A Forgotten Life

By Shinedownlover560

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Trunks and Rosamoona are back in the stunning second book in the Trip Through Time trilogy. Growing up is tou... More

Author's Note
Part I
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Part II
Chapter Thirty Five

Chapter Twenty Nine

189 4 6
By Shinedownlover560

"Fuuu... Sion.... HA!"

The same word was echoed by six different voices, followed by three different blinding flashes of light. This time was different than the first time the six children fused, however. The light wasn't nearly as blinding, and the wind didn't threaten to send anyone close by into a different country.

In a matter of seconds, six children were reduced to three; Bulla and Marron into Marlla, Goten and Trunks into Gotenks, and Rosamoona and Aki into Roski. The three shared a look with each other, glanced back at their families and friends, and took off towards Beerus.

"Wha... What just happened?" Kansas asked, watching the fusions of her son's friends. "Did they just... But how...?"

Nate, however, seemed to be more accepting of this than his mother. "They're special, Mom!" He says. "I told you they were!" But, even though he was unaffected by the sudden appearance of Marlla, Gotenks and Roski, there was one thing that caught his attention.

"Does... Does the one with red and brown hair have a tail?" he asked, looking behind him at anyone who would answer.

"Yes, she does," Krillin answered, not caring if that was something he should have said. "And her name is Roski. The one with blue and blond hair is Marlla, and the boy is Gotenks."

"But why does she - Roski - have a tail?" Kansas questioned, turning around like her son.

"We'll explain later. Now shut up and watch," 18 chides before anyone else could comment.

Meanwhile, as the group on the ground was conversing, Marlla, Gotenks and Roski were facing Beerus. The moment he had arrived in front of the purple cat, Gotenks had started mouthing off to him.

"Yo cat man, let's do this! An uninvited party guest with manners so bad he starts a fight over a pudding cup deserves to get Gotenks' fist rammed down his throat!"

Marlla and Roski had rolled their eyes at Gotenks, knowing full well that Beerus wouldn't take too kindly to a threat like that. As the boy charged to fight him, Beerus easily sidestepped, grabbing Gotenks by the head. He leaned the boy over his knee, spanking his rear repeatedly as if he were a misbehaving child. Gotenks cried out, squirming uselessly to get away. When he was done, Beerus held up Gotenks, dropping him to Earth below. The girls knew that he wasn't seriously injured, his ego suffering more than anything.

"Now then, who's next?" Beerus asked, turned and facing Marlla and Roski. The two got into a fighting stance, attempting to prepare themselves.

Below, Vegeta struggled to sit up. He looked over at Gotenks, who was writhing around, having a mental battle himself whether to stay down or go back up and fight. The Prince scowled.

"Stay down, Gotenks," he muttered. Glancing up, he watched as Marlla and Roski tried to hold their own against Beerus. "No... girls, you don't stand a chance... Get out of there...!"

Vegeta watched as Beerus phased out, reappearing behind Marlla. He jabbed her once in the back of the neck, causing her to fall to the ground next to Gotenks. She coughed, breathing slightly heavier than normal.

Roski's eyes widened, then narrowed. She clenched her fists, taking a breath before going at Beerus, hoping to catch him off guard since he was watching Marlla and Gotenks.

However, this wasn't the case. She landed some blows of him, though none of them did any real damage. Beerus turned to face her, smirking. Quicker than anything she had seen before, Beerus punched Roski in the gut. The breath she had just taken left her lungs with an oof and she too fell to Earth.

"D-dammit!" Gotenks cursed when Roski landed. Marlla slowly crawled over to her, making sure the red and brown haired girl didn't try and go after Beerus again.

With a look of disappointment, Beerus floated down, landing silently on the ground. Vegeta, who has managed to stand up by now, scowls in his direction. He doesn't flinch as Beerus flies up to him.

"I think it's time I punished this planet," the cat man says, lifting a hand and holding it at Vegeta. But still, the Prince doesn't back down.

"Alright! That is enough!" Beerus pauses, looking over his shoulder to see who had spoken. Marlla, Gotenks and Roski all look from where they still lay on the ground as Bulma marches over to where her husband stands.

"I don't care who you are or how long you and my husband have known each other! You've ruined Trunks' and Rosamoona's tenth birthday!" Everyone stares at her in shock as she raises a hand and smacks Beerus on the face.

The blow, like all the others, does little to hurt him. In response, he raises his own hand, and hits Bulma back. She gasps and falls to the ground, momentarily unconscious.

"Bulma!" Gotenks and Marlla shouts, the voices of Bulla and Trunks being heard above those of Goten and Marron. They look at the fallen woman, anger in their eyes.

Vegeta too looks at his wife, anger also in his eyes. "How dare you!" he screams. "That's my Bulma!" Power radiates off of him as he powers up to Super Saiyan and flies at Beerus. Everyone, including the Lord himself, doesn't expect Vegeta's punches to have any effect. But with his rage powering him, the Prince of Saiyans is able to gain the upper hand and pummel Beerus.

"His anger over Bulma made him become stronger than Goku," Roski says in awe, her gold eyes wide as she watches Vegeta. But, unfortunately, all good things must come to an end.

After blasting Beerus point blank with a Galic Gun, Vegeta is bested and falls to the ground in between his wife, who is beginning to stir, and the fused children.

"Vegeta no!" Bulma exclaims, pushing herself up and running to her husband. When she sees that she is still breathing and alive, she rushes over to Marlla, Gotenks, and Roski.

"Are you three alright," she questions. They slowly nod, none of them seriously hurt. Taking a deep breath, they release their fusions.


"That was incredible," Nate says in a hushed tone as we regroup with the others.

Bulma, Trunks and Bulla were helping Vegeta to stand as we stood around, waiting for Yamacha to finish his pep talk with Oolong. Momma stood protectively around Aki, Goten, Gohan, Videl and I, Grandpa behind her. I saw that 18 and Krillin both had one of Marron's hands, as if that would keep her from running off.

"That was terrible," Aki answers. At times, the fact that she is a full Saiyan shows through more than others. And right now, after the beating we took, was one of those times. "We didn't stand a ghost of a chance against Beerus. It's like Buu all over again, except worse."

"Hey, look on the bright side," I say, making a weak attempt at humor. "At least I didn't die this time."

"You died before?" Nate asked incredulously. "But, how are you here now?"

"We've all died before," Goten says. "Including you. But you don't remember."

"Huh? I've died? That's news to me. When?"

"During the Martial Arts Tournament," I replied. "After we met the first time."

"We didn't meet there," Nate says, shaking his head. "We didn't meet until school started."

Aki, Goten and I shared a look. "It's a long story. If we make it through this, I'll tell you all about it, I promise," I tell him. Nate looks like he wants to argue, but slowly nods.

"Can you tell me one thing though?" It was my turn to nod.

"Why do you and Aki have tails?"

"Because, Nate," Aki replies, "we are the Saiyans you've been hearing so much about. Long story short, we're aliens from a far away planet that was destroyed years ago. About one third or so of the people at this party are Saiyans or Saiyan hybrids."

Nate blinks once, twice, then three times. He looked briefly at where Oolong has finally stepped up to play Beerus' ridiculous game of paper, rock, scissors, and back to the three of us.

"Well... Okay... But that better be part of the explaining you do when we make it through this!" He had a grin on his face and I could see it in his eyes that he wasn't afraid that we were probably all gonna die and I had to hand it to him. The kid had spunk.

"N-no! I lost!" My head snapped towards Oolong as he looked from his hand to Lord Beerus, who stood about fifteen feet away. The cat man rolled his eyes, floating off the ground. A massive ball of gold and purple energy formed behind him and within it I saw the death of everyone here and the rest of Earth.

I felt Momma's hand tighten on my shoulder. She knelt down, pulling us closer. Videl buried her face in Gohan's shoulder, not wanting to watch the end as it came. Grandpa wrapped his arms around us all, and for a moment I was reminded of our reunion on the Look Out after Buu was defeated. How odd is it that this position has went from one of joy to one of sadness and fear.

And suddenly, there it was. Our saving grace, our light in the dark. A voice rang out, causing everyone to turn around and look, hope building inside each one of us.

"Wait!" Daddy yells again, his feet touching the ground. He strides forward and adds, "Lord Beerus, please do not blow up the Earth just yet!"

"Goku!" Momma cries, relief in her voice. Daddy looks at her and smiles warmly. He then looks at us, his children and niece, and give us the same look. When he looks forward again, his smile dims, but Daddy keeps it nevertheless.

"Lord Beerus, please just wait before you decide to blow up Earth," Daddy repeats. Beerus looks down at him, placing his hands on his hips.

"And why is that? Have you found me the Super Saiyan God yet?"

"No, but I think I have a way to find him," Daddy replies, coming to a stop next to where Oolong still stood, his hand slightly outstretched. "Just give me five minutes, ten at the most, and I'll have an answer for you!"

Beerus grumbled for a moment before descending and landing in front of Daddy. "Fine. But if I don't have my answer by then, this whole planet and everyone on it will be destroyed!"

Daddy nodded and turned, walking over to where Bulma stood, still supporting Vegeta.

"Bulma, I need to Dragon Balls for this. Are they in the house still?"

The blue haired woman nodded. "Yeah, right where we left them last time. Take them anything else you need to beat this creep."

"Whoa, easy Bulma. Lord Beerus is still a god after all."

A god? I looked over at the cat man, who was smiling pridefully at us. Well, that would explain why he was so powerful.

In no time, Daddy had retrieved the orange balls from inside Capsule Corp and had them positioned on the ground before us. He took a few steps back, spread his arms, and called out for the mighty dragon.

"Eternal Shenron, I summon thee!" A bright beam of yellow light burst from the balls, flying high into the sky. The sky turned dark as the dragon took form.

"Why have you summoned me? State your wish so I may return to my slumber!" Seeing the dragon up close made my stomach turn slightly from the cake I had eaten. I always forgot the power Shenron gave off when he was summoned.

"Oh mighty Shenron, have you ever heard of a Super Saiyan God?"

From Shenron, we learn that a Super Saiyan God doesn't exist currently, but that one can be created when five or more Saiyans project their energy onto a single, chosen Saiyan. All of the Saiyans have to have righteous hearts in order for it to properly work. After he was done speaking to us, Shenron and the dragon balls disappeared in a flash of light.

"Do you really think this will work?" Krillin asks Daddy after Shenron is gone. Daddy looks down at his lifelong friend.

"It has to for the sake of the Earth."

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