Heirs of the Fallen {1}

By Nelgiz

20.4K 979 459

Book one of the "Heirs of the Fallen" series: Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, and Han Solo have gone through a l... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 4

995 48 7
By Nelgiz

Luke switched off the engine and slowly came to a stop at the landing platform on Klemied. That feeling of dread had worn off some, but it was still there long enough to make him worry. Have I done something? Have I sensed the future? What is going on?
He nevertheless walked up to the hangar bay elevator with R2 trailing behind him. "You want to see Threepio, R2?" R2 beeped and whistled, showing his excitement. Luke chuckled and pressed the button that was Leia's room level. He then switched on his comm. "Leia? It's me."
"Luke! Where in the galaxy have you been?" Leia's relieved tone carried across the network. "You didn't tell me where you were this time! Is everything ok?"
"Yeah, Leia. I'm fine." Luke said unconvincingly. The dread was still there. "Ok then." Leia knew he wasn't fine just by the tone of her voice, but she apparently decided not to press the issue.
"Anyway, I'm coming up to see you. We have catching up to do." Luke said, eagerly anticipating their time together. It had been nearly a month since he had seen his sister, and that was only a week after Endor.
"Looking forward to it. Have you by any chance heard from Han? He was supposed to meet me today but he hasn't showed up yet. Nothing seems up with him but I'd still like to know where he is. I could know if I just reached out far enough with the Force." Leia said, with a trace of frustration.
Luke smiled, remembering his frustration and sulky attitude when he first started his Jedi training. "It'll take time Leia, but eventually you'll get in tune enough with the Force to locate people, not just read their emotions."
The elevator stopped and opened the door for Luke and R2. They walked out and proceeded down the hall to Leia's room. Luke pondered with amusement how long a princess would be able to tolerate such small quarters, although she was probably used to them, being a part of the Rebellion and all.
He approached her room and rang the doorbell. The door slid open to reveal a smiling Leia. "Luke, come in. You too, Artoo." She looked down at the droid. "Threepio will be delighted to see you."
"Did you call my name, Your Highness? Do you require my services?" Threepio's head popped around the corner from the kitchen questioningly. That questioning tilt of his head vanished as soon as he saw Luke and Artoo. "R2-D2, bless my circuits, it's been ages! And Master Luke!" Threepio said with a pleasurable voice just prissy enough to still be considered well-meaning.
R2 beeped and rolled over to his friend. "Come along, Artoo. I'm sure Master Luke and Princess Leia have much to talk about." Threepio and Artoo made their way into the kitchen, while Luke and Leia sat on the couch in the living room.
Luke noticed a tingle of unhappiness, and was slightly surprised to find that Leia was its origin. "Are you okay, Leia?"
Leia snapped out of her little daze staring out the window. "Hmm? Oh yes, I'm fine. Just wondering where you were all this time?" She asked, too eager to change the subject.
Luke noticed, but decided to go along with it. After all, she probably was curious about where he had gotten to. "I went to Ciali after that month we all spent on Endor to catch up on my Jedi training." "Interesting." Luke found Leia looking at him, a worry crease in her forehead.
"What's going on Leia? What's wrong?" Leia sighed and turned towards him. "I'm just stressed, that's all."
"About?" Luke prompted.
"Just everything. How and where Han is, how the New Republic is even staying alive after all of these corrupt senators showed themselves, how I'll ever become a Jedi if I can't even focus on somebody's feelings for two minutes without feeling tired or being called to Senatorial duties."
"That last part only takes training and endurance you'll build up. As for the others, I'm sure Han's fine or you and I would have detected it. And the New Republic seems to have stitched itself after the whole corrupt senator ordeal." Luke reassured her.
"Maybe." Leia didn't sound reassured, and Luke could sense something was still troubling her. "What is it?"
Leia turned to look him in the eyes. "Have you felt something... Disturbing? Just a feeling you've had recently?"
Yes. "Yes. I've felt it."
She looked down at the floor. "Something isn't right, Luke. I've felt this type of dread for awhile now, and it's making me even more worried that I don't know where it's coming from." She looked back at him. "Do you?"
Luke sighed and sat down. "No."
Leia's eyes widened marginally and her face turned a shade paler. In fact, Luke wouldn't even have noticed she was really worried unless he actually knew her well enough to tell.
"Then it must be something really bad. You're usually the one who pinpoints these sorts of things." She said calmly, but her voice was laced with worry and held a slight note of fear.
Fear leads to the Dark Side, Leia. He warned her telepathically. Never underestimate it. Leia nodded and forcefully pushed the fear from her mind. Good. "You'll be a great Jedi one day, Leia. And as long as this threat is around, I'll be here with you. If you need it, of course." He added hastily. Leia wasn't the type of person who accepted forceful help. Even from her brother.
Leia's mind pushed back the worry for now and became more focused. "What training are we doing now?"
"Umm... Jumping with the Force. Let's get to it."
The twins stood up off the couch and Luke started to instruct Leia, but deep down he knew, as did Leia he felt, that the threat was still there and this was just a distraction. And no matter how hard Leia worked during her training, Luke could sense she was still wondering about this new sense of fear just as he was.

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