One Direction Preferences

By kaylag1170

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One Direction Preferences
You're Drunk and It's Karaoke Night
What he Loves About You
What he Calls you
What He Calls You
How He Says Goodnight While on Tour
He Pulls a Prank on You
When You Announce You're Pregnant
(UAN) 1D Song he Sings You
You're an Ed Sheeran Fan
He's Jealous You've Met....
He Asks For Your Hand in Marriage
Him and Your Child have a Cute Moment Together
You're Their Interviewer and They Hit on You
He is Way For Your Birthday
You Babysit his Younger Sister
The Pick-up Line He Uses On You
The Pick-Up Line You Use On Him
He Gets a Boner in Public
You Get Insecure on the Red Carpet
His Favorite Color on You
Your Water Breaks *His P.O.V.*
The TMH Lyric He Always Sings to You
The American Football Game You Guys Go To
The NHL Game You Guys Go To

You Babysit his Younger Sister Part 2

2.7K 11 3
By kaylag1170

Niall: "Wait what? What do you mean what's wrong with me?" Niall asked growing angry... "I hate to break it to you, but you have a little sister. Her name is Alyssa Horan and she admires you oh so much, but you can't even give her the time of day! I'm am done with this prissy attutude of 'Oh if I ignore he she'll go away' because she won't go away because she loves you and she is your sister," You practically went off on Niall and he just looked down, completely silent. So you decided to go on with your little rant, "You're her older brother, she looks up to you. You need to protect her, again she is your little sister. It breaks my heart to know how much she loves you, but not knowing if you love her back." At this point you were bawling. Niall took it upon himself to embrace you for comfort. After a few minutes of silence, Niall spoke up, "I do love her." You were dumb-strucked, "WTF are yo-" You were cut off by Niall's "shhs" He spoke up again, "I know I'm a big douchebag for doing this. I know, but the reason why I don't give her the time of day, when you're around, because I was scared I would have to confront my major crush on you." You stood there in shock. Alyssa came running in from the other room with the book she has chosen. "Come on baby girl, why don't you show me how well you read? Yea?" Niall asked Alyssa. She slowly nodded her head, with an alarming look on her face, as she jumped into Niall's arms so they could read together.

Harry: "Harry?!?" you louldy yelled. You stood there at the door with an intoxicated body, you were hoping, laying on the ground, face first. The body started to figit and eventually you saw it was indeed Harry and you guys made your way inside. You put him on the couch, and sent Gemma off to bed. As you came downstairs you were wondering to yourself how the pefect straight A student got this drunk and messed up. You came in and sat on the couch. "(y/n) I want you to know something," Harry managed to slur out. "Harry, your drunk. Can we talk about it tommorrow?" You ask even though you actually did want to know. "Nope!" He said with popping of P. "Alright, spill," you said to him laughing because of how he said nope. "(y/n), I have been madly inlove with you ever since 7th grade because, well, that's when I realized those little feelings in my tummy were love. (A/n: He's drunk.) You are the most beautiful girl I have ever met and you alwys smell really pretty. So, will you bbeee myy guurrlllfriend?" and with that he passed out on the couch. You didn't mind though. You were just thinking of the fact that he had to get that drunk so he can have the guts to ask you out.... You thought it was kind of sweet, in a wierd way. Hey! Atleast it's orgional!

Liam:"Go ahead, Liam say what your thinking," you say encourageing Liam. "Well I don't really know how to say this, but you're beautifull.. wait that came out wrong.. (y/n), you are the most-- eh nope. Ugh how ca-" Liam started to get frustrated. "Calm down Leeyum, babe take your time," you say cutting him off. After about a few minutes of him configuring what to say in his mind he spoke up again,"(Y/n), You have been my best friend for quite awhile, so we have seen eachother at our best and at our worsts. You have seen me when I was broken and always knew how to mend my broken heart. You are the reason I have lovely memories inside my head. I can't image being with anybody else, but you. You are so beautiful that-" You couldn't handle it anymore. You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him. Not one of those 'Ohhh we're boyfriend and girlfriend' kisses, but one of those 'I'm inlove with you' kisses, deep and full of passion.

Zayn: You couldn't finish your statement, you were too busy staring at Zayn and your bestfriend making out... You were staying strong for a moment, but you were weakening. After realising your pressence, they both looked up with wide eyes. You had tears streaming down your face, but you didn't care. "Your mom is on the phone Zayn," You said quietly. As he walked inside... "You bitch! You know I like him and you go ahead and start making out with him! WTF is wrong with you... You are a horrible friend (y/bestfriend's/n)..." You yelled at (y/bestfriend's/n). She was in tears and she ran off home. Serves her right! She knows how much you liked Zayn and she just waltzed in and stole him from you. You walked inside with your tear-stained face. Zayn came up to you and wrapped his arms around you and said, "Sooo, I heard you like me.? Yea?" He was smirking. You pushed away, "I liked you. Pastense." You grabbed your coat and left, hearing Safaa call Zayn a jerk-off and Walyiha ask Zayn if he needed so ice fo that burn, which slightly made you smile. You kept telling yourself, "You're too good for him, and how can he disrespect (y/bestfriend/n) that easily by making out with her and just moving on to the next girl.

A/n: I know Zayn would probally never do this, but seriously I'm not gonna to push aside reality just because you want it to be a happy ending... Seriously, if you catch the guy you like making out with your best friend you aren't gonna forgive him and live happily ever after... That's not how it works... Sorry about my rant... Now I give you Louis's Lol...

Louis:"What!? What do you possibly want!?" You practically scream at Louis. "I'm so sorry (y/n), I didn't mean to hurt you it's just, I have something confess," Louis announced looking down. "What do you need to confess?" You say a little calmer now. "(y/n) I have been pretending to hate you for the past 7 years of my life to make sure you didn't find about how much I love you," Louis started off, "It wasn't until now that I realised how much it really does hurt you and I just want you to know... Everytime that I would call you a whore, slut, skank, and etc. I never meant it. What I really wanted to say is how my I want to call you mine." It was a little corny, but you didn't care. You jumped into his arms and gave him a long, lingering, passionate kiss you have been waiting for years for. You two break away and Louis had this wierd expression on his face. "Why did you do that? I though you hated me..." He said suspiciously... "Well, it's kind of a funny story," You said biting your lip.

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