Eyes Of Death

By baileysmith9889

3.2K 590 377

Is it by accident or fate that a killer of such nature evil was born? A killer who is out for blood. Who will... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 10

104 17 5
By baileysmith9889

A confident look at least is what the man gave me. He was acting like he was one of the best out there. Oh, if he only knew my past when it came to criminals, and lunatics. I was unstoppable and not replaceable, but I gave in to my talent for a better career in my life.

"I have a bunch of questions for you, Mr. Ash," he said.

"Of course you do," I breathed out.

He clicked his pen, then turned a couple pages of his notebook to where a blank page appeared.

"I'm just going to ask straight up why did you exactly kill all those victims?" He said as he wrote down some things on the paper.

"Well, you know I think it's a joy doing it. Gives me a unbelievable spike that nothing else can. Those people needed to be set free, so I killed them and sent them away from this cruel world," I boasted about.

Giving me a long stare, he looked down at his paper, and started writing. He wrote about a paragraph of writing, then stopped, clicked his pen, and looked back up with me with a prideful look.

"Did they really need to be set free as you say?" He grunted, seeming already badly annoyed by this conversation.

"Yes, yes they did. You don't understand any of this, you can't."

"Why is that," he said with a eyebrow raised.

I closed my eyes for a second, then let out a long sigh. I open my eyes again, and seem him writing down somethings. After a moment he puts down is pen and look back up at me with a blank face.

"You know what, I will just leave it at that."


"I'll be seeing you again Mr. Ash."

He gets out of his chair, and he walks towards the door. Waiting a second for it to unlock, the sound of the door being unlocked by the police man is sounded and he opens it and leave me alone in this room.

"What sort of fucking guy is he," I mumble to myself.

Who comes in to ask a load of questions, then leaves because he is obviously annoyed with me. That is bullshit. This seemed like a planned thing some how knowing how I will be. What kind of person is that guy, this day is definitely taking a weird turn.

I hear another click, but I am not sure what it is. It was the intercom coming on.

"Time to get outta that room, and into a cold, dark cell where you belong," the police mans voice echoes through the room.

I sigh out loud loudly. The thought of being in some dumbass cell for the rest of my life doesn't sound too fun, or intriguing. I knew what I was getting into, but for the moment, I am going to act like it's the most exciting thing I've heard in my life.

"Sounds amazing!" I laugh.


I laugh at the police man. He gives me a very strange look and that makes me laugh all
the more.

"I don't give a shit about being in a cell all my life. Fine by me. Get over with."

"Freak," he mumbles as he grabs my arm and drags me over to the hall. "Walk fast, I will beat your head in if you slow me down."

I roll my eyes at him and then I start walking along side with him. We get to a cell and if throws me into it and locks the door.

"You stay in there for the night. We take you to the prison in the morning. Have a try trying to sleep on that rock of a bed," he immediately walks away from the cell.

"Finally," I sigh as I hope on the bed. "Ouch, it is hard. All well. That fucking police guy is so stupid," I yawn.

This day as been filled with so many things already. What this day has throw at me could not of been more surprising or insane for me. Being caught for many murders is one of the big things of course, but I knew I would get caught one day. It's fine. My dad, the supposedly "dead" father of mine coming here to be a big dick to me. It was a waste of time him seeing me. What is accomplished by seeing me? Just knowing that your son has killed many people. That's all you get out of it.

"This is too great," I chuckle to myself. "My dad thinks he has hurt my feelings," I laugh even more. "I knew he always hate a hate towards me for being different. It wasn't a secret."

"You have a lot of anger," William suddenly speaks out.

"Oh, you're back."

"Yeah, I am. First goal before you go to bed is to lower your anger," he tells me.

"Why?" I laugh.

"Because the anger you have is because of people that don't actually matter. Obviously."

"Why do you even care about my anger problems or whatever."

"Just wanna check up on you."

I lay my head on the hardish pillow and close my eyes.

"Well, William, you're the reason I'm in here, so I still don't understand."

"I have a good reason. You need to be trapped somewhere for a long time, so I can tell you some important things. Look, like I was telling you before with the people you've killed not actually being people is true. I know you don't believe me, but you are no evil, or no murder, but a savior," his voice fades away for a second. "Those people of innocence," putting emphasis on the last word. "Are none to call innocent."

For the whole time of him telling me this I am confused. What he is saying makes almost no sense. Those people weren't innocent? Of course they were, how could they not. I am not a hero,
or a savior, or whatever the fuck he wants to call it. They're just people I wanted to set free, nothing more.

"I seriously don't understand," I giggle slightly.

I hear him sigh loudly.

"Rest up. You'll understand soon. Talk to you later."

Just like that he was gone. He comes and goes so randomly. At least I have a little company as strange as it being a voice in my head. I'll take what I can get. I feel my only thinking the thought of sleep and I slowly forget about the conversation with William and fall asleep
Into a deep, deep sleep.

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