Can't Spell Love Without L (A...

By NanallySakii

223K 7.7K 2.8K

During those times of reflection and struggling to heal herself from her painful past, Amaryllis discovered t... More

Can't Spell Love Without L [Prologue]
Can't Spell Love Without L [Act 1 - Page 1]
Can't Spell Love Without L [Act 1 - Page 2]
Can't Spell Love Without L [Act 1 - Page 3]
Can't Spell Love Without L [Act 1 - Page 4]
Can't Spell Love Without L [Act 1 - Page 5 part one]
Can't Spell Love Without L [Act 1 - Page 5 part two]
Can't Spell Love Without L [Act 1 - Page 5 part three]
Can't Spell Love Without L [Act 1 - Page 7]
Can't Spell Love Without L [Act 1 - Page 8]
Can't Spell Love Without L [Act 1 - Page 9]
Can't Spell Love Without L [Act 1 - Page 10]
Can't Spell Love Without L [Act 2]
Can't Spell Love Without L [Act 3 - Page 1]
Can't Spell Love Without L [Act 3 - Page 2]
Can't Spell Love Without L [Act 3 - Page 3]
Can't Spell Love Without L [Act 3 - Page 4]
Can't Spell Love Without L: Christmas Special
Can't Spell Love Without L [Act 3 - Page 6]
Can't Spell Love Without L [Act 3 - Page 7]
Can't Spell Love Without L [Act 3 - Page 8]
Can't Spell Love Without L [Act 3 - Page 9]
Can't Spell Love Without L [Act 3 - Page 10]
Can't Spell Love Without L [Epilogue]

Can't Spell Love Without L [Act 1 - Page 6]

7.9K 294 26
By NanallySakii

Here it is! Enjoy, and cheers for the good work!! :D


[Act 1 - Page 6]

Misa walked proudly down the hallway, her high heels stomping loudly on the floor. The boys turned their heads towards her direction, but she gave them a cold shoulder. She was called to visit the principal's office. It must have been an important matter, ince the principal is her aunt.

When she arrived at her destination, she heard her aunt talking on the phone, since no one else is inside the room that she could hint. Without further notice, she pushed the door open, and her surprised relative raised an eyebrown at her harsh action.

"Why did you call me? Is there any important topic you wish to talk about?" She asked as she made herself comfortable on the visitor's chair.

"Yeah. Well, here is a letter a found recently in the house of your grandfather." The principal handed her the folded paper, and she took it without question.

Minutes passed, and as the model finsihed reading, her make-up melted due to perspiration. The paper crumpled in her hands, and with a small groan of annoyance, she stood up and blurted out a rainbow of curses. Her aunt looked at her with shock; she never expected that kind of reaction.


"I'm going to kill her...So that's why I've had a bad feeling about that bitch..." The letter was ripped into pieces when it landed into the table. "I'll make her miserable and erase her into this world, so no one will inherit the one, but me."


The air conditioner hummed softly while Ryuzaki snorted lowly, his body rising and falling in the rhythm of his breathing cycle. He looked ctute, well, peacefully cute in his case. Amaryllis smiled as he poke his pale cheek, only gaining a small groan from the sleeping man.

"You're so stupid, getting yourself sick while you're courting me." She whispered playfully directly in his ear. Of course, she didn't mean it seriously; Ryuzaki would be the last person that would be called stupid, but his over-sentimental act caught him vulnerable. His nose turned into slight red from the cold, but his charm didn't even decrease a bit. He still look cute despite his cherry-colored nose and paler cheeks while he hid himself in a white duvet.

Amaryllis was busy playing with his face when Rue entered the room, a tray in hand that contained a bowl of soup and some pills and capsules. He smiled at her and dropped the tray on the nearby bedside table.

"He's alright, although I don't know how he caught that 24 hour bug. I mean,  he never got sick before. Will you please tell me what happened earlier?"

"Uhmm, well, I found him on the rooftop, his clothes soaked heavily as if he was there for almost an hour. When he entered the building, he suddenly collapsed on the floor, and then I called you, since his skin felt like ice."

"Hmm..." He handed her a small paper. "Once he wakes up, give him those medicines in order. Then try to make him eat the soup. He will need it for quick recovery." Rue smiled once more and placed both of his hands in his pockets, turning to face the door. "If you don't mind, please stay and take care of him. I'll bet he will heal within a day." He grinned at her with mischief, and Amaryllis blushed slightly on the comment. A small laugh escaped his lips and then he left them at peace.


There was nothing but darkness. Ryuzaki stood in the middle of the pitch black nothingness, his mind calculating percentages of existence in such place. He started walking, slowly at first, and then sprinted into a path of black road.

His feet automatically came into a halt when he heard music and voices. His eyes darted around, looking for the source of the noise. Some steps closer, he found a large group of people, a mixture of male and female, chatting and dancing their way around the lone darkness. Ryuzaki failed to see their faces, but he knew that these are human beings.

When a line of trumpet players blew their instrument, a music intented for dancing waltz rang up in the air. He looked around, looking for anyone who seemed familiar, anyone who will at least give him a clue of his current whereabouts. The sudden appearance of spotlight on a dancing couple caught his attention, and he pushed the people away to make his own way towards the center of the crowd. When his midnight orbs focued on the couple waltzing their way into the center of the only light, he noticed something very familiar, and when he looked closer at the little ornament, he felt his heart stop.

The lady dancing under the spotlight was none other than Amaryllis, the silver necklace he bought for her sparkling when it collided with the bright light. She looked somewhat dazed, but she also looked like she was enjoying the dance. And the man who held her hand in a manner that almost looked like a grip is none other than Light Yagami.

The crowd cheered for their performance, some clapped loudly, others whistled happily, but Ryuzaki backed up in disbelief of what is happening. He started taking small steps backwards, until he turned around to run away from the obnoxious crowd, tears forming in his betraying eyes.

His heart was breaking, but he continued running. He ran away very far, until he was alone again in the pitch black. He desperately breathed for air, his tears running down uncontrollably. Without even thinking properly, he sat down on the black floor, and started drowning himself.




I hope this one isn't very short D: The next chapter is already half-written. :)

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