The Summoner And The Ninja

By quiteme567

923 27 13

I love final fantasy IV and I totally believe that these two should be together. Some scenes from the game in... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 7

36 2 0
By quiteme567

Rydia was thinking after she left the throne room, about how should she raise this girl. Clearly if she wanted her to have the normal kid experience, she shouldn't be living in the castle. Rydia decided that she will live in the town of Baron instead. Having made up her mind, she walked to the gardens.

There she saw the girl, all alone. By herself next to the flowers. Rydia sat down next to her.

The mysterious girl then said,"No kid wanted to speak to me, how utterly rude they were. Or maybe they were scared of me. I just wanted to see their capabilities, so I merely should them a basic ice spell."

"Then they ran away from me, it's not dangerous though, if anything they should be scared if I casted a fire or thunder spell."

"I don't understand these humans. They were more impressed with a tree then my ice." The girl uttered.

"The kids don't hate you, your just different and there not used to different. They never seen a kid there age cast magic, maybe that's why ran away. But you shouldn't cast magic to show off your abilities young one." "They are more interested in a tree because that's how they have fun, running around it or trying to climb it. They don't have your capabilities of magic just yet." Rydia motherly spoke.

"I don't understand anything about this world." The girl spoke.

"How does one get a name here? I never had a name and these kids have one." "Even you have one, are you born with it or do you have to earn it? I don't understand." The unnamed girl said.

"Well normally people obtain there name from their parents, when they are born." Rydia said.

"I don't have any parents. I was cloned not humanely born." She cried.

"Well I never obtain a name and why is water coming out of my eyes?" She sobbed.

"It's called crying, because your sad." The summoner spoke.

"I have no reason to cry, crying was sign of weakness and completely not necessary where I came from, a place I cannot remember." She looked down. "Why must things be hard to comprehend." The girl questioned.

"Cuore." Rydia says out loud.

"What?" The girl questions.

"Cuore, that is your name."

"My name... Cuore, does that mean you are my mother since you named me?" Cuore said.

"Yes, I am only if you want me to be."

"Yes.. Rydia yes I want you to be." Cuore smiled.

"Would you like to live in the town of Baron with me for you can learn how to be a kid? And of course I'll teach you about summoning and black magic as well." Rydia happily offered.

"Yes that is something I'll look forward to." Cuore cried.

"Am not sad so why am I crying Rydia?" She questioned.

"Cause your happy silly, you can cry about being happy, think of it as tears of joy." Rydia answered.

"I can't comprehend, it's weird, but that's the reason why am with you for I can understand these human emotions." She said.

"Yes, well be together for you can learn. As well as I." Rydia hugged Cuore.

"Now let us pack with all haste and inform the King and Queen about our plan together." Rydia declared.

"Yes!" The little girl agreed.

After talking with Cecil and Rosa about Rydia's plan to raise Cuore. The king and queen of Baron agreed and also offered the two a house in the town of Baron, which Rydia agreed and thanked them.

Soon Rydia went to pack her things in her chambers and suddenly a guard came.

"Lady Rydia a letter for you from Eblan has arrived." The guard then gave her the letter.

"Thank you" she spoke.

She walks to her room, felled win emotions and Cuore standing next to her as Rydia read.

Dear Rydia,
How are you? Miss me yet? Don't worry it won't be long till I come to get you. I've been having progress with the 'problem' and things are looking good. With the progress this is looking, who knows maybe you won't be miserable for much longer. Don't worry you can write back to me, I have very trustworthy ninjas personally working for me. Hope to hear from you soon.
-King of Eblan EDGE ( not 'Edward')
Aka the strongest ninja in the world
P.s. the most handsome ninja in the world. Oh and your ninja.

Rydia was happy, she had a huge smile on her face,"Hmp stupid ninja." She joked. She was so happy to hear from him so soon, heck with great news. Wait she thought, what was she going to tell him about Cuore, how she is raising a young clone copy of herself. Well he approve, will he accept her, well he help raise her as the father? She was so unsure what to do. How can she tell him.

"Rydia? What's wrong, you looked so happy and now your sad? Is this human emotion normal to have such opposite mood swings?" Cuore questioned.

Rydia couldn't help but smile, this girl truly makes her happy. "Nothing is wrong my child, just good news from a special someone."

"That's good isn't it? Why are you sad?" She asked.

"I don't know how to entirely tell him about you in a way he can understand." She giggled.

"He isn't the most wisest man in the world." Rydia joked.

"Oh I see, well am sure you can manage, you shouldn't rush to tell him, you don't want to hurt his head with such news, he may not understand it in letter." Cuore suggested.

"You're right, how about we surprise him, when he comes." Rydia planned.

"That will be most interesting." "Who is this man you speak of, is he my Father?" Cuore questioned.

"Well it's hard to say, maybe not officially just yet but there is a big possibility." "We just started having a relationship, but we knew each other for a long time." Rydia truthfully answered.

"So you have feeling for this man?"

"Yes, I do..  I do love him." Rydia smiled.

"What is this man's name, I would like to know the man my mother is in love with." Cuore asked.

"Edge.. his name is Edge." Rydia answered.

"Where is Edge?" Cuore said.

Boy does Cuore ask a lot of questions. Rydia thought. Which should be expected this girl looks to be four, so it's natural for kids her age to ask questions.

"He is ruling his kingdom. He is a young King of ninjas." She answered.

"Then why are you here and he there? Shouldn't you be together since your in love." Cuore stated.

What do I do? Rydia thought. I can't tell a young girl, that there are rogue ninjas who want to get rid of Edge In any way. She decided it was best to lie with also telling her the truth.

"I heard that King Cecil wrote to me asking for my presence about an important topic... You. So of course I came." Rydia somewhat lied with also some truth.

"I see, it makes since for a king to stay at his kingdom. I hope to met him." The girl requested.

"Don't worry you will.. soon." Rydia smiled.
That night Cuore peacefully slept on Rydia's bed, tomorrow they will leave to the town of Baron. Rydia stayed up to respond to Edge's letter.

To Edge
I am doing great at Baron. The meeting with Cecil went good. He had a very interesting topic, I decided to tell you in person. Am happy to hear of your progress with the 'problem' and even though I do not miss you, I still am looking forward to you arriving earlier. Until then, I decided to live in the town of Baron till your return. I have so much to tell you.
Yours truly,

She sent the letter and went to bed with Cuore with much comfort. Thinking of how he will react to her news.

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