Cowboys and Angels (A Dean Wi...

By SilverRaine

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Grayson had always preferred hunting alone. Ever since her family was killed long ago, she knew she wouldn't... More

Chapter 2: Headstrong
Chapter 3: If You Ever Get Lonely
Chapter 4: Move Along
Chapter 5: I Dare You
Chapter 6: Why Am I The One
Chapter 7: My Sacrifice
Chapter 8: 21 Guns
Chapter 9: Stay
Chapter 10: The Great Escape
Chapter 11: Wherever I May Roam
Chapter 12: For My Sake
Chapter 13: Carry On
Chapter 14: Miss Murder
Chapter 15: Some Nights
Chapter 16: A Little Faster
Chapter 17: Just One Yesterday
Chapter 18: The Phoenix
Chapter 19: Apocalyptic
Chapter 20: Dust
Chapter 21: September
Chapter 22: Dirt
Chapter 23: Nashville Without You
Chapter 24: Angel with a Shotgun

Chapter 1: Hey Pretty Girl

53.3K 657 191
By SilverRaine

Chapter 1: Hey Pretty Girl

I sighed heavily, pushing the door to the bar open quietly and walking in. Tables lined the walls. Some were empty; others had one or two occupants. All was still. No one even remotely turned an eye in my direction when I entered; most were so drunk they couldn't see straight and others just didn't care.

Smoke floated heavily in the air, but I suppressed a cough, taking a seat near the end of the counter, resting my head on my hands tiredly. It was quiet, which I was thankful for. My head was already pounding.

"No thanks to you, Abaddon," I growled under my breath, rubbing my temples.

"You look like you took a beating," the bartender said as he made his way towards me. I looked up, smiling slightly.

"Mmh, you could say that," I replied sitting up a little straighter. He nodded.

"Whatcha want?"

"Strongest you've got." He eyed me, raising a skeptical eyebrow, but nodded, turning away. Next thing I know a shot glass comes sliding towards me filled with a golden liquid. I quickly down it, smirking as the liquid left a fiery trail down my throat. I slammed the glass down.

"Another," the bartender asked waving the bottle around.

"Bring it on," I said, somewhat more awake than before. A half dozen shots later I was numb. My headache was gone. God knows I'll feel it again in the morning, but hey, it had been a bad day.

I sat back in my seat, somewhat more relaxed than before, slipping off my jacket and slinging it over the back of my chair.

"One last one," the bartender asked and I shook my head.

"That'll leave me senseless, and that won't go over well." He nodded, turning away and grabbing something out from under the counter. I flinched, reaching back for the hand gun in my jacket, but relaxed again when he just pulled out a beer for a very attractive man who had just sat down beside me. I eyed him, raising a surprised eyebrow.

His leather jacket and quite a bit of his dark blue shirt were covered in dirt and what looked like blood. Exhaustion was written all over his rugged face and defeat seemed to float in his enticing emerald green eyes.

"Long day," I asked turning towards him.

"You have no idea," he sighed. I rolled my eyes.

"I've already had 7 shots. Come at me," I retorted. He glanced at me, realizing I wasn't in any better condition than he was. Finally he just shrugged, turning towards me.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you," he said taking a sip of his beer and running his hand nonchalantly through his short, light brown hair. A small smile graced my lips.

"I'll believe just about anything," I replied expertly. Now all of his attention was on me. He scanned me, a small smile settling on his face.

"You're surprisingly open-minded," he said laughing lightly. I shrugged.

"Naturally," I said flicking my hand in confirmation.

"Well," he started, taking one last swig of his beer before sitting the empty bottle down. "How 'bout I take you back to my place and I'll explain everything there."

"I'm assuming something else is going to come before the explaining?" He let out a small huff of laughter.

"You are one smart little bitch," he said offering me his hand. I slipped my jacket on, laying money down on the counter before taking his outstretched hand and letting him lead me out of the bar.

I shivered as the cold air washed over me. I paused.

"I just walked out of there with you and I don't even know your name," I said somewhat disappointed in myself.

"Dean Winchester," he said giving a small wave. I nodded.

"Grayson Smith." He returned the nod. That was when I felt a familiar chill wash over me and I glanced back, reaching inside my jacket and laying my hand on my hand gun.

"What's wrong," he asked eyeing me suspiciously.

"Call me crazy, but we're being watched." He glanced around uneasily, copying my movements and reaching inside his jacket.

"Are you a hunter," I asked as he pulled a gun out of his jacket, cocking it back. He looked up at me, surprise written all over his face.

"Yeah... I'm assuming you are too?" I nodded. That was when I felt something move behind me and I turned on my heel, whipping the gun out of my jacket and holding it up.

I came face to face with what looked to be a normal human. The only problem? His eyes were solid black.

"I found you," he hissed.

"Abaddon just won't give up, will she," I sighed.

"You know Abaddon," Dean asked raising his hand gun and aiming for the demons head.

"Does it matter," I asked glancing back. That gave the demon just enough time to swipe at me, but I jumped back. Dean pulled the trigger, catching the demon in his shoulder, stalling him.

I took the chance to pull the small bottle of holy water I had out of my jacket and throw some of it onto the demon.

It screamed in pain, stumbling back. I jumped forward, sliding across the ground and sweeping his legs out from under him. He hit the ground with a loud 'thud'.

"Grayson, catch," Dean called pulling an unusual looking dagger out of his jacket and throwing it towards me. I caught it, stabbing the demon in the abdomen. I watched as the light faded from the man's eyes as a deadly energy swept through him. Then the body went limp.

"A dagger that can kill demons... That's useful," I said sitting back and inspecting my work.

"We got it from a demon," Dean said offering me his hand. I took it and he pulled me onto my feet.

"Now that's just ironic." Dean let out a small huff of laughter. Our eyes met and I felt my heart skip a beat when my crystal blue eyes met his beautiful green eyes. We stared at each other for awhile until I finally tore my gaze away. Dean turned.

"Do you have anywhere to stay," he asked, making his way across the parking lot. I followed.

"Nope. I was planning on heading to the next town," I said, watching as he pulled out his keys. Next thing I know we're standing in front of a '67 Impala. I stared in amazement.

"She's a beauty isn't she," Dean said, his chest swelling up with pride. "What kinda car do you have?" I stepped back; motioning towards a black Camaro parked a couple spots down.

"Not bad," Dean said nodding in approval. I smiled.

"Anyway," the other hunter continued. "Do you wanna tag along...? Or shall we go our separate ways?"

"You still owe me an explanation, so I guess I'll tag along," I said giggling. He laughed.

"I'm assuming I'm not getting what was supposed to come before the explanation?" I shook my head, rolling my eyes.

"Let's go then." We both got into our cars and we pulled out of the parking lot. I knew I probably shouldn't be driving, but I could still see straight, surprisingly enough. That fight had cleared my head a bit.

We sped down the road, the night surrounding us. I turned my headlights on, following close behind The Impala. Well, it had been an exciting night. I was chased by demons, but had managed to escape with just some scratches and a terrible headache. Then I just happened to wander into a bar where I would meet a hunter-- a cute one at that.

Maybe today wasn't that bad after all, I thought smiling slightly. Soon we came upon a rather run down looking motel. Dean parked in front of one of the rooms near the end of the row.

I pulled up beside him, parking and getting out, grabbing my bag and slinging it over my shoulder. Dean pulled a key out of his pocket as we approached the door, unlocking it and walking in, I hesitated, realizing what was about to happen.

I had been riding solo for most of my life. I didn't know what it was like to have someone else fighting by my side. I wasn't big on commitment either. I barely even trusted myself, so it was only on rare occasions and in unusual situations that I ever came to trust anyone else.

Taking a deep breath I made my way slowly through the door, scanning the room warily. Two beds rested against the wall to my left and a couch against the wall on my right. The bathroom was in the back. A taller man with hazel eyes looked up as I entered, eyeing me suspiciously. Dean waved at him and he nodded.

"Grayson," Dean said turning towards me and motioning towards the other man. "This is my little brother Sam-" Just then the bathroom door opened and another man wearing a trench coat walked out.

"And that's Castiel, our fallen angel-- Cas, Sam; this is Grayson." I gave a small wave.

"Nice to meet you," Sam said smiling. I nodded, looking over at Cas. The angel was staring at me, bewildered. There was a long pause. That was when I finally looked into his deep blue eyes and everything began fading.

I stumbled back, leaning against the wall and eventually collapsing onto the floor. Pain split through my head and I fell unconscious.

When I woke up, I wasn't in the motel. I pushed myself off the ground, startled, looking around, utterly and completely confused.

"Where the hell-" I stopped mid sentence. I knew this place. I wasn't sure how, but that sense of familiarity washed over me. Turning in a slow circle I examined my surroundings. The only problem was that they were all white; the only color a faint blue streak that I assumed was the sky. The only possible explanation was that I was standing on a cloud, or on some kind of platform in the sky.

This was also the moment when I became aware of the sound of people talking. I couldn't make out what they were saying, but some sounded angry, others sounded triumphant. I took a small step back, trying to pinpoint their location, but the voices seemed to be coming from every direction.

The next second shadows appeared, making their way towards me. I turned on my heel in a frantic circle, trying to look for an escape route, but I was completely surrounded. That was when there was a bright flash. The shadows began chanting "Kill her! Kill her!" I looked up just in time to see two beams of light coming right at me and then everything disappeared.

My eyes shot open and I pushed myself up, my chest heaving. I was back at the motel room. All three of the boys were looming over me, but I met Dean's green eyes first. Concern was written all over his face and fear flashed in his eyes.

"Grayson can you hear me," the older brother asked. I nodded, trying to control my unsteady breathing. I was shaking. But I wasn't cold. And I wasn't scared, just... Surprised. Pushing myself off the ground I stood up straight, leaning against the wall again as the room started spinning.

"What the hell happened," Sam asked offering his arm. I took it, letting him lead me to one of the beds. I sat down, resting my head in my hands.

"I don't know... I just- I just looked at him," I said motioning towards Cas. "And then everything started to fade."

"Did you see anything," Dean asked sitting down beside me. I leaned against his shoulder, hesitating, debating whether or not I should say anything. Finally I shook my head.

"All I could hear were voices. I couldn't make out what they were saying. Other than that it was pitch black." Luckily I was a good liar, even though that was partly the truth. That was when we all turned towards Castiel, looking up at him, asking for an explanation. He was quiet for awhile. He stood there, staring at me like he had done before.

Finally I couldn't take it anymore and I stood up, standing face to face with him. He didn't react.

"What the hell did you do to me," I asked glaring at him. There was another long pause. I opened my mouth, about to say something else, but that was when he finally spoke.

"Does the term 'fallen angel' mean nothing to you?"

A/N: So, since I've been watching a lot of Supernatural lately I decided to write a fanfic, and in all honesty, I'm really excited about it. I have a ton of ideas for this. 

I'm also really excited for Season 9. It's gonna be awesome. Just a heads-up, there are going to be a lot of spoilers, or at least for people who haven't watched up until the end of Season 8. Don't say I didn't warn you XD.

Anyway, vote, fan, or comment. I'd love to hear what everyone has to say. Critisism is welcome. 


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