New Jersey Love c; <333 {ICON...

By jessnicolexo

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New Jersey Love c; <333 {ICONic Boyz ~A Nick Mara Love Story :*~
Editing ^_^
Chapter 1: Nice to meet you <3 c;
Chapter 2: The Next Step ^-*
Chapter 3: Party Time *\0/*
Authors Note
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
To My Beautiful Readers :*
Chapter 6: TheRealNickMara
Casting One Roll ^-*
title of your story
Chapter 8:
Sneak peak ❤️

Chapter 7:Our First Kiss went a little like this :*

651 12 0
By jessnicolexo

Destinee's P.O.V

~"Destinee! Hurry Up!"Vinny shouted from downstairs. "Coming!" I called back. I hurridly put on my pink flowery bikini and some clothes over it. Then I grabbed my bag,ran down the stairs,and headed out the door.

I sat down next to Vinny in the back seat and he gave me a look. "What took you so Long?"He asked. "I'm a girl..why do YOU think?" I asked raising my eyebrow. "Oohh..."Vinny smiled.

A few minutes later, we finally arrived at Mikey's house. " Alright me when you guys want me to pick you up." My mom said. "Okay!" Me and Vinny both said in unison, which made us giggle.

My mom drove off towards the freeway and me and Vinny walked to the front door. I knocked on the door and a women who I believed was Mikey's Mom answered it."Hey Kids! Come on in! Everyone is in the back." She said

I gave her a warm smile and we walked inside the house. Vinny led me toward the backdoor and i could already hear the boyz screams."Hey Guys!" Vinny shouted. "..Hi Vinny.." The boyz murmered. "Okay Guys, don't get too excited to see me." Vinny said sarcastically.

"Hi Guys." I smiled. "HEY DESTINEE!" The boys greeted with smiley faces. Vinny frowned at me and I just shrugged."Come on in guys!"Madison said. Since it was hot outside, Vinny didn't hesitate. He took off his shirt leaving him in his trunks and did a cannonball into the pool.

The boyz cheered but then started to chant for me to come in. My eyes widened and I shook my head. I couldn't go in? What if they saw my cuts?

I sighed. But they really DiD want me to come in..."Fine." I said. I took off my shorts and shirt as my bathing suit hugged my body perfectly.

The boyz had stopped cheering and had started to stare. "Um.." I blushed. Vinny hadn't told me that his friends were total pervs...

"Wow.." Nick whispered. Which, made me blush even more. Vinny cleared his throat loudly. "Well, if you guys are done STARING..."Vinny said,"Lets get this party started!"

"U-Um...ya."Mikey said. He turned on the stereo and HipHop RNB started to play from it. I let out a long breath and walked to the edge of the pool and put my feet in. "Are you gunna come in?" A voice asked. I looked to my left and I saw it Was Nick. I smiled at him and he swam towards me.

"Nah..I don't think so.." I shrugged. "Aw! Come on!" Nick pleaded. I laughed at how cute Nick badly wanted me to go in the water with him.

But I shook my head. "Fine!.." Nick smirked," Can you at least help me up?" I nodded and stretched my hand towards him. He took my hand in his but suddenly I felt myself being pulled towards the water and I fell in the pool.

When I got up from the water, I heard all the boyz laughing. I glared at Nick and he started to crack up. "Annd...She's in!" Mikey shouted. I smiled and couldn't help but laugh too. I had to admit that really was funny.

I ended up swimming with the boyz for the rest of the day. And we swam for what seemed like hours..until Mikey's sister went and bought pizza from PizzaHut. We were practically starving so we ran out of the pool like maniacs.

"I'll go get the plates." I said. Even though, the boyz were already eating the pizza without them. I walked towards the back door and headed to the kitchen.

I heard the back slidingdoor open and I saw Nick come inside the house. "You need any help?" He asked with a smile. "Ya..sure." I said.

Nick and I both quickly started to look for the plates in the kitchen cabnets. "So..."Nick said as we searched for the plates," Last Night was really fun.."

I smiled. "Ya..It was!" I said. I found some plates and I set them on the counter. "Well since I really had a good time and U had a good time...does this mean we're like boyfriend and girlfriend now.." Nick said rubbing the back of his neck. I bit my lip as he said that last part.

"Um, I don't know." I said silently. Because honestly, i didn't know. I mean, it was just ONE date...oh who was i kidding...I knew it was more than just one date from the beginning.

" Maybe... this will answer the question..." Nick said. He took a step closer to me and I held my breath. Then, he cupped my face and his hands and I let his lips meet mine. And then...

He kissed me :*. He pulled away slightly to see my expression but I just stared into his dark brown eyes with my hazel ones. "Do YOU think IT answered the question?" Nick asked charmingly. I nodded quickly and kissed him again.

WoW...I had promised myself that i was gunna be more careful...since after all the break ups. But I couldn't be careful with Nick...I just couldn't. And he couldn't with me.

He gently picked me up and put me on the counter and got closer to me. And My fingers ran through his short brown hair as we kissed again and again.

Suddenly, I heard the sliding door open. "What's taking so long with the plat-" I heard Madison's voice say.

I pulled away from Nick and quickly hopped off the counter. It was an akward silence until Madison finally snapped back into reality.

"Vinny! You owe Me 10 bucks!" Madison said heading out the door. I giggled at that. Then, Nick took my hand in his and we walked back outside. Totally forgetting about the plates XD...


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