Reality vs Fantasy

By Queenreading

21.7K 1.4K 430

Cassie loves books. She reads day and night. She loves the written or now a days typed word. One day she for... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 9

871 58 13
By Queenreading

Hello everyone just imagine the car in the pic is light blue with the blue neon lights. I know you can all guess who's car it will be. This chapter is not that long but it opens up the story a bit more. Happy reading.

English being the last class of the day is great, well it would be if I didn't have to share it with the barbie wannabes. Kristy, Sarah, Steph and I think the other ones name is Lisa. She is so quiet but just looking into her eyes I know she's always thinking something evil.

I can hear Kristy bragging to them about talking to Nate and him wanting to give her 'private' lessons. Yeah right dream on bitch.

"It was so sad. When I finished talking to Mr Griffin she was hanging around his door like a lost puppy waiting for any type of attention. She had to shoo her away like the pathetic dog she is." Thanks a lot Kristy. Wow the amount of shit she seems to talk I'm surprised it's not coming out of her ass.

Slowly packing up my things I get ready to leave my last class. Walking out the front doors the sun hits me straight in the face, ahh. Slipping on my sunnies I can finally see and the first thing I do see makes me want to break out in laughter. There leaning against a light blue car looking to all the world like they are posing for a photo shoot is Luke, Gabe, North and Silas.

North and Silas both look so intimidating standing with arms crossed, muscles bulging. North as normal is wearing all black. Black military boots, black jeans and a black fitted t-shirt. Silas is in runners, dark wash jeans and a dark blue fitted t-shirt with some white graphics on it. Both have sunnies on and if I didn't know them I would be scared shitless.

Gabe and Luke are completely opposite. Luke has on white high top converse, blue, black and white patterned board shorts. With a white fitted singlet and a short sleeve light blue button down shirt over the top hanging open. His long blonde hair is loosely floating in the wind and his aviator sunnies top off the look.

Gabe has white high tops white jeans and a bright orange singlet with those white geek sunnies that seem to be so in right now. I don't know how he pulls off that look but on him it looks like a million bucks.

I start walking over and I can see they have gained the attention of a lot of the students still in the parking lot. Silas spots me first and starts walking towards me.

"Hello Cassie."

"Silas, why are you smiling like that." Before I know it he has picked me up and thrown me over his shoulder. I hear laughter and I just know it's the boys.

"Silas, put me down."

"Nope." He says popping the 'P' and laughing.

"I will smack you. Put me down." I can't help but laugh though.

"You can smack my ass sugar." I hear Luke say.

Finally being put down, North holds my hips keeping me upright. I hate hanging upside down. After giving them all hugs we jump into Luke's car where I'm sandwiched between Gabe and North in the back seat.

"So what are we shopping for?" I ask as we walk around the mall.

"Clothes and things for the house." Luke answers.

I never knew guys could shop for so long. Yeah the books had it right. Gabe is a shopping machine.

Bags upon bags are piled up around us as we sit in the food court eating dinner.

Looking around I can see we were gaining a fair bit of attention. Mostly of the female kind. Either the guys didn't notice all the eyes on them or they were just so used to it that they ignored them now.

I freaked out when I felt hands go over my eyes and someone whispering "guess who" in my ear. What the! Turning around I see Kota chuckling.

"Hey Cass." He says smiling down at me.

"Hi. Did you have to give me a heart attack."

"Sorry." He pick me up and sits down in my seat putting me on his lap. I would be worried about this except it has happened before. Nate doesn't mind as long as they keep their hands to them selves and it's only his friends.

Kota ended up being the one to drop me home. None of us realised how late it had become. Right on 8pm I found myself walking through my front door.

Dad as normal lately was hidden away in his study. I know he has been home but I haven't actually seen him in over a week. Mum has been acting really weird ever since I got friends and started going out with Nate. Finding her wearing clothes that would make a 16 year old look like a slut last week was embarrassing.

I walk towards the kitchen where I can hear what she calls singing. I think it sounds like a cat on a hot tin roof. Stepping around the corner I wish I could un-see what I am seeing. My mum is holding on to the kitchen island singing and what I can only guess is, twerking? She has on booty shorts and a white singlet which I can see her bright red bra through. Their is so much makeup on her face she almost doesn't even look like my mum any more.

"Mum." I choke out.

"Oh, hello sweetie. Have you seen these shorts." She turns around and wiggles her ass at me. "They are the latest thing. I think I look dope." What the fuck did she just say?

"I think if you got a pair of these you would be able to hold onto that man of yours for a little longer. Hold on what size are you. Maybe not. You don't want to scare him off with muffin tops. Just invite him over and I can show him what they look like."

What the hell is wrong with this woman. This isn't my mother. I slowly back up out of the kitchen. Walking down the hallway I stop at dads study door. I can hear him talking to someone. He must be on the phone since I can't hear anyone else.

"......tomorrow, yes, yes. I'm waiting for her to come home so I can speak to her tonight."

"No, it shouldn't be much longer after that. Yes the paper work has been filed. I went in and signed those today. Okay talk to you tomorrow, bye."

What paper work? And what's happening tomorrow? I wait a couple more minutes then knock on his door.


"Ah, yes, Cassie. Come in and sit down, I've been waiting for you."

"What's going on dad?"

"Well as you know, you are 17 and will be 18 in a few months. I've been thinking and it's time you grew up and started looking after yourself."

"What do you mean?" What the hell is he talking about?

"Here." He passes me over some paper work. I take them and start to read through.

Emancipation papers, for school and the government. What!? I'm emancipated. He's included paper work for Centrelink so I can get money until I find work. What the ever loving fuck!

"Your disowning me? Why? What did I do wrong?"

"Nothing. But if I don't do it now you will still be living under my roof with no job until age 30. So you have tonight to pack up your things and move out by tomorrow."

"Where am I supposed to go? Where will I live?" I ask with tears running down my face. How can he do this to me.

"You have friends, a boyfriend. Ask one of them. I don't care, just as long as you are out of my house by the time I get home from work tomorrow. You can only take what you own. As in clothes and personal things. I paid for your bed and other large items so they will be staying here. Better get to it, it's getting late and you have phone calls to make."

I stand up and walk out closing the door behind me. Did I really just get kicked out of home. What am I going to do?

In my room I look around and see how little I really own. Clothes, books, my iPad and my school things. That's really it. I sit on my bed not knowing what I'm going to do.

I don't know how long I have been staring at my wall but when my phone rings I get scared and drop it. Picking it up I see its Nate.

I answer it and hold the phone to my ear not saying anything.

"Hey cutie. How's my favourite girl doing." I don't say anything, I don't know what to say.

"Cutie you there?"

"Nate." I sob out. The dam has burst and now I can't stop crying.

"Cassie. Shit, Cassie what's wrong. Baby girl your scaring me. Are you hurt?"

"I'm, I'm, homeless." I try to say through my tears. I don't know if he understands me.

"Cassie, Kota told me he dropped you at home. I'm coming around. Just hold on for me, please."

Not long after I hear the front door slam open and heavy foot steps running down the hallway towards my room. My bed room door flys open and their stands Nate. He looks like he ready to take on the world.
Dropping to his knees in front of me, he hold my face and starts to wipe away my tears.

"Cassie please tell me what's wrong. Your scaring me." My throat feels like it has closed over so I hand him the same paper work my dad gave me. Nate sits back on his heels and starts to read.

I know when he gets to my dads signature because he looks like he wants to tear the papers to shreds.

"Their kicking you out?" I nod. "When do you have to be out by?"

"Tomorrow." I manage to say.

"Do you have somewhere to go?" I shake my head no.

"Let's pack your things up. Your moving in with me." What!? He must see the shock and question in my eyes.

"Cassie." He says holding onto my hands looking deep into my eyes. "You are my girlfriend, who I am falling for more and more each and every single day. I was going to ask you to move in with me when you turned 18. This just makes it sooner. Is that okay with you?"

He looks worried now, but I couldn't be happier.

"Yes, yes. Thank you." I jump into his arms and kiss him.

It takes us just over an hour to pack up all my things and take them out to his car. Well I guess this is goodbye to my childhood home. Neither mum or dad came to talk to me or even say goodbye. I don't know what happened or went wrong but I guess they just don't want me anymore.

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