Change is Coming

By avengeroncerhamilfan

172 15 10

Katy has had what is sure to be her worst day ever. At her new school, The Dallas Academy for Performing Art... More

New Story: Cast
Chapter 2: An Announcment
Chapter 3: Gold Chain
Chapter 4: A Socialist
Chapter 5: The Star Spangled Man With A Plan

Chapter 1: Beginnings

35 3 2
By avengeroncerhamilfan

Photo Credit- Brianna Hildebrand (I don't own it)

She was dropped of at school in her mom's minivan, the epitome of the ode to the middle class her mom's soul ever so constantly protruded. The ride to the school was ever so agonizing the second the car drove out of their surprisingly large driveway which began at the base of her new large mansion-like house, a large step up from their previous household she lived in with her, mom, dad, and sister Sonya. That home was a 3 room 2 1/2 bathroom household in which she and Sonya shared a room to give space for her mom and dad to share an office.

She thought back to this house every single second of the painfully slow car ride. She stared at the other gigantic houses in a way that if looks could kill, they would have been dismembered in a scattered array of blood and bones. That course of action could quell the constant anger she had at the removal of their belongings from their simple house in Chicago.

Of course now, her father's dumb novel made sure that the school they would choose for her was in California close to the studio in which they would shoot his entire 30 book series in a collection of movies and tv shows leading up to the "shocking" finale where, spoiler, everyone dies. The irony was that there deaths in which they burn to death while celebrating that there enemies fell and they came out on top.

And that's how she left her school.She and all of her best friends were accepted to a performing arts school in Chicago, in which the irregular grade system went from sophomore in high school to senior in college. She was all set to ditch her parents and sister. Though she loved them, she wanted to experience the world and let her passion guide her. However, her parents ended up taking her away to LA for a "better school". She hated how her sister beamed at the news. She hated how her mom found a new law firm to work at instantly. She hated her how her dad had a successful book with awful dialogue and plot and romance worse than the Star Wars prequels. The distinguishable selfishness she continues to feel means nothing to her.

She steps out of the car with a total of zero fucks given about where in the school she would go or who she would talk too. However, Katy knew that she would not fall in with goths or hippies or druggies or nerds. She was not desperate nor did she feel a deep need to distinguish herself as one of these stereotypes. The popular crowd is never a crowd she has ever wanted to ever classify herself as. Fake ass bitches with annoying voices and a lot of money who would turn on you in a second. She was confident that she would fit comfortably in the middle of the conflict as someone not popular but someone that is not to be fucked with.

She stepped out of the car in her reddish-purple overall shorts with a matching long sleeve sweater. As ridiculous an outfit it was, it pissed off her parents, so she loved the outfit. Combined with a pair of Timberlands, she felt like she was unstoppable . She relished in feeling like she could be allowed time to mope around about the loss of her friends, though they would roll their eyes and tell her to calm down she still avoided socializing.

However, life got in the way as the Queen Bitch seemed to find her. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't know this was bitches get in my way day today, I would have brought disinfectant," the girl, Danielle, said. Her group of useless idiot followers laughed like she made the all time funniest joke ever. In reality, Katy had heard it thousands of times by many different people, including her self when she was joking with her friends. "It's great that you carry disinfectant with you sometimes. Wouldn't want your bitchiness infecting the students," Katy retorted. Danielle gasped with shock that someone would stand up to her. Her followers gasped at the fact that a new girl stood up for herself. Nearby surveyors were confused at seeing someone mess with the natural order.

Cheyenne, however, laughed, rolled her eyes, and walked out of the hallway and into first period, the location of Danielle, Danielle's followers, and Katy's shared first period. 'Oh the hilarity that will ensue in that class' Cheyenne thought with a smile.

I hope this first chapter was good readers. This book will be updated every Monday starting on January 18th. The next chapter will include a more detailed look on the ranking system, describe how the school works, and introduce all of the main characters. Each chapter will show 1 or 2 class periods and lunch and Katy when she comes home.
Comment if the book is too dramatic or you want something specific in the next chapter. Vote if you love it. Recommend it to everyone.


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