'till the moment i found you

By beffyann02

2.5K 61 57

andy loved newsies right from the start. she was a diehard fansie, though you would never be able to tell fro... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven


521 6 6
By beffyann02

andy's pov
the lights in the theatre started to dim, and my heart started to beat faster than i knew possible. i knew he was about to walk onstage, that they would all be walking on stage in only a matter of minutes. the overture music started to play, i started to tear up. i had been waiting for this moment for years. the towers came into view, and a single tear started rolling down my face. he walked out. my whole world seemed to stop. the tears started to freely flow, and i became immersed in what i had seen so many times before, but at the same time, never seen before. one time, he made eye contact with me, but i tried not to make a big deal out of it. he was just looking into the audience, i just happened to be the one sitting front row directly in front of him. i stopped crying as soon as the second song started, because i knew that if i kept crying i would miss every small detail that i couldn't have seen from the bootleg.
now, no one that i know would ever think that i would be sitting in a dark theatre, crying my eyes out over zachary sayle. but really, this dark theatre is the only place i would think to do that. i taught myself not to fangirl or anything a while ago, but right now i couldn't help myself from crying. i had been waiting for this for so long.

the show ended much quicker than i wanted it to, and i just about sprinted outside to the stagedoor. a few other girls had beat me, but i didn't mind. soon, there were more people, and the newsies started coming out of the door. first was josh burrage, then ben cook, then stephanie styles. they kept coming out, and i took a picture with each one and had them sign my playbill. finally, the person i had been waiting for came out. zachary sayle. i knew not to fangirl, and i had trained myself to pretend like they were just normal people.
"hi!" he said when he walked up to me.
"hey!" i replied, and we made eye contact.
"you were sitting in the front row, right?" he asked, and i nodded.
"i saw you crying before santa fe prologue even started. is everything ok?" he asked, putting his hand on my shoulder.
"oh, uh, yeah, everything's fine haha. it's just, i have been waiting to see this show for over a year, and it hit me right as  the overture started playing that i was finally seeing it. it means a lot to me." i told him. he smiled, and held out his arms for a hug. i hugged him, and he whispered into my ear:
"thank you." when we pulled out of the hug, i said,
"what for? i should be thanking you."
"for being inspiring. people like you inspire me." he said, and then started to grin.
"do you have a name? or should i just think of you as the beautiful girl i met at the stagedoor in los angeles?" he asked. i blushed at that.
"andy. and you?" i asked, fully aware of his name, just wanting to hear him say it.
"zachary. andy, huh? it's a name just as beautiful as its owner." he said, pretending to tip an imaginary hat.
"the other girls probably think im hogging you, you should probably go. can we take a picture really quickly first?" i asked, and he nodded excitedly.
i held out my arm to take a selfie, and just before i pressed the button to take the picture, he turned his head to kiss my cheek. my eyes grew wide when i realized what i had captured in the picture.
"bye, andy. ill see you soon. be sure to tag me in that picture." zachary said, walking away to the next people waiting to meet him. i had met everyone, so i started to walk away too. i met his eyes, have a weak smile, and waved a little. he did the same, not taking his eyes off of me until i was out of sight.

zachary's pov
"dude, you haven't stopped talking about this girl for like an hour." josh said, rolling his eyes at me.
"yeah, we all met her, you don't need to keep describing her." ben told me.
"oh, yeah, uh, sorry. it's just...i think she's different. different than any other girl, any of the other fans. shes..... i can't describe it. when i saw her in the front row, i stopped for a second. i felt something inside of me, something i haven't felt since...since ever. even with carly, i didn't feel it. you guys are usually the love experts. that's what jordan said at least." i rambled, and josh put his arm around my shoulders.
"you know, zach, i think i know what you are feeling. but i don't know if i should tell you. if you never see her again, you will be in a huge mess. " he said, and i looked at him.
"josh, you don't think.." ben looked at him, and josh nodded.
"what? wait, josh, you aren't saying that you think i fell in love with her, are you?" i asked, my eyes growing wide. "no, no that can't be right.... i just met her! i can't...josh, maybe i am." i said, frightened by the thought.
"don't be scared by it zach. just go with it. sometimes, you fall in love with someone that you will never see again, and it is hard to get over it, but you do." josh said, patting my back.
"thanks, josh. can i hang with you guys for a while?" i asked, enjoying their company.
"of course dude." he said, and i picked up my phone to check instagram.
@andythenewsgirl tagged you in a picture , my phone alerted me. i clicked on the picture to find that she had posted the picture of me kissing her cheek. god, why did i do that? , i thought. it was kind of a last minute move, something i just had to do.
finally got to see newsies and meet this one 😊, her comment read. i liked the picture, followed her, and commented,
i miss you already😔❤️
it may have been a bold move, yes the fansies would go crazy, but it was true. and for now, i just had to rest it. but one thing was for sure.
i had fallen in love with the beautiful girl from the stagedoor.

andy's pov
i had fallen in love with the boy i had only met once but yet felt like i already knew.

so... here is a toursies story! it will have slow updates, since i want to focus more on watch what happens, but this will be updated often as i can write new chapters;) also, im not super happy with the cover, so if anyone would like to make me one i would be more than happy to have a new one! just message me for the picture and if you make one, i will dedicate a chapter to you❤️
- beth 🐌

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