Chapter 8

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Back at Eblan, Edge was questioning one of the rogue ninjas.

"I know you used to be a citizen in Eblan during my parents reign, I can tell. And based on your weapons, I can obtain your name, as well as your family. Now speak. Why are you and your traitor group targeting me. Who is the leader?" Edge spoke with seriousness.

"Kill me for I will not speak, I will not answer any of your questions, your Majesty." The rogue said.

"Really that's to bad I guess it was a good thing for me to track your weapon and find out who you are Rin." Edge coldly said.

Rin didn't believe him when he said he can track who you are based on the weapon, this is bad. He thought. I need to get out of here.

"I do not know who Rin is, you got the wrong name." The rogue quickly answered. He decided it was time to escape, how though.

"Based of these documents your parents and younger siblings Milan and Joyce are still living as farmers in the Kingdom. I think it will be nice to gather the family wouldn't you?" Edge threatened.

He walked behind Rin and spoke to the hidden Izayoi,"Go and immediately bring the family of this traitor, don't worry about being nice and patient will you? Also bring four more chairs and restraints, am sure this family would love to all sit down together." Edge ordered.

"Yes your Highness, I'll be back with such speed." Izayoi responded.

"WAIT!" Rin gave in. "I'll talk only if you promise nothing bad will come to my family. Please do not let them know I am alive." Rin begged.

"Such a big promise to make, don't you think?" Edge said as he makes his way to the front of the rogue. "Maybe if you'll answer my questions with nothing but the truth, will I be able to commit to such a promise, what do you say Rin?" Edge looked at him with cold serious eyes.

"Yes.. yes I will oblige." Rin coughed.

"Good good am glad we are finally starting to get along." Edge spoke.

"What is the name of your group in which you belong?"

"The Saberknives." Rin quickly said.

"How many is along with this traitor group?" Edge said.

"Three including myself, based on your power and skills along with the people and ninjas who are loyal to you, three is the only number of people who wants you gone. We are the only ones that is brave enough to carry out the assassination of Edge Geraldine." Rin sourly spoke.

"Three people huh? Three people Brave enough? More like three people on a suicide mission." "What is the names of the other two and who among you three is the leader? Edge demanded. 

Rin kept quite. He couldn't tell the king their names, their mission will fail if the other two identities were figured out.

"Don't want to talk huh? Well fortunately for you am not in the mood to torture you as I want you in the best condition as possible when you decide to talk."  He walked up to Izayoi,"Is the family here?" He asked.

"Your Highness, they were here 10 minutes ago." She kneeled.

No Rin thought..NO!

"Do they know anything about their summoning?"

"No sir, not a word I spoke to them after I got them." She answered.

"Good good, I trust you got the chairs and restraints?"

"Of course your highness." She responded.

Then Izayoi and three other ninjas completely covered up in their gear came in a single file line in front of the rogue and placed each chair in front of him.

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