Under Your Control ( A Skybri...

By tanlxee

21.1K 789 1.1K

This is a Skybrine fanfic. Herobrine turned evil and insane when Sky was 5 years old. His mother died saving... More

Character Details
Chapter 1: Skybrine is back
Chapter 2: Herobrine?!
Chapter 3: Secret discovered
Chapter 4: Sis
Chapter 5: Separated
Chapter 6: Tiana, Tiana Kitsu
Chapter 7: Promotion Already?!
Chapter 8: Intruducing Tianbrine!
Chapter 9: Depression
Nyat a chapter!
Chapter 10: Back to normal
Chapter 11: Midnight joins the party
Chapter 13: Preparing for the trip
Chapter 14: Memories True end route -End-
Chapter 14.1: Good end -Alternetive end 1-
Chapter 14.2: Bad end 1 (More ends?! Is this a game?!)
Chapter 14.2.1: Bad end 2
Thank you for reading!!

Chapter 12: Plan to the Nether?!?!

641 28 19
By tanlxee

Hey guys Tiana here back after ten million years! Thanks to me deleting every thing, I had to take another 10 million years! Yay! Thanks me xD I have nothing to say here so here's the chapter!

~Tiana's PoV~

I heard Adam brought back another person whom is a brine and wolf. Seriously, what was Sky thinking, really bringing a brine back here? And how much luck does Sky have on bringing back extrordinary people when taking a breather at the forest? First me, now I think the name was... Midnight?
Mika-chan doesn't count. She is an ordinary person.

Quite some time has passed since the accident had happened. People were still afraid and sceptical of me being here, but after a while, they accepted it. Mika and I had raised our ranks to the elites.

~Jerome's PoV~

I wonder what Sky wants, asking us to meet in the meeting room.

He even asked Tiana to come. I guess I'll get her.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

"Tiana, you in there?"

"Who's that?" A voice sounded out from behind the doors

"Umm... It's Jerome..."

"Oh, what brings you here Mr. Jerome?" she said while opening the door.

"Call me Jerome pls, Sky wants to meet the generals and you."

"Me? What does Ad- I mean Leader Sky, want with me?"

"Just call him Sky. I don't know what he wants, just meet him at 14 35 tommorrow. Better remember if not he Will slaughter you."

"Hey can I call him Adam?"

"Anything you want. It's Sky that you're calling, not me."

"Okay, see you tommorrow!"

"See you tomorrow!"

She shuts the door. *Sighs* Now that the message is delivered to her, I'll go do my thing now.

~Time skip the meeting day and time cause I am lazy~

All of us generals and Tiana was sitting in the meeting room.

"Sooo.... What do you want to talk with us about, even bringing Miss Tiana here?" Ty said.

"We have to plan a attack on
Herobrine." He said, flinching a little. "and so I've come up with a plan to go to his nether fortress, that way we can gain advantage."

"WHAT?!?!" Everyone except for Sky shouted.

"I know it sounds a little crazy, but we still have to do it, sooner or later."

"A little?! It's WAY over crazy! This is absurd! You're planning to go straight to him and just attack him? We'll die for sure! I'm not agreeing to this." Mitch said.

"Mitch is right Sky, you- no, we are going to die! And teamcrafted will be done for!" I agreed with Mitch.

I'm surprised Tiana stayed silent upon hearing this. I looked at her. Her expression looks like she had no choice but to accept this.

I looked back at Sky. His expression is the same! "EVERY BODY SHUT UP!" Tiana and Sky said at surprisingly the same time.

The chaos stopped and silent crept in awkwardly for a moment.

Then, Sky broke the silence, "didn't I say we have to do this at one point? The longer we drag this on, the more danger teamcrafted will be put in. What if flashlight eyes come again? We would be d o o m e d. It's worse if he come in without a signal, which he always does."

What he said is true, I have to agree with that. "But we would lose if we just go and fight him! What should we do?" Jason asked.

"Surprise attack." Tiana said it loud enough for us to barly hear it.

"That's nice, so how would we attack?" Quentin said.

"Well, Quentin, you should just stay behind and shoot water everywhere." I joked.

"Hey!" Quentin faked pouted.

"So let's plan this. Tiana and I will aim for Flashy eyes, Jason, Seto and Ty you guys will assist us, Quentin, medical squat, attend the injured as quickly as possible, and fend off any mob that comes to attack,
others will defend us from the mobs." Sky assigned us. "So herobrine has a few mobs, since it is the nether, there will not be any mobs from the overworld, which is fortunate for us. So the mobs herobrine has are: Zombie pigmans,which we don't really have to worry about, just don't attack them and you'll be fine, though he might have an army in his command..." his eyes shifted away, before he looked back at us and continued. "Ghast, which have very little health, but the fire charges that it shoot deals quite the knock back, so be careful not to fall off the path, and there's wither skeletons too, surprisingly... Not. He works with the wither so it's not very surprising to get some minions from him, I guess.
Wither skeleton gives you wither, which apperantly is quite annoying, try not to get hit by them, lastly, the magma cube which is like the slime, it annoying since the more times you kill it, the more you have to kill. And that's about it." Tiana informed us.

When did she start becoming the information presenter?

"For battle plan, Quentin, you will bring a few skilled in medical stuff, same for the rest of the generals...... all soldier  above will have to participate, people whom may be able to help can also participate...... Tiana and I will go from under and above, so which path do you want to go from?" he looked at Tiana.

"Above." She simply answered.

"Then I'll go from under. Tia you will fly to the top of the roof
And I'll fly under the fortress and we'll dig and once a path is open, charge, Ty, Jason and Seto, what you do is Very simple, just distract herobrine while Tia and I dig. Don't worry, we will dig as fast as we can." The three's faces turn pale for a second before turning back to normal. They nodded.

"I don't have to explain what the rest have to do right?" Sky explained our roles.

"Of course." The others said.

"Thennnn...... Jerome, can you tell me what you guys have to do?"

"Ummm... Fend off mobs so the won't enter the fotress?" I answered as if answering a Math question asked by a teacher.

"Mhmm, good. So we will prepare for battle and we will attack a week after. Oh yeah I think Midnight would be able to help us as she is a brine-wolf hybrid. I'll ask her later. That's it. You may leave now."
Wow! Almost a thousand words xD I'm gonna aim for a thousand words.
I took alot more time than I expected to write this. And I don't know why, but I always have a hard time writing expected.

Tiana, signing off!

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