side of my neck 'First thing when we're alone'

He begins sucking the sensitive spot on the crook of my neck , fingers trailing up and down the inside of my thighs

'Not ... not exactly'

'What do you mean ?' He furrows his eye brows before licking a line on my bottom lip

'They're in ... in the hall-hallway' I gulp 'They'll hear us'

'I'll make sure you're quiet'

'We need ... dammit ... to , we need to' I try the best I can to fight the urge to keep going 'Go'

He stops , a huff coming out of his nose 'Okay'

'I'm sorry , I really am' I frown , buttoning my pants 'I just ... when we're alone in a bedroom ... with a bed ... and a locked door , I promise I'll make you feel so much better . I'm not comfortable with doing that stuff in here'

'No , I understand' He fixes his backwards hat and stands up , holding his hand out for me

Once he helps me get up , I plant a kiss on the side of his mouth and grin 'I promise'

'I know you do'

- - -
[Layne's point of view]

When we walked back to the group , I didn't say much . Not because I didn't want to , but because I didn't quite know what to say . I kinda blew up in front of everyone and couldn't think of a way to get them to slide past that .

'Everyone good ?' Rick asks , narrowing his eyes towards me and Carl

I nod

'Fine , daddy' The black haired boy says 'You can continue'

He clears his throat 'I've decided that we're going to take the sewers'

'I-I'm sorry , what ?' Colleen's eyes widen

'Don't think we have much of a choice here' Lance cuts in 'The tunnel is gonna get us anywhere with a big ass hole in the middle'

'But sewers ?'

'Ain't nothing to be afraid of' Rick crosses his arms over his chest 'Not much is gonna be down there , it's just an escape route'

'Wait , but , won't it be flooded down there ?' Haley raises his eyebrows

'There's gonna be a bit more water than there would be normally , but no , shouldn't be too bad'

'As long as we're getting away from here , I'd say it's a golden plan' I shrug

'I ain't forcing anyone to go down there' The older man chuckles 'Hell , you're more than damn welcomed to stay here and find your own way out'

We all knew that was mostly directed to KC . Quite honestly , I don't know why he doesn't just kick him out . That's literally all he wanted to do to me for like a year straight but some ignorant dick comes around and gets , what , fourteen thousand chances ? As if .

But , much to my surprise , everyone came along . I don't think anyone was too hyped about what lived down in the sewers but I can tell you that nobody was less afraid of getting left behind .

As we walked down the stairs , I had Carl's voice replaying in my head . When he was talking about whether or not Hunter would be alive . He was right , though I didn't wanna admit it but I'm still extremely sensitive about the topic .

I know I can't be like that because it's ridiculous and probably childish in some people's eyes , but she was my best friend , the only one I confided in for so long and she was just taken away from me .

I felt like the world was crumbling at my fingertips when I saw her dead corpse limping around the burned down Lavski Heights . I finally got the chance to go back and see her and I literally got there so late it was insane . It made me sick to see her like that , no person wants to see their best friend that way .

When we finally all made it underground , the first thing I could hear was growling . It didn't sound like a rabid animal , it just sounded like a decaying corpse - and that's exactly what it was .

Digging my axe into its head when I found it , I found a badge on its shirt with fading letters . I could read out I IS AR but everything else was gone . I had no clue what it said , it could've stood for something or it simply could've been his name .

I let out a small grunt as I unstick my weapon from its skull , and kick it off the cement and into the murky water .

'Should be able to stay dry if we stick to the right' I hear someone say , I wasn't completely listening so I couldn't comprehend who it was

I was behind Lance and had Carl by my side as we slowly made our way through , trying our hardest to stay quiet just in case trouble was nearby .

As I looked around , I noticed several things of graffiti on the walls . The one that make me chuckle was 'Faith is near' , yeah , as if .

'Guys , don't worry ' Lyric says 'Faith is near , we're gonna be fine'

'What does that even mean ?' Carl asks 'Does it make any sense ?'

'Just some bullshit to fuck with people's heads'

'Lyric , it might not be' Clarissa sighs

'I think it is' I shrug

'Well you're a downer' She says

'I thought we were trying to be quiet' Johanna cuts in

'It's fine , just not too loud' Rick clears his throat

'Maybe if you're going the opposite way , faith is near . I mean , we met those other people' Colleen suggests

'We also killed them'

'Why do you turn everything negative , Johanna' The blonde girl rolls his eyes

We went back and forth on what we all thought it meant . Of course , some didn't play along - KC and Daryl - but they're salty so whatever .

Carl agreed with Colleen and though it might be for the group back there . Lyric , Lance , Jo , and I thought it was bullshit . Lux and Rick weren't quite sure what it meant , and Clarissa - along with Silvia and Haley - had mixed feelings about the situation .

Though it only last about 20 minutes , it felt nice to have all of us in a conversation . I know everyone was hesitant about being down here but we were together and we were chuckling , that's all that really mattered . Plus , Rick got in on it - he barely ever does that !

'Can we talk about River ?' Johanna asks

'I mean , id rather not but go ahead' Clarissa sighs

'What the hell is wrong with him ? He left us at our breaking point and decided it was a good idea to join another person's group ?'

'Can we talk about the kid that Daryl dropped ?' Lyric sneers 'Or are we acting like that never happened because quite honestly , I don't feel comfortable with him around the younger ones'

Rick didn't say anything , I don't think he could say anything

'He probably doesn't have anything to say but I sure do' He continues , smirking

'I agree that it was shitty , but , I don't think we should talk about it right now' Carl says , trying to calm everything down like always

'It wasn't okay' I join in 'If you weren't so heavy , I'd drop you off a rooftop too'

The southern man stops dead in his tracks , balling his fists

'Let's keep moving' Rick mumbles

We did , but Daryl decided to stay in the back - most likely so that everything Lyric said would be hard to understand from back there ... even though the sewers echo pretty badly .

We continued to walk for quite sometime before we got away from some water and were able to settle down for a bit . Daryl stayed away from us with KC , probably mumbling amongst themselves about how they want to kill us all .

Even though it was kinda dark and was a bit humid , I was miserable . I was having a good time chatting it up with Carl , Lux , and Lyric - as well as Colleen , Lance , and Silvia . Eventually , Rick joined us and sat down by the black haired boy - putting in his opinion about the topic we were currently on .

Though I was certain I'd be sweating soon and we'd have to continue walking , for now I was having a good time .

Everything at this point was working out and I was quite fine with that .

- - -

Hey , loves .

I thought I would start putting questions at the end of some chapters just to see what your opinions are , because I find them fascinating .

Question for today's chapter ;
Top three favorite characters and top three least favorite characters ? (Deceased or Alive)

Favorites ; Lux , Lyric , Silvia
Least favorites ; KC , Bailee , and Daryl

I believe that's all for now ,
I love you a lot
Stay Rad and Stay in School , yo

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