He's My Teenage Dirtbag

By PerfectionIsHoran

409 3 0

"Are you scared of me" he asked I gulp but nod my head "no" as I force myself to awake from my curious gaze i... More



32 1 0
By PerfectionIsHoran


I don’t know where we’re going or who we are but I can feel your heartbeat Heartbeat, Enrique Igleasias

I wake up no longer feeling Niall’s embrace; suddenly he walked back into the room, with a cup of English Breakfast. I sighed in delight.  He pulls himself back into the bed.

“Thank you so much for letting me stay here; you don’t know how much I needed this”

“So what’s the story about before; you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to” he quickly interfered

“Um, no it’s okay, I guess you deserve an explanation; well when I was 15 my Dad and I had decided to go watch my favourite musical“Wicked” so we did but when we came back um...” a lump started to grow in my throat

“It’s okay; you don’t have to continue” he replied wiping away the soft tear that had fallen

“No um, it’s fine; so when we came back, there was a gunshot; it hit Dad’s tire and then it hit the gas tank causing the car to explode, so um we tried to get out but he was trapped. I tried to call 911 but they didn’t come in time and he died. After he died I kept having nightmares, but it was more like a replay of some bodies face and I just can’t get it out of my head” I whispered, the tears still falling. I heard Niall sniffle as he pulled me into a tight hug.

“Everything’s going to be okay, I promise I won’t let anyone hurt you”

More tears fell from my eyes remembering my father used those exact words every time I had a nightmare. I closed my eyes falling asleep in Niall’s embrace again. I awoke a few hours later; it was around 3 in the afternoon. I awoke to the sound of hushed whispers and yells.

“Yeah, I know this is an important job” Niall whispered

“If you fuck this up I’ll have your head hanging by a thread; you understand me boy”

“Perfectly” Niall replied through gritted teeth

“I’ll be there soon” he replied hanging up

“Niall” I whispered

“Yeah, is something wrong?”

“Shouldn’t I be asking you that?” I replied referring to his phone

“Oh, that was nothing” I knew he was lying but I didn’t want to pester him so I just nodded.

“Thanks again” I mumbled

I get out of the sweats I had borrowed, but I kept on his tee, it made me feel so peaceful and clam. I pulled my skinnies on when Niall suddenly barged in

“So when did you- Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were getting dressed” he rambled blushing

“Awe, is Niall blushing” I cooed

“It’s not like it’s the first time you’ve seen a girl without her pants on” I joked

I pull down on Niall tee shirt so it didn’t ride up on me and leave it falling down to my thighs.

Niall stood behind placing gentle kisses on my neck

“It’s definitely not the first and it won’t be the last either” he whispered seductively in my ear

“You look amazing in that, by the way” Niall breathed causing shivers down my neck

“Come on let’s get you home” he whispered placing a kiss on my cheek.

“Thanks” I replied as we stood at the front door and for the first time in my life I did the unexpected. I pulled on his collar crashing his lips onto mine.

“Wow” he replied pulling away resting his head on my forehead placing another kiss on my lips

“Sav- oh, you’re busy” Paul replied causing me to turn beat red as Niall and I jumped away from each other.

“Oh um, hey Paul, I was just dropping off Savannah” Niall said awkwardly

“So how have you been Nialler, haven’t seen you since you were wee-little” Paul said metaphorically measuring Niall’s height.

“I’ve been great”

“Um, I think Niall needs to be somewhere” I say glaring at Niall

“Well, why don’t you come for dinner later?”

“Um, I don’t think Niall wants to stay for dinner” I intervene

“Actually, I don’t have anything to do tonight...Count me in” he smirked

“I thought you had that thing” I lied

“Nope” he replied popping the ‘p’ while smiling

“Well thanks again” I quickly muttered

“You’re welcomed” he replied placing a kiss on my cheeks causing them to immediately redden. I quickly walk into the house sliding against the back of the door

“Someone’s in love” Paul cooed

“Shut up” I replied blushing as I headed to my room, collapsing on my bed humming.

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