Book Two: Beneath the Surface

By Strawbana

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Lucy, can never be the same again. More

Smile's and tear's
Welcome Home Fairy Tail
Good Bye
The Grand Magic Games!!!!
Where is she?
Curses & Promises
Missing Magic
Darkness & Light
The Stars Guide The Way
The Match of Truth
The Last Day!
Just a little hint
The Final Battle!!!
The Dragon's War
Just one Minute
The Beginning of A new Era
Next book

Dark & Light & Fight

661 11 6
By Strawbana

Okay everyone hope you like this chapter!! Oh and the picture above is one that I drew hope you like it!!

Lucy's POV

the guild was going crazy in the bar, lots of them were drunk like hell and pasted out on the floor. It was stuffy and I missed the coldness of the mountains, the peace and quiet. not that I don't love my family it's just well quiet is good too sometimes.

Natsu and Gray were fighting with Juvia in a corner mudering to herself. She kept saying "Gray-sama is so hansom, babies, Gray-Sama!!' I think she had to much to drink.

Levy was sitting in Gajeel's lap, which I thought was so cute! She was reading a book while he was eating some iron. Like usual.

I soon became very cloister phobic in the small bar. So I left the bar without anyone noticing. I walked the quiet streets thinking to myself. It was cold but I didn't mind. It was nice and perfect for a little walk.

The town was huge and very pretty. Large homes and shops. Their food was really good too. I was walking around for a long time when I saw her. The same girl no one else noticed at the guild. She was walking around. She was really pretty.

She then turned towards me and waved, then ran off. "No!! Wait!!" I yelled.

I ran after her. I needed to talk to her. She was almost floating through the streets. I quickened my pace. This girl she seemed to be leading me some where.

I'd been following her for a long time till we made it to the stadium.

But instead of going into it, she took me to a cave that was under it. She turned around and smiled and then disappeared. "Wait!!" I called but it was too late she was gone. I walked down farther into the gave.

It was dark so I lit my hand in flames. The light danced on the walls showing drawings. They were of dragons and what looked to be like demons. They were old, and fading. There was writing on the walls I could read. Or at least a little.

There was "Summer......... Demon...........Child....." It was hard to read most of it cause it was really faded, but I tried my hardest. Finally was able to get, "Queen Summer...... Demon.....Zeref...........Love.......Child........Life......Season........"

Then it hit me. It was the tale of Summer! The Light Dragon Queen. I couldn't get much more than before, but I'd come back later.

Then almost if I'd been stabbed a memories flashed before my eyes.

"Lucy I believe in you,

Queen of Love

Forbidden Love


I fell to the ground screaming, pictures flew in front of me. One's of Summer and a man. Then her and her daughter. Then is saw me and Zeref and Laxus playing. "What's going on!!!!" I screamed as I saw more and more.

Then I saw the girl again, but this time being taken out of me. Tears sprung to my eyes. That was my child!!! "Nori!!!" 

I reached out towards her but, her at the pictures faded. I fell to the ground crying my heart out. I just saw memories I never knew I had, and a daughter that was taken from me. 

I soon began to conscience.

The last thing I saw were to people in black capes.

Natsu's POV

It was 3 am and lots of us were drunk or past out. Me, Erza, Gray , Wendy and Romeo were the only ones who weren't drunk. I felt sick from the lighting I ate so I wasn't feeling to go.

After a while looked around and realized Lucy was no where to be seen. I figured she went to bed so I didn't think of very much.

That was until I heard a scream that was as loud as a dragons. Everyone who wasn't drunk or pasted out froze.

"Please some one help!!!" We all ran out. Out side we saw a young girl shaking with fear. There was someone hanging in front of them.

There were hanging from the giant dragon statue that was in the middle of the town. They were at least 300 ft high up in the air. They were hanging from it's horn.

Once we got close enough to see who it was. We all froze. Shock running through our veins.

 It was Lucy.

She was hanging by her arms, she had cuts all over her and her cloths were ripped.Blood dripped from her cuts. I was in total shock.

But was scary was that there was righting in blood in front of her.

The Devil Shouldn't Live

"Lucy!!!" I yelled.

We raced to get her down. She was up so high. Loke, Aries, and Virgo came to help us out. We had Aries make a little pillow like thing for Lucy to fall on. Erza, Loke, and Gray used there magic to break a barrier that surround Lucy. 

Soon it broke and she fell fast. Virgo made a deep pit and Aries filled it with wool. Lucy fell onto it softly. She was pail, and bloody. I race over and picked her up. She was cold. Her hair was the color of redish-pinkish. 

My hands were covered in blood. She was bleeding out and fast!! "Wendy!!!" I yelled.

She came over and healed Lucy as much as possible. She was shaking with fear for her friend. I understood.

I was going to kill the person who did this to her.

No One's POV

Once wend had healed Lucy as much as she could. Natsu took her back to the hotel. When they got there they saw it was almost 4 am in the morning. 

Natsu told everyone to got to bed. Everyone agreed, and went up their room. Natsu went into a room used for patients at the hotel during the grand magic games.

There were about 5 beds and a cleaning station filled with medicine. 

Natsu laid Lucy down carefully, on a bed close to the window. He went over to the wash station and found a white nightgown. 

Natsu went back over to Lucy and began undressing her. Now he would've looked away to get Lucy's under wear off and on, but this time he didn't care.

Soon he dressed her in the night gown. Then enoticed a word incarved into her arm. 


The word looked like it was carved in with a knife. The letters were thin and red. They looked horrible. He went back and got disinfectant and bandages.

 He cleaned off the dried blood but the word was still there. 

And glowed bright red. 

Natsu did his best and finally wrapped the bandage around her arm. He through away her old ruined clothes, since she could never use them again.

He pulled the covers over Lucy and looked down at her.

The light from the candle that made the room a little light, danced off her face. It showed her red cheeks and soft plump pink lips. Her skin became normal after Wendy healed her as much as she could. 

Natsu moved a strand of hair out of her face and kissed her softy on the lips. The frown, on her face became a small smile.

Natsu climbed in next to her. She was still cold. He held her carefully in his arms not wanting to make her in pain.

He soon fell a sleep with the blonde.

Forgetting about the word, marking her future.

Lucy's POV

I was walking around the garden I used to play in when I was younger. I was holding hands with that same girl, and next to her was Natsu. We looked like a happy family. 

I was smiling, and so was Natsu. But the girl wasn't.

She let go of our hands, and stood a few feet away from us. We moved towards her, but she stepped back. "Death awaits. Safe me. Safe the future!!!" She screamed as she ran towards us. Tears streaming down her face. 

A thick black smoke came towards her. She was close to us. We were close to her, but she was taken away. I screamed a name, but I don't know what the name was. 

Then I saw Natsu disappearing. "Natsu!!!" I yelled as I tried to reach out towards him.

Then a blur of pictures.

I saw to people holding hands, they were in black capes, and I couldn't see either of their faces. Then I saw the town where the GMG was being held destroyed. Dragons were in the air.

Then it showed Natsu. Blood pouring from his head. I was crying. Natsu's eyes were blank.


I screamed and the next picture came to view.

It was me. 

I was hanging. Blood. Everywhere you looked.

And Zeref in front of me.

"AAAAA!!!!!" I woke up screaming. It was only a dream. Or was it?

I looked around. I wasn't in the hotel room. I was in some other room. Next to me was Natsu sleeping peacefully. 

I was sweating. I was scared and shocked and wanted to go home. 

I looked at my arm and saw a bandage wrapped around it. I tried to remove it but pain shot through me and let out a cry. 

Then tears streamed down my face. I could't stop. I was upset. 

I couldn't remember what happened last night. I remember the girl, and those other tow people. But nothing else. 

I was balling.

The Natsu sat straight up. "Luce! What's wrong!!" He said as he looked at me, worry spread across his face.

I cried more. He pulled me into a hug and let me cry my heart out.

I wasn't about to tell him about the dream. I couldn't be sure if it was real or not. 

No One's POV

After Lucy cried her heart out, Natsu helped her get ready. They had about an hour till the GMG started at 9. 

Natsu got Lucy some new clothes. The same ones as before but not ripped, and clean of blood.

Lucy was still a little shaken by the dream, but pushed it aside.

Natsu and Lucy made their way to the bar, to get some food. Everyone had heard about what happened to Lucy, and asked if she was alright. She replied with a nod.

Lucy didn't want to speak in case she started crying again.

Natsu watched Lucy carefully, knowing there was something she wasn't telling him. He wanted to ask, but he'd wait till later. 

Lucy ate very little. Her stomach ached and she felt sick. Natsu rubbed her back a little to help with the pain. She smiled and drank some water. then they left saying the were going to go for a walk. 

Everyone said good bye, as they walked out. They had about half an hour left.

Soon after Natsu and Lucy, Fairy Tail left for the coliseum. 

At the Coliseum

At the coliseum, the Fairy Tail meets up and separates. But just before they do, Mavis appeared before them. She said she wanted to watch the games. No one questioned it.

Everyone knew Master Mavis or first Matser because she visited everyone while they were training for the GMG.  hen they spit up to their different areas.

The challange today was a game of hide-n-seak. But it was no ordinary game of hide-n-seak. The rules are that each member must find their opponents and hit them, but nobody knows where the others are. 

Whoever launches an attack first gains one point and the one who is hit loses one point, thus the game becomes . To make matters harder, numerous clones of each contestant will walk around the city to confuse everyone. Attacking a clone will result in a one point deduction.

Each player has 10 lives and once your lives are up you are done. The last one standing wins.

Beth- Mermaid Heel

Jager- Quatro Cerberus

 Nullpudding-Raven Tail 

 Eve- Blue Pegasus 

 Rufus- Sabertooth

 Lyon- Lamia Scale

 Gray- Fairy Tail A 

 Juvia- Fairy Tail B.

Gray steps up as the eight representatives are called out, and is shocked when a huge city is magicked into the arena, himself becoming separated from the other contestants as they are scattered in the playing field.  

As Gray tries to do his best in the game, it becomes apparent that Raven Tail only wants to attack Fairy Tail, as Nullpudding repeatedly goes after Gray, causing Fairy Tail to question  Raven Tail's motives. 

Later as Gray walks the streets, he becomes entangled in a skirmish with Lyon. Gray had his but saved by Juvia, who states that she promised the Master that she would not lose, even to Gray himself.

 Juvia and Gray discuss a plan to win until, Nullpudding shows up and attacks them both, adding an additional 2 points to his score.

The players were racking up points. Eve and Lyon were high up on the score board along with Rufus how hasn't made a move yet. He has just been walking around acting like one of the copies. 

Gray and Nullpudding each have 1 life left, and 

Soon Rufus gets on top of one of the buildings, making him visible to everyone.

Then he puts his forefinger and middle finger together and puts them against his forehead like a salute. 

'Memory Make, A Night Of Falling Stars!!!" He yelled as 7 beams of gold light like stars make their way towards, each correct opponent. 

Once the light is cleared, all of the opponents have lost all their lives, making Rufus the winner.

The magic town disappears, and everyone makes their way towards their teams. By now it is noon and the tournament will end at 6. 

After the game Lucy looked over at Sabertooths team, to see The girl named yukino, sitting in the back looking scared. In front of her in another woman, that wasn't there the day before. 

She had blak hair and was wearing a blue dress. Lucy thought about for a second till Sting looked over at her. She quickly held onto Natsu. She wasn't scared of him, but she felt uneasy.

The next game is with The Magic Power Finder. 

The players are-

Beth- Mermaid Heel

Nobarly- Quatro Cerberus

Orba-Raven Tail

Hibiki- Blue Pegasus

Orga- Sabertooth

Jura- Lamia Scale

Wendy- Fairy Tail A

Cana- Fairy Tail B.

The man with Pumpkin come out. "Okay everyone!! Our net Game is using The Magic Power Finder or MPF for short!!! You must get over 350 points or rating on it to pass!!" He said.

The crowd cheered. 

The first up was Wendy. She used her Sky dragon roar, and got a 2000 rating. "Wow for such a little girl she's got some talent!!!" The announcer yelled.

'Wow I never knew she got so strong." Lucy said as she leaned against Natsu in the Fairy Tail A seating area. 

"Yeah, she worked really heard. She wanted to show how strong she got. She wanted to impress you." Gray said as he leaned against the balcony wall, looking over the field.  Lucy held onto Natsu as she looked down.

She was tired and felt sick. She wasn't pail, but she was looking sickly. "That's amazing." She said. 

Next up was Milianna.

 Milianna goes using her binding magic. "Kitten blast!!!" She yells, as an orange cat tail hits the MPF hard gaining a score of 365. According to , her score is actually high enough to get a position as Squad Captain in the Rune Knights. 

Next up is Hibiki. Girls cheer for him as he makes his move. But ends up with a low score of 95. He clings to a drunk Cana. 

Then Nobarly from Quatro Cerberus Gains a rate a little higher. 124. 

Then Obra from raven tail goes up next, unleashing the little black imp, but the creature does little damage and scores only a 4. Obra's teammate Flare yells at him for apparently not being serious.

"Wow!! So far Wendy is in the lead!!! Lets see how Orga from Sabertooth!!!" A man with bright green hair steps up.

"120 millimeter Black Lighting Canon!!!" Hibiki and Nobarly screamed at there's black and yellow lighting shot at the MPF creating a huge explosion. 

When the smoke clears Orga made a rating 3825!! "He's ten times stronger than me!!!!" Milianna yells as she looks at the score. The crowd was going wild.

"What!!!!" Natsu yelled, "That Number can't be right!!" Gray yells. They both faint to the floor with their souls flying out. 

Lucy and Erza laugh at the boys. 

Then the next thing you know Orga starts singing!!! "You think your so cool, but your really not!!" 

"Oh my lord." Master, says as the crowd becomes quiet. "We can do with out the singing bug guy, pumpkin head says as everyone sweat drops.

"Next up is Jura!! From Lamia Scale!! Lets see what he has in for us!!"

Jura walks up, "Do yo mind if I give it my all?" He asks, "That's the point of the game." Pumpkin head says back.

"I hope Jura can beat that loud mouth" Say's a girl with pink hair named Shellia says to Lyon, "Sure he can you just have to worry about if we'll survive or not." He says back.

Shellia looks at him with a very confused look.

Jura is a few yards away from the MPF, and puts his hand together in front of him. The ground begins to shake. 'What's happening!!" A few in the crowd yelled. 

"Rumbling Fugi!!!!" He yells as a giant beam of blue light evelups him and the MPF. The next second it's cleared and he has a score almost 5000 points higher than Orga.


This shocks almost everyone in the audience. But, then a cheers are heard all around. 

"No Way!!!!!!!" Natsu said, with a shocked face, "He sure packs a wall up for his age!!!" Gray yelled with a shocked face as well. 

"What the!!" Orga said also very shocked.

"And here I thought I'd be higher." Her says very calmly, causing both Natsu and Gray to faint. Lucy laughed at this. She was feeling much better now.

"Wizard Saint's are so powerful I thought it might be dangours to let him compete but it seems he had it all worked out." Lyon says, to Shellia who's waving at Jura.

"Out standing!!! Jura has showed us not to take the name Wizard Saint Lightly!!!" The announcer yelled.

"How I knew he was strong, but I didn't know that strong!! He might be on the same level as Gildarts!" Master exclaimed. (A/N Cana and Gildarts know their father and daughter and so does all of fairy tail)

"Well don't forget someone down there has Gildarts blood running through them." Mavis exclamed

'Now our final contestant is Cana!! Form Fairy Tail Team B!!!"

Everyone looked at the drunk Cana. There were barrels of beer everywhere. 

"*Hick!* Your so sweet saving the best for last." She says with pink cheeks. "Your best pumpkin!" The Pumpkin head man said to Cana as she made her way towards the MPF.

 She strips her jacket off her body, revealing a red mark on her forearm.

Fairy Glitter.

Master is shocked and when he sees the mark. He turns towards Mavis and asks if she gave it to her. Mavis admits that she did so that Cana could win the event. Master had very shocked face on. 

"Now for the Finale!!!" She yells as the mark glowed bright red.

"Wielding that spell isn't easy. It take incredible amount of concentration and power. Cana has both and knows she won't fail us." Mavis said.

"Gather! O river of light that's guided by the fairies!

Shine! In order to perish the fangs of evil!Fairy Glitter!"

Cana yells as giant gold beam hits hard on the MPF blinding everyone. After a few seconds, the dust clears, and Cana stands there smoke coming from where the mark used to me.

Were the MPF was a score is replaced. 9999. 


Cana spreads out her arms as the crowd cheer for her victory, "There's no stoping us!! We just stated to rock your world!!" She yells.

Lucy's POV

"Way to go Cana!!!" I yelled as Wendy came in. We were still on the balcony. "Hey Wendy!! You did great today!!" I said as I hugged her tight.

"Yeah great job!!!" Gray exclaimed. 

We were all so happy!! I was even feeling better!!

"Hey lets go celebrate with the rest of the guild!!" Natsu yelled. "Sounds great!!!" Erza said.

We were walking down the hall when we ran into Melody, Jellal, and Ultear. 

"Hello Erza, Everyone." Jellal said. "Hello Jellal, Melody, Ultear." Erza said back. 

"Have you found out anything, about Zeref?" Melody asked. Wendy shook her head.

 "Have you found out what happened to Lucy at all?" Gray asked.

"No and Yes." Ultear said, "Wait what do you mean?" I asked. I looked around. What in the world were they talking about? "We had them look around to see if the could find out about what happened to you." Natsu said. 

"We found out that there was someone who had magic power like Zeref's that attacked you. But we also found out that their were two other people. They had magic similar to you Lucy." Ultear said pointing to me.

"We tried to find them but were unsuccessful. But, we'll keep looking." Jellal said.

I looked down, "I remeber something from last night." I said. They all looked at me. "There were two people in black cloaks, and a girl with pink hair." Natsu flinched,but I didn't say anything "I followed her some where but I don't remember where. I was at the same place the girl brought me too, where the two people came. But I can't remember where I was taken too." I said looking down at my hands. 

The bandage on my arm was covered by my sleave. I wanted to know what was under it. But it hurt if I tried.

"We'll keep a look out for them." Jellal said

 "Thank you." Erza said. Then they disappeared using a transportation lacruma. 

I then felt sad and sick. "AAAAA!!!!" I screamed as I fell to the ground covering my ears.

Whispers where in my head. I was unable to make them out but they talked about death. "I have to go!!!" I yelled as I ran away from my team.

I could here them yelling my name and coming after me. But I didn't stop. I had to get away. Not because I didn't want to be around them, but because I felt sick and weak and lonely and needed to think. 

I ran out into the lobby. It was still crowded. I jumped from pillar to pillar. The lobby was out doors, with 12 giant pillars surrounding it.

I heard my friends. They were close. I had to get away. The whispers were getting louder and louder.

"Hey look it's Lucy!!!" People yelled as jumped from pillar to pillar. I finally made it out. I jumped onto a roof of a house. I ran across the roofs till I made it passed the crowd.

I then jumped down and ran. I didn't know where, all I did was run. My heart was racing as I ran through the empty streets. It was dark outside and there weren't any lights on. Everyone was still making their way from the coliseum.

I then felt hot tears run down my cheeks. I heard screams in my head along with the whispers. They were calling to me. Wanting me to go some where but I refused. I was scared and wanted to get far away.

I didn't know how long I'd been running till I was close to the edge of the city, heading the way away from the sea. There was a river surround the city that was connected to sea. 

I was close to the border, till I tripped on something and was sent rolling down the steep long hill towards the dark mercy waters below.

Cuts formed on my skin and I hit small rocks and roots. Tears streamed down my face I made my way towards the rocky bottom below. My clothes ripped and became tathered.

Blood from cuts on my cheeks mixed with my tears, making my hair turn pink-ish. I could feel a cut on the back of my head. But, I could care less. The whispers and screams had stopped. But that didn't mean I did.

My hair came undone and became dark and muddy, and red. 

Finally after so long I made it to the bottom crashing into the rocks. I screamed in pain. My leg. I could feel it had twisted in a unnatural way. Tears kept coming as I lay at the edge of the rocks. Water splashed against my skin as it hit the rocks.

I felt my blood leaving. I felt my eyes closing. In one final attempt, I screamed as loud as I could. Hoping someone would save me.

Hoping this wasn't the end of me.

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