Ms.Streetracer or Ms.Innocent...

Da OneliSanara

119K 2.8K 132

AJ Lee the best 17 year old Street racer in New York. She manages to win each and every race with a killer fi... Altro

Chapter 1 : Back on Tracks
Chapter 2 : I Did Not ! He Did !
Chapter 3 : Leaving To California
Chapter 4 : Detention and Parties 1
Chapter 6 : Bad Days
Chapter 7 : He's back.
Chapter 8 : Welcome back drama.
Chapter 9 : Sick Card
Author's Note
Chapter 10 : Intense.
Chapter 11 : Cops are here.
Chapter 12 : Butterfly.
Chapter 13 : Finding Dory or Conjuring 2 ?
Chapter 14 : Boy talk time.
Chapter 15 : Je crios que je t'aime bien.
Chapter 16 : Infuirated.
Chapter 17 : Keep your hands to yourself.
Chapter 18 : About damn time.
Chapter 19 : Confused.
Chapter 20 : Death Race. (Literally)
Chapter 21 : Extatic.
Chapter 22 : Celebrations.
Chapter 22 : Messy.
Chapter 23 : Hope.
Chapter 24 : Family race night.

Chapter 5 : Detention and Parties 2

4.6K 105 4
Da OneliSanara

AJ's POV :
( Unedited )

After Emily walked away with her Stephan I went back in and found Nikki giving Blake a body shot. Jeez this girl is so not in her senses. I got another beer and went towards the 'body shot booth' literally.
"Wanna do that ?" A random guy asked and he was way too close to me.
"Uh... no it's fine" I said and moved away.
"Now c'mon I'm only asking for a body shot" he whined.
"Get away creep" I pushed him away.
"And if I don't ?" He came closer to almost his face touching mine.

"Back off !" Hunter shoved the guy on to the ground and he crawled away like a baby.
"You okay ?" He asked.
"Yeah I'm okay" for some odd reason nothing felt right and Hunter made me so nervous.
"Cool" with that he disappeared into the crowd.

This is was one boring party maybe because I wasn't feeling the vibe. All of my friends were either drunk as hell or getting drunk and here I am sitting near the pool doing nothing except for scrolling through Instagram.
"Dude you're boring" Nikki groaned.
"Well then go have fun !" I said rolling my eyes.
"Let's do something fun !" She cheered. Oh no her means of fun is having sex.
"Oh no !" I growled.
"No no I'm not talking about sex lets play spin the bottle" she smiled sweetly.

"Just the 2 of us ?"
"No you silly with every one in here" she said and immediately went over to announce the game. Within seconds everyone gathered in the pool. In the pool and I don't even have my swim suit.
"Here I bought two in case" Nikki gave me a bag with a swim suit in it. Smart ass. After changing into it which was a black and white polka dot bikini I went towards the pool and Hunter's eyes popped out. Pervert!

"I'm sure everyone knows the rules!" A guy said and everyone screamed yes.
"Hunter you go first" the guy said. Hunter spins the bottle an guess who it lands on .... Yes it's me. Oh joy ! And he smirks shit this is not good.
"Truth or dare AJ?" He asked still smirking.
"I dare you to kiss all the guys in the pool right now" and his smirk grew bigger. Asshole !!

"I'm not going to do that !" I said.
"Now now dares a dare girl !" Ashton screamed and all the guys I may say nodded.
"Fine !" So yeah I had to do it. I kissed 42 guys ! 42 ugh I hate Hunter so much now.
"You're turn AJ?"
"Alright!" I spin the bottle and it lands on Hunter ! Holy shit. Time for some payback.
"Truth or dare ?" I asked.
"Dare" the glint in his eye made me cringe on the inside.

"I dare you to wear Elle's dress, take a picture and put it up on every social media you're on with the caption of 'I love this picture' and you cannot mention the fact that this is a dare also it has to be there for one whole week.'" I smirked.
"What ??" He yelled.
"Dares a dare !" I said.
"Elle give me your damn dress" oops did I piss him off ? Eh I don't care. Karma can be a real bitch.

I swear to lord that it was the best time of my life when I clicked that picture of the most dangerous person. It was truly priceless. But guess what feels great it's Hunter Christian I'm talking about. He's like a bomb and me getting to bring him down in just a dare is amazeballs.

"Happy now ?" I freaked when he spoke.
"Jesus Christ can you not sneak up on me like that !"
"Guess the Ms.Hotshot is just another scary cat huh ?" He smirked. Yes that famous thing he always does. Annoying thing.
"I'm not scared you dimwit!" I frowned.
"Why are you here ?" I popped the question.
"Because i want to" he shrugged.

"Weird ! Why did you run out of girls to bang?" I laughed and he narrowed his eyes at me.
"Girls fight for me butterfly !"
"Then why don't you go inside and do what you normally do ?"
"Wanted to do something new tonight"
"Right !" I shook my head.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked him.
"Yeah I guess so" he kept playing with his fingers like a small kid.
"Hunter !!!!" Ken shouted.
"There you are idiot where were you?" He asked.
"Outside" he replied.
"No freaking shit ! Why didn't you answer my calls ?" Ken frowned.
"Because I left it in my car" Hunter looked at me and looked at Ken.

"Fine lets go in ! And hey Aj" he winked at me and Hunter whacked him on his head.
"Asshole" Ken muttered.
"I heard that" Hunter said.
"You were supposed to" he said and I laughed. Such kids.
"C'mon Aj lets go" Ken said and I walked in with the two of them.

I had to search for Nikki and Emily and drag them home. They guys want leave anyways so it's useless searching for them. I immediately spotted Nikki lying on the chair dozing off.
"Nikki wake up ! Let's go" I said shaking her.
"5 more minutes mom" she whined.
"Hey wake up !" I shook her again.
"I'll drop her home Aj" Blake said.
"You're drunk ?"
"Nah nah I'm not" he smiled.
"Okay then take care"

I called Emily but it went straight to voicemail. These girls need to learn to answer their phones. I need a ride home.

"I'll drop you" Mike said.
"Uh no it's fine "
"I insist"
"Alright then " I smiled and he led the way.

Hey hey 🙆🏻 first off I'm really sorry for the late update guys 😔 I was too caught up with my other book and some school work. This is a New Years gift from me to you ❤️ I can't believe that it's 2016 already 🙊. anyways Good luck and have a great year with No regrets💯💃🏻 Keep reading lovelies 🙏🏻 bye bye take care 🙌🏻
-Ona xoxoxo 💙

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