Dance For Me

By starbuckstheiif

96.8K 2.9K 350

Arabella Esme Graham is the unnoticed nerdy, loner at school. She has no friends, no one talks to her, much l... More



6.5K 219 31
By starbuckstheiif

Arabella's outfit^^^ (minus the hair, of course)



! ¡

Another week passes by before I can go back to school. I found out that my cast is one of those water proof ones so I took a shower without any help besides getting in and out, which my sisters helped me with. On Monday, I slip out of bed and struggle to my closet. I've just been wearing my pj's all week so I haven't had to worry about changing. And my dad was catering to me the whole week. Bringing my food to me in bed. Having my sisters do my laundry. Doing all of my chores.

Wobbling to my closet, I pick out a dress to wear just so it would be easy to get over my cast. I choose a skater dress that has a strip of turquoise down the middle and black on each of the other sides. I shuffle through my belts and settle on a plain black one. Getting changed into it, I slip on a pair of black Vans- with great difficulty- let's just be glad I'm flexible from dancing. Then I put my 'sorry not sorry' necklace on over my head.

I grab onto my phone and slip it into the top of my cast. It's something I figured out would come in handy two days ago. I went to grab my truck keys and realize that I won't be able to drive my baby. I tear up just thinking about it. Ugh. I slam my bedroom door and head downstairs. Harmony walks to me and grabs my crutches. She walks down the stairs and waits when she arrives at the bottom. I grip the staircase handle and sit on it. Sliding down, Harmony moves out of my way when I make it to the bottom.

I grab my crutches from her and kiss her cheek. "Thanks, sis,"I say.

"Yuppy," She replies.

I clank to the front door and my dad walks into the living room right at that moment.

"Alright! Let's go!" He says.

Harmony and Diamond race out the door and fight for shotgun. Harmony first yells it and then Diamond yells,"Reload!"

"Dang nabits!" Harmony yells.

I roll my eyes and clip clop to the back seat. Sliding in, I swing my leg up into Harmony's lap so I have room to put it somewhere. My dad jogs to the car and twists the key in the ignition after getting in. I look out the window and count the trees as we pass by them. Harm looks at me and leans towards my ear.

"Are you okay?" She whispers.

Tears pick at the back of my eyes and I swallow them down.

No. "Yes, Harm, I'm fine,'' I say to her.

She nods and leans back in her seat. Dad pulls into the drop off drive at their school and starts the drive towards mine. A left, straight and another left. Those are the directions to the high school. Dang, I wish I could drive. Glaring out the window, Dad eventually pulls up to the car loop. Huffing I look at him and frown.

"You do have to get back to school, Bell," He says.

"Ughh, can't you just enroll me in online schooling?"

"Come on, Ballerina, we're both gonna be late if you don't get out."

"Wow, thanks, Dad. Love you, too," I laugh and slide out of the car. I stand on my good leg and reach into the car and slip out the crutches. I slide my bag onto my shoulders and slip the crunches under my arms. I wrapped two washcloths around the parts that go in my under my arms because the were rubbing them raw. The car pulled away from me and I sighed. Turning to the school, there were still small group of people scattered across the grass.

I started to make my way down the sidewalk and apparently the clicking of the crutches were pretty loud because half of the people turned and stared at me. It's no secret waht happened five weeks ago but I'd appreciate if they didn't talk about so.... nonchalantly. Never mind the fact that they are doing in front of me as I go down the walkway.

"She looks like shit."

"Why is she here? I wouldn't be able to face anyone after what she did."

"Can you believe it?"

"I pity her."


It never ends. The comments. Apparently it's my fault. Which I don't completely disagree with. It was y fault she was in the car driving. It was my fault she took her eyes off the road. I feel tears pick the back of my eyes and I start to blink rapidly.

Ignoring the comments best I could, I just clicked on by all of the groups and struggle up the stairs. I feel people's eyes still sticking to my back but I ignore them. I push through the double doors and walk in the direction of my locker. Out of the blue I hear my name being shouted and pundit footsteps behind me. I turn my head and all I see is brown hair and flailing limbs racing towards. Braelyn throws herself on me and wraps her arms around mt neck, nearly knocking me to the ground.

I drop my crutches and grad onto her for balance.

"Are you okay?! I am so sorry! You are going to be okay! You'll push through this! It's okay, lil nigga, you can do it! I promise! I'll be right next to you the whole time!" She starts to sob into my shoulder and I pat her back awkwardly. Her voice becomes unrecognizable as she begins to cry.

"Em jush sho shadgh fur whew," she cries out.

"Braelyn!" I pull her face up so that she is looking at me,"I'm fine. Calm down!"

"Okay... whew."

"Let's get to class, yeah?" I say.

"Yeah..." she leans down and grabs my crutches for me and grabs my books from my locker and carries them for me.

! ¡

Sorta a filler, but heres an update because I'm so happy.


V O T E ● C O M M E N T ● F O L L O W

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