Dating the One I Hate

By crazymak316

200K 7.8K 14.1K

(Ereri AU Fan Fiction) Eren Jaeger has always been a constant third wheel amongst his friends, all in their... More

~Third Wheel~
~It's Him~
~What the Public Wants~
~Love Me Not~
~Secrets and Songs~
~That Day in May~
~The Missing Boy~
~Breakfast in Bed~
~Christmas Special: Mistletoe~
~Finding Out~
~New Years Special: The Count Down~
Another A/N
~Only Just A Dream~
~The Way Things Were~
~Valentine's Day Special: I'll Give You My Heart~
~Boyfriends and Girlfriends~
~St. Patrick's Day Special: Lucky Me~
~Last Day and First Dates~
~Easter Special: The Hunt~
~Prom, Hell, and Bombshells~
~Where There's Love, There's Hate~
~Graduation Day~
~Graduation Day #2 (Epilogue)~
A/N Final Update

~Manic Monday~

5.7K 220 573
By crazymak316

(Levi's POV)

Once again, before we all knew it, Monday came back around. Why was Monday so far from Friday...but Friday so fucking close to shitty Monday anyway? That's what pisses me off.

What pisses me off even more, is that we only get a damn two day weekend, with a five day school day. Oh and 2 months, not even, of summer and 10 months of school?

Who the fuck divided this shit? Were they high? On drugs? Drunk? Somebody, please, give me a reason.

And why did Mother Nature decide Monday's were the shittiest days? Does the universe not consider people like me? Whom hates everything and everyone, and has OCD and fucking insomnia.

Why am I to deal with all this fucked up shit? Not to mention, I live alone be cause my parents are to busy being big shot CEO's in France, to care about their son.

I finally got up out of bed, sighing and ran a hand through my hair, after feeling sorry for myself. At least I have one ray of hope.

And that is my wonderful, beautiful, handsome, bright eyed, all together perfect, boyfriend.

Dammit, he made me all lovey and gushy. Got me to play video games. Took my first kiss, with the sexuality I actually was. And that is indefinitely gay.

I'm so fucking gay. For Eren. He bent me like a fucking angle protractor.

I walked over to my dresser and grabbed out my outfit for today. A white tank top, my jock jacket, and black skinny jeans. And then my red converse this time.

I walked over to the bathroom next, and did the need stuff over there before slinging my backpack over one shoulder and heading downstairs.

I left, locking the house four times, again, and went to the car. I unlocked that twice, and got in.

Thankfully my OCD knew that doors could and should only close once. I was weird enough.

I drove the drive to hell, and parked. I leant over to the passenger side to retrieve my backpack when the door opened, making me jump and hit my head on the ceiling. I let out a growl, about to pummel whoever the fuck that was.

"Whoops, sorry!" The voiced laughed. I dragged myself out of the car and whipped myself around glaring at the culprit.

"I will fucking kill you shitty glasses!" Her eyes widened and she bolted. I slammed the door, locking it twice, as I ran after.

I easily caught up to her, I mean, what did you expect as the captain of the track team? She pressed harder, and all I had to do was dig one heel onto the ground, whilst turning my other ankle, and bend slightly forward. (AOT move anyone?? XD)

I reached out and grasped her collar, pulling her back. She let out an ungodly shriek and choking sound, drawing eyes. Suddenly a deep sigh, and the clicking heels of fancy rich kid shoes, sounded behind us.

"What did she do now?" The mountain tilted his head involuntarily, this being a reoccurring thing.

I turned around glaring at the both of them, grasping harder to Hanji's collar.

"Eye...b-brows, help!" She struggled. I rolled my eyes and let go.

Hanji scrambled forward into Erwin's arms, which he skillfully wrapped around her.

"She fucking touched my car for one. And she scared the shit out of me." I snapped.

"Ah." Was all he said.

I rolled my eyes again and let out a breath.


The three of us began walking into school, the only odd number I bore to stand.

"So Levi, did you do anything interesting over the weekend? You left early so we didn't get to discuss plans." Hanji asked, smile on her face, as if what just happened, never did. That's how it was with us, I suppose. I snorted.


"What did you do?" Erwin added, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Got laid." I said, nonchalantly. They thought I was joking. So they laughed.

"Okay seriously shorty, what did you do?" I squinted my eyes.

"I told you." Their eyes widened.

"With who?!" I deadpanned.

"Um I don't know shitty glasses, maybe my boyfriend?" They both let out a breath of relief.

"Oh Eren? That's good." I nodded and looked at them skeptically.

"Yeah...why would you think I'd have sex with someone else?"

"Well..." Hanji trailed off, causing me to glare.

"Hanji. Tell me. Before I rip out your vagina and you have no way to please eyebrows." Erwin let out a chuckle, and Hanji blushed.

"Anyways! Um...we sort of heard the conversation, between you and Eren. You know in the mall? When we just happened to be there looking for you."

"Wait, so let me get this straight-"

"You mean gay." Hanji smirked, waggling her eyebrows. A light blush dusted my cheeks.

"N-no! Just, you knew this whole time?" The both nodded. I ran a hand through my hair and sighed.

"Sorry Levi. We should of told you-" I put up a hand silencing Erwin.

"No, it's alright. I'm glad you didn't. But Eren's-" suddenly arms wrapped around me making me freeze. The couple turned around and smiled.

"But Eren's what~?" The voice cooed, making me smile.

"My real boyfriend now." I finished. I turned around to face my tall, brown haired boyfriend.

"Oh? They knew?" I nodded, and he shrugged putting on a grin.

"It doesn't matter. Because like you said, we're together now." He leaned down and pecked me on the lips.

Hanji's squeal echoed through the hall making the both of us laugh.

"You two are absolutely adorable!! When you have babies can I have one?"

"Hanji. We're both can't have babies."

"They're studying it! They are. Anything's possible!" She screamed. I rolled my eyes and turned back to Eren.

He looked down at me and smiled, gazing into my eyes with those brilliant teal orbs.

"I don't want to go." I huffed, like a little child, and clung onto him. He chuckled and rubbed my back.

"Neither do I. But we've got class."

"And you could see each other at lunch." Erwin added. I whined.

"Wow Levi, this is a whole new you!" Hanji cackled and pushed up her glasses.

"Eren whatever you're doing keep it up! Haha!!"

"Shut up Shitty Glasses..." I snuggled deeper into Eren, stealing his warmth.

"I just, really hate Monday's."

" too. I've always had this pit in my stomach, on Mondays, like something bad is going to happen." Eren sighed.

"Really? I find Monday's to pass quickly." Erwin added, shrugging.

"That's because everyone wants them to be over!" Hanji laughed, clinging onto her boyfriend. I once again rolled my eyes.

Rolling my eyes. I do that a lot, huh?

"Anyway, Eren whatever it is, I'm sure you'll be fine." Hanji smiled softly, and I widened my eyes, that the crazed scientist would actually be so calm.

Then I bit my tongue, metaphorically, when she wrapped Eren in a tight loving hug, that was most likely suffocating him. His face turned a light shade of purple.

Finally she released him and pat his head. She then latched herself onto Erwin's back, and he held her up swiftly.

"Ride on, my mountainous eyebrow!" Eren and Erwin chuckled, as I slightly smirked.

"Bye guys~! Love you both!!" She screamed after us, as she and Erwin went to Hall Sina. Eren shook his head.

"She's crazy." He observed. I snorted.

"And you just noticed that?"

"Well no. But it brings it up when she rides her boyfriend down the hall. Shouldn't she ask Horseface for that?" He joked.

"Haha, very funny Jaeger." A voice behind us said. Jean, hand in hand with his boyfriend, the he-man, smacked Eren on the back of the head.

"Ow! Jerk." Eren stuck his tongue out as he rubbed the back of his head. Jean smirked and stuck his tongue out right back.

"Guys, be nice." Armin sighed, with a nervous grin.

"We were!" They said simultaneously. They then both glared at each other for stealing each other's words.

"You boys are ridiculous." I rolled my eyes, and Armin giggled. I sent him a subtle glare, which looked like my usual expression, so he just smiled at me.

I don't know why, but I didn't like him. I suppose it was because I was slightly jealous of how close he is with Eren. Maybe.

"Well, I'll leave you two to suck face in the hallway." Jean sneered, causing Armin to slightly blush.

"That's not what we were doing." Jean snorted.

"That was probably the next thing you were going to do right?" Eren rolled his eyes and squeezed my hand.

"Oi, horse faced brat." I glared at him.

"Why don't you go mind your own fucking business?" He let out a huff, and turned around.

"Fine. Let's go Armin. See you at lunch." With that they left, heading down Sina.

"Why do you even let him provoke you?" I asked, us proceeding to Maria.

"That's just our relationship." Eren shrugged.

"That's how we show our love and care as friends to one another. Like with you and Hanji. Your way is with violence and vulgarity." I snickered.

"I suppose you're right. But..." I started, then trailed off not wanting to admit my thought.

"But? But what?" I swallowed.

"I um...don't like your blonde friend." He smiled sweetly, much to my dismay.

"Awe, Levi. Are you jealous?" Damn.

"Tch, no. Real men like me don't get jealous over shitty little blonde brats."

"Really?" Eren smirked.

"Then you wouldn't mind me telling you that we used to be in a pretty heated relationship?" My jaw clenched and a balled my fist, which Eren's hand was still in, causing him to yelp. Few peoples gazes were drawn, and they stared, before looking back to whatever they were doing before, seconds after.

"S-sorry Eren..." He chuckled.

"It's alright. But you know I'm joking right? You're my first boyfriend, let alone relationship. Remember?" I nodded.

" I do." Eren shook his head and hugged me from the side.

"You're so cute!" I pouted.

"I am not cute! I'm sexy and hot." I stated, sure of my self, a slight smirk creeping onto my facial features. Eren let out a laugh, a nice, melodic, genuine one, that filled me with happiness.

"I suppose you're right." I nodded.

"Mhm. You're the adorable, cute, insanely attractive one." He giggled.

We walked the rest of the way to his locker, in silence. It wasn't awkward, nor filled with hate or uneasiness, but the exact opposite. It was a calm, peaceful, loving one.

When we reached his locker we kissed and said goodbye.

"I love you." He whispered, smiling.

"I love you more." I replied, smirking.

"Well, I love you most." He cooed, making me roll my eyes.

I pecked him on the lips one more time, before giving him a tight hug.

"Be careful." Was the last thing he said, before we pulled away. All I did was nod, and walk away.

We'd see each other at lunch. So I was Content and happy. Little did I know someone was watching. Someone who would later fulfill that pit in Eren's stomach.

And that I wouldn't be there.
(Eren's POV)

I had the odd feeling someone was watching me. Well, us, meaning Levi and I, at the time.

Watching as we kissed. Hugged. Talked. And that feeling of constant eyes, made the pit grow only larger.

However I grabbed my projects and needed materials pushing the feeling aside. Levi had left, leaving me to stare at his butt while he walked away. Because, well, it's mine so why not?

By now, word probably had gotten out we were dating anyway. Not that I cared since I loved him.

I didn't heed much fear about being socially accepted, since I had all my gay/lesbian/bi friends. I just feared for Levi's reputation, him actually being popular and all.

When we first started fake dating, I remember him saying he didn't care, but when you lose something, it isn't that easy to come to a decision. Things change. But then again, people change too.

I head to my first class, handing in my project to the teacher. Listen, do work. Next class.

Hand in my project. Listen, do work. Next class.

Then same thing for the one after that. Finally 4th period came around and it was time to go to lunch.

However like last time, the same guy, with the duel colored hair watched me, every class we had together. The same feeling engulfed me before when I felt I was being stared at.

Maybe it was him? I shrugged it off, and started to pack my things up to go. I zipped up my backpack, slung it over my shoulder, and had begun to walk out of the classroom.

Although he had other plans.

I felt a hand in my shoulder stopping me, making turn around. Immediately my face made contact with his fist, causing me to stumble backwards.

I clutched at my eye, which was now clenched shut from the blow, and looked at him with my good one, incredulously.

"Wh-what was that for?!" I croaked, afraid anything I said would upset him and set him off again.

He stayed silent glaring at me, scouring every inch of my being. He crossed his arms, and continued his stare.

I tried to quickly asses my situation, finding screaming for help wouldn't be advised, since everyone was already at lunch. And who can here from here, to there?

I looked back at him, and realized why he was always looking at and watching me. He was using it as a plan. He took my leaving late, for his advantage.

I went to go run next, but found four people, two on each side advance towards me. Damnit...

The boy in front of me smirked, as did the others.

Suddenly another blunt force made contact with my cheek, a sickening crack resonating through the empty hall. My eye widened and I gasped for breath, and fell hard to floor.

"I'm Aruro. Petra's admirer. I love her, but she's too broken hearted about Levi. So I'm making amends. And you're the one who stole him fag." He boot collided with my ribs, slamming me into the locker. I clutched my stomach, trying to regulate my breathing.

Fag? I guess I was wrong.

"What's wrong? Feeling guilty, you greedy gay bastard?" Aruro questioned, bent down and whispering slightly.

"Wh-what...d-does my to...d-do with...Petra."

"Because you corrupted Levi with your disgusting gayness." The one with dark brown hair rolled his eyes.

"Gunther by the way. Not that you'll know it for much longer." He let out a laugh, then kicked my stomach twice with alternating feet. Blood spurted out from my mouth, and my body writhed in pain. The other men soon laughed afterwards.

Tears leaked out of my good eye, the pit in my stomach know answered.

"Awe, look. The fag boy is crying." The men erupted into a chorus of sarcastic, meaningless 'awes' and laughed at my expense.

Suddenly my limp body was picked up by the biggest toughest one of them all, and he started to sniff me.

"Wanna know what this one smells like?" They all nodded, smirks on their faces.

"A loser." They all laughed, once again, causing my tears to fall harder.

"Good one Mike." The last one complimented, grinning. "I have one too."

"Go ahead." Aruro said, a little too quickly.

The last one stepped up and got in my face.

"You know why he's an art major? Because he so stupid, he could be Sina, and he's so week, he definitely can't be Rose. So they had to put him somewhere." 

"Hilarious." I spat, literally spitting on Aruro.

"It was." He glowered, kneeing my crotch. In reflex I'd bend down, but Mike was holding me up against the lockers.

"Hey, Eld...why don't we search him? Do we can see how horrible he is, at what? Everything?" Aruro smiled, ordering him to go through my things.

"W-wait, that's not-"


"Shut the hell up, faggot." I tried to squirm free, but in vain.

Mike tightened his grip on me, and put his arm under my throat. Eld ripped off my back pack and took out my sketch pad. My eye widened, still struggling for breath.

"Too bad he already handing in his home work." They laughed evilly and he opened it up. The picture that I held in there, fluttered out and onto the floor. We all watched it, and my heart dropped.

"What's this?" Gunther said, whilst picking it up. No...please...

"It seems it's the homo and his mommy. Did she know you were a boyfriend stealing faggot?" I stared at them with my one eye, praying that they were just looking at it.

"Damn, she's hot. You must get your ugliness from you dad?"

"Yeah, I'd bang her."

"Shut up! Don't talk about my mom that way." I managed, still being choked by Mike.

"Awe, look it. The dog is getting a little rabid. I think we have to put it down." Aruro cooed.

Mike brought me away from the lockers and dropped kicked me. I fell with another crack, to ground.

"Think we need to continue this lesson, hmm?" He laughed and brought the picture to my face. Then he started to slowly rip it in front of my face.

I started to cry, and protested, getting beat, every comeback I mustered up.

"No! Please...s-stop...please." I cried out. They hadn't obeyed, and soon enough the whole picture was now two. The only thing I had left of my mom. Was gone...

"Or this? Oh and this?" They started ripping every page from my sketch book, leaving it empty and the pages all crumpled up over the floor.

Aruro chucked the book at my head and I whimpered, making them all laugh.

They stepped on my stomach and emptied out the rest of my back pack all over me. 


His boot made contact with my face, getting blood all over the place. If I wasn't ugly before, I was now. But, I was always ugly, like they said, now wasn't I?

"How pathetic." Eld shook his head.

"Wh-why..." I asked, shaking. I felt like I was dying. Maybe I was.

"I told you. You stole Levi. Brainwashed him or controlled his mind with your disgusting gay making powers. Sucked him right in."

"Yeah, and you broke our Petra's heart because of it." Gunther added.

"And no one, breaks out Petra's heart. She's to sweet kind and wonderful for that." Aruro finished. Mike stepped forcefully onto my spine, a yelp escaping from my lips.

"Empty his pockets next." Mike grabbed my ankles and hung me upside down, shaking me.

Pencils, papers, and unfortunately my carving knife for sculpting, fell onto the floor. My eye widened again.

"Lookie here at this..." Eld picked it up and showed it off.

"'ll break up with Levi...just please...d-don't hurt me anymore.." They all laughed.

"Look how fast he's willing to give up his relationship for his life." Aruro snarled. "It's too late!"

He snatched the knife and grabbed my arm, examine the already precasting scars.

"Poor baby. Let's make some more shall we?" He continuously dragged the knife across my skin causing blood to drench my arm and drop to the floor.

I sobbed as he did so, and cried harder when he went to the left arm. Except making lines, he wrote a message. I looked at it quickly, blurred my burning tears.

'Faggot' he carved into my skin, before Mike let go of me, letting my unstable body collapse to ground. Blood dripped, and splattered, the red Crimson liquid soaking my clothing and flooding the floor.

Never had I hated myself more.

Never had I been bullied so terribly. Last time was middle school.

Never had I felt so useless. Last time was my mother's death.

This groups of boys ripped everything away from me, in a matter of minutes. My memories, my drawings, my dignity, my relationship, my self worth, and my life...we're all gone. Stepped on. Crushed. Pointless.

"Please just kill me if that's what you want..." I sputtered, heaving for air and spitting out unstoppable blood.

"Nah, well let you suffer. Watch as Levi gets back with Petra, where he belongs." Gunther shrugged, grinning. They all were.

"Oh, and our name? Levi's squad." Eld chimed in."

"We're just looking out for him." Mike said, simplistically. As if what they did to me, was nothing.

Was it? Was I nothing? To become nothing...? Did I deserve this?

Last time I had a pit in my stomach my mother got into a car accident. Maybe I should've been more careful. But would this have even been stopped??

I tuned the rest out, mostly because I couldn't hear, with the ringing and pounding headache. The world around me started to spine, and I felt extremely light headed.

All I could make out, was Aruro laughing while he said,

"Happy Monday, Eren Jaeger." He bit his tongue and shouted, making his groupies roll their eyes.

They all walked away, leaving me a bloody, dying, beaten mess on the floor.

I closed my eyes and painfully sobbed. Why does everything good in life, have to constantly be ripped away from me?! Is it because I'm not straight?

Because I want to be happy?

And in love?

Did the universe want me to taste sweet happiness before stealing it away? Was it bound to always be like this. Or was this the end.

Not so deep down, at the moment it seem like a great outcome.

"Eren?" A distant voice called from down the hall. I slowly reached out, a shaky bloody hand, only to have it drop.

I can't move.

"Eren?" It called again.

I can't speak.

"Oh my god?!" The voice cried out in despair and ran down the hall, to me.

"G-guys! Come...please! Get a teacher...or administration...and call 911." She knelt down to me, crying.


"Eren...oh please no." She sobbed. Armin soon joined her, and gasped, looking at the sight.

"Jean, go quickly." He ordered. The dirty blonde nodded, and ran down the hall, getting Sasha and Connie to join him.

"Let me fucking see!" Levi screamed, breaking out of Hanji and Erwin hold. He ran down the hall, and saw me. Levi froze, all his motor skills, losing function. 

His hand covered his mouth, as he dropped to the floor sobbing.

"E-Eren...wh-who did this to you..." A wet drop fell into my cheek and slid down. It came from Levi.

He's crying?

"You got to hang in there okay? We're getting help. Whoever did this to you is going to pay. I swear I'll fucking kill them."

It started to spin faster, the world around me, and everyone was fading deeper into the silent blackness.

'I'm sorry...'

It couldn't come out of my mouth, and afterwards I blacked out, to the sound of distant sirens, and the feeling of prying eyes on me. 

Happy update! Though, this really wasn't a "happy" chapter lol

Anyways, I hoped you liked it. And I tried extra super hard to publish Monday setting on an actual Monday! For me anyway, in my time zone.

Oh and sorry for triggering things, if any in this chapter. Words of knowledge, to clarify things, not at all do I condone bullying, self harm, or murder, nor am I promoting it. It is simply a chapter idea, to get along the plot.

And I am not killing of Eren. Or am I?? O-o

Nah, I'm not that kind of author. I will often troll you, just for fun, but nothing permanent and heart wrenching like that. Or this I suppose, but this is lighter than death.

With that being said, again I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and stay tuned for the next one. Stay fantabulous~! <3

Love y'all.

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