
By HeyoItsJo

271 6 2

Schadenfreude is a German word that can be defined as "pleasure taken from someone else's misfortune." Kelly... More

A New Letter
Modays Suck
She Deserved It
Room 204
Angels and Meltdowns

Summer in December

22 1 0
By HeyoItsJo

I couldn't focus at all during my meeting. What the hell was she doing here? And why didn't she look like she wanted to kill me? She smiled at me for Christ's shake! My mind reeled over possible reasons. I was quiet the whole time due to my lack of interest and attention. This was pretty bad considering I am the junior class president and needed to finalize details for the upcoming winter formal.

"Kelly!" Sutton snapped at me. She was the senior president and loved to boss everyone around.

"Please pay attention! Since you keep  wondering off, please tell me your ideas for possible themes for the dance," Sutton snarled at me with a nasty glare.

I gulped. Even though I spent hours planning the perfect dance, my mind decided to blank out now in front of Sutton. She was a fairly attractive brunette that attended my old school with me. She used to be an overweight, braced faced, mustached geek with glasses and a passion for Pokémon. She transformed herself with a nose and boob job, contacts, and a treadmill. I didn't mean to transfer to the same school as her and when she found out I did, her threats of an "eye for and eye" were enough to keep my mouth shut about her awkward past self. For someone who has a lot to lose on account of me, you would assume she would be kinder and less bitchy.

 Even though she was a year older than me, I had beat her out of homecoming queen since freshman year and had recently stopped her three year tyranny as cheerleading captain, but yet she never fails to intimidate me. She scared me to death and now was not the time to freeze.

I cleared my throat and stood up. Time for the show.

"I thought we could go with a summer theme a-" I began.

"It's a WINTER formal. Summer is a full six months away genius. You sure those three AP classes are good for you?"

I felt the desire to smack her face but instead snapped at her, "If you would let me finish my idea you demanded from me, that'd be great."

She stayed silent so I continued, "As I was saying, a summer theme is what we need. We live in boring Michigan and it is only December, but we are already want warm weather back. We bring in sand, put in a kiddie pool, and hire a DJ and we got ourselves a wannabe version of a beach party without the illegal alcohol. Have girls wear sun dresses and guys wear khaki shorts, despite it supposing to be formal. It's fun and unexpected."

I sat down with my speech complete. Sutton looked unimpressed, but the rest of the council was smiling.

“We could get volleyball going!” shouted a freshman.

“Wet t-shirt contest!” screamed a senior.

“Do you think Ms. McFray would allow bikinis?” questioned a sophomore.

“QUIET!” Sutton screeched, “We’ll put it to a vote. All in favor of Kelly’s theme raise your hand.”

Majority of the class raised their hands.

“For Mike’s brony theme, raise your hand,” Sutton continued. Damn, how long did I zone out?

Only Mike and flamboyant Tom raised their hands.

“And finally, for my Oscar theme, raise your hands,” Sutton said.

Only a few girls raised their hands. I smiled in victory.

“Fine, Summer in December it is. Meeting is over, see everyone next week,” Sutton finished.

I bolted out of their and went to get ready for cheerleading practice. I planned on heading to the gym, but I ran into someone. I tripped and looked up to see the person I was dreading offering me a hand.

I took it and said, “Thanks Morgan.”

A/N: Again thank you for reading my story and any comments are appreciated!

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