The Gamer Girl Crush

By angels2370

5.7K 216 26

Meet Victoria, with a dysfunctional family that never remains in one place for long, and she never feels that... More

The Gamer Girl Crush
The Last Day Home
The Airport and the Arrival
Weekend at the Hotel
The Relieving First Day
Welcome, Again!
New Player?
New Home
The Boring Week
Jittery Jordan
Vacation Invitation
Her Friends Know
The Sleepover

The Weekend

321 10 0
By angels2370

I wake up around 11 and go up the stairs. I see the twins big dresser in the middle of the kitchen and my parents trying to move it. Well, not really. My dad is trying to pick it up and my mom is just standing there complaining about how it's too heavy. Which of course causes my dad to fire back about how she never does anything. My mom sees me, walks over, and tugs me by my arm to where she was once standing, complaining.

"Get Victoria to do it!" My mom screams before walking away frustrated.

My dad sighs "Could you help me carry this to the twins room?"

"Sure." I say. We carry it to the rwins room and I look to see that we have more furniture against the wall.

"Need help with that?" I say pointing to the rest of the furniture.

"Oh," my dad says looking at the furniture. "Sure." We end up moving all the furniture to the correct rooms. My dad goes over to his desk and starts to work. That's not good. Whenever my dad works on the weekend, he's upset, or mad. Whatever. I go to the bathroom to take a shower and run downstairs to get dressed. I go upstairs to make a sandwich and I hear my parents fighting. Again. I peep my head into their bedroom where they're fighting and they see me.

"Yes?" My mother says cooling down.

"Well, umm---" I say

"WHAT IS IT!?" My dad says frustrated.

"Someone needs to drive the twins to their playdate." I say a little shy.

My mother sighs. "Go get them into the car."

"Ok" I say rushing out of the room, into the twins room. I see them playing with their toys.

"Nancy? Nick?" I say and they look up.

"Time to go!" Nancy says excited.

"Yes," I say back, pack your toys and put on some shoes. Nancy and Nick rush out of their room. I can understand. They finally have some friends that are twins like them. It would be nice after having friends that aren't like you. I get them ready and out the door amd hop in the drivers seat. Finally some practice. I didn't really get much practice at my old home after starting Drivers Ed. My mom comes out and hops in the seat. We go to the twin's friend's house and begin to drive home.

"I cannot believe him!" My mom blurts out. I know who she's talking about my dad. Great. Here comes more complaining.

"I try to be so nice! But he is just so! So! UGH!"

"It's okay m-" I say just as she begins to cry. "Mom? You ok?"

"I-it's just I t-try so hard!' My mother says in tears. "Your father!" She says "I try so hard to make him happy!"

"Mom..." I cut in. "Maybe it's not all dad's fault." Did I really just say that? Uh Oh.

My mom lets out a long sigh before starting.

"I-I know." She says as we pull into the driveway. Phew, she didn't yell at me. We climb out of the car and go inside. Natalie and her friend are finally up and getting food. Mark is fussing with dad trying to calm him down. I go downstairs and move some furniture around until I'm happy with my room and jump online. Me and the guys play on Minecraft together awhile and I get bored.

"We should go do something." I state

"Like?" Max asks.

"I don't know." I say realizing that since Max is in middle school. I've never seen him before.

"How about mini-golf?" Danny asks.

"Where would one be?" I ask

"Newbie needs to know her way around town." Kevin jokes. Everyone laughs.

"It's in the mall." Jordan says.

"Oooh. The mall." I say. I need some new stuff.

"Ya. So should we go?" Kevin asks.

"Sure." I say.

"I'm in." Jordan says.

"Me too." Kevin says.

"Make that four!" Danny says.

"I'm coming too." Max says.

"Ugh." Danny moans. "We have to bring the two year old along."

"12 year old!" Max corrects. At that remark Danny rushes over to Max in the game and starts hitting him with a sword. We all begin to fight and kill each others players until Kevin thinks we should get going to the mall.

I run upstairs to my parents fighting again.

"Mom? Dad?" I say and they look up.

"What is it honey?" My mom asks.

"Can I go to the mall with some friends?" I ask.

"Of course honey!" My mom says with excitement. Well she's happy. I walk away and hear some of their conversation.

"She has friends?" I hear my dad say under his breath. Well then, jerk.

"Of course!" My mom says back a little louder than dad. "She's such a light spirit!" I smile as I walk downstairs and change into a pair of blue jeans and my purple shirt with an owl on it. I slip on my hoodie and a pair of old sneakers and grab my phone and wallet as I run outside. Waiting for Danny's mom to be pick me up.

Danny's mom pulls up a few minutes after I come outside. I hop in the car to all the boys in the car along with Danny's blonde hair blue eye mother that was a little overweight but not fat. I look to my left to see a 12 or 13 year old with black hair like Danny's but green eyes instead of brown. With a green shirt on to match his eyes, ripped blue jeans and those worker boots I hate. It just annoys me when guys wear those, but I shrug it off.

"You must be the annoying Max!" I say jokingly.

"The one and only." Max says trying to hide checking me out although I catch it.

"Ya, only a faggot." Danny says but I can tell he regrets it since he forgot his mother was in the car.

"Danny!" She yells at him but she's probably used to him saying stuff like that by now. I laugh a little to myself and Max shoots a huge smirk at Danny. We're about halfway to the mall when my favorite song comes on the radio. I gasp and smack Kevin on the leg like three times.

"Happy with the radio?" Kevin laughs. I smile but I don't sing. I just lip sing a little bit until Jordan bursts out singing.


We all laugh a little and the car turns into a kareoke music hut with us all singing along to Gavin DeGraw's 'Sweeter'. Even Danny's mom chimes in. A few songs later and we arrive at the mall.

We all hop out of the car and head inside.

"Where should we go first?" Danny asks not really towards anyone specific.

"I don't care." Max says. "Just as long as it's not girly." Max states glarring at me. I throw my hands in the air as if in surender.

"Oh Max be nice." Danny's mom says. I look at a few stores being here for the first time. Danny's mom looks at me and points to Sephora.

"Wanna go in there sweetie?" Danny's mom asks. Sweetie? Oh shit I hadn't told her my name!

"Oh wow, I'm so impolite." I say a little dissapointed at myself. "My name is Victoria." She smiles at me and says back "Kayla. But you can just call me Danny's mom." I laugh at that. Danny's mom? I normally just call my friends parents by their first name.

"So." Danny's mom, er, Kayla, um, Danny's mom. Gosh! What do I call her. Whatever, she said that.

"Oh right! Well it doesn't matter. It's a little pricey and I don't think the boys wanna go in there.

"Duh." Max retorts. "I said that."

"Oh shut up." Kevin says a little frustrated. Man these guys were not great with Max.

"Ya." Jordan cuts in. "She's a girl. She's gonna want to do stuff like that and your going to have to live with it!" Jordan says.

"Guys stop!" Danny's mom says to everyone. "Just drop it!"

I sigh and look around. I see a Pandora jewlery store and look at everyone. All the boys giving Max a mean look and Max shooting one right back.

"Uhh. Guys?" I say and everyone looks at me. Everyone seems to setle down when they look at me except Max. Well then you little shit.

"Ya?" Jordan asks.

"I wanna go in there I say pointing to the Pandora I noticed just a moment ago.

"Sounds good to me." Danny announces before shooting Max one more rotten look. Not a very good relationship between cousins. We walk in and Max just sighs. Jordan is fiddling with the rings in the display that are tied down so you can't steal them. Kevin's kinda walking around looking at everything, while Danny is kind of looking around not knowing what to do. I walk up to the desk display case and so does Danny's mom.

"How can I help you?" The desk lady asks. Danny's mom just kind of keeps looking.

"Some sort of bead." I say. "I'll look around." The desk lady says "Alright," and "Let me know if you need anything and we all kind of look around before leaving. Danny's mom having bought a ring.

"So where to next?" Danny's mom asks

"I've never been here before. "I say, as I point a finger and move it around so I pointed at everyone. "You lead the way."

"Where do you wanna go?" Jordan asks.

"I don't know," I say "I need some new sneakers." I say before looking down at the worn ones I'm wearing.

"Ya those might be a little worn." Kevin jokes. That's an understatment. The ones I have are filthy, torn, and extremley worn. Jordan leads the way up the escalator to a shoe store. Jordan points to it when we get close.

"Wow," escapes my mouth. I was expecting like a Payless, this place is HUGE!

(Jordan's P.O.V.):

"Wow," Victoria says examining the place. It is a pretty big store. I just got used to it. We all head inside, and we all basically seperate into different groups. Danny's mom went over to like heels, Max going to get more of those boots he's wearing, and us all going to sneakers. Even Victoria came with us.

"This is the mens aisle." A clerk came up to Victoria to say that.

"So?" Victoria said back.

"Womens is over there." The clerk said pointing.

"But I like this shoe." Victoria said pointing to some grey and white Nike. The clerk sighed and went away frustrated.

"Umm?" Danny asked.

"I'll go over to womens in a second." Victoria said nodding her head towards the womans aisle. "I like these."she said. After trying on the smallest of the ones she liked, she cleaned up putting them away and walking over to the womens aisle.

"Wanna go over there?" Danny asks not finding any shoes he liked.

"Sure" and Kevin both say. We walk over to Victoria trying on some Converse and Danny's mom coming over with some heels. Victoria takes of the Converse and sets the box on top of another one.

"Try these on." Danny's mom says before handing her a box. She opens it.

"Oh. No I don't wear heels."

"Just try them on." She says as Max comes over.

"Fine." Victoria says. She slips them on. Bright red high heels. And they were high.

"Now walk in them." Danny's mom says. Victoria nods no.

"Come on Danny's mom says pulling her up off of the seat. Victoria mumbles something, and starts to walk around. I'm usually taller than her, and so was Kevin. Not anymore. She walks a little more before tripping and I catch her. She lifts her head up to face me. Gosh. She's so beautiful. We both smile and she stands up taking the heels off, returning to her normal height.

"I told you." Victoria says, returning the heels to Danny's mom. Victoria goes to checkout and buys her few pairs of shoes and we walk out.

(Victorias P.O.V):

We walk out of the store and I see Hot Topic. I smile and point to it.

"Hot Topic?" Jordan asked.

"Never been in there before." Kevin said. I gasped rather jokingly. I grab Kevin and Jordan by the hand leading them to the store. It was blasting some sort of loud obnoxious music.

"Now the music is a little offsetting." I say. "But the stock is great." I look around grabbing a shirt I like. The boys have all already picked something out.

"Check out the Jake hat." I say walking over to Danny nodding my head towards the Jake from 'Adventure Time' on a hat. We all look around some more and after about 15 minutes of shopping we've all come out with an item or two. We go into a few more stores before getting hungry and going to the food court and we all basically inhaled our food. We go to a few more stores and head into the car.

"I said no girly stores." Max said through grit teeth.

"Oh shut up," I shoot back. The boys laugh. I get dropped off at my house after we drop off Kevin. I walk down to my room and set all my bags on the floor. I run upstairs to see my mom cooking.

"Hey mom." I say.

She looks at me. "Hey." She's still obviously frustrated from dad.

"That's it your driving me crazy." I say.

"What's wrong between you and dad?"

"A lot." My mom says simply. I pull her over to the table and plop her down. I walk into my parents room and grab my dad reading a book. I pull him over to the table.

"You two are killing me!" I say. "Make up."

"Honey," my mom says. "It's not that simple." I sigh and walk over to the stove where the food was cooking.

"Then make it simple." I manage before caring to the cooking chicken. I ignore most of the conversation but it goes to whispering with my parents trying not to let me hear, to talking and not caring if I hear, to yelling at each other yet again to all come down to sorry. I call everyone to dinner an set the food on the table. My parents very satisfied that they settled this. I go upstairs to grab Mark. I bring him down and sit him in his high chair. We all eat. And seperate. I jump on Minecraft and play a little until I get tired and go to bed.

I get up late in the morning. I get up and go upstairs to grab an apple. I go back down the steps and pour out all my bags on the floor. I grab my sister's birthday present and go into my room grabbing some wrapping paper. I head over to my desk and grab the tape next to my laptop. I see Max entering random shit into the chat on Minecraft. I laugh a little and sit down on the ground. I wrap up the gift perfectly and add a tag saying 'To: Natalie. From: Victoria.' I tie a pink ribbon around the Hello Kitty wrapping paper. I sign my card and slip the card in between the wrapping paper and the ribbon. I pull my first pair of shoes out of the box. I slip them on and admire them. They are new Coverse sneakers that are grey with white polka dots all over. I pull out the second pair and put those on, admiring them as well. They are cute black flats with a little pom pom like floppy pink decal at the top above where my toes go. I slip on my last pair of shoes which are black leather boots with a semi-big heel that zip up. I put those on and walk around a bit, getting used to them. I get comfortable enough and take them off. I cut off all tags attached and put on some of my clothes, kind of like a fashion show. I slip on a few outfits until I hear a 'ping' like sound coming from my computer. I walk over, in my undies and bra. Mid change. And turn it on. I unplug it taking it into my room and put on my headset.

"Hello?" I ask

"Hey bitch." Max says.

"What a warm welcome!" I say as I walk to my closet and grab some clothes.

"Ya. I try." He finishes as I slip on my jeans.

"Sup Victoria?" Jordan asks.

"Nothing much. Cutting tags of new stuff." I say.

"So you know those shoes you tried on in the store? The ones you fell over in?" Danny asks.

"Ya. Why?" I ask.

"Well my mom thought you looked 'cute' in them." I heard sarcasam and knew he was doing air quotes around cute. I laugh. "And?" I ask.

"And..." He says repeating me. "She went back and bought them for you."

I feel a smile crept up onto my lips. No one has ever really bought me a gift just because they wanted to. I always gave the gift or someone gave me the gift because they needed to. For like Christmas. Or my birthday.

"Well if I tripped in them I don't really understand her buying them." I said. "I'm not good in heels."

"Only normal girls are good in heels." Max blurted out. A small laugh escaped my lips. I slipped on a see through shirt and sat down to begin playing. We played until late in the night. My mom ocassionally coming down to give me food. I turn my computer off and at about 9:00 I fall asleep from exhaustion.

(Jordan's P.O.V.):

It starts to get dark out and I don't want to be exhausted when I get up for school so I jump into my bed and fall asleep.

**Dreaming but Jordan thinks it's real**

I see Victoria standing there looking amazing in a tight pink dress that stops mid-thigh. We sit down at a table and we have something to eat. It was okay but we go back to my place and try to get something better. Anyways. This leads to that and I find myself kissing Victoria. We fall onto my couch and she begins to place her arms around my neck when she begins to shake me.

"Jordan...." Her voice trails off.

"Jordan wake up." She trails off again.

**End of Dream**

My eyes flutter open.

"Huh?" I mumble. I see my mom standing there pulling off my blanket.

"Jordan." She says. "Time for school." As she walks out of my room.

I had just dreamt the whole night about Victoria. But it only felt like a few moments. Which only ment one thing.

I liked Victoria.

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