Walking Corpse

By sunikin

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Cotard's syndrome is a delusion where a person thinks he or she is dead; figuratively or literally. Kai Chari... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty-one
chapter twenty-two
chapter twenty-three
chapter twenty-four
life after
theme song: you & i

chapter eleven

652 35 30
By sunikin

June 27, 2006

After the event with Gray, Dakota asked Kai for some space to think over what to do next. He wouldn't be able to help with what she was going through. She took overtime in work to distract her from the pain inside of her. Although at the end of each day, she found herself always missing him. Only, always, him.

Kai understood Dakota needed some time to herself and he missed her but what could he do? He busied himself with visits to the art museum, improved his photography skills, and put in occasional bar times. Without Dakota, things just didn't feel complete. At the end of each day, the only thing on his mind was her. Only, always, her.

It was about half a month later when Dakota gave a call to Kai telling him she was ready to meet her mom. Kai was still hesitant and protective towards the subject. She was stubborn, though. It took many days before they reached Sacramento from Washington. When they arrived Dakota took some time to build up the courage to see her mother. She also needed to be prepared for another harmful speech if that's what she was going to get again.

"Hey, if anything goes wrong we're leaving to go someplace else. I'll get tickets for Aruba," He says before she can leave the car.

She looks at him stunned for a moment then smiles, "Okay."

She lets out a deep breath before getting out of the car to go up to the dark mahogany door and ring the doorbell. She was already feeling anxious about this, she wasn't ready to be shot down again. There was an urge to turn back and run back to the safety of Kai but she needed to stay. The door opens and she's met with a middle-aged woman that gave Dakota a soft expression.

"I'm looking for—" Dakota's voice quivers, "—I'm looking for Lucille."

"I'm Lucille, how can I help?" She frowns as Dakota's eyes start to tear up.

"My name's Dakota—and I'm—your daughter," Dakota's voice breaks.

"Dakota," Her hand goes to cover her mouth before Dakota gets pulled into a tight hug, "Would you ever forgive me for abandoning you? Forgive me for not going against your father when he didn't want me searching for you. I'm so sorry."

"I was really hoping you'd say something like that because—Gray was really harsh on me," Dakota breathes out shakily, "I don't know if I'm willing to accept your actions but I do know that I'd want you back in my life."

"If you're willing then you could stay for a while so we can get to know each other better," Lucille wipes away her tears and laughs a bit.

"You can't stay, Dakota," Kai's voice interrupts the conversation.

His voice takes her by surprise and she quickly turns to look at him with confusion. There was something wrong.

"I need you," He says quietly enough for her to hear.

Dakota stares hard at Kai, she found all the answers once she looked at his eyes. They were glossy and slightly red, he had probably held back whatever tears were left to face her. She looks back to her mother, "Right, there's something that has to be done back in Washington."

"Couldn't you stay the night here?" Lucille offers, hoping to spend more time with her.

Dakota thinks over the situation for a moment, but it was clear where her priorities were. As much as she wanted to spend more time with the reunion of meeting her mother, Kai needed her. She wouldn't place him below someone she just met, even if it was her mother.

"I'm sorry, it's best that we get back as soon as possible, matters are urgent. If anything you could fly out to meet us there later?"

Lucille's expression seems to sadden but she nods, "I understand. If you'd like I could fly out to Washington and we can catch up there."

There's a slight hesitation but Dakota nods happily, "I think that would be nice."

"Go on, I'll book a flight to Washington as soon as possible," Lucille beams. With that, Dakota runs off to the car with Kai.


During the drive back to Washington, the car decided to break down which forced the two to stay put in a motel that was nearby. Kai seemed impatient with time and was a bit frustrated when this happened.

"The mechanic will arrive tomorrow and take it to his shop. We'll spend the night here," He exhales sharply.

"What happened?" She asks in a soft tone.

"I need some air right now. Why don't you freshen up and we can talk after?" He suggests as he stands by the front door.

She takes his hint and agrees, "Take all the time you need."

An hour later he comes back in as she finishes showering. She questions him as she wraps a towel around her and puts on her undergarments, "Are you okay?"

He stands in the short hallway, one shoulder against the wall and hands in the pockets of his jeans. The bathroom door was left a crack open, letting out the dimmed light. He scratches his jawline and answers, "I will be soon. I'm sorry for making you leave. You could've stayed."

"I wanted to be there for you. What happened?"

Kai blows out a long breath, "Scott had a heart attack, nothing fatal luckily but enough to make him hospitalized."

Dakota pauses her actions for a moment to take in the words that came out. She'd only met Scott a few times but he was someone important in her life. He meant a lot to Kai too, so how would Kai react if he lost someone who meant a lot? She tries to soothe him, "We'll get back as soon as we can."

He stares down to the cream-colored carpet, "When will this life ever go right?"

She takes in his reply, thinking about it. She speaks quietly to herself, "Yeah."

His eyes wander up to the bathroom mirror and lie on Dakota's body before meeting her eyes, "Besides that news, I know what's going on with you."

She puts on her thin white v-neck and her eyes meet his through the mirror, "How did you?"

"Did you purposely leave your hospital bills and reports out for me to see?"

She pulls on her gray fleece short before stepping out of the bathroom to be in front of Kai, "No, you interrupted me so I didn't have the time to hide it all."

"Why not just tell me?"

"I knew you would worry and get all fussed up about it," She rolls her eyes without meaning to.

Kai rolls his shoulders, "I would've but only because I care about you."

Dakota looks away for a second but her hand reaches up to caress the side of his face, "I know. That's who you are, but Kai, you put everyone else first before you. What about caring for yourself sometimes?"

He lets out another long breath and runs his hand through his hair before sitting on the edge of the bed, "It's hard to do that."

"Don't worry about me," She runs her hand down the back of his head, comforting him.

He rests his head against her chest, "I just don't want to lose the ones closest to me."

"You never will."

She walks off to grab the pack of beer for the both of them to share. She pops one open before handing it to him. The alcohol would have helped him numb the thoughts for a moment but he was going to need more to stop all the thoughts for the night, and so did she. They both shared a high tolerance for alcohol. She takes a long drink from his bottle before setting it down on the nightstand. Dakota glances down to Kai when he tells her something under his breath, she nods before leaning down to share a tender, arousing kiss.

"Let's just call it a night, I'm pretty tired," She ends the kiss with a light bite to his lower lip as much as she wanted to continue.

He places his hand on her hip stopping her momentarily from walking off, "What did you mean when you said I never will?"

"You're going to lose people, whether you like it or not. They'll always leave a part of them behind, though. It'll be something to hold onto. Anyways, care for another drink?" She asks while grabbing another bottle.

Kai nods and takes it from her. He found himself unable to stop the pondering thoughts in his head.

The next morning Kai woke up to a loud knock at the door. Dakota turns to the other side as he untangles himself from her to get out of the bed, throwing on a shirt and fixing his hair quickly. Along with popping a mint into his mouth to clear the alcohol breath.

"Was it you who called for a tow?" An old man asks when Kai answers the door.

"Yeah, do you think you could see what's wrong with it here," Kai asks glancing back to Dakota, "Wouldn't want to wake sleeping beauty in here."

The old man chuckles and nods, "Sure, I got my tools so I'll take a look."

Kai goes back in and cleans up the scattered empty bottles on the floor. Dakota stirs in bed from all the noise he was making.

"Why are you up so early?" She calls out quietly.

He walks over to the bed to greet her with a quick kiss. Some of her hair falls onto her face and he moves it away, "It's nearly noon, and I need to clear my head instead of being hungover if the car gets fixed."

She holds onto his arm firmly and pouts, "Get back in bed for a few minutes."

"I'm not sure about driving home with a hangover," He chuckles and shakes his head.

"You can spare a few minutes alone with me."

There's a smirk growing on him as she runs her fingers along his arm. He gives in reluctantly and lies back down on his side of the bed. She moves herself to sit on top of his waist and holds his face gently.

"I know I never say it to you, but I promise everything will be okay in the end," She speaks softly as her thumb rubs his cheek.

He leans into one of her hands and closes his eyes before speaking, "I don't think the morning is meant for getting emotional time."

"Open your eyes and look at me, you wuss."

Kai chuckles and opens his eyes to look at her, "You don't need to get all mean either."

"I'm not being mean," She smiles and fixes the front of his hair, "But you're always going to have me. I'm never leaving you. Whatever you go through, I'll go through with you. We'll get through this unfair life together."

"Okay, connect emotionally time is over," Kai pecks her forehead and pushes her off him gently.

"Get to the bar then so I can get changed and ready," Dakota manages to get out of the bed grumbling while dragging the covers with her.

Kai smiles to himself at the thought of her before heading over to the bar.


The mechanic finished fixing up the car by the time Kai finished his coffee.

"Just buy me a beer," The mechanic sighs as he takes a seat beside Kai.

"No, I should pay you for coming all the way out here," Kai replies.

"Pay me by buying me a beer," The mechanic taps the counter to signal the worker behind the bar, "A beer please."

Kai takes out some dollar bills and hands them to the bartender, "Why beer and not money?"

"My life is slowly slipping out of my grasp. Money can't buy me another life when I'm on my deathbed," He pops open the first bottle, "If there's one piece of advice I can give you, it'd be to slow down and think things through because later on, it'll come back to bite your ass. The name's Eli."

"Nice to know you, the name's Kai. I'll drink to that by the way," He clinks his glass of water with Eli's.

"Smoke?" Eli raises his brow offering Kai a cigar.

Kai shakes his head, "Never will."

"I needed to smoke nearly five times a day just to be fine," Eli shakes his head, "It was unbelievable."

Kai acknowledges the comment and finishes drinking his glass of water. He continues talking to Eli as he waits for Dakota. Eli had a lot of wise things to tell Kai along with amusing stories.

"Hey you, are you good enough now?" Dakota appears behind Kai and wraps her arms around him.

"I'm ready if you are," He answers and glances up at her to be met with a peck to the lips.

"Ah, love, the most amazing feeling in the world," Eli chuckles at the sight of them.

"She's amazing," Kai smiles and winks at Dakota then stands to shake Eli's hand, "It's been great talking to you. I hope the rest of your remaining days are good to you."

Eli nods and returns to smoking his cigar and drinking the bottle of beer. 

Once they're outside, Dakota stops with Kai beside the passenger side of the car, "What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking about us."

"What about us?"

"I just like us," He laughs a bit, "I like you because I worry less with you."

"Is that all?" She asks and grins.

"You make me love life more," He pecks her cheek.


"And I just—I love you."

"I love you too."

He makes a click sound and nods, "Let's go check up on Scott."

He walks over to the driver's side to start the car. The engine makes a loud roar and sounds as if nothing was ever wrong with it. Dakota laughs quietly to herself and moves closer to him to whisper into his ear.

He smirks and bites his lower lip with a content sigh, "I know."

"Let's go," She smiles and sits back in her seat.

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