Wonderwall ยป Stiles Stilinski

By OMGitsJustine

113K 2.7K 1.8K

โ You can hear it in the silence, silence You can feel it on the way home, way home You can... More

1. Searching The Woods
2. School Begins
3. Cutie In The Woods
4. Lingering Feelings
5. Full Moon Rising
6. Untangle
7. A Game
8. Group Date
9. Bullet Train
10. Take My Mind, Take My Pain
11. Control Is Overrated
12. Game of Cat&Mouse
13. Fear For Your Life
14. Kiss Me Like You Wanna Be Lovedโ™ฅ
15. No Idea
16. Irresistible
17. Distractions
19. Date Crashers
20. Shop Till You Drop
21. You Are In Love
22. If I Die Young
23. Don't Let Me Go
Sequel :D

18. Revelations

3K 74 12
By OMGitsJustine

"You're not going to make it..." Derek pointed out as we were driving on the way to the Beacon Hills hospital.

"I know.." Stiles said with a frown, making me rub his shoulders as he drove in a lame attempt to cheer him up. 

"You would have done great babe..if it's any constellation..i would have been one proud girlfriend." I smiled lightly at him, receiving a smile from him to let me know that my lame ass attempts were working some what. I knew they weren't, but it was nice to see him smile even for a second. 

It sucked, this was Stiles first time playing in a game and he was going to miss it because we were tracking down a stupid lead. Scott called, telling us that if we didn't make it in time that Stiles wouldn't be able to play. Stiles, in my opinion, is the hero right now. He's been wanting to play first line since forever, and when he finally gets the chance, he gives it up in order to help Scott and everyone. 

I've said it before and I'll say it again, Stiles is and always has been my hero. 

He to me, is what a true hero is all about. Giving up your happiness for the better sake of others, never running from a problem but instead facing it head on. And somehow, despite whatever darkness he hikes through, he always finds a way to have a smile on his face.

"And you didn't tell him about his mom?" Derek asked Stiles, breaking me from my thoughts. 

So right now we were on our way to the Beacon Hills Hospital where Danny had managed to track the text from, more specifically, Ms. McCall's computer. It was obviously a mistake, there was no way in hell that Ms. McCall would have ever sent that text. Ms. McCall is like the type of parent you want to adopt you into the family, you know because she's just that awesome.

 After my mom left, she has been like a mother to me. She showed me how to braid my hair, helped me get ready for school dances, explained to me what a period was, heck she even bought me my first pack of pads. 

All these years, we've all become like family. There's no way in god's name that Ms. McCall would have sent that text or even be working with or for the Alpha. There's no way, I don't believe it and I wouldn't believe it even if it were right in front of me.

"He's got a lot on his plate." Stiles answered Derek's question simply as he slowly pulled into a parking space in front of the long term care entrance. 

"And it wouldn't kill you to not be a complete downer, sour wolf." I rolled my eyes at Derek before Stiles turned off his engine. I turned my attention to Derek, asking him, "What are we doing here? What do you think we'll find in here?" 

"The truth." 

"Oh really? Do you expect us to just walk in there and ask Ms. McCall if she sent the text in an attempt to get her son to murder the closest people in his life? If I haven't mentioned it before I don't think you're that bright." I raised an eyebrow at Derek, letting out a fake laugh while staring at him like he was crazy. When Derek didn't say anything, just glaring at me while giving me this look, that's when I laughed again and rolled my eyes at him. 

"Why are we even going in?" I asked, making Derek roll his eyes at me. 

"Because I'm kind of the most wanted criminal in all of California now thanks to the three of you." Derek answered, glaring at Stiles and I. 

I put my hands up in defense. "Hey, that was all Scott's idea. He threw you under the bus when we all thought you were dead besides, I voted yes on taking your deceased body with us instead of leaving you there. So be a little bit appreciative Hale." 

"Fine, thank you." Derek rolled his eyes at me before turning his attention to Stiles. "Oh, one more thing." Derek said before grabbing the back of Stiles head and smacking it against his steering wheel without a warning sign. I jumped at the sound and sight of Stiles getting his face hit against the steering wheel by Derek. 

Stiles groaned, holding his nose while I leaned forward to see if he was okay. "What the hell was that for?!" Stiles yelled, groaning and holding his nose while I checked to see if there was any damage. I lifted his head but he looked fine, just some bruising and some blood coming from his nose but nothing more. 

"You know what that was for!" Derek yelled back, making me laugh slightly when i realized he was getting Stiles back for using him to get Danny to help us or using him "like a  piece of meat." 

I sighed, patting Stiles shoulder while placing a small kiss on his cheek then one on his nose that caused him to flinch. I apologized quickly before Derek started yelling at us to hurry up and go. We quickly got out of the car before Derek could break Stiles actual nose instead of just bruising him. Sorry Derek, but i kind of like my boyfriend in one piece which is why we were now walking towards the entrance. 

Well if Derek keeps hitting Stiles like this, I guess it's a good thing that we were in front of a hospital because if Derek keeps it up, Stiles might actually need one. 


We walked into the long term car entrance, expecting to find someone at the front desk but it was empty. 

Hospitals on a daily basis give me the creeps; their creepy pure white clean hallways, needles, sick people, but right now it was even creepier because there was no one in sight. There's usually one person at the front desk for when you walk in but there wasn't. 

It was so weird. 

"Where is everyone?" I whispered to Stiles, feeling like a monster was going to pop out at any second. I grabbed Stiles hand, squeezing it tight as he interlocked our hands together. I automatically felt better just by having Stiles hand and mine together. 

Stiles shrugged his shoulders as he slowly let go of my hand to take out his phone to call Derek. "Maybe we should split up? We could search more ground that way." Stiles pointed out, almost making me slap him for being so naive and stupid. He's the smart one, he's supposed to know that splitting up literally is like sighing your death certificate. 

"are you mental Stilinski? People who split up are the ones who die first! There is no way that I am going off by myself or letting you leave by yourself." I glared at him, before he finally nodded his head in agreement. 

"It's better if we stay together." I reminded him while he agreed with me, placing a kiss on the side of my head. "At least that way I can keep an eye on you so you don't accidentally unplug someone." 

Stiles rolled his eyes at me while we started walking down the creepy and empty hallways. It seemed like hours passed, when in reality it probably was only like three minutes or something, but we still hadn't been able to find anyone. Derek had told us to look for his uncle Peter, but there was no one here. If we were going to find him or "the truth" as cryptically as Derek put it then we needed to find someone, a nurse, to help point us in the right direction. 

But there was no one here. It was eerie. 

"That's it, I'm calling him." Stiles complained, taking his phone out to call Derek and let him know that there was no one here. 

While Stiles was on the phone, I walked a little ahead, noticing something red on the floor. Oh god, please let that be cool aid or someone got their period or something. I mentally slapped myself in the face for following the red liquid that's more than likely blood on the floor but I couldn't stop myself from walking towards it. Once I was close enough, I noticed it was seeping from the bottom of the door.

I tried calling Stiles but he was too busy on the phone with Derek, arguing from the sounds of it. I looked at the name next the door, lightly dragging my finger tips across it. 


I felt myself stop breathing while I slowly pushed open the door, looking down at the ground as I saw more red liquid seeping out from under me. I brought my hand to cover my mouth as I thought I might actually scream or throw up.

The whole entire room was covered in blood; it looked like something out of a horror movie or something. I stepped in, trying my best to avoid the blood when I noticed something on the floor. It caught my eye as I stepped towards it, picking it up. I unfolded the piece of paper, seeing one name scribbled across it. 


What the hell was with all these random last names everywhere. 

Then suddenly, it started slowly piecing together in my head. Hale, Argent, Alpha, blood. It was all becoming so clear in my mind now. 

"Stiles!..-" I screamed as I ran back into the hallway, running directly up at him to get his attention to show him the room and tell him what I thought. He shook his head, bringing the phone between us so we could try and listen to what Derek was yelling at us over the phone. 

"I can't hear you, you're breaking up. Can you repeat that?" Stiles asked, covering one ear in an attempt to listen better. 

"Look, just ask for Jennifer. She's been looking after my uncle." Derek instructed us. 

"Well he's not here either and..-" I tried saying until he interrupted me. 

"What?" Derek questioned. 

"Your uncle is not here, he's gone like completely gone. I thought you said he was comatose or something?" I questioned the werewolf while still dragging Stiles towards the room to show him what I found. "And there's blood, like a lot of blood Derek." 

"Stiles, you and Sara need to get out of there! He's the Alpha! Get out now!" 

I heard Derek yell from the other end of the phone while Stiles eyes went wide at the sight of the room in front of him. He looked completely terrified as did I before grabbing my hand in an attempt to make a run for it. But we didn't get far cause we were paralyzed in place when we spotted a figure in a black coat at the end of the hallway, blocking the exit. When the figure turned their head, I spotted the scars and burn marks on the right side of his face. 

This was Peter Hale, Derek's uncle and apparently the Alpha we've all been searching for. 

But I thought Derek said he was comatose after practically being burned alive? 

Peter smiled over at us, cracking his knuckles as I felt myself getting smaller and smaller. "You must be Stiles.." Peter smirked before staring over at me. He got this weird look on his face, i couldn't read it but soon it was masked with a confident smirk. "And you must be Sara.. If I might say...you are quite exquisite..much better than I would have imagined." 

I felt my heart fall out of my chest as I felt like throwing up at the comment. 

I gripped Stiles hand tighter, his large hand engulfing my own as we slowly backed away from Peter's end of the hall way in a failed attempt to get out a different way. But when we turned around, we noticed we were blocked from both ends. 

We were trapped. 

"What are you doing? Visiting hours are over."  A red head in a nurses outfit explained to us. I think it was safe to assume this is Peter's nurse, Jennifer. So this was the person helping Peter kill people? Why on earth would she agree to something like that if she was a healer. It made no sense. I'm putting all my money on mind control or something along those lines because there's no way anyone would just willingly help a psycho murder a bunch of people. 

"You and him.. he..you're the one who..he's the...oh my god, we're going to die." Stiles panicked, stuttering all his words. 

Stiles sounded and looked completely terrified as did I, yet he still held my hand tight while pushing me behind him while we slowly backed into the wall, looking back and forth between the two of them. Stiles trapped me between the wall and his back while we kept looking back and forth between Jennifer and Peter. 

This was all way too much to take in right now. 

"You're Peter? Peter Hale, as in Derek's uncle?" I asked, turning my attention towards him. 

"The one and only." He smirked, making me feel like my heart rate just skyrocketed. Which is probably did because I'm more than positive that I'm going into cardiac arrest because of it. 

I shook  my head, confused. "De-Derek said everyone in his family died...How are you even alive? Shouldn't you of burned alive with the rest of your family in that fire years ago?" 

Peter just let out a chuckle, like this was some sort of sick game. "Yeah but you see, I'm the Alpha." 

I squeezed Stiles hand one last time, spotting a tray of syringes on the cart next to us. I looked  back and forth between them while grabbing some of the syringes and tossing them at Peter. "Run!" I then grabbed the metal tray and smacking it across Jennifer's face, making her go down pretty hard. We tried running but Jennifer kept the hallway blocked. She just touched her lip, glaring down at the blood on her finger tips before glaring up at me. 

"You little bitch.." Jennifer glared while I felt like I was going to die. 

"Oh my god, we're going to die..." I cringed while shutting my eyes tight and holding onto Stiles, but nothing happened. I slowly opened my eyes to see Derek bringing his elbow up to knock Jennifer out cold, letting her body fall to the floor. 

I looked up and noticed Derek standing there, nodding at me while I slowly nodded my head in the direction of his psychopathic uncle. 

"Now that's not very nice." Peter seemed almost amused by this. "She's my nurse." 

Oh my god, I can't believe this guy. Seriously? Can we just skip the bullshit and fast forward to the part where we all get along. Yup, that's more than likely never going to happen. We're going to die, oh god. I didn't want to die, I seriously didn't want to die. I'm too young, haven't even lived yet. 

"She's a psychotic bitch helping you kill people!" Derek snapped at his uncle. Stiles and I looked back and forth between the two of them before I felt Stiles squeeze my hand even tighter. "Get out of the way!" Derek growled at us, shifting into his werewolf self. 


"Damn it." Stiles groaned before putting his shoulders around me to shield me as we ducked. Derek charged at his uncle and the two of them started fighting while Stiles and I were in a crouched position. 

I let out a sharp breath before looking up at Stiles. "Come on, let's get out of here." Stiles warned me before helping me up and we made a run for the exit. 

I held Stiles hand tight as we ran all the way to Stiles jeep. It felt like we were running for hours, like we were running so fast that my feet actually lifted off the ground for a split second. I seriously felt like I was running so fast that I actually lifted off the ground. I felt my heartbeat rising, I heard it. It was like this loud thumping noise and I couldn't hear anything else in the entire world. 

Once we reached Stiles car, that was the first moment since we spotted Peter in the hallway that we let go of each other's hands. I jumped into the jeep as soon as he hit the alarm, not bothering to put my seatbelt on. 

Which was probably a bad idea since once Stiles took off faster than a speeding bullet, I flew back in my seat before flying frontward. 

I kept cursing to myself, wondering if Derek was going to be okay. I mean, he'd be okay right? He survived the Alpha attack before. Back at the school, he survived that and I thought he was dead. He literally had blood come out of his mouth and have his back thrown against a wall where i swear I heard it crack. But he survived. 

So he's got to be okay right? 

"Do-do you think Derek's going to be okay?" I asked Stiles when I finally managed to catch my breath and we were miles away from the hospital. 

Stiles looked troubled and reasonably why. 

"Ye-yeah." Stiles voiced cracked, and it was obvious that he wasn't convinced. But Derek would be fine, I don't care how it looks. He survived an Alpha attack before, he would surely survive this one as well. Besides, Peter wouldn't actually kill his own nephew right? 



Once we reached the school; Stiles and I jumped out of the car and ran towards the locker room where we hoped to find Scott. The game was already over and we won, but Scott wasn't on the field. Which meant he had to be in the locker room hopefully. 

I held Stiles hand the entire way towards the locker room, only letting go once we spotted Scott sitting on a bench at the end of the room. 

"We have a huge problem." Stiles started saying, his breath trying to catch up with him. "Like end of the world, zombies taking over type of problem." I added while attempting to catch my own breath. 

Scott just kept his head in his own hands. "I know.." 

"Scott, the Alpha is..-" I tried saying but Scott interrupted me. 

"I know." Scott sighed. 

"Wait, what?" I looked at him confused. Did he just say he knows? As in he knows who the Alpha is? But how? What? "You know? You know what? You know the Alpha is..-" 

"Derek's uncle Peter? Yeah, they were here about ten minutes ago.." Scott sighed. 

Well, I did not see this coming. 

How did Scott find out so fast when Stiles and I barley found out? Why on earth would Derek and Peter be together to begin with and why on earth would they even come to see Scott, together? Why would Derek be with Peter when he's the one who killed Derek's sister? 

My brain was being blown right now. 

"Wait, they were here together?" I questioned Scott. I shook my head, not believing any of it. "There's no way that they were here together. It's impossible, we only saw them thirty minutes ago when they were about to rip each other apart. I mean, Peter killed Laura! There's no way that Derek would forgive Peter after he killed his sister!" 

"Derek said Peter made a mistake, that killing Laura was a mistake." Scott explained, looking troubled.

I shook my head, there was no way this was happening right now. 

"How the hell do you kill your niece by mistake?!" Stiles and I both snapped.

"How on earth did Peter brain wash Derek into believing killing Laura was a mistake? I mean, what? Did she like fall into his claws and they so happened to slit her throat or something? Did he so happen to accidentally push her into a saw or accidentally cut her in half? I don't understand how he would ever believe that it was a mistake." I sighed in defeat. This could not be happening right now. How on earth could Derek be so easily manipulated by Peter? Who on earth would think that Derek would forgive Peter after killing his sister? The sister who survived the fire that all his family died in. 

This was definitely not how I thought this night would go. 


After the whole revelations, Stiles and I went back to his house to rest after all the events that had happened today. 

I could tell that Stiles was still upset over missing the game, maybe it was the fact that I know him better than I know myself or that he kept saying it. 

"I can't believe that I missed my first game for this." Stiles complained, throwing his pillow at the wall and cursing to himself. I could understand his frustration; he was clearly upset that he had missed playing in his first game ever to help figure out who the Alpha was. But then be destroyed when he didn't even figure it out, Derek did. 

I felt bad for him and I tried thinking of what to do that would help him. 

I sighed, sitting on his computer chair and just staring at my dorky boyfriend. I let out a small warming smile as Stiles cursed to himself one more time before sitting on the edge of his bed, pouting to himself. 

"Babe, you would have done great. I know that, and I would have been hell a proud and we would have made out hardcore in your jeep after the game." I smirked, trying my best to cheer him up. 

It seemed like it was working at first because his eyes went wide once he heard me say we would have made out hardcore until suddenly he went back to mopping. 

"I'm just pissed that I missed my first game actually playing. I was going to dedicate the first shot I made to you." Stiles groaned, falling back onto the bed.  

I sighed before a smirk formed on my face, and that's when an idea popped into my head. I knew exactly how to cheer up my boyfriend because he isn't only my boyfriend but my best friend. And I know something he's been wanting to do for a long time because I've wanted to do it for a long time. 

And it seems very overdo. 

But unfortunately I couldn't build a star wars themed theme park so I will settle for a make out session. We were a couple now and have yet to have a proper make out session.  

I stood up from the computer chair, walking over to him and wrapping my arms around his shoulders while resting my chin on his shoulder. He kept mumbling things to himself while I smirked at myself, slowly putting my hands into his shirt and soothing his chest. 

His breath seemed to heighten when I started rubbing my hands on his chest and I smirked even more to myself as he shut his eyes when I placed small kisses on his neck. He opened his mouth, not saying anything as he breathed in and out. I laughed before coming around to stand in front of him, wrapping my arms around his neck and placing kisses all over his face. 

He laughed, placing his hands on my hips while staring up at me. "What are you doing babe?" 

"What's it look like?" I raised an eyebrow at him, chuckling to myself. God, I didn't think I'd love hearing him call me babe as much as I do right when he said it three seconds ago. Gosh, I love the way my name and 'babe' sounds when it comes off his lips. "I'm cheering you up. Since I can't form a surprise trip to Comic Con or build a theme park dedicated to Star Wars, I thought you'd love a makeout session." 

Stiles grin on his face grew wide as his face turned bright red. "You are the best girlfriend ever." 

"I know, and I'd like you to acknowledge the fact that you are an amazing person, best friend, and boyfriend." I smiled at him while placing a small kiss on his lips. "Also you would have kicked ass at the game and I would have cheered so loud and told everyone you were my boyfriend. You would have been really embarrassed." 

"Doubt that..I think proud is the more appropriate word." Stiles and I laughed before he brought his hands to my face, crashing our lips together. I smiled through the kiss while we sighed into the kiss. I mustered up the courage to slowly sit on his lap, putting both legs on each side of him to straddle him. I felt Stiles breath heighten and I couldn't help but smirk to myself, feeling confident that I could make him act this way. 

You know, there's nothing in the world that I thought I'd ever love more than kissing Stiles. Well maybe besides him but at the risk of being too early and scaring him away, I think I'll keep this to myself for a while anyways. 

Kissing Stiles felt so normal, being with Stiles felt so normal, it felt right. It felt like two pieces of a puzzle coming together to complete the big puzzle. It was weird, this feeling of normalcy and roller coaster kind of rush that I got whenever I saw Stiles or was with him. 

He has been my best friend for years, he knows me better than I know myself, and he's been there for me through up and down. I never thought in a million years that I'd ever be as happy as I am right now, being in Stiles arms. 

Yeah, I was happy and you don't know how good it feels to be able to say that and actually genuinely mean it. 

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