Learn to Love Again

By Hexlocket

59.6K 1K 737

Sakura has been married to Sasuke for ten years with five kids. Everything to her was perfect til Sasuke star... More

Marriage Bliss
New Hire(Sasuke)
System Down
One Shot?
Divided(6 month skip)
Square One
Seeing Red
Night to Remember
First Birthday, First brawl
One Step at a Time
Turning Black and Blue
Taking Back
Falling Roses
Uchiha Baby 6,7 &8?
What happened to Rina?

Second Chances

3K 41 7
By Hexlocket

                   Sakura and I have been back together for three months and we didn't remarry...yet but we'll get there soon. Right now we're just working on becoming a family again. Us along with our five children are once again living under the roof as it should be and I could admit I was hell of a whole lot happier. Sakura wasn't making this easy on me. Though we were living together again I still had to ask her out on dates since we're pretty much starting over.

           "So dad are you gonna do it tonight?" Sarada entered my room where I was sitting on my bed holding an engagement ring I had bought for Sakura. "I'm still not sure yet. I'm scared that she'll say no." I put the ring back in the box and hid the box so that Sakura would never know about it. It's true that I plan on proposing to Sakura, but I'm scared that she'll say no. "Don't worry dad think she'll say yes." Sarada hugged me and went back down stairs. Tonight I would be taking Sakura very sepcial of course I wouldn't tell her. I went back down stairs to wait for her since she was in the bathroom getting ready and I will be bringing the ring with me. Footsteps

          Hearing footstep upon the stairs I along with my children were taken by Sakura. Her teal strapless came down to her knees. Hair curled to the side with a light touch of makeup and black flats. She was stunning but then again she always is. "You look great mom!" Yuuta ran up to her and squeezed his arms around her waist. "Awe thank you Yuuta. I'm glad you think so." She hugged him back and he ran back to the couch. I walked over taking her hand and kissing it. "You are indeed beautiful but you always are." A deep blush came across her cheeks. We left the house leaving Daisuke to look after the house and this siblings to which I had no doubt that he would let me down. We were driving down the road and making sure I still kept one hand on the wheel I took hold of Sakura's hand. I parked the car near the playground and got out before opening Sakura's door.

         I placed my hands over her eyes to keep the surprise secret. "Sasuke where are you taking me?" The sound of her sweet giggle fell upon a breeze. "You'll see my love. It's very special." I answered as I kept guiding her to our destination. After ten minutes we had arrived and I was about reveal the surprise to her. "One the count of three open your eyes." I whispered softly in her ear. I could feel her cheeks heat up.




        Removing my hands from her eyes to reveal a forest clearing with a lake. The moon was full and the stars were shining brightly. "Oh Sasuke, it's beautiful!" Sakura wrapped me in her warm embrace and I wrapped her in mine. "Now come there's more." I pulled her hand and walked over to a blanket right by the lake. On the blanket was a picnic basket and a bottle of wine with two glasses. I had no clue what was in the basket since I let the kids pack it but whatever they packed would be because they love us. Opening the basket there was surprisingly a small pizza but enough for Sakura and I. "Pizza and wine Sasuke?" Sakura raised one of her eyebrows and smirked. "Yeah..I let the kids pack the basket." I chuckled as I placed a few slices on each of our plates. "Well that explains it." Taking a bite of her pizza and I took a bite of mine before pouring the wine. This night couldn't be anymore perfect.  "Do you remember this place Sakura?" She was taking a sip of her wine when I had asked her.  "Of course I do. This is where were confessed our feeling for each other and we carved our names in one of the trees." I nodded my head. Yup there is where I first told Sakura that I loved her but she was forgetting something. "You also forgot this." I pulled a flower crown from behind me and placed it on her head. "You made the same flower crown for me as you did the first time. Oh Sasuke, thank you." I placed a kiss on her forehead. "It's not over yet." Sitting down our wine glasses I helped her off the blanket to take her another special place.

         "Sakura close your eyes again." I was taking her halfway around the lake to find a something of very importance. "Okay open your eyes." Opening her eyes they fell upon a one of the trees as the light from the moon was hitting it. "It's our tree!" Tears started to come from her eyes but I quickly wiped them away. It was indeed our tree. The tree that we craved our names inside of heart on. "I can't believe it's still her after all this time." Sakura placed her hand on the tree gently running her fingers over our curving. "Sakura would you turn around? I have one more thing for you." Sakura gasped after she turned around to find me on one knee presenting her with a ring.

               "My dear Sakura. I know I made a lot of mistakes. I broke your heart and broke apart our family for something I thought was lost. Took me being hospitalized to realize that it had never left me. Despite what I had done I felt that deep in my heart I had never stopped loving you. After seeing you with Sasori I wanted you back. I wanted my family back. You and our children are the reason I get up and come home everyday. I want to keep waking up to you laying by my side and to the sound of our children's feet. I want to continue coming home to you and the kids loving embrace. If I don't have you and our children in my life I feel like I will never breath again. So please Sakura. Will you do me the honor of marrying me and becoming Mrs. Uchiha again?" Tears were still spilling down from her eyes. I was still scared that she was going to reject me. If she did I would never stop trying. I love her too much.

                 Suddenly I felt Sakura's warm lips upon mine, "Yes. Yes Sasuke I will marry you again." The excitement showed on my face as I slipped the ring onto her finger.  I placed my lips upon hers again this time deepening it. Soon we were locked in an dying embrace with our tongues exploring each other's mouths as if for the first time. We made our way back to our blanket setting the basket and wine to the side for more room. Laying Sakura down gently I planted kisses from her neck down to her chest. I could hear slight moans escape her beautiful pink full lips. Stopping for a minute to remove our shoes to continue. I gently ran my hand underneath Sakura's dress with my fingers running upon her thighs. Reaching the lining of her underwear I gently slid them off her. I went back to trailing kisses on Sakura's neck as I put two fingers into her opening. "Sa-Sasuke." Hearing her sweet voice say my name made me quicken the pace of my fingers inside her opening. 

               Her back arched as I kept going and the sound of still calling my name was like music to my ears. I reached her lip once again kissing my lovely blossom roughly while still working n her opening. I pulled them out before she could climax. Sakura pulled away for a brief moment, "I want you Sasuke." I knew what she met but I still wanted to be sure with her. When I asked if she was and nodded her head and I smirked. Undoing the zipper to my pants I had entered her very wet opening. my movements stared out slow but the pace had quickened. Feeling Sakura start pulling on my hair I started to move faster til all I could hear was Sakura begging for me. I kept at the fast paced movement as I felt that we're both about to climax. "A- Almost there Sakura. Together." I spilled me seed into her filler up as we both climaxed at the same time. We stayed out for another hour before heading home.

              The house was quite which met that everyone was asleep. Before making her way to the stairs I scooped up Sakura and carried her up. In our room I helped her undress and cover up her gently. I undressed myself down to my box and took the other side of the bed pulling her close.


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