Mr.Cowboy's Kinda Bad

By Shanniboo402

392K 6.8K 823

**Under revision sorry for all the grammar errors** Meet seventeen year old Addison Miller. She's the definit... More

Mr.Cowboy's Kinda Bad
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 1 (These People Look Like Hicks)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 2 (I'm Stuck In Hillbilly Hell)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 3 (You Look hotter Than A Pig In A Smoke House)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 4 ( An Excuse For Wanting To See Me Shirtless?)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 5 (Bad Boy Talks To God?)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 6 (I'm Just A Ticking Time Bomb)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 7- (I Won't Fall For Your Southern Charm)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 8 ( Gonna Get A Detention Miss. Goody-Two-Shoes)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 9 (You Are Thinking Of Me Shirtless Right Now)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 10 (Third World Problems... )
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 11- (Baby You Can Crash My Party Anytime)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 12- (I'm Not A Dead Body Type Of Person)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 13- (You're Pretty Damn Hot When You're Dirty)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 14- (I Need A Hero)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 15- (All Hell Broke Loose)
Mr.Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 16- (You Are My Little Rebel Child)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 18- (Never Say Never)
Mr.Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 19- (Torture Him Like He's Tourturing Me)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 20- (Oh Shit Times Three)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 21 (What I Tell You About Hat Hair?)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 22 (Cray Cray)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 23 (Call Me Crazy)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 24 ( Maybe I Should Be The Actor)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 25 (Love The Way He Loves Me)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 26 (An Itch That Needed To Be Scratched)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 27 (You Should Be A Butt Model)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 28- (Smells Like Beer and Cheese)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 29 (You Want The Truth?)
Mr Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 30 (My Lies Will Be The Death Of Me)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 31 (My Cover=Blown)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 32 (All Men Are Pigs)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 33 (My rock)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 34 (I Need You Safe)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 35 (Psycos and Dirty Jobs)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 36 (Good Man)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 37 (Storms, Kisses, and Other Surprises)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 38 (You Deserve It)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 39 (Holy Hot Hell in July)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- (Chapter 40) Illegal Ocean Swimming
Chapter 41 (I Cried)
Chapter 42- (Pity Makes Me Weak)
Chapter 43- (I Loathe You)
Chapter 44- (Live Without Regrets)
Chapter 45 (Our Journey)
Chapter 46- (To The Moon And Back)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- (EPILOGUE)

Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 17- (The Cat Is Out)

10.9K 205 39
By Shanniboo402

Hey guys! I'm so sorry that I haven't posted in like two weeks! I was just camping in PA three weeks ago and I just went camping last weekend!

Before I thank y'all for being awesome I have some news for all you country music fans... FLORIDA GEORGIA LINE IS HEADLINING THEIR OWN TOUR!!!

Seriously. If you like them and like their music go buy yourself a ticket because they are awesome in concert! I was hoping they would come to NJ but they aren't:( but check out the dates and places and buy yourself a ticket if ya can! Totally worth it because I saw them with Luke Bryan :DDD

Okay. Now to thanking... THANK Y'ALL! 13k reads! I LOVE YOU GUYS

(Not revising till tomorrow. Sorry for any mistakes or time errors)

Anyway, here is the next chapter!


Chapter 17- (The Cat Is Out)

Staring out at all the beautiful lights was soothing. The silence between Tatum and I was okay too. I think we were both at ease, thinking things through our heads.

However, I think he knows something was up with me.

What the heck was I gonna do? Go back and act all cheery after that message my mother left me?

Hell. No.

Who does my father think he is? He abandoned my family for a second time after my grandmother died because he thought I would let the cat out of the bag.

Guess what daddy? The cats out and your gonna go in. For a long time I hope.

Even at-

I looked at my phone for the time.

-Midnight, you could still see all of the clear as day hustle and bustle of the big city before us.

Even in the smaller towns, lights could be seen. And even fewer lights where in the farm towns.

I cleared my throat and attempted conversation, "What's that big city called?"

Tatum moved his head to face me, "That's Albany and to the left-" he pointed, "is Leesburg." He sighed and added, "Have you ever wanted to do something but you thought you could never be able to do it?"

I looked back, "S'pose so. I was so scared about college. But now that I moved here and with everything happening, I can wait to start my life as an adult." From the corner of my eye I saw a small frown form on Tatum's lips. He downed the rest of the wine from his plastic cup, crushed it in his hands, and tossed on the ground. "Don't get me wrong, I like this place but it's just, I don't know..." I confessed, "I guess I'm just sort of home sick... I miss the beach, the mall, the city, my friends, Starbucks, Victoria's Secret, Bath and Body Works. Now that I'm going to college in New York, it's got me freaking out because its... it's New York!" I say.

Tatum laughed, probably making fun of me for missing the stupidest things, "I hear you. But I don't think I wanna leave. Sure the economy is shit and sure it's hard with my dad and sure the prices of the crops have gone down, but I just don't think I can do it. This place is in my blood..."

I nodded. "But do you really wanna spend the rest of your life farming. Do you really wanna spend the rest of your life worrying about destroyed crops or crops that have low value?"

"I guess your right. But who the hell is going to take care of the place? Defiantly not my father... He's to drunk to even realize our pig is pregnant."

"YOU HAVE PIGGYS?" I asked excitedly.

"Yeah," he chuckled, running his fingers through his dark hair. "All those barns and pens you see are where some of the pigs are at. I'm surprised you didn't see the smoke house..."

I frowned, "Oh. You kill them?"

Tatum shrugged with a lopsided grin, "Fresh meat is the best. Besides, what's the difference between the smoked bacon you buy in the store? Chances are it was killed on a farm, maybe a little bigger then mine."

"Okay yeah I guess your right... I like bacon too much to be mad at you." Tatum chuckled, "Anyway, so tell me about the preggo piggy."

"Well, momma is about 250 pounds and the poppa is 350. They're both Yorkshire so I'm hoping to get 8-14 piglets outta her. She's actually due any day now."

"No way! Do you think you can call me when she starts to go into labor? I think it would be so cool!"

"Sure if you really want." Tatum chuckled.

I shoved his shoulder, "Course I want to! I'm going to school to be a vet you dummy!"

We both laughed again and then it was silence.

Even though my thoughts had been side tracked from our weird conversation, my conflict regarding Tatum and all his cronies still swirled in my head.

"So..." I began cautiously, "Who else have you taken to enjoy this view?" I leaned back against the windshield trying to act casual.

Tatum leaned back as well, rubbing a hand over his face, "Um.. Well, nobody actually. The only person who I would sit up here with was my brother before he died. You and I are actually here for the first time since he passed." Tatum said with a saddened expression.

Deep down inside I felt sorry for him. I mean his poor brother was run over by a car.. But I still couldn't help but have my heart do multiple happy flips.

"R-Really?" I asked slightly stunned after I had recovered from my minor heart attack.

"Yeah." He looked at me right in the eyes and I know he was telling the truth. No girls have been here with him!? I searched for any tell-tale signs that he was untruthful, but I couldn't even find an unnecessary eye movement. "This place is where I had my first beer... Brantley gave it to me. I think I was thirteen? He gave it to me right before he left- I mean passed." At the beginning of his small story, Tatum was smiling but it soon turned to a gut wrenching frown.

"Oh, wow. Well, thanks for sharing this with me.." I say truthfully, pointing to the view.

I yawned suddenly feeling tired.

Tatum jumped from the hood of his truck and walked over to me. I sat up, not sure what he was doing.

"I should probably get you home, huh? Besides, tomorrow we can start at the gym." I saw him smile before he put his hands firmly on my hips, lifting me up and setting me on my feet. I smiled when he opened the passenger side door for me.

I jumped in his truck and was buckled in by the time Tatum sat in the drivers seat. The truck came to a low rumble once Tatum started it. He backed out of the dimly lit pavilion and we began our trek down the incline back to Leesburg which I'm pretty sure was an hour away.

I yawned again and some how I finally found myself drifting off to sleep.

I was awoken to my left shoulder being lightly shaken, Tatum spoke softly, "Addison, wake up. You're home Belle."

I made a audible groan and turned my head so that I was face to face with Tatum. I rubbed my heavy eyes, as it was about half past one.

Tatum opened the door for me and I jumped out and let Tatum lead me to my front door.

Tatum put his hands in his pockets as I turned so that my back was to the door, "So... I uh, will see you tomorrow? I think the class starts at two so i'll call you around one thirty?"

I smiled, both our faces where dimly lit due to my porch light, "Sounds good. Thank you a lot Tatum. It means a lot that you want to help me..."

"Shucks Belle, it's no problem." He smiled before giving me a wave. I waved back and turned my back and opened my (thankfully) unlocked door.

I entered my house, and smiled.

Not only for the fact that Tatum was truthful to me but also because he showed me a side that I had never seen. He talked a bit about his life and his brother and it just made me feel happy that he was open with me about all of that.

I grabbed a banana my medication, and a glass of water before sitting on the stool in the kitchen, silently snacking.

Once I was done taking my pills, I slowly crept upstairs and went into my bathroom, brushing my teeth, and getting into my pajamas before crawling into my bed.

Within minutes I conked out and was dreading the fact that I had school in the morning. I didn't really wanna go downstairs at five thirty but I was starving from only having a banana last night. Thank God that today is only a half day at school meaning that I get out a noon. That left me some time to get ready before one thirty.

Before changing into a comfy sweat suit, I jumped in the shower to help my body wake up a bit more.

Not to mention I probably stunk like a skunk after I had worked up a sweat dancing like that..Seriously? What the hell was I thinking!?

Honestly I have no clue where I got all of that crazy confidence from to tease Tatum like that.

It kinda makes me shiver disgustedly at myself...

Surely he knows that our dancing was just to blow off some steam. It was just like our first and only kiss we had shared a few months back.

For God's sakes, we had just stolen a car and were filled with crazy excitement and adrenalin. As a result, we kissed.

No harm, right?

It was only a kiss.

It was only one dance.

And it is only one silly boy who made me do all of this..

Oh God.

That's what scares me. The fact that one stupid, silly boy can get me to steal a car, wreck someone's car, sneak out multiple times, and drink is way beyond my comfort zone.

But I like it...


After I had ate lunch around one fifteen, I texted my mom (who was at work) that I was going to the gym today.

She replied with a measly "K" and that was that...

I sighed. Back in the hospital it seemed like she cared about me. But deep down I knew it was all an act. It's always some sort of act with my mother.

I got off the couch and went upstairs to pack a few things for the gym.

What are you supposed to bring?

I decided on a small wash towel, change of clothes, deodorant, and a bottle of water all in a small scale duffle bag.

After packing and sprucing up my image just a tad by putting my in a pony tale, I realized that it was one o'clock and Tatum would be calling in about ten minutes which gives me time to make lunch and brush my teeth. I also made sure that I packed two pills just in case if I start to have a psychotic meltdown.

I made myself a grilled cheese and before I knew it, I was brushing my teeth when my phone buzzed on the counter showing me the Tatum was calling.

I answered with a pathetic "Huwo." still with the toothpaste in my mouth.

I heard him chuckle, "Brushing your teeth are we?"

I nodded my head but then I felt extremely stupid because he wasn't actually there... "Yuhuh." I said before spitting in the sink.

"Okay, we'll i'll be over in about fifteen minutes. That sound ok?"

I wiped my mouth on the towel hanging next to me before replying, "Yep! Sounds good!"

He ended the call and I couldn't help but feel all giddy. How was I ever able to get a guy like Tatum wrapped around my finger?

I sat by the door downstairs holding my duffle bag and I grinned when I heard the low rumble of Tatums' truck in the drive.

He was a little late but it's a first class... I think the coaches would let it slide.

I jumped up and opened the door stepping out and locking it behind me.

I walk over to his slightly rusty Chevy and jump in the passenger seat which I could probably call my own.

I waved at Tatum. "You look nice." He said to me.

Did he just compliment me?

I blushed and look out of the passenger side window to hide my face. Once I recovered, I turned and realized Tatum was looking so unbelievably gorgeous.

He had a ripped sleeve Charlie Daniels shirt on which showed off his arm muscles and his toned pecks due to suck a baggy arm hole.

It was about another twenty five minutes before we pulled into the gym parking lot. We both hopped out and Tatum pulled out his duffle bag from the bed of his truck.

When we were actually standing, I couldn't help but notice how nice his butt looks in semi tight basketball shorts...

I usually do pick that out as a quality in a guy but holy guacamole.

I can't believe he hides behind baggy work an blue jeans.

I decided to walk in front of him so I wouldn't be tempted to touch him...

Upon walking into the gym I began to get really really sweaty and nervous. I have never been in a gym before... My brother was the only one to go to the gym back home.

Tatum could tell that I was nervous because I started fidgeting with my hands as we were walking up the the front desk.

I felt him place his hand on the small of my back which made him silently say, "Relax. It's going to be fine."

And immediately I felt soothed. Who knew a touch could change so much?

"Hey guys! You look like new people? What are ya here for? Three month membership? A year?" The girl was young and even if she was talking to both of us, her attention was primarily paid to Tatum which made me a little mad. She couldn't stop staring...

"Um no. You should probably have our names in the system. We're are hear for the boxing class hosted my Ancora. Our names are Addison Miller and Tatum Boyer." When Tatum talked to her, I couldn't help but smirk because he wasn't even showing we any interest.

"Oh, okay!" She began typing away on the laptop in front of her on the desk. "Alright guys I got you. Just follow that hallway-" she pointed to the left. "until you find the big red door." She smiled at Tatum not even acknowledging me.

Take a hint... Honestly...

She smiled before reaching under the desk. She came back up with two separate keys. "These are your keys to the showers in the bathroom. Lockers are extra."

I looked up at Tatum, "We don't need lockers."

He nodded his head and grabbed both keys handing me the pink one standing for the girls room. Tatum took the blue obviously for boys.

"Common Addi." Tatum smiled warmly, grabbing my hand leading me down the left hallway. There were huge rooms on each side of the wall. Weight rooms, dance rooms, yoga rooms, rooms with treadmills and other running contraptions.

We got to almost the end of the hallway when we both spotted the red door.

Passing by all these fitness rooms made me a little self conscious. Here I was, a five foot tall girl next to all these muscular people who go to the gym probably every day.

I don't think Tatum goes to the gym but look at his body!

It's just as good if not better then most people here!

I stopped my train of thought when we walked in the room. I feel like everyone stopped talking and started staring.

We set our bags in the empty corner of the room and stood there, taking it all in.

Lined up against the shorter side of the wall were multiple pairs of boxing gloves and punching mits.

I'm not sure why but on the longest side of the wall were body length mirrors almost like in a dance studio.

Then scattered about we're the hanging punching bags, and another type of smaller more circular bag I had never seen before.

In Tatum and I's opposite corner, I saw about twenty jump ropes and I was pretty excited about that. I love to jump rope but Tatum thought otherwise.

He groaned and I smirked at him, "I can't wait to kick your butt."

Perfectly sculpted butt...

"We'll see Belle." Tatum crossed his tones arms but I didn't stair at him.

What I did stair at was the very muscular trainer walking in through the door saying, "Okay class! Whose ready for some beginner boxing?"

There were sixteen people in the room . Fifteen pairs like Tatum and I, plus the trainer. A few seconds later another guy walked in and that's when I realized that he was the co- trainer.

The first trainer who walked in had blonde hair that was pulled back in a short pony tail and the second guy was much smaller with a darker skin tone and hair color.

"My name is Mikey Jones." The first guy spoke, "And I am a psychology major from NYU. I also am a certified boxing instructor for about seven years now."

"And I," the second guy cut in, "am a retired boxing coach from the USA Boxing Federation. My name is Matt English and I have worked with many of the pros."

"Over the next few months," Mikey began, "we will teach you the in's and out's of boxing. And in a few months time, you will be able to go and actually fight others in your age group competitively."

Matt added, "First off we are going to start with some simple cardio to get your blood pumping. Now can I have every one make lines in front of the mirror? Like squad lines?"

All of us moved into rows that were spaced out in order to move it was just like gym class. Tatum was standing next to me in the other line, giving me a lopsided grin.

Once the trainers looked over our lines, Mikey walked to the corner of the room and picked up the jump ropes and dropped them in the middle of the room. "Grab a rope."

We all obeyed and walked quietly back to our squad lines with the jump rope in hands. I could see concern written all over Tatum's face probably because he isn't in the healthiest place right now. Don't get me wrong, he has a body of a god but he struggles with running due to the horrible fact that he is an avid smoker.

"I want all of you to do fifty jumps and count in your head."

I began jumping over the rope moving my arms in a circular motion. I was on thirty when I noticed Tatum struggling. He was trying so hard not to breathe loudly.

"Pssst." I whispered to Tatum. He looked at me as we continued to jump. "Push forward!" I mouthed. Tatum nodded and I forgot what number I was on.

"Great job..." He looked at a clip board in his hand, "Addison?" He must have our pictures down from when the hospital had to register us.

I nodded and smiled at him.

"Think you can pick up the speed with out messing up?" Mikey asked.

I nodded and picked up the pace. Before I knew it I was done fifty and going over.

"Alright great job guys." Matt said, "I think we should do some stretches now. Stretch your arms and legs. You can use your partners for help."

I turned to Tatum. I knew just the stretch that him and I could do. I sat down on the floor and patted my hand in front of me.

Tatum obeyed and as he sat down, I spread my legs out all the way to the sides.

Tatum raised his eyebrows as to what I was doing. "Just follow what I'm doing."

He nodded and stretched out his legs putting both the bottom of our shoes together.

I reached out my hands in front of me, trying to get Tatum to grab a hold of them. Once he realized what we were doing, he grabbed my hands in his without another thought

"Now we just pull each other to stretch arms and legs, ok?" I say to Tatum.

"Got it ma'am..." He said jokingly.

I was going to be the one to pull on his arms first be Tatum beat me to it. Next thing I realized, I was on top of Tatum because he pulled so hard and unexpectedly, I came off the ground.

"Tatum!" I hissed. "Don't do that you should boy!"

I sat back up on my butt after that awkward incident, "Oh so I'm a stupid boy?"

"Yeah! In my book you arm. You're lucky the trainers didn't see."

Tatum did his to die for southern lopsided grin after both trainers has said, "Oh we saw."

Safe to say my face was beat red after that...


After all of our stretching and warm ups, both trainers started to show us some basic steps and punching techniques by just punching air.

Safe to say that everyone in this room had worked up a sweat.

We were just punching air and following the steps of the trainers as they taught. I could see in the mirrors that Tatum seemed to be enjoying this. He was actually participating...

I was also skeptical about doing this in the first place, but it is actually sort of fun..





Lower cut.

Upper cut.

We were just practicing moves with the air while the trainers had their eyes trailed over all of us.

I can see why my doctor told me to take this class because it really is therapeutic. Not once have I ha thoughts about my father or anything else negative until now.

Even thinking about him now wasn't affecting me in any way. I continued to punch at the air, bouncing with every step.

"Great job guy! I think some of you are ready to get out the gloves and mitts!" Matt said.

Mikey added, "If I call your name you can go over and grabbed a set of gloves and mitts per group." He pause before calling out names, "Tommy, Jamie, Richard, Joey, Tatum, Addison, Jacob, and Miles."

I jumped up excitedly running to get a pair of the flat mitts and the big round gloves. "What do you wanna do first?" I ask.

He shook his head and shrugged his shoulders, "I guess you can punch my hands." He said. "But just go easy on me..."

"Gotcha." I smirked and slid the punching gloves on my hands while Tatum slid the pads in his.

"Ready guys?" The coach Mikey asked. We all nodded our heads and he nodded for us to start.

I made a few punches to Tatum's left and right hand. He he kept moving his hands in front of my face to make it more challenging. In defense I kept my bend arms close to my face, protecting it from any possible punches that an opponent would have.

"That's great Addison but don't forget the pep in your step. Remember that boxing isn't just standing on your feet." Matt said demonstrating a punching move, "You need to bounce on the balls of your feet."

I nodded and went back to punching the padding on Tatum's palms. I kept punching and switching my weight back and forth by bouncing just a bit on the balls on my feet.

Tatum kept trying to dodge my punches but I was quick and noticed them.

He then tried to send I blow to my head before I anticipated it and dropped my body just low enough that he missed. The second he missed, I pooped back up and sent a fake blow to his head.

I continued to punch the padding my hardest. A few times Tatum actually stumbled Mack because of my force I applied.

It made me feel happy that I was in control for once. I love doing this because I can think about my father and I just pretend I'm fighting him.

No longer am I the tiny little girl who couldn't fight back.

I can fight back and I'm not afraid to give anyone what they deserve.

I was happy to know that I got into my favorite college but I'm even happier to know that I am in the process of killing my inner demons.

For once in my life, I was legitimately proud.


The next morning I was in school and dreading it. I was so tired from the boxing class. Plus, I had little sleep the night before.

Sometimes if I'm tired enough, I get really cranky and angry so I try to steer clear of people that wanna talk.

I was on my way to eighth lunch when I felt someone squeeze my side.

It startled me at first but then I realized it was just Tatum being well... Tatum.

"Hey Belle."

I didn't mean to keep walking but I was almost in a trance.

Me not answering him have off the impression that I was ignoring him. He grabbed a hold of my forearm and forced me to face him. "My Lord Addison... What ran you over!?"

Is he serious?

I'm assuming he was referring to my ugly appearance and my horrible baggy raccoon ringed eyes from no sleep.

"Wow. Your an ass and I'm hungry so leave me alone." I pushed him aside not really wanting to deal with him.

"Awe I'm sorry I didn't mean it in a bad way... Just don't take your PMS out on me!" He joked.

I was pretty angry right now. I was cranky and when guys make period jokes that just angers me even more.

I looked at him with a harsh scold, "Do you even know what PMS means?" His smile faded and I knew he had no idea what it meant. "Oh my God you're stupid." I laughed, "Just cause a woman is cranky doesn't always mean she's on her period. If you excuse me now... I. Want. Food."

I pushed passed him and blew through the cafeteria. Walking to the snack stand, I bought myself a bagel and sat down at my pretty depressing lunch table which was occupied by me, Leila, and Felix.

Him and I made up after the whole fighting incident. It's not like we were ever mad at each other but he felt sorry for what he and Tatum had caused. I'm assuming he meant me going insane...

I was happy him and I were talking. Felix was the first to sit down and then Leila.

"Hey Leils." I smiled taking a bite of my toasted bagel.

Leila also found out about my past an ever since then she has been really respectful and not too antsy to here more. I liked that about here.

"Hey girl." She grinned ear to ear. Something was up... "So the senior class advisor is announcing a message about prom today!" She chirped with excitement.

That's great.

"That's awesome Leila but I think I'm gonna pass on prom..." I say.

Leila frowned and I caught Felix's eye. "What!? It's your senior year! You have to go to prom!" Leila explained.

"Nah... Not really my thing. Plus nobody's gonna ask me. I'm the new chick remember?"

I saw Felix awkwardly stab at his salad. "I would go with you if you couldn't find a date..."

I smiled, "Thanks Felix but I think I'm just gonna stay home. When is it anyway?"

"May fifteenth!" Leila exclaimed.

"Oh... One month from now. It's hard to believe it's mid April..."

"So true..." Felix mumbled under a mouthful of lettuce. He swallowed, "Guys in like two months we are going to be graduating..."

I raised my hands in the air, "Hallelujah! Cornell here I come!" I smiled and looked at my lunch, " I can't believe we are gonna be off in the real world..."

"What's your plans after high school Leila?" Felix questioned.

"Probably gonna stay with the family for a year. Then maybe school or travel. You?"

"I'm going to Georgia Tech." I told him congrats but it didn't seem like he was all that happy about his college. What choices does he really have in all honesty? From what Felix tells me, it sounds like his family has little money.

The bell rang and I packed up my trash waiving, "See you guys later."

They both said goodbye and we all went our separate ways.

It felt like the rest if the day went by super fast.. Before I knew it, I was driving back home in my car.

I was very excited to just go home an sleep. I was so tired and I feel a little guilty about how cranky I was to Tatum earlier this morning.

Pulling into my drive way, I noticed no one was home as usual. I ran my way up the steps an once I entered my room I dropped my bag on my desk. After slipping on black yoga pants, I dropped in my bed and fell asleep for what felt like ages.

I awoke to repeating noises that sounded like they where downstairs. Lots of banging and clashing around. It was maybe five o'clock because it was still pretty light out. Creeping into the hallway and into my brothers room, I leaped to the window facing the front yard.

No one was home...

Besides me...

Oh my God.


I wrapped my fingers around one of Daniels baseball bats and slowly crept down the steps. Stealthily moving onward, I stopped just before the kitchen door and clutched the bat closely.

You can do this Addison...




I jumped from behind the wall and the bad came crashing down with the wooden counter.

The persons hands went up as they jumped. The intruder turned around an I think I almost peed myself..

"TATUM!?" I screamed. "What the hell are you doing in my house!?"

"Oh hey, Addison. The door was unlocked so I thought I'd just let myself in because you were sleeping. By the way, you look adorable when you sleep." He made his southern drawl smile and I blushed profusely.

Honestly!? Why does he have to do this to me?

"Babe, you can put the bat down now..." He placed his hand on the top of the bat and slowly took it from my hands.

"Right. I'm sorry... It's just no ones here and so I thought someone was robbing the place. Wait... If your truck isn't in the driveway, then where'd you park it?"

He smirked, "Oh you mean the Jeep? I parked it down the road."

I made a lopsided grin, "If you brought the Jeep, that only means one thing..." I say putting two and two together...

Tatum raised his eyebrows, "Mudding?"

"Yes! I mean... Sure, I will go."

He smirked, "Good. Let's go." He grabbed my hand and led me through the front door, "Wait here."

I waited while Tatum was getting his Wrangler from down the street. He pulled up and I jumped in, buckling up.

Tatum had the top rolled down and the air was pretty nice. Nothing was bad about right now.... Until I realized what I was wearing.

"Wait!" I say looking at my yoga pants and form fitting teeshirt. Luckily I was able to throw on a pair of water proof boots I stole from Leila though. "My outfit!"

"Don't worry about it. You're fine!" He smirked.

"Ugh! Finnneee." I dragged on.

Tatum began to drive away, and my excitement was building. I ripped my hair from my pony tail and let it blow in the wind.

I rubbed my eyes, "Hey look, about this morning, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to be so rude I was just super tired... Hence why I was sleeping on my bed."

"Don't worry about it." He shooed it off, "I know that class was really draining."

"It was, and by the way," the side of my lips twitched up, "I totally kicked your ass."

Tatum scoffed, "Whatever you wanna believe little darlin'"

I fake frowned, "Aweee... Is big boy Tatum afraid to admit defeat?" I batted my lashes.

"I know how we can settle this..." He says with a devilish grin. "May the best mudder win.."

I smirked, "You're on."


Tatum's P. O. V

"You're on." Addison smirked with the most challenging look in her blue eyes.

I looked back onto the road and turned into a few back roads before coming to a muddy clearing. Some spots looked deep and others looked shallower.

This should be good...

This girl in the shotgun seat was not only beautiful but determined to kick my ass.

I will admit, she hauls some with boxing but why would I give her that satisfaction when she thinks she needs to prove herself.

By all means, go ahead and show me up... Even if my ego goes down a little bit, Addison looks hot when she's all muddy.

I parked in the clearing in some wet grass, "You're up.." I put the Jeep in park and jumped out she jumped out as well and I couldn't help but stair at her perfect ass in her tight pants...

I licked my lips an shook my head trying to erase my dirty thoughts. She was already in the drivers seat and she put the Wrangler in drive.

She put it in four wheel and pressed the gas. We started going into the muddy and watery pit at at least fifteen miles per hour.

She pressed the gas harder so that all four wheels were in the mud bog. She spun the wheels and then soon corrected by backing up, turning the tire and hitting the gas. Our speed picked up as we slithered through the bumpy mud.

I smirked at Addison who was so entranced in this.

She look at me with a devilish grin.

This girl has some wild in her smile. It was hot as hell...

For such a good girl, she sure craved danger...

I love that...

Mud was flying everywhere, her and I were covered including the entire outside of my Jeep.

Finally she managed to get out if a rut, effectively getting her out of the bog. She pulled out into the soft dirt and began to do crazy turns.

She was doing donut, flinging mud from the tires with every circle. With every hand over hand motion on the wheel, turned me on even more..

She finally stopped after doing a few crazy eights, "Now that's, some fun..." She opened the door, "Your turn Tater."


Addison's P. O. V

I jumped out of Tatum's Jeep Wrangler. We switched sides and he jumped in the drivers seat.

He made a funny face before he hopped out. "Addison something's wrong. The Jeep isn't sitting right from the drivers seat..."

He disappeared from my view as it appeared that he crouched down to inspected. After a little more then a minute he came back up.

"Son of a bitch!" Tatum yelled coming back up, "Addison you can get out. Were gonna have to wait for someone to pull us out. My back axle is shot..."

I jumped out and began walking towards him, "Oh my god! Tatum I'm so sor-"

I was about to apologize until I saw an unexpected four letter word written on the side of Tatum's Jeep in the mud.

It wrote, "Prom?"


WHAT!? I updated! Really sorry guys.

That prom idea was from a picture I saw online! HOW CUTE WOULD THAT BE IF IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED TO ME!?

Once I get on my sister laptop tomorrow, song on the side is Wild In Your Smile by Dustin Lynch :D

BY THE WAY I SWITCHED ACTORS FOR TATUM. New actor for Tater is Derek Theler from Baby Daddy :D PIC OF HIM ON SIDE. HES PERF

If you liked it, please comment, vote, fan, recommend!

Y'all are amazing.

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