Waking Up To The Boys

By _woahgrace_

160 4 2

Cameran Davis got a severe injury to the back of her head. What happens when she wakes up to strangers? Will... More

authors note
(2) picture of Cameran
(3) pic of Bryce
(4) pic of Jake

(5) pic of Luke

18 0 0
By _woahgrace_

Bryce's pov

"You really had to do that?" I asked Shelby.

"Well she doesn't know me, and your mine now, she's not in the way. You saw how broke her face was when she found out." She said.

"She didn't have to find out because it isn't true! I never did anything to you after the day that made me where I am today, so you best be get going cause we are done." I said.

"Your loss," she said rolling her eyes and walking away.

Now I just got to find a way to get out of the mess I'm in.

I got to get her to believe me.

I did it once, I can do it again.

Cameran's pov

When we got to our apartment, (it was really large with lots of chairs and clothes everywhere, but when I saw my room I remembered some of the house. Its like I got part of my brain back. Finally) I went to my room and sat on the bed motionless.

That conversation really made me queasy.

Why? Why would he do that?

There has to be an explanation, but right now, I'm not willing to hear.

So I am going to ice him out.

This'll be easy.


I woke up not even realizing I went to sleep.

I walked into the living room/kitchen to find Luke cooking and the others watching tv.

"Look who woke up," Jake said.

"Rise and shine sweetheart," Luke said smiling.

"How long was I asleep?" I asked.

"A couple hours...guess that's what hospitals do to you huh?" Luke asked.

"Yep, that or sit and stare at the wall" I answered.

All the while Bryce kept shifting uncomfortable.

You know, the most saddest word in human history is almost.

He almost got a second chance.

But look where that got us.

"What are you cooking?" I asked.

"Steak," he replied quick.

"Okay, thats gonna be a first for me," I said back.

"Don't worry, you will like it," Jake spoke.

"I hope" I said sitting down in the empty chair.

"What are we watching," I said as it was on commercial.
"Friends, it's a classic. We own every season because of you," Luke said flipping what they call a steak over.

"Yep and right now, Rachel is confessing that she likes Ross after she got drunk on a date" Jake added.

"Thanks for filling me in." I said.

For the rest of the show, we were quiet.

But it was a good silence for me, but Bryce, he looked like he wanted to say something and he kept glancing at me.

He will be sad when he finds out I'm not giving him another chance.


After eating I helped Luke clean the dishes and he was telling me about a movie we were about to watch.

He said it was scary.

And I don't like scary.

But he said he will be there with me, including Jake and Bryce.

Ugh he has to be there I thought.

Well he is a part of the household.

Here we go.


The movie ended up being The Conjuring and I screamed like a kid.

But Luke held onto me the whole time.

I still haven't figured out if he was holding on to me for my sake or his.

The world may never know.

After the movie I said I was going to go lay down, but I went and started reading If I Stay that was bookmarked, but I started from the beginning.

When I was at the part of the crash there was a knock on my door and then it opened.


"If you think I'm going to 'let you explain' and give you a third chance, then go talk to someone who cares," I stated my voice thick.

His voice small and vulnerable, he said, "can you give me five minutes to talk?"

I thought about for a great and awkward two and a half minutes.

Finally I looked him up and down and said "you have four. Clocks ticking."

He let out a sigh of relief shutting the door saying, "she was lying when she said that I wanted her a week ago, and in fact, I was with you a week ago, and I can't undo past where I did cheat, but if I could I would, and for a boy, I know I sound so cliché and I know you don't believe me. But trust me I would go back and undo and redo all of it. Because it was that day in Starbucks after bumping into you noticing that the way your eyes smiled that I knew I was going to have to get to know you. And then when you were in the hospital, all I was thinking was that if you die, I will literally go out of my freakin' mind. Death does not happen to you Cam, it happens to every single person around you. To all the people who would have been left standing at your funeral wondering what they were going to do now with out you in their lives. And I am so happy that you are alive, but I want you to know that I am in love with you." With that he got up and walked to the door hovering over the doorknob.

He expected me to say something, but I was speechless.

After a few moments he turned around and said, "one more chance and I'll show you" then he left the room.

After hearing all of this, I layed the book down and turned off my lights.

I needed to sleep this off.

I will think about it tomorrow.

With that, I went to sleep.

Teen wolf reference!!

Can anyone find it???

How did you like???






- xx A

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