Chapter 3: Party Time *\0/*

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Destinee's P.O.V:

~I tiptoed to my closet and picked out a tight fitting short black dress with my black heels. Then i started curling my Blonde hair.

When i was finally done with my hair,I heard a soft knock on my door. I slowly walked to the door and opened it quietly. It was Vinny. He was dressed in some tight jeans and a really Nice black T-shirt.

I let him into my room and he sat down near my dress on the bed. "Hey we're matching...sorta,"Vinny whispered. I nodded.

I grabbed my dress from the bed. "Turn around.."I told Vinny and he slightly turned his head away from me. I took off my pajamas and slid on my black dress.

"You can look now," I whispered. He turned to face me and his eyes widend. "You look-great!" he smiled. "Thanks,"I said smiling back.

I put some dark eyeshadow on and some mascara. I never would wear make up but tonight was an exception.

"You ready?" Vinny whispered. "Ya...Im ready," I said softly. Vinny motion toward the window. "What?! Were suppose to jump off a two story window!" I whispered sharply. He nodded and laughed.

"Ladies first." Vinny said giggling. I pushed him for making me go first. I got my bag and i held it by my side. I dropped my heels to the grass and i took a deep breath.

"Any Day Now," Vinny whispered. "If i die..its your fault." I hissed. I jumped onto a nearby tree and nearly fell off of it. I quickly positioned myself and climbed down the 7 foot tree.

"That wasn't so bad..." I said as i reached the floor. I brushed my self off and Vinny was already next to me. "Come on slow poke."Vinny said. We quickly walked to Madison's house which was just a block away.

When we finally got there the place was packed. We knocked on the door and Madison answered it. "Hey guys!" I'm glad you can make it," Madison said smiling.

He motioned us to come inside and we did. Vinny and i went on the dance floor and started to dance. But then some dark brown haired girl came up to us. "Hey you wanna dance?"the girl asked.

Vinny looked at me and i nodded. Then,he ran off with the girl. I sighed. I was alone now. I wonder where the rest of the boyz were.

Then...I saw him. Nick. I smiled but then it quickly disappeared. I saw him talking to some girl. I turned away...

I didn't know why that hurt me...I just met Nick and ya i did have a little crush on him but- wait? What did I say? I had a crush on Nick? No...I just met him...

"Hey,why are you all alone,ShortStuff?" A fimiliar voice said. I turned around and saw someone. Mikey. I smiled at him and shrugged.

"Ha.."Mikey Laughed,"Do you wanna dance?" I was surprised that he asked me...I didn't think he took intrest in me.

I looked where Nick was sitting. He was still talking to the girl ,he was closer next to her now. I frowned. I looked at Mikey,"I'd love to."

"Cool," he said. He grabbed my hand and led me toward the dance floor. "With you"by Chris Brown was starting to play. Mikey wrapped his arms around my waist. And i wrapped my hands around his neck.

We slowly danced and Then Mikey pulled me closer to him. He leaned in and whispered something to my ear and i giggled. I slowly turned to see If Nick was still in his spot but he was gone.

That was weird. I turned back to face Mikey and he smiled at me. And i couldn't help but smile back. "Can I cut in.."a voice said. It was Nick! Now he shows his face...

He smiled at me and i smiled back. Mikey glared at Nick but said he could dance with me. "I bet there's hearts all over the world tonight,"The song said.

Nick put his arms around my waist and i did the same with my arms and wrapped them arround his neck. Oh god..why did i have butterflies?

"Hi."I said giving him a slight smile. "Hey Home Girl."Nick said. Nick spun me around and pulled me back into him. "Wow...Nick you sure can dance." I smiled.

"I thought you already knew that... considering i won yesterday,"Nick joked. I looked at him. "Not even! I won." I said.

"I don't need another woman.I just need you all or nothing," the song said. "Ok..sure."Nick laughed.

We talked the rest of the dance until finally the song ended. "Thanks for the dance." Nick said. "No problem." I smiled.

We both sat down on a couch. "Your really cool,you know that." Nick said smiling at me. "Yep I knew that!" I said casually.

Nick laughed. "So umm I was wondering..."Nick said rubbing the back of his neck,"if you wanted to hang out know...just me and you."

I blushed. Did Nick just ask me out on a "date". ? Sorta? What should I say...I don't really trust guys anymore ever since my last boyfriend. The only guy i trust was Vinny...

Then,I nodded. "Ya..I'd like that." I said. "Really? Cool." Nick said smiling ear to ear. Just then, Vinny ran up to us.

"Destinee,we got to go! It's almost Midnight!" Vinny said. He looked at Nick then at me,"What the hell is going on here?"

"Nothing..."I said slowly. "Ok well we gotta go." Vinny said pulling on my arm. "Bye Nick," I said.

"Wait." He said pulling me back towards him," Whats Your number?" "Give me your phone." I said. He handed it to me and i put my number in.

"There,now you can text me." I smiled at him. "Sweet." He beamed. "Ok! Can we go now!" Vinny said pulling me again. "Ya..I dont wanna get caught." I told Vinny.

"Bye,Destinee." Nick waved. "Bye Nick." I smiled. Me and Vinny walked out of the house. "Where were you the whole night?" Vinny said as we ran to his house.

"Where was I? Where were you?! You just left with that girl!" I laughed. "Oh yeah..." Vinny smiled. We finally reached Vinny's house.

"What if they woke up?" I asked Vinny. "They wouldn't have...Its 12 in the morning." Vinny said. We both climbed the tree to my window. I opened the window and we both got in.

"Goodnight.."Vinny said heading out my door. "Goodnight,"I whispered. I took off my dress and put my pajamas back on. I put my hair in a ponytail and went to lie on my bed.

Before I went to sleep I had to admit something to myself...I had no doubt that I was starting to have feelings for Nick Mara... And with that...I fell asleep.


*Hey Guys Jessika here! I just wanted to say that sorry this wasn't a good chapter... :( I was in a hurry to get this part over with. But Dont worry Next Chapter will be really good. Who is cuter together? Nick with Destinee? Or Mikey and Destinee? Anyways keep reading please. I love all of you soo much :*! Kay bye!


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New Jersey Love c; <333 {ICONic Boyz ~A Nick Mara Love Story :*~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora