Sweet Silent Night.

By Maroon1479

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By Maroon1479

After getting dressed, brushing my teeth and making a quick stop at Cain apartment, we finally made it two the mall. I haven't been here in such a long time.

"Come on, Dorinda!", Cain said, pulling at my arm to drag me into Hollister. I did love this store, but I'm hoping all my nagging and complaining will make him mad and we can leave.

"No, I don't want to.", I said, pushing my weight to my feet.

"Yes you do. We gonna by you new stuff.", he said, giving a good tug at my arm, but I didn't move.

"I like my old stuff.",

"Well, I don't care. Now. Come. On.", he said, giving a good tug and I practically fell in the store on my knees, but Cain caught me. "Finally.", he said, laughing.

I gave him a quiet growl and looked annoyed at him, "Your evil.",

"You'll get over it.", he said, turning around and walking over to the girl side of the side and walked over to a navy strapless dress. "What size are you?",

I crossed my arms over my chest and walked up next to him. "Medium.",

"Okay," he said, pushing away smalls, "here we are.", he said. He than shoved the dress in my arms. "Go try that on.",

"Whoa," I said, holding the dress out. There was nothing bad about the dress, it was nice, but it strapless and I have to have bigger boobs just to keep it up. Even, it looks short and I never liked short, short dresses. And I hate trying on cloths. "I don't think so.",

"Dorinda, don't be such a party pooper.", he said, taking my shoulder and turning me around and pushed me over where the dressing rooms. "Once you have it on, I want to see it. You need my approval.",

I raised my eyebrow, "Your not gay, right?", I asked, chuckling.

He rolled his eyes and pushed me into the dressing room, closing the curtain, "No I'm not. Now, just put on the damn dress.",

I looked at my myself in the mirror. The necklace Lucas gave me hung normally on my chest, looking creepy as it was. I touched it with my fingertips, feeling the gold. I sighed to myself and closed my eyes.

What am I going to do? When am I'm going to see Lucas again? My heart ached so much, I missed him. I'm going to admit it. I hate fighting with him, it just feels like we're slipping from each other more.

Was that what was happing with us? I know we weren't BFF back at his palace when I was still his slave, but I realized I should have been thankful I was still alive and not dead. I was pretty much mouthy to Lucas a lot. With his anger, I'm amazed he didn't break down the whole place.

I remembered something; Did Lucas only love me cause I'm different, that he can't hear my blood or heart like other humans? Was he only happy that he didn't crave my blood and that he could finally he nothing with a human? What I'm getting at is-was I only a way to escape from his life?

I sighed again. I'll just have to put that aside. I have to much to deal with right now. First, dealing who's stalking me. Second, Cain might be turning into a werewolf and I have no idea if that should be first or not. Third, finding a way to talk to Lucas about us and where our relationship going. Four, if our relationship going to last, what are we going to do about Lena?

I sighed to myself for the third time and decided to just put on the freaking dress so it would shut Cain up and he can leave me alone and to get my mind off every single problem. I stripped out of my jeans and white beaters and slipped on the dress. It fit perfect on my surprisingly and the dress stopped mid way on my thighs.

I realized I didn't look like myself, I looked-hotter. I could actually see my curves and my fair skin looked pretty neat. I don't feel like my unusual pale self.

A moment passed before Cain spoke, "Are you dead in there or something?", he asked. I rolled my eyes and pushing the curtain to the left before I could stop myself.

"Happy?", I asked, looking down at the dress. It was a flash that brought my head back up. Cain was holding a digital camera in his head sideways. Did he really just take a picture of me? "What's with the camera?", I asked.

"Taking pictures, I want to remember this day as I forced you into something.", he said, chuckling. "Now pose.", he said, laughing. He poisoning himself by bending down on my knee and holding the camera up to his face like he was a professional camera man.

I couldn't help the burst of laughing coming from my mouth and I turned to my side, lifting one of my feet up behind me in the air. He snapped a picture of it continued laughing with me.

"Hey, turn off you flash.", we heard an employee.

"Sorry.", me and Cain said at the same time.

The employee just nodded his head and went back to crash register. Cain got up from the floor and put his arm around my shoulder, "Make a funny face.", he said, looking at the camera. I did as he said and he did the same thing, pressing down on the button and we herd a click sound. Cain and I burst out in laugher at how stupid we look.

10 minutes later...

Me and Cain walked out Hollister, paper bags with the store name and 1977 on it in both our hands. I got a few shorts, shirts, and tops. I also got the dress, but I don't think I'll be wearing it much. Cain got some pants and mostly plaid shirts.

"I can't believe you kept taking pictures. How many did you take? Twenty?", I asked.

"Hey, I only took about nine. It was your that kept snapping after I started trying on cloths.", he said.

"Cause you told me to!.", I defending myself.

"Well, I am handsome.", he said, brushing his shoulder.

"Oh, shut up.", I said.

Two and half hours later....

"Okay, I think that's enough.", I said, placing the shoes box that held my new brown boots (Inside of a heel, their boots with a two inch block heel.) and putting my five bags down. I slumped down in my seat in the cafeteria.

"Yeah, I guess your right. I mean, you did spend like three hundred and fifty dollars.", he said, sitting on the other side of the table and putting his bags down. "But hey," he said, throwing his hands up in the air, "you spent it on yourself. Think of it as spoiling yourself.",

I nodded myself, "Spoiling myself? I like that idea. It feels good, to tell you the truth.", I said, admitting it. I have never really been spoiled in my life, but two know I have money and I can spoil myself, shopping really does make a girl feel better. Hey, who knew going shopping was a good thing? "Hey, I'm going to the bathroom. I'll be right back.", I said, getting up from my chair. He nodded his head and took out his phone.


I walked out of the stall and watched my hands as I cleaned them. I somehow heard the thunder outside telling me that it was raining out side.

I turned off the water once my hands were clean and not soapy anymore. I looked up at the mirror and took in a sharp breath in. There she was, standing behind me, looking like a crazy killer bear.


I screamed and turned around and closing my eyes, bring my hands up to my dace, not sure what to do, but hope she doesn't claw my face off.

"Dorinda, calm down! It's me!", I heard Kayla voice and feeling cold hands on my shoulders.

I gasped and opened my eyes, not sure if my ear were lying. But they weren't, there she was, looking confused and worried. "Kayla? Kayla!", I said, throwing my arms around her neck quickly and of course, she didn't budge or anything.

Why'd I see Emma in the mirror? What is wrong with me? Am I going insane? This is the second time it happen to me! First it was in Starbucks, now in the bathroom in the mall? I can't be going insane right now, I have to many stuff to deal with than seeing things.

Kayla wrapped her arms around my waist, "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I thought you felt me behind you. But I should have remember you don't have that super sense thing.",

"It's okay. I thought I saw--never mind. It's doesn't matter.", I pulled away from her and concern throw over me, "What are you doing here? What if someone saw you? And how are you in the day light and-",

"Dorinda, babe, calm down.", she said, holding her hands up. "First, it's like a down pure outside and it's all grey and nasty outside. Second, i'm sure no could have seen me when I ran in lighten speed. And third, I'm here because-", she said, reaching into the peruse she had and held out what looked to be like pictures, "these.",

My eyebrows forwards together in confusion and I took the pictures from her. I took in a sharp breath as I turned the pictures and realized what I was looking at. They were pictures of me and Cain from last night.

Who took these? I saw no one there last night (As far I could remember.) with a camera. Why would someone take pictures of me and Cain? And how do Kayla have them? My cheeks blush as I got a picture of me grinding against Cain. Oh, God. I can't believe I actually did that.

"Oh no...", I whispered as I realized something. If Kayla saw them, Lucas must have. Oh, God, this isn't good. This is really not good! "How'd you get these?", I asked Kayla.

"Someone sent them to Lucas.", she shrugged her shoulder, "Can you explain them to me? Please? Cause those picture must be fake. Right?", she asked. I bit down on my lip and looked at my shoes. "Right, Dorinda?", she asked again, her voice was more demanding. When I didn't answer her, she took in a sharp breath, "Oh, wow. I never would have thought you of all people would do something like that.", her voice wasn't cold or mean, but just filled with shock. It didn't make me feel any better though.

"We have gone to so many parties and now you decided to do something like that? What's change?", she asked. She wasn't mad, but she wasn't happy. "I mean, I could have used that Dorinda back then. But like before, what change? Why'd you suddenly decided to dance and drink."

"Um, I-",

I was cut of when I heard a pounding on the door, "Dorinda! What is taking you so long? You been in there for the last eight minutes. Please, on God green earth tell me you don't have your--you know what, don't tell me. It's grosses me out actually.", Cain said through the door.

Kayla looked confused at me and I bit down harder on my lower lip. Then her lips made an 'O' shaped and I could tell she was grinning on the inside. "Are you serious?", she whispered to me. "Is that Cain Marshall? We went to school with him in high school! He was a grade higher then us! How'd you start 'hanging' with him?", she asked, making sure she said 'hanging' boldly.

"Long story.", I said. "Sorry," I yelled, responding to Cain, "I'm just, um, checking my makeup.", I wanted to slap myself! I don't even have much make on! Just eyeliner and cover up. I'm so stupid.

"Uh, okay.", he chuckled, "I'm going to get a smoothie. Want one, I'll pay.",

"Sure, orange.",

"Kay.", than I heard his footsteps back away from the door.

I cupped my elbow with my hand and sighed, leaning back on the sink. "Serious, what's change?", Kayla asked, sound like she impress, yet carious at the same time.

I shrugged my shoulder, "Nothing. We're just friends.",

"Yeah and I'm alive.", she joked. Then we both frowned at the same time. "Well, you know what I mean.",

I changed the subject, "Please tell me Lucas didn't see these?", I asked, holding up the pictures.

"He did. It wasn't pretty to, from what I heard. He went crazy and broke his desk. He sounded like a crazy person. Worst, he started to--um--he-never mind.",

"Never mind what?", I asked.

"It's nothing.", she said, looking at the floor.

"Tell me. I mean, I have to know now that you kind of brought it up.", I told her.

"Well, I'm not sure, but I think he, um," she sounded like she couldn't bring the words out.

"Come on, Kayla. Your making go crazy here.", I told her, giving her a quick shake on the shoulder.

"It sounded like he was making out with Lena and they were about to have sex.", she said, quickly that I'm almost didn't catch, but sadly I did. I felt my eyes waters and I tired to blink them back, but it wasn't working. "But they didn't. I know, I heard him leave his office before anything could happen and he left the palace.", she quickly added.

That didn't make me feel any better though, but I was able to blink back the tears before I burst out in tears.

Anger was boiling up in me! My hands tighten on the sink. How could he do that to me? Is this how our relationship going to be? Sure, I can understand him getting mad about the pictures, but at least I didn't go off trying to have sex with Cain!

I should have realized this! Just because Lucas is a vampire, doesn't make him any least than any other guy! He played me! We had sex and he was just playing with me! Playing with my emotions and making me fall in love with him.

"Dorinda, stop that!", Kayla said. I didn't realized I was breathing real hard in a stubborn way.

My right hand made a fist and I had the need to punch something so bad! I have never been this anger before in my life! I can't believe I lost my virginity to a-asshole!

I squeezed my eyes shut, "I'm so dumb.", I mumbled to myself.

"Oh, babe, no your not.", she said, pulling me into a hug, but I didn't wrap my arms around her. "Please, don't be mad at Lucas. He loves you-",

"No he doesn't!", I practically yelled, opening my eyes, and Kayla stepped away. "He played me. If he loved me, he wouldn't have sex with-",

"But he didn't. He feels really bad about it to.",

"How do you know?", I asked, a little to coldly.

"Cause that's my gift. I can feel humans and vamps emotions. He had this feeling that something heavy was on his chest, it's guilt, Dorinda. He feels guilty for doing it.", she said.

I bite down on the left IDE of my cheek..

"Are you sure?", I asked.

"Yes, very. It keep change to guilt, anger, and sadness. It's been like that all night. I thought I never fell normal if I didn't leave. That's why I came here.", she said. She looked down at the watch she had on her wrist, "I have to go. I told Lucas I wouldn't be gone to long. But take a few days to understand Lucas does love you and your just being paranoid.",

We gave each other one last hug, "Okay, I'll try.", I said, but really more to myself.

"Good.", she said, walking over to the door, "Oh, I almost forgot," she said, turning around, "Lucas said something about remember the bond between you two. Something about it being different and he'll be watching even though he doesn't want to.", then she was gone in lighten speed.

My eyebrows forward together in confused. What in hell did he mean by that? And he'll be watching?

After a moment of thinking, it hit me! Our bond! The bond that happens when a vampire feeds from a human. How they can tell what there feeling or feel where their at! But mine and Lucas is different, he can see throw my eyes at random moments and I wouldn't even know! How could I forget about that?! That's like a hug thing!

I could feel a tear slip out of my eyes and I quickly whipped it away. I can't deal with this right now.

I walked over to the door, out into the bathroom, and over to where Cain was. "Hey, sorry, somebody called me and I--hey,", I said, stopping next to him cause something caught my eye on his shoulder blade was a faint thin outline of a star, "what is this?", I asked, touching it.

"What's what?", he asked, trying to look down at it.

I reached over to my chair and grabbed my purse and pulling out a small mirror, "Here.", I said, handing it to.

He took it and pointed it where I notice it, looking down at the mirror, his eyes bulged, "What in Gods name is that!", he practically yelled, touching it.

That star wasn't there when I went to the bathroom. I know that for a fact. So how'd it get there? I mean, it's not like it just popped up out of no where. Something about the star seems familiar about it to, but I can't make it out though.

"This can't be happen! I never get to wasted to not remember getting a tattoo! I didn't even drink last night! Even, I would have remember getting a freaking tattoo! And I wouldn't get a star! Stars are for girls and if I wanted one, I would make it a manly one, not some normal outline...", Cain went on, freaking out on tattoo.

I tired remembering where the star I had in my mind was coming from. I know I seen somebody else with the same tattoo.

Didn't Prince Octavian have a star tattoo on his neck...

My eye bulged out and I gasped, that's a werewolf mark!

"Oh, God..", I whispered to myself. No, no, no. He can't be turning into a werewolf! He has to have a normal human life? Why'd he have to go in the woods after me the other night and it's because of me he's turning-into a dog!

How am I'm going to take care of this? I have no freaking idea on how to contact the werewolf world and I don't know if Lucas would do anything for Cain!

Ugh, my life just keeps getting more harder and harder.

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