I'm Here

By Ordinaryishstories

10.8K 352 26

The Infatuation and trials between 2 young teens More

Chapter 1
Read please!
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 13

304 13 1
By Ordinaryishstories

Angel's POV

It had only been 2 hours since Jase had finally set me free but i already felt brand new. it took me at least 10 minutes to haul myself inside once he drove off, i couldn't believe what he had said and his words were playing like a broken record in my mind. When i got inside i came to my room and cried; and for once these tears weren't made from fear or anger but from joy and freedom. I had been crying so long i was close to not being able to breathe or see but i just couldn't stop.

Tears continued flowing as i trekked to my closet in search of all the things Jase had ever given me and in early jumped out of my skin upon finding them. I touched the boxeverything he had given me over the years laid in; almost scared finding these things would bring him back to me in the toxic way he was prior to today. I didn't want to throw these things out, they reminded me of the occasional good times we had shared but i had to.I knew better than anyone that keeping these things would keep me attached to him for they already had for far too long. No more hugging the bear he got me for my 15th birthday when i got sad, no more twirling the promise ring he gave to me in hopes things would get better. I had to set myself free, it was time. As my tears came to a halt something dawned on me.

I deserved to let these memories burn and never look back on them, i deserved to be happy in ways i never have been, i deserved to live and love without being held back by people who didn't see my worth, even if one of those people were myself.

For so long i have been waiting for this moment, never truly feeling free, never feeling like i could be myself or be happy like the girls i'm constantly surrounded with in that forsaken school; but now i could. Now i could call Shae and Layla and tell them about my breakthrough, tell them about how ready i am to show everyone who i truly am and who i had the potential to be, and not in a way to prove myself to anyone; but in a way to show everyone i'm here and just as deserving as they are.

Pushing the box of memories to the side for a moment the largest smile I've worn since i was born sprawled across my face once i started dialing Shae's number then cutting to the other line to dial Layla's so we could 3-way.

"Well hello, stranger!" Shae exclaimed first; then it was Layla's turn.

"Angelica, i see you've called and its only 5:08 pm, your phone isn't even free yet!" and she was right but i didn't care. This moment was too happy for me and i needed to share it.

"Well hello to you too guys, please tell me you are free. I need both of you here ASAP. I have some news i think the both of you will be interested in." i practically squealed. I hoped they could here the urgency but lightness in my voice.

"Well this is just amazing, first she calls before 6, then she willingly invites us over, i wouldn't be surprised if we got there and her hair was green" at this i chuckled, Layla was so dramatic.

"Well green hair or not we'll be there" Shae replied quickly before hanging up.


In a matter of 10 minutes i heard pounding at my front door followed by a creak signalling one of the girls found the hidden key under the mat.


"COME UPSTAIRS AND FIND OUT" I was so filled with joy i was jittery, you would think i was hyped up on coffee, but really i was hyped on my new beginning.

Finally the girls made their way to my room and i moved towards the box and just smiled while waiting for the girls to settle themselves in. Layla's eyes landed on my mile wide smile first.

"Hey, whats with all this smiling you're doing?"


"You aren't on any drugs are you!?"Shae gave me the eye at this.

"WHAT? No, no Layla c'mon. I called you guys here to inform you on some things" and inform i did. I let them in on the revelation my dad had, on my growing relationship with Harry and our kiss, Jase letting me go and my own realizations that had only occurred a couple hours before.

"So wait? What you're telling me is my best friend is finally getting what she deserves?" Layla beamed,I nodded.

"And you're ready for a new beginning?" i nodded again.

"and with this new beginning i thought, what better way than to destroy the things that kept me tied down for so long, and even better? To have my ride or dies with me to help" Shae practically lunged at the box and floated down stairs with it in her blistered hands. "I. HAVE. BEEN. WAITING. FOR.THIS." and all i could think was me too. Walking into the living room where the fireplace was i spotted Shae and Layla with the grins larger than mine. Turning on the fire place Shae screeched. "LET THE NEW BEGINNING COMMENCE" 

and with that we spent 1 hour burning everything in that box, some pictures Layla had of her recent ex and even some marshmallows on forks instead of sticks. Cuddled up by the fire with the two girls i trusted the most, in the moment i could safely say I'd never felt better.  


Vote and comment. tell me what you think of  this chapter. 

i feel like something about the way i type or the style of my writing changes every chapter. i'm constantly trying to step my game up and switching things up, sorry guys x_x. 

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