This is my Life

By __kailey__

16.3K 301 96

forever isn't always forever More

.Chapter 1.
.Chapter 2.
.Chapter 3.
.chapter 4.
.chapter 5.
.Chapter 6.
.Chapter 7.
.chapter 8.
.Chapter 9.
.Chapter 10.

.Chapter 11.

562 9 3
By __kailey__

**Jacks POV**

"They don't know, do they?" I asked Lily, making sure Kelley and Hayes couldn't hear us.

"Oh jeez I hope not. But remember, that was a one time thing. You have Kelley and I have Hayes. Even if they do find out, it's not a big deal right? I mean, we were so drunk and didn't even know where we were," Lily rambled.

"Yeah you're right. Kelley over reacts so much though and we have a baby on the way and what if-"

"No what ifs Jack. Everything will be okay," Lily said.

Hayes and Kelley walked back over to us and I smiled at Kelley, reaching my hand to put it around her waist, but she smacked my hand away.

"Kell what's wrong?" I asked her.

"We'll talk later," she mumbled and crossed her arms.

"We should probably get going..." Hayes said and he took Lily's hand and they walked away.

Once they were out of our sight I put my hands on Kelleys hip and looked at her dead in her watering eyes.

"Mind telling me what's wrong now?"

"We'll talk at home," she spat and walked away from me and back to the car. I followed her and helped her get in the passenger seat. I then got in on the other side, started the car and drove home.

**Kelleys POV**

Why does this always happen? I fall in love with someone, start a life with them, and then they cheat. I don't understand what's I'm doing wrong.

Jack placed his hand on my thigh, rubbing his thumb against my skin.

"You know, I'll always love you. Even when you're mad at me. There's nothing I don't love about you. Kelley you are the most amazing person I've ever met. You really changed me as a person," Jack said soothingly.

"I don't think you have changed Jack," I sighed and leaned my head against the window.

"Baby I really have," Jack said, lacing his hands together with mine.

"I really wanted to do this when we got home, but what is this then?" I asked and then showed Jack the picture.

"Look I can explain. But let's please do this at home," Jack said, taking his eyes off the road to look at me.

"Please focus on the road," I said in monotone and continued to look out the window, not even noticing that Jacks hand has gripped my leg tighter.


We got home and Jack and I went and sat on the couch, sitting in silence until I finally spoke.

"Why? Why would you do this?" I said in disbelief.

"Lily and I were so drunk and had no control over what we were doing and I'm so sorry and I feel like shit," Jack explained.

"I hope you learned your lesson. I'm not breaking up with you but you have lost my trust. Find a way to earn it back. I'm going to bed goodnight," I said and started to walk up the stairs.

"Kelley wait," Jack called and ran up to where I was but a few stairs lower so I was the same height as him.

He grabbed my waist and pulled me in for a passion filled kiss.

"Goodnight," he whispered against my lips and then kissed my belly like he does every night.

*Hayes POV*

"Lil, why did you kiss Jack?" I asked, breaking the silence during our car ride home.

"I was really drunk Hayes. I knew what I did the moment I did it though. You know I love you and wouldn't hurt you on purpose. I'm not Kelley," Lily said.

"Please don't say things like that about Kelley," I said, obviously getting annoyed.

"Why? She's a whore! She never treated you good and you know she didn't. She was in it for the sex I can guarantee it. Once she was bored of your dick she moved on to a bigger and better one."

"I know you're right, but can you not talk about her like that, please?" I asked, taking my eyes off the road to look into Lilys.

"I guess, I'm sorry," she sighed.

"Ya know...speaking of sex, we haven't had it in a while," I changed the subject.

Lily sat there for 30 seconds before telling me to turn on to a back road and then just keep driving. She then unzipped my shorts and wrapped her lips around my dick.

Road head...nice.

*Kelley POV**

(1 year later)

"Jack I can't believe Brooklyn is already 7 months old!" I said as I was playing with her in our living room.

"I know it's crazy," he said, coming over to sit by me. One hand had a cup of coffee and the other one he placed on my thigh.

We had our baby girl and named her Brooklyn Kay North Gilinsky. Jack and I have been super happy together, but he still hasn't proposed.

"Do you have to go into work today?" I asked.

"Nah, I'm taking the summer off. I don't go back until September. I want to spend every moment I can with my family," Jack smiled and kissed me.

Jack is CEO of some international business, dealing with trade or something. I don't have a job, just being a mother.

"Hey, how about we bring Brooklyn over to your moms house tonight, and we can have some alone time," Jack whispered in my ear, sending goosebumps down my entire body.

"Sounds like a good idea," I said, purposely placing my hand on Jack's inner thigh to tease him.

"Shit, you're killing me Kelley," Jack said, placing his hand on top of mine to try and control it. He moved it closer to his package and then I removed my hand and got up to put Brooklyn down for a nap.

I laughed at the expression on Jacks face and then went into the kitchen to make myself some food.

Jack came up behind me and placed his hands on my lower stomach and started kissing down my neck, but then stopped a few seconds later.

"Payback," he whispered and then grabbed my butt and walked away.

Man I love that guy.

**Hayes POV**

I proposed to Lily yesterday and I couldn't be happier. She was the love of my life. I always thought everything would end with Kelley and I, but now I'm hoping Lily is with me until the end.

It sucks to see someone you love be in love with someone else, but when you find someone who satisfies you, you kind of just forget. I'll never forget what Kelley and I went through, but I can for sure move on and learn from my mistakes. She's happy with Jack and I'm happy with Lily, and that's that. Not every story has a happy ending. Ours is just a little different.

Lily and I were currently in Australia for a vacation and we were having a great time. Yesterday we spent the day in the outback and got to see wild kangaroos. It was fun seeing her fascinate over them.

It was now evening and we were just chilling in our condo.

"Hayes, can I ask you something?" Lily asked, facing towards me.

"Yeah babe, anything," I smiled at her.

"Do you still think about her?"



"I mean, I yeah I guess...not all the time but she comes into my mind every once in a while," I shrug.

"Knowing everything that you guys have been through, do you think we will last?" She asked, playing with the ring I just gave her yesterday.

"Hey look at me," I said, lifting her chin up to look in her eyes. "I love you, I'm committed to you, and I will stay with you until the end."

I then finished it with a long passionate kiss, and everything that happened after that, you'll never know for sure.

***20 YEARS LATER***

*kelley POV*

Well here I am, 55 years old.

Hayes ands I are celebrating our 15th anniversary today.

Jack and I got in a huge argument 2 years into our marriage, and Lily died from an eating disorder 3 years ago. I guess that's supermodels for you...

Jack took Brooklyn with him because he thought I was a threat to her. Hayes and I now have a son of our own and also the daughter Hayes had with Lily. Our sons name is Mason and he is 13. Our daughters name is Kacey and she's 18.

I haven't seen Brooklyn in almost 18 years..she's an adult now so she's living on her own...Jack hasn't been the best dad apparently. She said she was visiting me today and should be here any second.

"Mom I'm going to Avery's house tonight," Kacey said, taking her car keys and heading into the garage.

"Okay be safe," I said as I was sitting in the kitchen online shopping on my laptop.

"Hey Kell," Hayes said, coming up behind me and hugging me.

"Hey," I simply said and continued to add makeup into my bag on the Sephora website.

"Now don't spend all my money," Hayes laughed. I don't even think that's possible. Hayes is an A list actor and he's known all over the world. He has stared in more than 20 movies.

I'm working as a fitness trainer and I also do private lessons in surfing. I'm the CEO of World Surfers League so I plan every event and I taught both my kids how to surf. Mason has been a junior world champ 3 years in a row. I'm a proud mom. We moved to a huge house on a private beach so we can surf all the time.

Just then, the doorbell rang and I got up to answer the door.

Standing there was a tall beautiful brunette. She was about 6'2 and looked like a mix between me and Jack.

"Mom!" She smiled, leaning down to hug me.

"Wow, Brooklyn, you're so tall, and and gorgeous!" I said, in awe. She was honestly one of the prettiest people I've ever seen. Wow, Jack and I did good.

(A/N think Kendall Jenner)

Hayes came to the door where we were and just stood there.

"Hey, I'm Brooklyn," she held out a hand for Hayes to shake. He just stood there. "Okay then." She brought her hand back to herself and I lead her out onto the deck.

"So do you have a job?" I asked, sipping on a drink Hayes made for me. He made one for Brooklyn too, even though she's underage.

"Yeah actually, I'm a model for all those famous brands like Gucci, Michael Kors etc." she explained.

"Wow, that's amazing," I said in awe.

"MOOOOOOM!" I heard from inside. It must be Mason.

"I'm so sorry, I'm just going to go check on him," I said and got up and went inside and up to Mason's room.

**Hayes POV**

Kelley left and now it was just Brooklyn and I.

"So," I started, but she started talking.

"You're not like how Jack described you as," she said.

"Oh," was all I said. I was never a fan of Kelley and Jack being married.

"Okay.." She said and took out her phone.

"I'm sorry, I'm just having a hard time picturing you as my step daughter," I said. She looked up.

"Well I was thinking, maybe I could move in with you guys for a while. I'm in LA for some modeling stuff and I would like to try and be apart of this amazing family you and Kelley have."

You could tell she really wanted a real family. I can't imagine living with Jack for 18 years. Yikes.

"Of course you can," I smiled and grabbed her hand. Intertwining our fingers. "You'll always have a family here."

**Brooklyn POV**

Wow, maybe I'll have a real family. Living with Jack and his his new wife sucked. She was a whore and I fell asleep every night to then banging in the room next to me. We lived in an average house in Washington. I refused to call Jack dad. He was always high and he was a perv. He tried to get with me once.

(2 years ago)

"Brooklyn" my dad came into my room, stoned.

"What?" I asked, looking up from my phone.

He then came and laid down in my bed next to me.

"You're so fucking hot," he said, then slipped his hands down my pants. I jumped off my bed and screamed.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" I yelled.

"Please, let me fuck one, just once," he stumbled over to me and I backed away.

"Please, stop," I cried but he kept coming on to me. I did what I had to do then, I punched him and he fell to the ground, unconscious. I then packed a backpack full of clothes and other necessities and left the house. I got in my car and drove away.

That was the last time I saw my dad.

Just then, my mom and a younger boy came outside where Hayes and I were.

"Who's this hottie," the boy, who must have been around 13, said.

"Mason!" My mom scolded him and he sat at the table across from me. "This is your stepsister," she explained.

"Dangit," he said. "I was looking forward to maybe having my first kiss," he winked at me.

"Slow your roll there," I said and laughed. Then I said, "Sorry, I'm taken." It was true, I was dating the youngest Beckham kid, Cruz. He's 5 years older than me.

My brother sighed and looked down at his phone.

*Kelleys POV*

I looked around the table and saw my family, except we were missing one person.

Then, Kacey came through the door.

"Mom, why is Brooklyn Gilinsky our house?!" She said, seeming really excited.

"Kacey, this is your step sister," I said. "Brooklyn, this is Kacey," I introduced them and they immediately bonded. All 3 of my kids were now talking about some random things

I leaned my head on Hayes' shoulder and he kissed lifted my head up and lightly kissed me.

"We finally have the whole family together," he said.

He was right. I guess everything always works out in the end.



lmao it's been a year since I updated last. I'm so sorry to everyone I left hanging on what happens, but here's the end to a story I started like 3 years ago, you're welcome for ending it in a good way 😉

Please vote comment and share this I guess if you wanna. Recommend it to your family, friends and dog 😂😂

This was really hard for me to finish and it took like 3 months because I forgot about it and then would write some and then forget about it again😂

Well, I hope you liked it 🙃

For the last time...


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