AuthorFist (BOYXBOY) OUAT/Hen...

By DanteNavas

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A boy trapped on Neverland,no outside connections,no recollection of what happened to him to make him who or... More

Season 3/Part I
Season 4/Part II
Season 4/Part III

Season 5/Part IIII

221 3 5
By DanteNavas

I stood in shock as I saw the Dark One's Dagger have Emma's name written across it."And when I thought you couldn't get more pathetic.You refused to become the Dark One to save your wuved one's mother.I wonder how he'll react to your failure."I clocked myself square in the face causing him to disappear and giving my ears this earsplitting ringing sound."We have to save her!"I shouted after seeing everyone looked at me like my head was on backwards."She sacrificed herself...She's the Savior after all." "And now she's the...Dark One."said Henry as I went to go to cry in his arms."Now she's a problem." "No,she's still our daughter." "It's not like she rode a rainbow into the sunset she got sucked up by a vortex of evil!" "Where is she?"Mary Margret asked."Only one way to find out."Hook picked up the dagger."Dark One!I command you!DARK ONE!APPEAR!" "Put that down before you hurt yourself guy liner.The dagger brings the Dark One to you from anywhere in the world.Then there's our answer.She's not in this world."Regina said before we went to go see The Apprentice who was in Gold's shop under the care of Mother Superior."Apprentice,how can we get to the Dark One?"We all asked."With...this wand.It can take you to anywhere you desire...but it must be used the same way it was forged...half in darkness and half in...light."The Apprentice dropped the wand as his eyes closed and I felt the light fade from his body."Guess that's my cue."Regina said before trying to use the wand...trying."Okay,enough!Before you embarrass yourself!"Hook told her."Silence!I know what I'm doing." "I highly doubt that.You've lost your dark side." "You want darkness?How bout I use that hook of yours to show you your intestines?" "Oh you got the fire love,but not the blackness,not anymore.How's this for irony?You've done too much good!We don't need someone evil,we need someone wicked."Oh shit......"No.No!Not my sister." "With all due respect,Regina.Emma became the Dark One to save you.You owe her this."I commented."I know!But we have to find a way without her."I sighed as I found Henry in the diner and just leaned against the counter before giving him a Coke to go with his book.Suddenly,Hook came in and sat down next to Henry at the counter." plan?"I asked."Henry,you can fix this,you're the author now,use that pen,write the darkness out of Emma.Bring her back."That's actually a good plan."I broke it."Henry said causing Hook to sigh pinch the bridge of his nose."What?You had one job,Henry."I said as I shook my head and took a sip of his drink in disappointment."My mom wouldn't want me to.She would want me to be good." "Ah damnit you and your nice saves..."I complained with a compliment laced into it.
"Right,right.So you won't break any rules then?What if there's a dangerous way to help your mother that your other mother wouldn't like." "I don't need their permission,I'm not a kid anymore." "Good,because our best bet is the person Regina hates the most."Zelena."Zelena."How did Henry learn to read minds?"That's right.We're gonna break out the Wicked Witch." "Oh dear.I'm not getting in trouble with the Evil Queen." "Suit yourself."Henry said and I shouted,"Just use what I taught you!"before the two ran off and I didn't breath a word of it to Regina.
"You let her out?!" "Technically,I let her escape." "Moron!"Regina and Hook argued."At least I'm doing to something to save Emma." "What's that supposed to mean?" "Maybe you like not having Emma around.Maybe you like having Henry all to yourself."I wouldn't say that."Maybe you like having a hook.Maybe you'd like another."I smacked my lips and mouthed to Henry,"This really a thing?"He shrugged before Mary Margret grabbed everyone's attention."Enough!Zelena's out,that's all that matters.But not as much as Emma.Emma kept us United and that is how we are going to remain.Come hell or high water we will put out nonsense aside!And find my daughter!Now where would Zelena go first." "I know exactly where,or rather who."Regina located Zelena who held Robin in place and bargained for the wand in the center of town."Regina you can't do it." "I have to."Regina gave her the wand and she conjured a portal that would take her to Oz.It sapped away her magic allowing time for Robin to put the Nullifying Cuff back on her."What just happened?" "What happened is I'm not stupid.I knew that conjuring the portal would strip you of your magic.Cause if there's one thing our family's good at.It's taking the things people love and turning it into a weapon.We just have to redirect the portal."Regina cast a spell on Emma's adorable little baby blanket and we took shelter in Granny's Diner.The dwarves came in and we were transported to Camelot where we were able to find Emma holding the heart of a ginger woman in a blue dress."Killing her is the only way I can find Merlin...she has to die."Emma said before Hook,Henry and her parents convinced her not to kill this poor Merida character."Well you don't look like a crocodile." "Guess I lucked out."Emma said with a smile before she and Hook began to make out."Regina,I want you to have this.If and when the time comes,I know you will do what's necessary."Emma said which confused us before she gave Regina the Dark One Dagger.King Arthur and his knights rode towards us when we reached Granny's and I got into my boxing stance."Welcome to Camelot.Merlin prophesied that you would reunited him with us.Well,particularly the Savior would.Who might that be?"An awkward silence blanketed the scene and before Emma could say anything,Regina spoke up."I'm...the Savior." "We shall celebrate the arrival of the Savior!"We rode to the kingdom and found out that Merlin was imprisoned in a tree."The most powerful sorcerer in all the trapped in a bloody tree?" "That's exactly what I said when I first found that out."Arthur commented before I smirked and rubbed my hands together like a maniacal villain and said,"Oh I am going to relish all the tree puns that this is worth."Before Henry elbowed me and I smiled innocently."What is it with you and puns?"I shrugged and said,"I'm built like that.By the way!If you come to this shindig,you owe me a dance."and added a wink at the end and a butt bump.After the ball that was gonna take place,Regina was to figure out how to free him from his bark prison,of course I tried because I could control earth but my pendant's magic wasn't working on it.Oh well,in the meantime.
"Oh my god!We're wearing the same outfit!Oh this is a fashion travesty!"I said with fake shock as I saw that Henry was wearing the same outfit as me,except his was white,mine was black,and I was wearing my ribbon."It's fine.You look good."I put on an ugly face and said,"I know.But so do you.Shall we?"I jerked my head towards the door and Henry looped his arm through mine and I force myself to avoid fainting.It was then I realized that I have extraordinary control of my body.I couldn't contain my blush or steady my breathing,however."We shall."He said to me with a smile before I turned to look at the floor while we walked.My awkwardness was overtaken by excitement when I saw everyone dancing."This is amazing!"I shouted."Yeah.I'm glad you like it." "So how bout that dance?" "Shouldn't I be asking you that?" "What makes you more manly than me?"I asked sarcastically as I giggled at Regina and Robin copying Hook and Emma's dancing."Well,I'm not the one who giggles." "Fair point.Want to restart?"He shrugged and held out his hand."Tyler...oh..." "What?"I asked."I just now realized I never figured out what your last name is."Oh right...about that..."How about Lockhart like that girl from Final Fantasy 7 who also punches all the things?"I suggested before he chuckled and said,"Alright,Tyler Lockhart,may I have this dance?" "You may."I said as I gently put my hand in his.We did a simple four step waltz and I showed him a dance that I learned before I was trapped in Neverland:I took his left hand and raised with my right hand and cupped his other hand on my shoulder blade and put my left hand on his shoulder with my fingers on the seam of his sleeve and smiled at him and taught him the simple box step."Where did you learn this?"Henry asked me."At a school dance,my friend showed me this and it compliments my favorite song perfectly." "Wow,you can survive falling out of a fourth story building,you're a master martial artist,you're funny,you're smart and you can dance?What can't you do?" "Find my soulmate.Swallow my pride.Cry in front of people I don't know.Sometimes I can't walk and end up tripping over my own feet.I'm not perfect Henry." "But we're perfect as a team." "Well ain't that the truth."We spun into different dance partners and I ended up dancing with Regina."Hi!"I said as I spun her."Hello.I didn't know you could dance." "Well,I can.I learned from a friend." "Before Neverland?" "Before Neverland."I clarified."So how are things going with Henry?" "Good so far,I did get a little hurt when he said 'as a team' instead of 'together' but..." "Tyler,you have to realize he doesn't know you're gay.He won't realize you like him until you learn to tell him how you feel." "Good point." "I know."She said before we stopped."Whew...dancing is harder than I thought.Don't you get tired?" "Not my style.Have fun and thanks for the dance."She nodded as I walked back over to Henry and almost died right there where I was standing."Well,what have I been saying this whole time?He doesn't love you.He never will,you thick headed whore of a child."Pan's ghost said to me.Henry was with a girl,a girl our age and they were laughing together.I didn't think it could get any worse,but I saw that it was the exact same skanky hoe bitch from my nightmares.Tears blurred my vision as I ran away from the dance.I ran to the balcony and cried and I slammed my fists into the stone railing thus destroying it."Why?!I was too late...I'm an idiot...I should've told him sooner..."I said to myself as I heard a familiar voice call my name and suddenly a hand was on my shoulder."Ty?I'm sorry you had to see that.Personally,I don't like that girl either..." "Me neither.Why couldn't I have just told him?!Why do I have to be so afraid?!"I cried out to Regina."You're only human.You were trained to face anything that comes your way and kill it without hesitation.Fear is new to you.Believe me,I felt the same thing when Tinkerbell told me about Robin.It'll get better,you just have to suck it up and tell him." "I...I will...when the the is right." "I understand,but the longer you wait...the more likely it'll be too late.Take it from someone with personally experience.You're not just ruining your own life,but you're also ruining his." "Excuse me?"Sir Percival asked."May I speak to the Savior?" "Regina..."We heard.We saw Robin Hood lying bleeding on the floor down the hallway."Robin?!" "So that's your name.Well not like it will matter when I rid Camelot of the Evil Queen!"Percival said before attacking Regina.I disarmed him and tossed him off the balcony.Emma came by and healed Robin Hood because the blade Percival used was enchanted to kill Regina so he magic can't heal it's damage,but Emma's Dark One magic could.Regina confessed to Arthur that she WAS the Evil Queen but he accepted her and she got back to work."Regina...I tree what you did there."She smiled as she facepalmed and Zelena rolled her eyes at me."We need to get to the root of the problem before we got caught for treeson."I passed by Hook when he went to see Emma while singing,"You used to call me on my tree phone." and I saw a blast of magical energy come out of the doorway."Easy love.It's just me."We took Emma to Merlin's tower where Regina was working on the cure for Merlin's ailment and Regina saw that Emma tried to get the dagger.Regina hid it in a new location while Henry took Hook and Emma to a secret location,probably where that wench he was talking to lives.Regina,Mary Margret and I found a toadstool that could allow us to speak to those past or those lost.David went off to go find it and became the Siege Perilous,a most trusted and honored knight of the round table.

Mary Margret had told us that Lancelot had returned from the dead and she enlisted his help to go plant a fake Dark One Dagger in the Vault Of The Dark One while Regina hid the real dagger.When we returned to the palace,Mary Margret and David said we should give the dagger to Arthur."What?After all that time I spent hiding it?What changed?" "We realized that Arthur really can cure Emma of the darkness."You'd give up the only thing that can control your daughter?Even after Lancelot told you that Arthur can't be trusted?" "Just give us the dagger!"Emma stunned them and told us about how Merlin could free them from the enchantment they're under."But that's the thing.We don't know how to free him."Regina and I agreed."Unless we use Dark Magic."I sighed as I reluctantly agreed."If it can free Merlin and he can free you from being the Dark One and get your parents back to their old selves then I'm in."I agreed as we went back to the castle to the tower.On the way we encountered Henry practicing his swordplay.He dropped the sword and Regina told him to be careful.He gave us a long winded (to me,heartbreaking) explanation about how that bitch Violet's dad doesn't like him because he isn't a knight."Henry,in this world,you're a mysterious stranger from another land.That's a good thing."Emma explained."You're right." "Besides,you don't need a sword for that,I'll teach you how to use the Dragon's Fist."I said nonchalantly."Really?!" "Yeah." "You're awesome!" "Of course,I'm the ish."He hugged me as Regina and Emma smiled at me."Meet me,twenty paces east of the diner tomorrow at sundown and we shall begin your training."I said with a hint of mystery before we headed back to the palace,not before I shouted,"Don't be late!"The three of us theorized that if Merlin's tear of lost love turned him into a tree,maybe another tear of lost love will bring him back like snake venom being used to make an antidote.We used magic to show Daniel getting killed again and used Regina's tear in the elixir we made."It didn't work.Why isn't it working?"I facepalmed and said,"Hello Megan!The real question is why did we think it would work." A/N Anyone who gets that reference deserves a cookie "Ty's right.It was heartbreaking but your heartbreak wasn't strong enough,you have Robin now.You've healed."Henry came to see us and told us that Violet rejected him.I almost started crying as I hugged him tightly."Henry,people may not know you're a hero,but you soon will be."Regina wiped Henry's tear with a cotton ball and Arthur and his knights arrived."Step away from the tree!You betrayed us!We welcomed you and you allowed the Dark One into our walls.Give me the dagger!"He demanded."If you think that I'll give you the ability to kill my best friend's mother,you have another thing coming.So why don't you make like Merlin over here,and leaf.But if you persist,you can have the dagger when you pry it from my cold dead fingers,unfortunately for you..."I cracked my knuckles and finished my sentence,"I don't.Go down.Easy." "You want the dagger?Come and get it."Regina threw a few fireballs at them while I threw stones from the ground at them with my mind.I then blinked in and Water Kicked a man off his horse and knocked him into the air and slamming him into the ground while winking at him and threw him at his friends."That was awesome!" "Thanks!"I replied happily before taking a shield to the face and getting pissed off as I touched the blood on my lip and felt the blood vessel reseal itself while my vision reddened as I was about to attack them some more."Emma now!"Regina shouted as Emma used both her Savior Magic and her Dark One magic to turn Merlin back into a human being."I've been waiting for you...Emma...And the boy to be King,you've disappointed me."Merlin stated after taking off his hood and my vision cleared up as I leaned on my right leg and putting my finger on my tongue and making the sizzling sound while flicking my finger at Arthur."I've disappointed you?!You gave me false prophecies!You sent me in an impossible quest!You ruined my life!" "Put it away Arthur,we both know that broken blade can't hurt me."We took him back to Granny's Diner where he freed Mary Margret and David from their mind control."Now that that's taken care of.Can you please cure Emma of her darkness?"Henry,Hook and I pleaded."I can do this,but Emma,you must ask yourself.Is your heart ready to be freed?"Emma stood motionless and said,"Yes." "Take your time to think about it,but in the event that you want to be free of the darkness,I will need a few volunteers to help me free Lancelot."I nodded and Charming did the same."Alright,I also need someone who has read through my tomes to help me with a certain spell."Belle stepped up and we snuck into the dungeon.""I said before I flicked my fingers and knocked out a pair of guards by telekinetically throwing bricks at their heads.We barged in and Charming took out a guard before knocking another one out with the hilt of his own sword.We escorted Merlin through the dungeons and Belle helped him enact a spell to free Lancelot and...Merida?"After what your daughter almost did to me it's the least you can do."We freed the two of them and escaped back to the diner and I headed back to the diner before anyone else did and created a little training ground for Henry and I."You made it!" "That I did.Ready for training?" "The real question,is YOU ready?"He chuckled at me before I went into my fighting stance and said,"Yeah,okay let's go.Mirror my stance,non dominant side forward."He did as told and I smiled as I told him to hit me to which I grabbed his arm and kneed him in the gut."Ow." "Tough love.You gotta remember that pain can't be avoided,it's your choice to suffer from it."He gets up and hits me again but I dodge and spin and elbow him in the back,knocking him down."Ah god..." "You okay?" "I'll live."He gets up and he reals back his punch and when he let's it rip I grab his arm and toss him."Ow!What the..." "Henry,you should've known what you were getting...Wait a minute,do you have an aura?" "A what?" "Aura."Henry looked at me with confusion and gave me like a mini shrug." (A/N DIRECT RWBY QUOTE INBOUND)
"Your aura is the manifestation of one's soul,shielding your heart and safeguarding your body.With practice an aura can be used as a shield to protect yourself,what's yours and those close to you.Not many have it,despite that it is an age old technique used by many of the mystic arts.By baring your soul outward as a force,you can deflect harm of almost any kind,with one exception,as it does not pertain to other magic.In's a force field.If force fields could let you jump over tall trees,punch them to splinters and repair your skin from bullet wounds." "That's how you survived falling out of the hospital!" "Yep.I'd be dead if not for my aura.Now close your eyes and concentrate."He did as I told him and he started flowing as I took a deep breath and did the same while putting my hand on his cheek,causing his face to warm up."For it is in passing that we achieve immortality.Through this we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all.Infinite and distant and unbound by death.I release your soul,and by my shoulder protect thee."My knees weakened as Henry caught me from falling."Tyler?!"He asked in worry."It's okay.I'm fine.I used my aura to give you your own.But the energy that empowers you is your own."I smiled as all his bruises vanished from sight almost immediately."Yours is one of great might."He smiled back at me as his glow faded and he closed his eyes and leaned in.I blushed and did the same as his lips and mine connected,fitting together like puzzle pieces,it wasn't a passionate kiss and sure as hell it wasn't a bad one,it was simple and sweet,just as a first kiss should be."I love you."Henry said to me."I was gonna say that first.I love you too!"I said with the biggest blush ever as I went back in and wrapped my hands around his neck while his snaked around my waist.And here I thought I couldn't get Senpai to notice me.He said the words that finally allow me to die happy.Not to mention he's an amazing kisser.It was...literally magical.It was probably the best first kiss I could've ever had.

Merlin agreed to help Emma get the darkness out of her and the two ventured off to find the Flame Of Prometheus,meanwhile,I stayed with Granny to protect Henry while Regina,Robin Hood,Mary Margret,David,Hook and Zelena went off to get Excalibur from Arthur.Emma returned from getting The Flame and we found out that he wasn't with her for half of the return here."Granny,we need to close up shop." "Way ahead of you."She tossed Henry the keys and the next thing I knew Emma disappeared."Now where'd she go?!"I shouted."Look,she's outside."Henry said before going to see her.I waited for them and he walked back inside proudly."You seem proud of yourself.How'd it go?"He hugged me and said,"Thanks for giving me one of these.Back know..." "I awways wuv duh huggies."I said as I rested my head on his shoulder."How are you holding up about this whole situation?" "I want Emma to be free of the darkness.As she once was." "We gotta have faith.We'll get through this together." "I wish I was as brave as you." "You are brave,I just wish you knew that." "I want you to have your family in one piece again!I...I want you to have the family I never had..."He looked me right in the eyes and said,"Stop talking like that.Please."He hugged me tighter and rocked me back and forth."We can be a family if we get married."My heart felt as though it jumped out of my chest and he kissed me again,I'm still in shock as to why he chose me over that girl he met at the ball.But I'm not complaining,I'm glad to know he loves me as much as I love him.I felt his heart beating in syncs with mine.Emma came back and the whole group was safe,praise the gods and Emma began to reforge Excalibur.I could faintly hear Hook mumble,"Bloody hell."Before collapsing to the floor.Everyone panicked and Emma wasn't able to heal the blow to Hook's neck from Excalibur's blade.Emma saw that the only way to help him was to make them both the Dark One grant him eternal life."Emma think about this." "Emma you're parents are right this isn't a good idea." "What about Robin Hood?!Look how far you pushed ME to help him!"She teleported herself and Hook somewhere to perform the ritual.All of the sudden,darkness seeped out of Merlin's skin as everyone asked,"What's happening?" "It's too late."Merlin replied in a scratchy voice.
The whole day,we went out to look for Emma and Henry was holding my hand throughout the entire ordeal.I panicked,wondering if we would ever find them until Henry gave my hand a reassuring squeeze and took my other hand in his as I stated into his eyes,with deep deep longing..."We'll find them,I know that.We're family,we always find each other." "Just like I'll always find you.Just like I'll always find you."That actually did take me by surprise when he said that.I was going to say that first."And I you."I leaned in to kiss him and when our lips touched.Everything went black.

I remember falling into a deep sleep,I don't know what happened but the thing I'm most concerned about is how were Henry and I standing IN SUCH A WAY that our faces were next to each other but we were flipped,rather than parallel."What the hell happened?Where are we?"I asked."We're back in Storybrooke,and...we lost our memories." "Again?"I clarified.I saw the Troll Bridge and we ran to the diner."What's going on?!"I cried as we burst through the doors."That's what I want to find out.Sneezy how long have we been gone?"David asked as I looked questioningly at Sneezy who was wearing Emma's jacket."About a week." "Well who the bloody hell took a week of our memories?" "I did,Killian." "Emma I..."Regina reached for the dagger and Emma showed us that she had it."Looking for this?"Emma asked."Swan,why are you doing this?"Hook asked."Cause I'm the Dark One."
Emma teleported away and Hook went to find her and David and l went to find anyone who might be lost.I jumped from branch to branch and saw an entire camp and I didn't recognize anyone there."David!I think I found something!"I shouted as I lead him to the camp of...Camelot's residents.We offered them shelter and we brought them to Granny's Diner.When we did,we explained that we would protect them as David spoke with King Arthur.I looked over to see Henry talking to some random girl and I ran out of the diner,crying."Ty?What's wrong?"Regina asked as she followed me."Henry...he...he was talking to some girl and...I should've told him!" "Tyler,I know that you were raised to be fearless.But what you have to realize is that this is all new to you,you haven't had to deal with emotions like this as far as I know.I mean,I didn't listen to Tinkerbell when she told me that Robin was my soulmate.Now look at us.You just have to tell him how you feel.Seize the moment." "I...I will...when the time is right." "Ty...the longer you wait...the more likely it'll be too late.Take it from someone with personally experience.You're not just ruining your own life,but you're also ruining his." "I just don't want to destroy what we built.He's the first friend I've ever had!If it goes wrong...I'll lose him..."She hugged me and said,"I know you'll make the right choice."We went into the forest to visit Robin as he scouted for more lost Camelot inhabitants and we encountered a creature that had the shape of a woman,and she kidnapped Robin and knocked out Regina as I took Roland to safety."Regina?!"Mary Margret said as she,David and Grumpy found us."What was that thing?"David and I asked."We're not sure but it has Robin.I need to get him back!"Regina said as she went off to fight the succubus like creature."No no no!You can't." "I have to.We have to realize that there is no more Savior and we need a new one." "And who's that gonna be?You?"Grumpy asked sarcastically.Regina poofed herself away as I comforted Roland.As the night loomed over Storybrooke,I put on my Ember Heart gauntlets as I went to go fight the demon.I punched it in their stomach with fire punches but it slammed me into a tree that I kicked into the creature.It lifted the tree off of itself and threw it at me and I used Dolphin Blow to uppercut it to pieces.Meanwhile it tried to take Robin's soul and Regina ran in and offered herself."No!"I shouted as I held her hand and offered myself as well."I'm coming with you!"Mary Margret shouted as she did the same.David and Leroy joined in and the demon overextended itself and exploded."Why...did you do that?"Regina asked us as we recuperated."Because,sacrificing yourself proved you can stop the Dark One." "If anyone's gonna take the place of the Savior,it's gotta be you."Leroy agreed.

We held a dance at night to ease the minds of everyone and I saw Violet kiss Henry on the cheek.I almost cried in that moment.I steeled myself as he walked over to me." alright?" "I'm did the right thing...reuniting the girl with her horse.I'm proud of you.You're becoming a hero as you always wanted to." "You remembered what I said back in Neverland?" "Why wouldn't I?"I said with a warm smile as he gave me one back."So did you save me a dance?"I asked flirtatiously."Wouldn't that be awkward?Who's gonna be the girl?Should we flip a coin?" "I'll do it.Do you know how to dance?"He shook his head in a cute shy manner and I took his hands."So,this is what you have to do."I took his left hand and raised with my right hand and cupped his other hand on my shoulder blade and put my left hand on his shoulder with my fingers on the seam of his sleeve and smiled at him and taught him the simple box step."Got it?" "I'm starting to." "Then we're moving out of this little box."His eyes widened as I smiled at him and we began to move more naturally throughout the ballroom."This is actually really fun." "I hoped you'd like it.Mary Margret would be ecstatic about you learning how to dance." "Yeah...thanks for teaching me.I feel like we've done something like this before." "Yeah,this feels...normal."I closed my eyes and leaned my head against his chest.He's so warm and comfy like a stuffed animal friand that I could fall asleep right on the spot.

The whole day,Henry had an entirely different aura about him,but I couldn't let that distract me from finding this 'Crimson Crown' that Regina told me about.It is said that it could allow us to speak to someone through magical barriers.When I found it,Regina cast a spell to speak with Merlin while I gathered David,Mary Margret,Hook,and Robin into the vault.Quite apparently,the spell only works for someone who has been chosen by Merlin.We contacted Arthur and he told us that he wanted to speak to him in private.I scoffed before they lead me out of the vault.After a few minutes,he came back and we asked him if the spell worked.He told us that the spell failed and left,meanwhile we tried to find out what went wrong."Nothing went wrong.In fact,nothing even happened."David picked up the burned Crimson Crown from the fire."THAT LITTLE PUNK!WHY WOULD HE DESTROY THE ONLY THING THAT WOULD LET US SPEAK TO MERLIN?!"I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked in the mirror to see that my eyes were red...again."Well I guess that's it.We can't find someone else to cast the spell." "Wait.There is one more person who was chosen by Merlin..."I knew who Regina was referring to and pulled out my phone.'hey henny need help at vault 101 could help bring emm back hope to c u there boo 😝😝😍😘🤗'.I waited expectingly as I saw that he was typing.'on my way.c you there'
I saw Regina look at my text conversation with him with intrigue,probably curious about my use of emojis and I shrugged before telling her,"I'm an artist."I turned to everyone else and told them,"I texted him,he's on his way."Regina nodded and Henry appeared behind me."You called?" "Whoa you got here fast." "I was in the area." "Are you ready to do this?" "Yeah,that woman who ripped out Violet's heart is not my mom."Wait what?That's why Henry's been acting weird.Before I knew what happened,"I don't have much time.You must find Nimue.Find Nimue,there's no other way.Blast she found me.Find her!" "Okay,so that worked.But umm...Anyone know who Nimue is?"

We went to Emma's house after we apprehended Arthur and found out that both Emma and Hook were,'The Dark Ones.'
Robin placed the cuff on Emma's after Zelena apparently got freed of the cuff,thanks to Dark Hook.Instead of giving her the benefit of the doubt,we imprisoned her in Regina's house while we searched for a way to defeat Hook.While at the library,I sensed Emma and smiled at her as I saw Henry go to her and I slipped him a potion from Regina's vault that could rid her of the cuff.I didn't tell anyone else of their departure to find the Dreamcatchers that contain our memories and as soon as we were about to make a breakthrough,Henry called me and told me that they found the Dreamcatchers and asked me to rally the group at Regina's office.Emma gave us our memories back and the first thing I did was lock eyes with Henry as he put down his Dreamcatchers and I wrapped my arms around his neck while his went around my waist and I felt the vibrations of him saying,"I love you" into the crook of my neck."I love you too..."I whispered with teary eyes and my right hand running through his hair.

Hours passed and we suddenly came under attack from an army of Dark Ones after learning that Darth Killian brought every Dark One that has ever lived back to life.We regrouped and went to confront Hook,with Regina and Robin going to protect Roland and Zelena's baby.I went to Mr.Gold's shop and I suddenly heard Henry cry out for Emma,when I arrived,Nimue held him in place and walked through him before disappearing."HENRY!"I shouted as I saw another Dark One approach me."Don't touch me!"He passed through me,feeling a deathly chill run through my bones.My vision reddened as I muttered,"Why you little!"I turned and put my hands through the Dark One's body,once again feeling that chill through the bones in my hand.Speaking of bones,as the Dark One solidified,he could no longer move while I felt my hands grip his spinal column.I tossed him over and pulled my now bloody hands out of his body."Not so tough now are you?!'Dark One'!"I went to finish him off but the sneaky little son of a bitch disappeared on me."Tyler!"I heard the familiar voice of Henry call.I looked at my hands stained red dripping with the fluid of life.Horror and fear of myself spreading across my face."Boys,are you okay?" "Yeah,I think so..."I shook my head as I saw my hands shaking."Oh my god,Tyler are you okay?"Emma and Henry said in undeserved worry for me."No,I'm not..."Mary Margret,David,Regina,Robin and the Dwarves arrived as I put my hands behind my back,feeling the blood drop from my finger tips to the floor."Everyone check your wrists.You see,the Dark Ones can't stay here,they have as much as a tourist's visa.In order for them to stay is to switch places with someone and that person will be taken to the Underworld when the moon is full.A place where of fire,torture and damnation.A torture so great that you will wish for death until the realization hits that death has already come to pass and the new torture begins."I looked behind my back at my wrist to see blood dripping off of a spider like marking on my wrist.I almost cried,as this is one of the only times I've ever felt powerless."Gold stop,you're scaring Henry." "Good.Cause we should all be scared." "There must be something we can do." "There is.Take this time to say goodbye."

After I secretly washed the blood from my hands,Henry,Emma,Mary Margret,David and I sifted through books of spells looking for a way to remove the mark."Maybe Gold's right,maybe this is a fight we can't win." "Mom!You're Snow White,hope runs in your blood you can't give up." "I won't.It's just that if these are my last moments I don't want to spend them with my nose in a book.I want to spend them with my family." "Dinner at Granny's."Henry suggested. "Yeah,that's what we should do." "Neal's gonna be all alone." "No he won't.He'll have you."Mary Margret gave Neal to David and hugged Emma."I love you." "I love you too."Emma and I were the only ones to stay in Regina's vault when they left after Henry gave my hand a reassuring squeeze and nodded at me before Regina appeared and said,"So I heard we're giving up?" "We're not giving up there is always a way.You remember what you promised me in Storybrooke?I need you to keep that promise.I'm going to channel all the darkness into me,and destroy it.This must be kept a secret."Regina and I gave each other a serious look before nodding at Emma.The three of us went to Gold's shop to ask for Excalibur and after realizing what Emma will do with it,he gives us the sword and Emma and I go to meet with Mary Margret,David,Henry and Neal while Regina took Robin to go save Zelena and Robin's daughter from Zelena.I went to join them for dinner while Emma bid them a tearful goodbye and left a note on the jukebox.

Nimue and her goon squad came and transported us to the lake where Emma found us."Mom!Dad!I'm sorry!I tried!" "We know,and we're proud of you for it."While Regina tried to talk Hook down,Emma tried to stop Nimue and when Nimue began to telekinetically choke her,I saw an enraged look on Henry's face as a deep Crimson invaded his iris color and I though the,"Oh no."Before he attacked and was thwarted too.I heard a growl erupt from the back of my throat and I knew his vision was turning red once more as he persevered and began to move closer to Nimue.However,moved by love and pity,Hook stopped Nimue."You cannot stop us." "Aye,I can."Wait,he doesn't mean....As I contemplated what he was doing,Nimue let us both go as her,as well as all the other Dark Ones disregarding Emma and Hook himself,vanished from existence.I picked Henry up off the ground and soothingly rubbed his head,effectively calming him down and neutralizing his anger as the Dragon once did when I lost control of the Dragon's Wrath and after a tearful goodbye,Emma plunged Excalibur through Hook's chest causing him to wince and cry out in pain as I sobbed into Henry's chest while his arms wrapped around me."I love you."Emma said and I heard Killian say he loves her back.

After the paramedics took Killian,Henry soothingly rubbed the back of my hand with his thumb as we all mourned the loss of Killian.However,soon after,Emma informed us of her plan to travel to the Underworld to get him back.
When we arrived at the lake,Gold spilled his own blood into the lake and out of the Underworld came the ferry to take us there.I'm not gonna lie...I was scared for the first time since Pan abducted me I was scared to death,the irony.Henry must've felt it or he heard me gulp because he gave my hand a reassuring squeeze as we stepped onto the water and climbed into the small boat as I heard Emma's voice whisper the words her parents are famous for,"Hook I will find you...I will always find you."
I guess I'm the next half of the season,the gang is gonna have a HELL of a time!Right?Haha!I'm gonna use that one

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