Meant To Be #Wattys2015

By isabella_linner

3.5K 134 0

What happens when your father is a famous Hollywood director and no one knows about it? And two step sisters... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 - Mark
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 1

339 12 0
By isabella_linner

Chapter 1

“Don’t forget your lunch!” my mum yells from the laundry room.

“Got it!” I yelled as I made my way outside.

“Have a good day!” she called just as I closed the door. Ah, the joys of walking. I thought to myself as I started walking at a brisk pace.

“Anya!” I heard Lissy yell before she magically appeared before me. I screeched to a stop.

“Lis…” I started warningly.

“I know, I know but it isn’t my fault you don’t pay attention!” she held up her hands defensively. I rolled my eyes. It was the same argument every day. I should’ve been used to it by now.

“Fine, whatever.” She smiled as she linked her arm with mine.

“Of to school!” she said enthusiastically. I shook my head at her antics but started walking none-the-less. “So, I got a new shade of nail polish yesterday! See!” She said as she held her hand in front of me for inspection.

“It’s, uh, good.” I said, not wanting to upset her.

“Isn’t it?” she beamed at me. “Well, I wanted the coral pink but mum said….” And she went on and on until school. Don’t get me wrong, I love her, but the girl talk’s mile per minute and I’ve learned to tune out some of it.

“Hey Anya, Lissy.” Shonda greeted us as we reached the school premises.

“Hey!” Lissy greeted her with a mega-watt smile which she did not return.

“Hey” I said with much less enthusiasm. She simply nodded and moved on to her friends.

“Oh, so I was saying…” Saved by the bell, Lissy pouted. “Well, I’ll see you after class.”

“See you.” I quickly went to my locker and took my trig books out. Thankfully I reached the class before the second bell. Shonda took the seat next to me. Her friends, Katie and Lola took the seat in front of us. They made themselves comfortable and then turned back to continue their conversation.

“So, she says… oh, hey Anya!” Katie said with a smile as she saw me.

“Hey” I said politely. Lola eyed me with a stoic expression but didn’t say a word. I busied myself in opening my book and tried not to eavesdrop but I still managed to catch bits and pieces.

“And then… Whatever it was…. We didn’t even….. Didn’t know about it…. Backstabbing bitch.” And with that, that show ended as the teacher entered. Thank god. Katie and Lola turned and Shonda quickly opened her book. The rest of the class was uneventful with a few guys in the front passing comments and the teacher, rather unsuccessfully, ignoring them. The usual.

“Okay class, we have a small revision test on Monday. So come prepared.” Mr. Remy announced minutes before the bell rang. I was so screwed. I thought as groans of disapproval echoed the class. The bell rang and everyone quickly left the class. I walked at my usual pace, counting minutes until Lissy caught up with me since we had the next period together.

“Anya!” she called as she caught up with me.

“How was class?” I asked, trying to make some small talk.

“Boring.” She replied rolling her eyes.

“Yeah, me too.” I opened my locker and took out my English book.

“Anya?” Ms. Tamara, our school psychologist, called from behind me.

“Yes, ma’am?” I turned around.

“Oh, hey Ms. T!” Lissy smiled at her.

“Hey Lissy, how are you?” Ms. T smiled back. Ms. Tamara is an easy going teacher. Approachable and friendly. Everyone took to calling her Ms. T instead of the good ol’ Ms. Tamara.

“Awesome. You?” Ms. T winked at her.

“Never better.” Then her smile dimmed as her face took a somber look. “Can I talk to you?” I nodded.

“I’ll see you in class.” And with that, Lissy disappeared down the hall. I turned towards Ms. T.

“How are you doing?” she asked, eyeing me closely. Since the first day my English teacher, Miss Trevor noticed how I was quite and alone so she decided to call my mum as ask if there was something wrong at home. Then she recommended me to Miss Tamara.

“Fine, I guess.” I replied, feeling a little awkward.

“So I’ve seen. You’ve made quite some friends too.” she said with a smile.

“I did.” I replied with a nod.

“How does it feel?” she asked curiously.

“Rather good, actually.” I said truthfully.

“Better than being lonely?” she raised an eyebrow in challenge. It was her philosophy that no one should be alone in this world. No matter how much I tried to explain her that I do have a very big family, that I’m not exactly alone she wouldn’t listen, insisting that one need friends outside family.

“It’s all I’ve known for so long. It’s hard to adjust, letting someone in.” I admitted. “But sometimes, it’s fun.” I said with a small smile, remembering the jokes we shared in class yesterday.

“Well, I’m happy to hear that.” She smiled, satisfied. “And if there’s anything, don’t hesitate to come to me.” I nodded. I opened my mouth to ask about the late slip but she beat me to it. “Oh, and I’ve already talked to your English teacher so there should be no problem.”

“Thank you, ma’am.” She shook her head at the formal title.

“Only you.” She shook her head and walked away. I was the only one who called her ma’am.

I watched her retreating form as I turned and walked towards my own class, feeling lighter. 

“May I come in?” I asked Miss. Trevor.

“Come in, Anya.” She smiled at me. I sat down next to Lissy who simply smiled at me before turning back towards to Miss. Trevor. I did too, thinking how I ever got so lucky with her. She never pushed me, never asked anything knowing I’ll tell her in my own time.

“Okay class, I want an essay on what you dreamt of as a child on Monday.” Miss. Trevor said as the bell rang. Double crap. I exited the class in silence.

“What happened? I thought you liked English.” Lis asked, confused.

“I have to go somewhere on Sunday and Mr. Remy is taking a test…” I trialed off. Lis gave me a sympathetic smile.

“Well, we can study together. You suck, I suck. Let’s suck together. What say?” she asked excitedly.

“Yeah, and maybe Mai can tutor us?” it came out as a question.

“So it’s a date!” and with that we marched towards our next class. 

So, what do you think?


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