A Mysterious Past (on hold)

By MysteriousPast

1.1K 48 4

A confused Mona Minnette finds herself all alone in a place that is so far away from home, and desperately se... More

Chapter 1 (edited)
Chapter 2 (edited)
Chapter 3 (edited)
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two

Chapter Four (edited)

42 2 0
By MysteriousPast

~~~------Author's Note------~~~

Another edit is done! I hope you guys like my edited versions better than the original chapters from the story. :3 I know I definitely do.


(Note: Any Beatles fans out there? Well, if you're out there and reading this, then I have a challenge for you! I mentioned someone in this chapter. Try and find what their name has in comparison with the name of one of the Beatles' songs.

Here's a hint:

Last names can be weird sometimes. But sometimes, they're even weirder when you spell them using only every other letter. ^.^ Or they could spell out some cool new-and possibly familiar-names...

Feel free to comment if you've figured it out! Also feel free to comment with any other Beatle related things you may have noticed! :D)


Mona's POV

"Uh... What?" I muttered as I sat up in my springy bed. My eyes seemed a little blurry, but I could definitely tell that this was not my hotel room. "What?!" I shouted nervously as I scrambled up in my bed. "Where the hell am I now?! Oh no. Hell no. Don't tell me. This is that hospital, isn't it?" I looked around me to see that, yes, it was that stupid hospital. At least, it looks like it. It looks like almost the exact same room too...

"How did I get back here? And how--" I stopped my sentence short as I saw her there. Ugh, that woman disgusts me. It was the nurse from the other day. I swear, it isn't enough for me to fucking magically reappear in this stupid hospital, this lady just has to be here too.

She was just standing there, watching me with this creepy ass stare. It was almost sinister, that look she was giving me. It just gives off some really evil vibes, as crazy as that may sound. Just her glaring at me like that sends chills down my spine.


It's as if she's staring into my soul or something.

But anyhow, her weirdo glares are the last of my worries right now. What I need to know more importantly right now is why I'm here and what exactly is going on.

"Hello Miss... Minnette." the evil woman hissed.

Well, she didn't actually hiss it, but it sounded somewhat like it. She sounded kinda like a snake with peanut butter stuck to the roof of its mouth... It still hisses and everything, but it isn't quite as intimidating with that lisp and all.

"What's wrong, are you feeling lost? Don't you worry about that, someone is coming to get you." Her frown then turned into one of the most disgusting, vile crocdile smiles I ever did see.

"They're coming to take you back. Back to where you belong. Here they come," she said, gesturing to the doorway as it creaked open, revealing two shady figures. "There they are."

As the two tall, gloomy-looking figures walked in, the room went dark. Really dark. And the next thing I know, they're coming towards me in a somehow very menacing way.

My head was beginning to hurt a whole lot and my eyes were starting to bug me again. My vision had blurred more, and the big blobs that my bad eyesight were seeing as the two people were standing right next to me on either side of the bed with something in their hands.

"What... What's going on?..." I began to feel sick and the nasty hospital lady began to smile even bigger. Grinning a very mischievous smile, she began to laugh this maniacal laughter.

It sounded like a laugh of pure evil. It was so terrible... It made my ears hurt. It almost felt like my ears were bleeding. I swear, if that woman doesn't quit it, I'll punch her in the face. I feel like my ears are about to fall off, if that is humanely possible.

The two figures began to pull whatever they had in their hands closer to me, looking like they were about ready to dissect me or something. The room started spinning faster and faster, out of control, when all of a sudden, one of the two men raised his arm up, the light shining on what I know saw was an axe, and was ready to swing it down on me, to cut me open, when he--

"NO! Get away! Get away, get away, GET AWAY FROM- ...me?" I took a good look around to see the hotel room furniture.

Oh. Right. Um...

Okaay, so, I'm not in hospital. And I'm all alone. The mean lady is nowhere near here. So then I'm perfectly fine. And I was never in the hospital to begin with. Because I was alseep. And nothing actually happened...

"Wow." I muttered. "That was, without a doubt, one of the weirdest dreams I've had in a long time..."

I ran a hand through my tangled hair and sat up. And just then, a knock came at the door.

Someone's at my door? Why would anyone be here to see me? Nobody knows who I am, so nobody would have any reason to see me. Heck, nobody would even know me enough to want to see me. And I didn't ask for a wake up call or breakfast or anything like that either, so it couldn't be anything like that.

I slowly crept towards the door and looked through the peep hole to see a familiar face.

I sighed in relief. Finally, a friendly face in this wacked out world. Thank goodness she's here!

It was the woman from yesterday who somehow knew everything about me including who I was, some things about my life before this weirdness, and how I got here. Wow. You don't realize how creepy that sounds until you say it like that.

And I don't know how she found me here either, but I don't care! She is the only person in this weirdo future world that can help me and probably will be one of the only people I may have a chance of ever being able to trust in this time.

I smiled weakly and opened the door. "Hi." I said, "Would you like to come in?" I asked gesturing inside the room.

She smiled. "Yes, thank you." she stepped inside and I closed the door.

I sat down on the edge of my bed and she took a seat on one of the chairs across from me. "Well, good morning." She said with a smile.

"Some morning," I said with a laugh. "I feel like my life is a complete mess."

She smiled at me sympathetically. "I know everything is really complicated right now, but things will get better. And if it makes you feel any better, I've been looking around trying to find as much information as I can that might help me find out how all of this is happening and if we can ever get back."

I held my head in my hands. "But what if there is no solution? I mean it's just..." I sighed. "This shouldn't even be possible. There isn't any reason, scientifically speaking, that this could happen. It's completely random! And why me? Why, of all people, did this have to happen to me? And I've got nothing to do about it! Nothing I say can help at all either. I've got nothing to do, nothing to say, but you know what? It's okay! Because I'm sure everything will be fine, right? It will be just perfect. Maybe. Somehow. Eventually... So you know what? I'm just going to enjoy my day, and I'll have a GOOD morning! Even if it kills me!"

She sighed. "I'm sure we'll figure some way to fix this. I've been looking into whatever solutions I can think of."

I thought for a minute. "Wait. Just before, you said you were trying to find a way for us to get back. But why would you want to go with me? Don't you have your own life here?"

She laughed. "No, I don't think you understood what I meant. I didn't mean I'd go with you to the time you came from. I meant that maybe we'd find a way for you to get back to your own time and I'd find a way to get back to mine."

My eyes widened. "Then... You're stuck in the same situation as me?"

Her expression saddened a little and she nodded. "I've been stuck here for a while now, but it still wasn't too long ago. When I found myself here, it was in some hospital. I didn't know how I got here or even where I was. After some asking around though, I found out that things were definitely not going as normal..."

I can't believe it! She woke up in a hospital? I woke up in a hospital! That's crazy! And she's from the past too... I wonder what year she was from. Or maybe she's from the future!

Well, at least, further in the future. After all, to me, this is the future already. It's years ahead of my own time already.

"You woke up in a hospital?" I asked. "Yeah," she said. "It was just really weird. It looked really different from any hospital I'd ever seen before back in my time. That one was filled with all kinds of gadgets that I'd never even seen before. The people I saw were dressed weird too. And some snobby secretary got me kicked out, too. And to ruin my day even more, it was raining. It was pouring. Needless to say, it wasn't a very fun walk for me. Especially since I didn't even know where I was headed."

"I can't believe it..." I said, still trying to comprehend everything she was telling me.

She's from the past. The past!! And she woke up in a hospital. Possibly the same one as me!

She looked confused. "What, that it was raining? Or do you just mean this whole thing?"

"No, no." I said shaking my head. "It's just... I woke up in a hospital too."

She rubbed her chin. "Interesting. Maybe there is some sort of trend in these occurrences... I'll definitely have to look into that. Maybe we'll be able to figure out just where anyone else may appear next."

"So you think there may be others?" I asked.

She nodded. "Of course. It seems very likely. If this happened to only one person, then it might have just been some random, unexplainable freak of nature. But it didn't just happen to one person. It happened to two. So since this happened to both of us, it is very likely that this cycle will repeat again, as it did with us."

I shivered at the thought.

People being randomly transported through time against their will.

That shouldn't even be possible.

Heck, it isn't even possible! Yet apparently, somehow, it is.

"But hey," she said with a bit of a smile. "Any chance you remembered what I said yesterday? That little quote that I mentioned would help you when you're here?"

I hesitated for a second, but I nodded. "Yeah, but only some of it. I don't remember it word for word, but I do remember what it was basically about."

She nodded. "Good. Very good. But I do need you to check it out again. Word for word, you can find it in a book called . It's by a woman named Eleanor Raidgubey. I'm going to need you to head to the library down the block and check it out. Here, I'll write it down for you." She grabbed the notepad on the side table and the pen that went with it.

I shrugged, "But why do I need to go to the library to find it? Can't you just repeat it to me?"

She shook her head immediately. "No, no. I can't do that."

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because," She said. "I just can't. Besides," she ripped the piece of paper off of the notepad and handed it to me. "I don't remember it word for word."

I eyed her curiously as I took the paper, shoving it into my pocket.

"I wrote down the page it's on, too. And the address of the library." She said, putting the notebook and pen back down onto the table. "But you should probably head out there later today. Trust me, demand for that book is very high. It's pretty popular nowadays. But, I'd be careful..."

I tilted my head. "What makes you say that?"

She shrugged kind of nervously. "Well, I was walking around the other day. It wasn't around here though. It was just a couple of towns over. Some guy was standing on the sidewalk with a bunch of signs and he was shouting, going on about something. Maybe he was protesting or something. So I walked over to see what it was. And then I saw it... He was trying to spread word about people traveling here from the past."

My eyes widened.

"The man's name was Jude. He talked about some girl in Connecticut who was from the past. He was trying to expose her as having traveled in time, but as you can imagine, nobody around seemed to buy what he was saying. I only saw one person who even said anything to this 'Jude', and all he really said was "Hey", he gave him a dollar and left."

I gulped. "Interesting."

She nodded. "Just... Be careful what you say or do. Right now, it'd be best to keep quiet about this whole thing. Until we figure out something, we should just keep this all to ourselves. We can't say anything that might make people suspicious."

I nodded. "Right."

"So when you stop by the library later," she said, sounding a bit nervous, "Just try to make sure nobody sees you with that book. And if they do... Then just make it look like you're reading it and are really interested. Or something. Just try to look as normal as you can about it. Like you're a normal girl looking through a normal book."

I nodded and she sighed.

Then, the I heard a knock at the door. Who could it be now?

Suddenly, I saw a flash of realization on the woman's face. "Oh my gosh. I forgot. I completely forgot!" she said, starting to freak out.

I gave her a curious look and she explained, saying, "When I came here earlier, there was something I needed to tell you! Something really important."

She looked frantically around the room until she saw the clock on the wall that read 8:47.

"Holy crap. CRAP! He's HERE!" she said, thinking out loud.

"What? Who?" I asked, having no idea what she was talking about.

She shook her head. "There's no time to explain. All I can say is that there is a guy at the front door. He most likely is the same guy I ran into this morning while I was at Starbucks. Be careful what you say around him. He seemed to act suspicious of me this morning. He was asking me all kinds of questions and I had to make up everything I was saying, because they all had to do with stuff about my growing up and my life now, which really, is close to nothing. He didn't seem to believe much of what I was saying. He was following me, so I ran around one of the neighborhoods to try and lose him. But when I was near here, I think I might have seen him a bit behind. He was just barely catching up. So, don't tell him anything. Just... I don't know, do something!"

"Hello, is anyone there?", a deep voice calls out from the hallway.

"AH! I need to get out of here before he sees me!" she shouted, in a sort of whispered tone. "Look, I hate to leave you here to deal with him, but I can't let him see me. I wish you the best of luck. He can be a handful."

"Hello?" the voice said again, knocking again at the door.

"Wait," I said, "Can't you just hide somewhere-"

And then she was gone in a puff of smoke.


Really? How does she even know how to do that?

I sighed and walked towards the door.

Well, here goes nothing.

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