My Book of 1D One Shots

Galing kay ChloeStyles1D

182 6 7

For those girls who love One Direction so much they feel torn between pain and joy everytime they think of th... Higit pa

Before Reading
A Leopard Doesn't Change It's Spots

Dance Class (Harry Styles)

34 3 3
Galing kay ChloeStyles1D

A one shot dedicated to @Sarah_Styles_1D for her amazing comments and faithful voting on The Date Journal!!! And before you say anything about my choice of name for Sarah's best friend, let me explain and make some things clear. Yes, I have named the character after myself. No, the character's personality is not the same as mine. Chloe (in the story) has a very confident, flirty, sweet personality. I can be sweet, yes, but I can also be a bitch. And I am not always confident. And I am nowhere near flirty. I suck at flirting. Also, I have not based the character's looks on myself. I have brown eyes, not green, and I have light brown hair slowly fading into caramel blond (100% natural, I swear. I don't dye my hair), not fully bleach blond. Ok, now, enjoy!!!

"Like hell you're dragging me along to this!" Sarah complained to her best friend, Chloe.

"Awww, Sazza, pwease! For your bffl!" Chloe pouted. Sarah sighed. She was so annoying.

"Fine, you can take me along to your little dance class. But you owe me," Sarah warned.

Chloe grinned. "The next mani pedi session is on me," she answered. Sarah sighed dramatically and went to her room. What the hell do you wear to a dance class? She decided on some black leggings with studs down the side, a white spaghetti strap, and a pale blue and lavender muscle tee with silver flats. When she went down stairs again, Chloe was in the lounge, wearing plain black leggings, a pink spaghetti strap, and pink flats, with a messy bun on top of her head.

She gave Sarah a disapproving look. "Ditch the muscle tee, and turn that high-pony plait into a bun, please," she ordered. Sarah stuck her tongue out at Chloe and obeyed her orders. Soon they were in the car, listening to the one and only, Little Mix.

"Hey, how ya Doin? Sorry you can't get through. Why dont you leave your name, and your number, and we'll get back to you," they sang.

"I should dye my hair purple!" squealed Chloe.

Sarah snorted. "How about no? You'd look spastic, my dear friend. Stick with honey blond," she said.Chloe shrugged.

The dance studio looked like it had once been a school. There were still white boards, black boards, and smart boards on the walls of some of the rooms. Their class was Ms Virigina Garlik's room. Immediately the name Virginia put Sarah off. It just didn't seem to fit with the last name Garlik. But the teacher turned out to be young, with a round, sweet face and mischievous blue eyes.

"Hello, my little dancing and prancing hip hop stars!" she giggled. Maybe the class wasn't gonna be so bad after all.

Especially when three hot guys walked in. One of them looked particularly miserable to be there. He had gorgeous tanned skin and a dark-haired quiff, and warm chocolatey eyes. Another one of the boys had messy, brown hair, with blue eyes, and sounded like he was from Doncaster. But neither of those boys were the one that really caught Sarah's attention. It was the boy who looked embarrased to be there, and had a blush creeping up his cheeks. He had adorable dimples, exciting green eyes that were to die for, and brown curly hair that Sarah just wanted to reach out and play with. His eyes slowly scanned over the class room. He looked impressed by the young teacher, and Sarah felt herself become incredibly jealous of the pretty Ms Garlik. But then his eyes rested on her.

"Let's go over there," he whispered to his friends, but Sarah still heard him. Her heart rate sped up dramatically and her stomach started doing somersaults as he walked towards her and Chloe.

"Gawsh, that Doncaster boy is fit, don't you think? He could do me any day," Chloe whispered mischeviously. "You have a sick mind. Seriously, you're screwed up," Sarah reprimanded her, but Chloe just put on her best pedophile smile and said, "I do my best, my dear Sarah."

"Um, hello. My name's Harry," a male, raspy voice said from behind Sarah. She spun around to find Mr Sexy-Dimples-And-Curls looking at her nervously.

"Uhh, h-hi. I'm Sarah, and this is my friend, Chloe," she stuttered.

He smiled cheekily at her. "The one who is trying to escape this room right now, with the dark quiff, that's my mate Zayn, and the Doncaster boy is Louis," Harry introduced his friends.

"Hmmm, Louis, you say?" Chloe said innocently, but then she whispered so that only Sarah could hear, "Is there anything about him that doesnt turn me on?"

Sarah rolled her eyes. "Sick mind," she mumbled back to her friend.

"I am just going to go and say hello," she said sweetly and tottered off. So Harry and Sarah were alone. Shit.

"So how come you came to a dance class?" Harry asked. "Chloe made me. What about you? You look like you could dance," she said, and mentally face palmed. 'You look like you could dance?' really, Sarah? Luckily, Harry just laughed.

"I'm here for my mate, Zayn. He couldn't dance to save his life. That's why he wants out," Harry explained and she suddenly got it.

"Ohhhh. Chloe loves these dance classes. I am not so sure, but it's really hard to say no to Chloe," Sarah laughed. Harry's grin broadened.

"I can tell just from the way Lou has already fallen under her spell. Look," Harry pointed out, and sure enough, Louis was practically drooling over Chloe. She smiled mischievously and said something, while flicking her blond hair over her shoulder, her emerald green eyes sparkling. Louis' jaw nearly hit he floor. He nodded slightly and Chloe continued to flirt.

Sarah smiled, proud of her friend. "Yeah, she's something special. She has really high standards, though. Your friend, Louis, should feel privileged he caught her eye," she laughed. Harry chuckled, which made Sarah melt inside.

"Oh, I am sure he is pretty happy with himself right now," Harry agreed.

Soon the teacher announced loudly, "Everyone's here. The class will commence. To start off with, I want you to get into groups of four to six," Miss Garlik ordered.

"You, myself, Louis, Zayn and Chloe. Perfect," Harry whispered to Sarah. She felt giddy and excited. Together they walked over to where Zayn was blushing and fidgeting with the zipper of his hoodie, and Louis was gazing at Chloe in wonder. Sarah burst out laughing. Everyone looked at her, confused.

"Louis, you look like a puppy in love," she explained. Louis' cheeks went red.

"Shut up, Sarah! That means it's working! Not that you would know, you've never successfully flirted in your life!" Chloe jokingly scolded Sarah. Sarah turned red as well.

"Actually, I have witnessed her flirt very successfully just now," Harry cut in. Sarah turned even redder.

"Ok, are we all in groups? Yes? Good! Now, we are going to start with something simple. Well, simple-ish," Miss Garlik said. She taught them several different dance moves throughout the class, but Sarah was too busy thinking about what Harry had said to focus.

At the end, she sighed in frustration. "I think Zayn did better than me!" she cried out.

Zayn pretended to look offended. "C'mon, Sarah, you weren't that bad. Maybe we could, you know, exchange numbers and then you can teach me some of your awesome moves," Harry said.

Sarah laughed. "Please, Harry, you were much better than me!" she scoffed.

Harry didn't miss a beat. "Well then maybe I could teach you some of my moves," he suggested.

Sarah smiled. "That would be awesome," she said happily.


Harry and Sarah had been together a year. It had been the best year of their lives. Louis and Chloe had also been together a year. Harry and Sarah's anniversary was coming up, and Harry wanted to make it really special. Sarah talked about it a lot. "Should we have a romantic dinner? Or a movie marathon with candles? Or go out to Disneyland?" she pondered.

"Leave it to me, ok?" Harry said.

Sarah shook her head. "No, I want it to be perfect," she argued.

"What the hell? If you let me plan it it will be!" Harry shot back.

Sarah raised her eyebrows. "But men are less romantic than women," she stated As if it were obvious.

"We are not! Just let me plan the fucking anniversary!" Harry yelled.

Sarah's eyes widened in shock. "Haz, you ok?" she asked gently. Harry sighed, deflating.

"Yes. You know what, plan it if you want. You're the most important person anyway. I just wanted to do something special for you," he said.

Sarah felt a pang of guilt. "Ok. You can plan it. And I'm not the most important person in this relationship. We both matter. You must be happy. I'm happy as long as I'm with you," she said softly. Harry pulled her into a tight embrace.

"I'm sorry for yelling," he whispered into her hair.

On the day of their anniversary, Sarah was woken up by a knock at her window. She groggily opened her eyes, feeling pissed off. "I am not a fucking morning person, bitch," she mumbled into her pillow, so that whoever was at the window wouldn't hear her. She looked up. There, Harry was standing on her balcony, roses in his hand. He had a cheeky grin on his face, and Sarah swooned.

"Hazza!" she opened the glass sliding door and hugged him.

"Happy Anniversary, Sazza," he murmered.

"Happy Anniversary, Hazza," she murmured back. He then cupped her cheeks and they shared a passionate kiss full of love. When they pulled apart, they smiled at each other.

"I have a surprise for you tonight," he told her, and she smiled wider.

"I'm sure it'll be magical," she said.

She spent the rest of the day with Chloe. "Nawww! I bet he is going to buy you a car! No, a diamond bracelet! Ooh, I know, an antique dresser that belonged to Queen Elizabeth I!" Chloe squealed animatedly.

"You make Harry sound like a billionaire!" Sarah laughed.

Chloe frowned. "Being one fifth of One Direction has it's perks, right?" she said.

Sarah shrugged. "It means he's happy, so I'm good," she told her friend. Chloe rolled her eyes.

"Typical. You are such a sappy soul! Louis and I are modern bitches living life Avril Lavigne style! 'Singin Radiohead at the top of our lungs! With the boom box blaring as we're fallin' in love. Got a bottle of whatever but it's gettin' us drunk singing here's to never growing up!'" Chloe recited.

Sarah giggled. "You're so stupid," she said.

Chloe shot her a sarcastic look. "No shit Sherlock!" she rolled her eyes.

Sarah laughed harder. She loved her friend. That night, Harry came to pick her up. He was wearing cinos, a t-shirt, a blazer, and converses as always, but for some reason, he looked fancier. Sarah was wearing black high-waisted skinny jeans, a floral print belly top, and some 5-inch Loubertons that Harry had bought her for her birthday, with a silver locket, and large hoop earrings.

Harry drove them right out into the countryside, to a little barn sitting on a hill that had a little gum tree outside and a little flower bed. Inside the barn was a double bed with extravagant pillows, a little white desk, a soft pink shaggy rug, and a chest filled with soft blankets and a picnic blanket. Fairy lights were hung around the headboard of the bed. "Wow," Sarah breathed. "What is this place?" she then asked.

"An escape," was all Harry replied with. Sarah then spun around. She handed Harry the gift she had been holding. He looked inside. A navy blazer with white trimming and his initials HS embroidered onto the pocket by the chest. He then pulled out a pair of converses with Styles painted across them.

"They are, uh, home-made. Well, I bought the plain converses and plain blazer and hand stitched and painted the things on," Sarah said timidly. She was nervous about whether he would like them or not.

"Now I feel like my gift is less special," he said.

Sarah rolled her eyes. "Never," she said.

"Well then I hope you don't mind I had an interior designer do this barn up for you. I didn't decorate it myself," Harry smiled sheepishly. Sarah's jaw dropped.

"Wha-wha-what do you mean?" she stuttered.

"I mean that while you made your present yourself, I only hired someone to decorate my present to you. This barn," Harry answered. Tears sprung to Sarah's eyes.

"You bought this whole barn, for me?" she asked. Harry nodded. She ran into his arms, and he spun her around. "Thank you! You are the most amazing person ever. I am so lucky to have you. I can't believe I ever doubted your romantic side," she whispered into his shoulder.

They spent the rest of the night watching movies on Harry's laptop, which he had brought with in the car, and making plans for all they would do in that barn. "And I could do my artwork in here. It's a nice quiet place to sketch and paint. And Chloe and I will have our gossip sessions here! And you and I can have our dates here, where Chloe and Louis aren't here to disturb us," Sarah said excitedly.

"And maybe, in a few years, we will have little baby Sarahs and baby Harrys to bring here over the weekends," Harry said quietly, but Sarah heard him. Her eyes watered up again, but this time the tears did fall.

"Oh, Harry, I couldn't ask for a better future to look forward to," she said.

And five years later, that dream became a reality.

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