How I Love You (Zac Efron & A...

By mithravinda1

26.9K 513 111

Zac is an actor and Grace is a normal girl. Fate steps in and brings them together. They fall in love with ea... More

Author's Note...
Author's Note.
Chapter 3
Author's Note
Chapter 4
Author's Note
chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Author's Note
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
C-10-For Her
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Author's Note
Chapter 15
Author's Note
Chapter 16
Readers' voice
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24-The Date
Chapter 25-The Date
Chapter 25-The Date
Author's Note
Chapter 26-The Fight
Chapter -27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter- 35
Chapter -38
Author's Note
Author's Note!!
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Ch-46:The Lie.
Author's Note
Our book-A video!
C-48: The Change
Ch-50: Pain
chapter 52
Chapter 54
Author's Note
The unexpected
Chapter -62
Chapter -61
Author's Note
Summer-time Madness!
Author's Note:
Author's Note

Chapter 37

129 4 0
By mithravinda1

Zac just finished his interview and his work was done. He was on his way to college where he was supposed to pick up Grace from. 
He tried calling her but no one answered. 
He reaches Grace's college and notices that the place was empty and no one was there. A couple of students were able to leave the campus and Zac runs towards them and asks if they knew where Grace was but they didn't know where she was. He then tried calling Meg thinking that Meg and Grace could be together but she didn't answer either.
"Where are you? " asks Zac to himself. 
He paces around for a few seconds. He tried calling Mark. He picked up the phone. 
Mark:What up Mr.Celebrity? 
Zac:Yo! Is Meg or Grace with you?,they were supposed to meet up at the ground after college. Why?
Zac:Well they're not answering any of my calls. I tried calling Grace but she won't answer my call and then I tried calling Meg but she won't either. 
That's when Mark remembered what Meg said to him the other day about Alex's next move.

"Dude,get out of that place... I'm coming, I'm calling the cops. You get out of that place immediately!" says Mark in panic and trying to warn Zac.

"What are you talking about? " asks Zac pacing here and there.

"Alex...Alex must be there.He is trying to get revenge on Grace. You leave that place right now!" Screamed Mark to warn Zac.
Zac immediately ends the call and runs into the corridor of the locker room. 
It was empty and and there was no sign of human. He then looked up in classrooms, library, and every room in the campus but of no use.
He then remembered that Mark said Meg was gonna meet Grace in the ground.
He then ran towards the ground.
There he saw some blood on the hard ground and traces of blood stained foot steps.
He followed those footsteps and reaches a dark room and he sees a shadow shivering behind a pillar. The sight sent shivers down Zac's spine and his heart raced with fear of unknown.
"Who are you? " demands Zac
Then the shadow disappeared.
He could then hear someone trying to shout. But the voice was not clear enough and it wasn't audible. 
"Grace, is that you?"Screamed Zac looking around the hallway to hear that voice again.
He hears that voice again.  He listens to that voice carefully and follows it and finally reaches the girls washroom.
The door was locked from inside. 
He could hear the voice even louder now.
"Grace, I'm that you?"
The voice still Screamed "mmmmm...mmmmm".
That is all the voice was saying. 
Zac was horrified at the tone of the voice. 
He tried to open the door but he realized that it's locked from inside.
He pushed the door hard but it was no use.
He then tried pushing it even harder hurting him on his arm.
"I see how much you care about your little girlfriend, there" said a hoarse unknown voice.
Zac turned around to see who it was.

Alex Cruxe.

"Who are you?  What did you do to my Grace?" Screamed Zac and rushed towards Alex and took him by his collar of his shirt.
"Whoa! Relax there, Mr.Actor. She's safe inside that room..." said Alex.
"Open the door, you filthy!" Screamed Zac.
Alex then pushed a bat shaped rod into his chest which caused severe pain and Zac fell on to the ground. 
Alex grabbed Zac by his hair and dragged him inside the girls room and kicked him on his shoulder hard. 
Zac got back on his knees and saw Grace was soaked in her own blood. She was tied to the stall, her hands up. He saw that she was bleeding from her head,and had bruises all over her hands and slap marks on her cheeks. Grace lost consciousness long time ago.
Zac's blood boiled to see Grace like that,in a helpless position.  He immediately got up and punched Alex in the face, Alex falls down breaking a tile.
Meg was still in a conscious state but her mouth was plastered. She was tied with rope and was left on the ground. She couldn't move at all.
"Leave Grace alone and I'll leave you alone!" said Zac sharply.
"I'll give you a better deal. You leave her to me and I'll pardon you" said Alex.
Zac just wanted to beat the shit out of Alex.
Alex got on his knees and pulled out a knife out of his back pocket and ran towards Grace's stall. He stood behind her and smelled her hair and her flesh. He put the knife at her throat and warned Zac he'd kill Grace if Zac came towards him.
Zac just felt like his heart was being torn apart. 
Grace was in unconscious state, she passed out because of the torture she went through because of Alex from the past 3 hours.
Zac fell on his knees and saw how helpless Grace looked and even though she was unconscious he could see her lifeless eyes screaming at Zac to save her.
"Why do you want to Kill Her?" asked Zac
" if she can't be mine, She can't be anyone else's " says Alex.
"If it gives you any peace of mind,kill me....kill me....but don't kill her" says Zac almost pleading.
Alex gives an arrogant smirk and takes the knife and cuts the vein of Grace's left hand.
To that, Grace screams almost choking and coming to life.
Grace was now in a semi conscious state.
Little did anyone not know about what was happening to Grace was she didn't wake up because he cut her vein. She woke up because Alex was quitely stabbing her from behind without making much of a moment.
Grace was helpless. With that sharp pain, she opened her eyes and saw Zac in front of her, on her knees.
"Zac...He's going to kill me. You go away. He'll kill you too." said Grace in her pain writhing voice. 
Zac was practically crying now.
"I PROMISED YOU THAT I WILL SAVE YOU!" Screamed Zac and ran towards Grace. He pulled Alex's foot from below and dragged him towards the door and punches him hard 3 times continuously on Alex's nose to which Alex passes out.
Zac runs towards Meg and cuts the rope off with the knife that was lying on the floor.
Meg took off her plaster from mouth and ran towards Grace's stall and help Zac in removing the chains off Grace and undo her from the stall.
Zac soon saw that Grace had a huge broken glass was stabbed into her thigh and the knife was still hanging on her back crushing her insides. As soon as Meg undid Grace's chains,Zac was carefully trying to remove the knife from her back while Meg was trying to remove the glass from her thigh.
Grace was still in a semi conscious state.
"ZAC!!!!!!" Screamed Grace when she saw Alex came running towards her with a rod in his hand.
Zac got alert immediately and stood in front of Grace trying to guard her from further damage.
Fortunately Alex could not succeed hitting Grace again but unfortunately he hit Zac,harder than ever on his head 3 times until his head bleed and he fell onto the ground.  Grace lost consciousness as soon as she saw Zac bleeding. She fell beside him trying to hold his hand but she couldn't hold his hand,she couldn't reach him.
Meg tried to run away but she was about to get hit by Alex, just then Mark stepped in and shot him on his shoulder. Alex dropped the rod but continued to run towards them, until he was stopped by cops. 
The cops took Alex away from them and took him to the station.
Zac and Grace were admitted in a hospital, Meg needed first aid. Mark was being strong for everyone. 
He was being the responsible one.

~~~~~~~~~after a week ~~~~~~~~~~~
Grace slowly opened her eyes to the lights in the room.  She heard a little Beep sound from the machine beside her. Now she could hear and see clearly. 

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