Hood Love 1

By NaeBbyXo

2.5M 56.4K 17.1K

Janiyah is young and wants to enjoy a carefree life. No worries at all. She's books, beauty, and brains. She... More

Hood Love 2


138K 3.2K 1.1K
By NaeBbyXo

Niyah P.O.V

I slipped into navy blue leggings and clasped a black bra on before doing my hair. I didn't feel like curling it or straightening it today so I simply parted it down the middle and tied my hair into 2 curly buns. I did my edges and tied a red bandana onto my head.

Walking back towards the bathroom I applied mascara to my eyes and a pink gloss to my lips. I then went back in the room and put my red and navy blue flannel on, leaving it open.

I slipped my feet into black toms and grabbed my all black book bag. Walking down the stairs I could smell the delicious smell of breakfast cooking. I further walked into the living room and saw Trevan and Trey sitting on the couch watching tv. I slept over their house yesterday and had my mom bring me clothes. The rest of the crew went home.

"Good morning"

I sweetly spoke walking towards the couch where my shoes sat near the couch from yesterday. I picked them up and let them hang from my fingers as the two of them greeted me back. I placed my shoes in the duffle bag that my mother brought my clothes over in and zipped it closed. I walked towards the kitchen next and stood beside Kiera where she stood over the stove.

"Hey bitch".

I stood beside her looking into the pot on top of the stove.


Trevan yelled from the living room. Ever since last night he's been getting on me for cursing. I don't know why his ass thinks he's my father. I rolled my eyes and turned back to Kiera who had a smirk on her face.

"Damn he bossing you around already".

She said fixing her a plate. She'd made grits, bacon, eggs, and biscuits. It smelled good as hell too. I grabbed a glass plate piling food onto it.


I mumbled grabbing a biscuit and biting into it.

"Bitch you are pitiful".

She laughed walking out of the kitchen. I smacked my teeth and followed behind her. I am not pitiful. I simply just do not feel like going back and forth with him. We already did last night and trust me, there's no winning an argument with him.

By the time I sat down I was ready to devour my whole plate. I walked over to the couch sitting next to Trevan who was glaring at me.


"I told you stop that cursing shit lil' girl".

I felt his hands grip my waist and butterfly's immediately arose in my stomach. He gently lifted me until I was seated on his lap making me feel him under me.


I said looking down as I basically straddled him in front of my cousin. I looked over towards Trey to see him so busy being fed by Kiera. Fat ass.

"Umm what"?

He asked grabbing my fork and using it to feed himself my eggs.


I whined snatching my fork out of his hand. I did not play when it came to my food. I literally wouldn't share even if I knew you personally. I was willing to share anything else but food was another story.


He hummed innocently looking up at me while chewing. I looked down at my plate and saw almost all of my eggs were gone. My mouth fell agape and I glared at him.


I grabbed my plate and climbed off of his lap sitting on the other couch. He really just pissed me off eating my food. I heard him began to chuckle and looked at him with a blank expression on my face.

"What? Damn you that mad"?


I spoke beginning to eat my food. Hell yea I had a attitude and I didn't care if anybody thought I was over exaggerating. I rolled my eyes in his direction and turned to look at the tv.

"Damn Kiera. You put yo foot in this ma".

I told her chewing. She popped the collar to her pink pullover hoodie.

"Ya know how i do".

She stated full of pride. I rolled my eyes laughing at her and turned back to eat. Once I was finished eating I took my plate to the kitchen so that it could be washed.

Kiera P.O.V

I got off of Trey's lap before walking towards the kitchen. But, not before I felt a hard slap on my ass that stung like hell. I put a hand on my butt in reflex turning around to see none other than Trey behind me with a lazy grin adorning his handsome face.

"That food was banging baby".

He said wrapping his arms around my waist from behind.

"Yeah I can tell. You ate all mine".

I said giggling as he put his face in the crook of my neck. He kissed the skin before he took my plate from my hands and walked to the kitchen. I followed behind him to see Janiyah standing at the kitchen sink scrubbing her plate clean. Trey walked next to her and began washing the plate we both ate off of. Once Niyah was done cleaning her's she put it on the rack in it's proper place to let it dry. I grabbed her keys from our key bowl and handed them to her.

"Babe we outchea".

I told Trey as I ran my fingers through my hair.

"Come here".

He instructed making me walk over to him. He pulled me into him by my waist getting the sides of my hoodie wet with his sudsy hands.

"Babe you're getting my sh-".

He cut me off placing his juicy pink lips on mine. My eyes immediately closed as I kissed back, wrapping my arms around his neck. I could never get tired of my baby's kisses. He bit my lip and I moaned into his mouth as he gripped onto one of my ass cheeks. I felt his soldier rise against my thigh making me pull away.

"Damn bae. You sure you don't have a few minutes to spare".


I shook my head and stood on my tip toes to kiss his cheeks.

"Have a good day mamas".

"You too boo".

I let go of him and turned to walk towards the exit of the kitchen which led to the living room. I could see Janiyah and Trevan talking and laughing before she got up rolling her eyes.

"Bye Trevan".

She giggled. They had to be talking about something really funny because they both held large smiles on their faces.

"Bye Niyah".

She grabbed her duffle bag from the floor before following behind me out the door.

"You got your keys right"?

I asked making sure I gave them to her. She nodded with a smile still on her face.


I closed and locked the door behind me and followed her to her car.

"Damn bitch showing all 32".

I laughed as she unlocked her car door with her key pad. She smacked her teeth as we skipped down the few steps that led towards the side walk.

"Whatever hater".

She mumbled the last word making me laugh.

"What am I hating on bitch? Me and my nigga straight".

"Damn can you go one sentence without calling me a bitch"?

"No bitch".

I replied once we made it to her car. I pulled the handle placing one foot in then the other as I sat in the all black leather seat. I pulled on my seat belt before rolling down my window some.

"So you think you and him gonna get together"?

I asked her as she began starting her car. She blew out a breath and shook her head.

"I honestly don't even know. I mean we just met and know almost nothing about each other. But, he promised to take me to breakfast since he just ate mine".

She replied starting up her car. She plugged her phone up and played Sponsor by Teairra Mari. This was our song so I immediately turned it up. We pulled out of the parking spot and cruised off down the street.

Soon we pulled up to school and it was the same as usual. I spotted our crew walking down the hall towards their first periods. We hadn't even grabbed our books yet but we joined them anyways.

"Hey babes".

I greeted as I walked up along side of JoJo. They all spoke back and gave hugs.

The hallways were really crowded today too. Way too crowded for me. I had claustrophobia bad and I couldn't be in enclosed areas. Which is why I walked alongside of JoJo since he was on the end.

We walked and talked for a few minutes before we all had to make our way to first our. I quickly grabbed my books and rushed to class. I'd made it just in time before my World History teacher closed the door.

"Your'e late Miss".

"Sorry Mr. Howard".

I apologized walking towards my seat. I quickly sat down and listened to most of what Mr. Howard was saying. World History was so boring to me, I hated it. About 20 minutes into class my phone buzzed in my jeans pocked. I quickly pulled it out seeing a text from Trey.

💕MyHeart💏 : Bae if I'm not at home don't worry. I got a lot to handle today.

I rolled my eyes reading the text. It was almost as if I had mixed emotions about the whole topic. I knew what he did. It was obvious. But at the same time I couldn't complain.

What Trey does puts a roof over the both of our head's. Plus he would sell drugs before I met him. Who was I to tell him to quit. Even if he does willingly quit then what? We'll have nothing.

Everybody knows he sells any drug you can name. When Niyah mentioned Trevan's name I didn't think she was speaking of the Trevan Trey constantly hung around until she'd said that they handled something together. Then it immediately clicked.

I'd never seen Trevan besides yesterday and today but I've most definitely heard of him. I honestly didn't want my best friend in the same situation as me but what could I do? I would seem like a hypocrite telling her to stay out of a relationship with a drug dealer.

Me : Alright 😒 Be careful babe ✌🏼

I replied back. I was going to put my phone back in my pocket but I could see he was already beginning to type.

💕MyHeart💏 :Don't give me attitude Babygirl I'm sorry. Imma make it up to you I promise

Me : You better 😤

💕MyHeart💏:Love you big booty 😘🍑👅💦

I laughed out loud a little. Trey knew the exact words to say to make a smile appear on my face.

"Ms. Kiera is there something funny you want to share with the class"?

I looked up at my teacher Mr. Howard as he stood in front of the class. Now the entire class eyes's were focused on me.

"Umm No Sir".

I replied keeping it simple. He turned back towards the board and went back to his lesson as I went back to texting.

Me : Love you too baby 😘🍆💦

I turned off my phone placing it back inside my pocket. I saw Mr.Howard began to make his way around the class with a stack of papers in his hands. He placed a sheet of paper on my desk making me look up at him confused. The fuck is this?

"Pop quiz on the lesson learned today. You have 20 minutes to complete it. You may begin".

Mr. Howard explained to the class walking back to his desk. His fat ass get on my damn nerves. I looked down at the quiz which had 25 questions. I'mma fail.


"Kiera really? You failed the whole test ma"?

Trey yelled at me over the phone, his fatherly tone coming out. It was honestly turning me on but I couldn't even do shit about it. He wasn't here and I was home alone.

I'm guessing the school contacted him since all memo's and grades go towards them automatically. It was weird in a way because they made it seem like he was my dad. They would threaten to call him sometimes not knowing that we were together instead of having father daughter roles.

I sighed biting on my finger nails as I sat quiet on the phone.

"You hear me talking to you"?

"Yes daddy".

I sexily replied running my fingers through my hair out of habit.

"I know yo nasty ass ain't getting horny".

I began to hear deep chuckles of laughter in the back before I looked at the phone and hung up. Why would he say that shit if he knew good and damn well he was around a bunch of nigga's?

I threw my phone onto the bed hearing it buzz indicating a call. I ignored it peeling off my clothes and walking in my nude glory towards the luxurious bathroom inside of our room.

I cut on the bathtub/jacuzzi water and jets walking over towards the cabinets and pulling out my Moonlight Path Bubble Bath by Bath & Body Works. I poured it into the tub and waiting until it filled up.

While waiting I grabbed my beats pill and began to play the Aaliyah Station on Pandora from my phone that was sync'd to the beats pill. I sat it on the counter and let the sounds play.

I then began to light candles and tie my hair up. By the time I was finished my bath water was filled up and I eased inside. Feeling all my thoughts leave my head, I began to relax.

Niyah P.O.V

10:30 pm

Instead of going to Kiera's after school we all decided to just go home. I'd completed all of my homework and took a shower already. Now I was sitting up with my mom and her friend Ms.Erica waiting on her son to come and pick her up.

"So is you're son about to pick you up now or you need me to take you home"?

My mom asked. Ms.Erica shook her head holding her wine glass in her hand.

"No girl he coming with his knuckle head ass".

I chuckled almost spilling my cup of lemonade. This woman was hilarious as hell and I could now see why my mom was friends with her. She knew how to hold conversation and she was was sweet and nice.

As if on cue the door rang.

"Can you get that sweetie".

My mom told me making me hop down from the bar stool I was sitting on at the island in the kitchen. I pulled down my spandex shorts and large white t-shirt before making my way towards the door. 

Unlocking all the locks on the door and pulling the door open I stood there with shock written all over my face.

What the hell was Trevan doing here?

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