Saving Aden

Af LoudSkies

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"We were supposed to protect humans. They were complete tools, really only used for blood and babies. So how... Mere

Saving Aden (1): Never Be The Same
Saving Aden (2): Hello Fascination
Saving Aden (3): So Cold
Saving Aden (4): Same Blood
Saving Aden (5): Fire in Your New Shoes
Saving Aden (6): Start Again
Saving Aden (7): Blurry
Saving Aden (8): They
Saving Aden (9): Say It Right
Saving Aden (11): Pumped Up Kicks
Saving Aden (12): How To Love
Saving Aden (13): Panic Switch
Saving Aden (14): The One That Got Away
Saving Aden (15): Requiem On Water
Saving Aden (16): She Makes Dirty Words Sound Pretty
Saving Aden (17): This Is Not The End
Saving Aden (18): You Might Have Noticed
Saving Aden (19): Lullaby
Saving Aden (20): We Found Love

Saving Aden (10): Falling Down

1.2K 23 16
Af LoudSkies


Hey y'all. Sorry it took me like...ten days to upload. This chapters a little longer than the past few chapters. 

I had a little bit of writers block towards the end of the chapter, even though I kind of had a pretty good idea of what I wanted to do with it. I'll try my best to finish up chapter eleven and have it posted sometime next week. Who knows, it might even be done and posted this weekend since I don't really have any plans. 

I know, I know. I'm a teenager. Sixteen. It's pathetic that I have no plans...don't judge though, because I know we've all been there.

ANYWAY. Here's chapter ten!:D




Chapter Ten: Falling Down

Scratch that. What I meant was that I didn’t pull back right away. But as soon as I felt Aden’s moist tongue touch the crease of my lips, I was gone.

“What the hell?” I screamed, yanking myself back from Aden. “I’m your Guardian for fuck’s sake. You just can’t do shit like that!”

His eyes widened, and pink tinged his cheeks in embarrassment. “I’m sorry, Arianna,” Aden said quickly. “I don’t know what came over me. I just...”

My mind was going a million miles a minute, making it almost impossible to focus on the human boy’s words. Why did he do that? Why’d I allow myself to kiss him back? Why the hell does he have to smell so damn good? Guardians aren’t supposed to kiss their clients...are they? Did I break some rule? God, his hair looks so soft...I just wanna touch it. WHAT?! No. Snap out of it. Stop talking to yourself, it isn’t normal.

I watched the way Aden’s jaw moved as he talked--though I couldn’t bring myself to pay attention to his words--and the way the more he talked, the darker his cheeks got. He had a freckle on his left ear lobe, and at that moment, the freckle was all that mattered to me.

“Arianna?” A hand suddenly came between my face and the freckle. “Are you alright?”

Blinking rapidly, I met Aden’s concerned gaze. “I’m sorry. What did you say?”

“I said that I’m sorry for kissing you like that,” he repeated. “And that I’ve never trusted a vampire--or person--like I do you, little vampire.”

“We’re not having this conversation here,” I told him quickly, reaching down and shifting the car back into drive. “I’ve got to get you home. Let’s just focus on that for now.”

Does he have feelings for me? I couldn’t help but wonder. Do I have feelings for him? I shook my head, silencing my thoughts. I can’t think about this shit now. 

I didn’t call Gage until we were about halfway to Aden’s house, and when I did, I certainly didn’t tell him about the kiss. If I did, I knew Gage would take me off Aden’s case, out of school, and then wait another ten years until he’d assign me to another human. 

“What’s going on?” Gage demanded as soon as he answered the phone. “Are you hurt? Is Aden okay? Did you guys get away?”

I couldn’t’ help but smile at his concern. “I’m fine, Aden’s fine, and we’re on our way back.”

“Alright,” Gage murmured, sounding relieved. 

“Has anyone showed up at the house?” I asked, turning the car onto Aden’s street.

“No,” he replied, “everything is normal here.”

“Good. I think you should head on back to the apartment then. I’ll be home later to shower,” I told him.

Gage didn’t seem too keen with the idea of leaving me on my own. “Are you sure, babe? I don’t have a problem with staying outside and keeping a lookout...”

“Gage, that’s my job. Not yours.”

“Well yeah, but you can’t blame me for being a little worried.” Funny, he sounds more than just a little worried, I thought dryly. “I mean, for Christ’s sake, babe, you’ve had more action protecting Aden for two weeks than some Guardians have in six months.”

“Don’t worry about it. Aden will be fine.”

He paused for a few brief moments before replying, “I’m not just worried about the kid, babe. I want you in one piece too.”

Jesus Christ, I groaned internally. Is it “confuse the hell out of Arianna day” today? Did I miss the memo or something? First Aden kisses me, now Gage is getting all mushy on me... I just want to do my job.

“We’re almost at the house so I’ve gotta go,” I said quickly, doing my best to ignore his comment. “Go home, Gage. I’ll see you tonight.”

I ended the call as soon as the words left my mouth. I couldn’t deal with an argument with Gage about whether or not he should stay, and I certainly wasn’t stable enough at the moment to hear him say he loved me when he said goodbye--a typical thing Gage did. 

“Are Kaylee and my mom alright?” Aden asked from beside me, his voice hesitant. 

“They’re perfectly fine,” I promised him as I steered the vehicle into his driveway. 

Aden moved to get out of the car, but I stopped him. 

“We have to tidy ourselves up,” I murmured, pulling down the visor so I could check my appearance. “We look like...well, like we’ve been in a car chase.”

“No shit,” he muttered, chuckling. “So did Gage leave or what? ‘Cause I don’t see him.”

“Yeah, he’s gone,” I answered, fluffing my hair. “I told him I could handle things from here, and that I’d see him later tonight. “

“You’re leaving?” I glanced back at Aden to find a horrified look written across his face.

My brow furrowed in response. “Yes. Are you okay with that?” I asked cautiously. 

His worry disappeared almost as quick as it’d appeared, transforming into a mask of masculine pride. “Psh, of course. Why wouldn’t I be?”

I shrugged indifferently. “How’s my hair?” I asked him, trying to change the subject. 

A  smirk slowly spread its way across his lips. “It’s perfect,” he replied, the tops of his cheeks turning pink. 

If it was possible, I probably would’ve been blushing right along with him.

“I think were good to head inside now,” I mumbled, grabbing the door handle and pushing forward, before exiting the car. 

Aden followed my lead, snatching his bag up from the floor, he got out of the car, took the keys I handed him, and then trailed behind me as I headed for the front door.

“Wait,” Aden called out after me. “We’re dating, remember?” He hurried up to where I stood on the porch, and captured my hand in his with a sly wink. “In order to be convincing, we have to act like a couple.”

I swallowed harshly. Dear God, why does he have to do this now, of all times?

“Smile,” he commanded softly as he brought me into the house. “You gotta act like you’re happy we’re together.”

As soon as the front door was pushed aside, Aden and I came face to face with his mother--who just happened to be waiting for him. To say the least, I wasn’t all that excited about it.

“Where the hell have you been?” Amanda demanded. “And why is she here?” Her blue eyes zeroed in on our hands. 

“Mom, I was at the library. And I already told you Arianna and I are dating,” Aden replied calmly, stepping inside his house with me in tow. 

I didn’t care if Aden’s mother was human; I was still scared of her. My fear was completely irrational of course, but that didn’t matter. There was no doubt in my mind that the woman could bring me--a vampire--to my knees.

“Oh, I didn’t think you two would still be dating,” she sneered, turning her chin up at me. 

My hand flexed around Aden’s involuntarily. “Of course we’re still together,” I growled, my words surprising not only me, but Aden and his mother as well. 

“Mom, why are you being so mean?” a small voice asked. “I like Aden’s new girlfriend.”

I searched out the sound to find a young girl with bright red, curly hair, sitting on the steps. She was watching us from her perch intently, her face resting in her tiny hands. 

“Kaylee,” Aden sighed in relief. His voice was quiet, and yet even though the girl couldn’t hear him, she gave him a wide, toothy grin. 

It’s the little girl from Aden’s picture, I thought. 

My mind flashed back to his file and the photograph, and I smiled sadly at the memory. Aden had looked so happy, and carefree at the time. Now, I couldn’t help but wonder if he had too much on his plate. No seventeen year old should have to deal with my world by himself. 

Maybe there’s some kind of support group for this shit, I muttered internally.

Amanda whirled around to face her daughter, all of a sudden turning into the loving mommy. “Kaylee, honey, I didn't see you there. Let’s go get you some dinner, alright?”

The little redheaded girl nodded enthusiastically, and left her spot on the stairs to join her mother.

“We’ll be back in a bit, Aden,” Amanda murmured. It was incredible how she had transformed from bitchy, to perfectly polite. “Remember the household rules.”

Maybe she's just protective over Aden, I mused. But as Amanda passed me, she turned into the bitch again, and slammed her shoulder into mine. Or maybe she just hates me.

With our fingers still intertwined, Aden led me up the stairs to his bedroom.

“I think this violates your household rules,” I commented with a small laugh. 

Grunting in response, Aden continued to tug me up to his room. “We need to talk,” he told me, a look of pure determination on his face. 

Fear rose in my throat, choking me, and not letting any of the words I wanted to say come out. What does he want to talk about? I couldn’t help but wonder. Is it about the kiss? Did he do it on accident? I paused, my mind going blank for a few seconds. Do I want the kiss to have been an accident...?

I shook my head quickly, ridding myself of my tormenting thoughts. 

Aden gave me a look that was a cross between amusement and concern. “You alright, little vampire?”

“I’m fine,” I mumbled, ducking my head in embarrassment. 

“Why don’t you go sit on the bed,” he suggested, gesturing for me to go inside the room.

Not knowing what to expect, I followed his instructions, and slowly moved across the room before lowering myself onto the mattress. “W-what do you want to talk about?” I asked, my voice cracking. 

“Us,” Aden responded simply. 

I inhaled sharply at his answer. 

Fuck, fuck, fuckity, fuck, I cursed internally, squeezing my eyes shut and balling my hands up into tight fists. 

“Aden--” I started, reopening my eyes. 

No,” he cut in, shushing me, “this time it’s my turn to talk, little vampire.”

He sat down next to me at a carefully measured distance--close, but not too close--and angled his body towards me. 

With a shaky hand, Aden ran his long fingers through his messy hair, giving me a pleading look as he did so.

“Okay, I’ll keep quiet and hear you out,” I told him, despite what my mind was telling me. 

His lips twitched, raising the corners of his mouth into an uneasy smile. “Arianna, you’re my Guardian...”

I nodded, urging him to continue. 

“Which means you’re a vampire, but what it also means is that we’re around each other...well, all the time,” he added, reaching over to pick up my hand. 

For some strange reason, I couldn’t bring myself to let go. 

What are you doing? The rational side of myself cried out in horror. Don’t touch him, and don’t let him touch you!

My fingers flexed in response to my thoughts, and I felt an ache start in my gums. 

Please, I pled with my body, not now. Not here.

“We’re pretending to be a couple for my mother, right?” Again, I nodded my head in agreement. “Well, after what happened earlier...with the kiss...”

My phone buzzed, and I quickly released Aden’s hand to check the text message. “This might be important,” I half lied. 

Trouble at HQ. We need you.

“Fuck,” I groaned as I typed back my reply to Gage. 

You know I’m with Aden. Can I bring him?

“We’re gonna have to cut this short,” I told Aden, trying my best to hold back my secret excitement. 

His brow furrowed in response, and he opened his mouth to say something, but I held my hand up to stop him so I could read Gage’s new text.

I guess he can, but he might need to stay downstairs. I don’t like the idea of him being up with all the vamps.

Understandable, I thought as I closed my phone, and got to my feet. 

I gestured to the door. “We better get a move on.”

Aden did his cute human-growl thing, and I nearly jumped at the suddenness of the sound.

No, Arianna,” he snatched me by the tops of my arms; holding me in place, “you aren’t evading this conversation again.” His eyes flashed; their color mimicking a raging sea. “I like you,” he told me fiercely.

I gulped. “Aw, Aden that’s sweet. I like you too,” I murmured.

“No, you don’t understand,” Aden grumbled. “I like you. I want us to be together other times then when we’re just doing it for my mom, little vampire. I wanna hold your hand at school, the grocery store, in the car...I wanna kiss you right here, right now, and whenever the hell else I feel like doing it. I want you.”


END NOTES: Another mini cliffie! Kinda. Well, now you all know what Aden's been feeling these past few weeks. The only question is, how will Arianna react? DUN DUN DUN! I guess I kinda lied in the last chapter's end notes...this was kind of a BAM moment I guess.  But seriously. How do y'all think Arianna is gonna react? I wanna know what y'all think about this chapter and how Arianna is gonna react, so don't forget to COMMENT/VOTE!  The song:  Falling Down; by ATREYU Have a song you think would fit better with the flow of this chapter? Just drop me a line, and I'll make sure to check your idea out.  Thanks for reading.  I love you all. :3

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