1950 » Narry Storan

By 1975-Narry

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"Our love isn't considered normal." "I don't care what the world thinks, all I know is that I'm deeply in lo... More



2.1K 145 185
By 1975-Narry


Dear Diary,

So far, the summer has been pretty great. Niall's mum accepts both of us being gay and not to mention us being together. Now it's just his father we need to break the news to.

His parents were on some country club holiday and were supposed to be back today. I wasn't really sure on what time they'd be back, but I really wasn't too worried about it. I was more focused on my shirtless boyfriend preparing us both breakfast in his kitchen. He had this cute little apron on, but you could clearly tell he was shirtless, not to mention only in his boxers.

Hey, Diary?

I know you probably I'm just some lovesick fool, but I really—and I do mean really—love that Irish lad. I've never felt so at home except when I'm with him. He makes me feel safe. He makes me feel wanted and appreciated. I know I space out at times, but he still loves me.

And to me? That's all that matters.

I closed my diary and stood up from the recliner in the living room before heading into the kitchen. The smell of eggs was luring me in.

"Smells good in here, babe," I whispered in his ear before snaking my arms around his waist.

I felt him relax into me and let me tell you, it's a great feeling to know that someone is comfortable with you.

"It's almost done, Haz," he said softly.

I gently squeezed his torso then kissed his shoulders before I backed away. I watched as he finished making breakfast. It wasn't too elaborate. Just eggs, bacon, toast and orange slices. We sat at the table and ate in silence for a bit until I had gotten up to take our plates to bring them to the sink.

"Harry, you don't have to do that," I heard Niall stand up from his chair, "I'll wash them."

"No. I want to do it."

Just as I was about to put the dishes in the sink, Niall grabbed them from me.

"This is my house, remember? My house, my rules."

He smirked and that alone could of caused me to get hard. When he was in control the other night? It was amazing. I almost got turned on rethinking about it.

"Fine," I mumbled softly.

Just as he was about to turn the water on, I pulled him away from the sink and turned him in my arms. I stared into those blue eyes of his and got lost. I had to remind myself to breathe in and out a few times.

"What are you staring at?" Niall asked softly.

"I'm staring at the most beautiful thing I've ever laid eyes on..."

Niall blushed and even smiled a little.

"You don't really mean that...do you?"

I slowly nodded.

"I meant it, Ni."

Niall slid his hands up my chest and to my neck before pulling me down into a kiss. I pulled his body closer to mine; we were chest to chest. Our lips moved in sync and when I slowly pulled away, I told Niall to jump and he did. I set him on the counter and moved my lips to the left side of his neck. I buried my face there and peppered kisses against his skin. Little moans kept leaving Niall's mouth.

"Mmmh, Harry..." he softly moaned as I began to suck at his neck.

I felt a growl build up in my throat when I felt Niall tugging on my hair as if he was telling me to stop. So I pulled away and looked into his eyes.

"Just kiss me, Harry. I need your lips. I crave them. Fuck, just kiss me," he demanded.

So I did. It was passionate yet it was also heated. I somehow got the apron off of Niall and dropped it to the floor before he could pull my shirt over my head. He began to pepper kisses all over my collar bones, my chest and my stomach. His lips felt so soft against my skin. I just loved it. They felt just like heaven.

I gently grabbed onto his face and pulled him back into a kiss. I wanted his lips on mine and mine only. I didn't want them anywhere else right now except my lips.

He wrapped his arms around my neck to deepen the kiss. When I felt him poke his tongue at my lips, I slowly opened my mouth and let him take over. Niall gently began to pull at the hair at the back of my neck as started to push his tongue against mine. I tried to push his tongue back into his mouth, but he wasn't letting me. So I slowly pulled away from the kiss.

"Who said you could stop?" Niall whisperer, clearly mad I had stopped kissing him.

"Maybe I like being a tease..." I said with a smirk.

Niall smirked before he slid his right hand down my chest and to my pants where he grabbed me. I sucked in a breath as he used his other hand to pull me closer to him by the back of my neck.

"Two can play at that game, Haz. I can be a tease too."

I let out a shaky breath as he gave me a a gentle squeeze. I honestly didn't want to be teased right now, so I kissed him again, hoping he'd remove his hand from my dick, but he didn't. Whenever I would try to pull away, he'd gently rub me, making me whimper against his lips.

"N-Ni..." I let out a little gasp as he rubbed me a little more, "please don't stop..."

I let my eyes flutter close as I felt him slip his hand into my pants. I rested my head on Niall's shoulder and let out a little whine as he started rubbing me again.

But then I heard a door open. I don't think Niall heard it because he had continued to rub me.

"N-Niall..." I tried to say but another voice cut me off.


I don't think I've ever seen Niall move so fast in my entire life. His hand was no longer in my pants and he was no longer sitting on the counter, but standing beside me. I didn't dare turn around because I was afraid to see the look on Niall's face. No doubt he was scared.

"Dad..." Niall began.

His voice was soft but a little shaky. He was definitely scared. His mother might have accepted Niall and I easily, but would his father.

"Harry..." Bobby's loud voice startled me, "Turn around right now."

I softly gulped and slowly turned around. There was no was for me to hide my obvious hard on right now. I mean, I could use my hands, but there was no point in doing it.

"Dad...I-I can explain," Niall said, trying to keep his voice calm.

"Please. I'd love to hear your explanation."

Bobby folded his arms over his chest and stared us down. Niall had opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. He was speechless and obviously scared. So I spoke for him.

"Mr. Horan..." I began.

"Just call me, Bobby, boy."

I gulped.

"O-okay," I cleared my throat. "Bobby, I'm not going to uh I guess sugarcoat this. I love your son..." He made a weird face; a face of disgust. "And your son loves me."

"Lies! My son isn't in love with you."

Hearing that actually hurt even though I knew that Niall does love me.

"Yes, I am dad!" Niall nearly yelled.

His voice broke a little.

"Niall James Hor—"

"I'm in love with him, dad. I-I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I don't like girls...at least not in the way you want me to. I don't have those kinds of feelings towards women. I honestly haven't for a long time..."

"You must've eaten something funny. Maybe you should lay down..."

"Would you fucking listen, dad?!"

Now Niall was mad. His face was red and his hands were clenched tight. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little scared right now. I don't think Niall has ever spoken to anyone like that let alone his own father.

"I love Harry! I do! He's my boyfriend, dad! He's been my boyfriend for awhile now and I've never been happier! He makes me happy. He brightens my day. I never have a dull moment when I'm with him. He's just...he's just so perfect..."

"Nobody's perfect, Niall..."

"To me, Harry is perfect. I'm sorry that you can't handle this. Mum sure handled it well and she even said that deep down, she knew. She said she knew that I was different. Why is it so hard for you to understand that I love him the way you love mum? What's wrong with that? Love is love, dad. I wouldn't judge you for being in love with a horse. Yes, I would think its weird, but I wouldn't do what Harry's parents did to him."

Oh god. What if Bobby does do it? I'd hate myself forever if they disowned Niall...at least we'd be orphans together.

When Bobby had asked what my parents did, Niall told him. He seemed to be shocked and almost in disbelief, but then he said he would never do that to Niall. That was a breath of relief on our parts. Bobby went on to say that it was going to take him some time to adjust to this. He called it "a new lifestyle". I don't really like that, but if this means that both of Niall's parents will be accepting of us, then I'll just have to deal with it.


Dinner that night was a bit quiet. The only time anyone really spoke was when Niall would ask his mother to pass the salt or when Bobby would ask me to pass him another dinner roll. It was a terrible and awkward silence. I wanted to break the awkwardness in the air, but how? Tell a joke? No way. My jokes are terrible.

I looked up from my plate when I heard Bobby clear his throat.

"So, what exactly am I supposed to say when relatives ask if you've settled down, Niall?" Bobby asked.

Niall looked at me, slid his hand into mine and gave it a squeeze.

"Just tell them that I've found someone very special to me...and that I wouldn't trade them for anything else in the world."

I felt the heat rush to my cheeks. I probably look like a damn strawberry now. Thanks, Niall.

"Okay, and if we have guests over...which we might tomorrow, how are we to explain who Harry is?"

Niall rolled his eyes.

"Dad, this really isn't that hard. He's my college roommate and I brought him home for the summer because I didn't want him to be alone."

"So a special friend..."

"I like that," I said, becoming apart of the conversation.

Niall smiled then kissed my cheek.

"Hey hey hey. Don't do that out here. I don't care what you do behind closed doors, just don't do that or anything else in front of me until I'm fully used to...this."

Bobby motioned at me and Niall in a circle. I had a feeling it was going to take awhile but it was going to be worth it because I still got to have Niall. He was mine and mine only.

Later on that night, Niall and I were outside and looking up at the stars; his parents were inside...getting ready for bed I suppose. We had our hands behind our heads and took in the night sky.

"I don't understand how someone wouldn't enjoy looking up at the stars. They're so beautiful..." Niall whispered.

I turned on my side and stared at him as he was in awe of the stars.

"Not as beautiful as you," I whispered.

Niall slowly turned his head towards me and I saw him smile.

"Why do you do that? Why do you always say that?"

"Because I love reminding you that you're beautiful, Ni. You deserve to hear it a lot."

I saw him shut his eyes and shake his head as a little chuckle passed his lips.

"But I'm not a girl. Shouldn't you be saying I'm handsome?"

"It doesn't matter, baby. You're beautiful to me, just like you said I'm perfect to you. I know it's not exactly the same concept, but, I think you're beautiful Niall James Horan. I love you," I scooted closer to him and placed a soft kiss on his lips; not caring that I saw a light shining over us. "I love you and I always will."

Niall smiled again then we looked up to see his father standing there with a lantern in his hands.

"Boys, it's time to come inside. You've had enough stargazing for the night," he said in a soft voice.

We got to our feet—without any protest I might add—and followed Bobby inside. He closed the door behind us then looked at both of us.

"He really makes you happy, Niall?"

Niall nodded and smiled widely.

"Yeah. He really does."

"And you're sure that this isn't a phase like when you'd run around with your underwear on the outside of your pants pretending to be Superman?"

I couldn't help but laugh. It sounded really cute.

"I'm 100% positive that this isn't a phase. I really and truly love Harry."

Bobby then looked at me.

"And does my son make you happy?"

I couldn't nod fast enough.

"Ever since I met him, I've been happy. I've been really really happy. He makes me forget about what my parents did and he makes me forget about the world. It's like the world just stops when I'm with him."

Bobby looked back at Niall and sighed.

"It's really going to be hard for me to get used to, but I will get used to it."

He sighed again then hugged Niall. He had whispered something to him so I couldn't hear, but I did hear Niall's response.

"I promise, dad."

Bobby broke away from the hug then looked at me. I couldn't figure out if he was going to hug me next or just walk away, so I stood there awkwardly. I think if I just went in for the hug, it would be a bit inappropriate seeing that he's not even that comfortable with me yet.

"Goodnight, boys. Sleep well."

Bobby kissed Niall's forehead then headed off to his room. When the door closed all the way, Niall slid his hand into mine and pulled me to his room. As soon as we got into the room, his lips found mine.

"Damn, I've missed those," he pouted before kissing me again.

I kissed him back and somehow—I mean we obviously walked—we made it to the bed. Our lips never parted until I rested my head on Niall's chest to catch my breath.

"Niall, we've still got the entire summer to kiss and cuddle and all that good shit," I chuckled.

"Yeah, but it's going to be a lot harder now that my parents know about us."

That made us both frown because it was true. I heard Niall sigh before he took my face into his hands. He just stared at me for a very long time before kissing my nose.

"Goodnight, Haz.."

I laid beside him and pulled him against my chest then pulled the blanket over us.

"Goodnight, Ni."


HI HI HI! Happy New Years Eve (even though it's 2016 in like other countries ahaha)!

Here's an update yay!!

THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH FOR 25k READS! This was a really great New Years Eve present (lol) since we got 24k on Christmas.


So now Bobby knows about NArry. He still needs some time adjusting.

What did you think about this chapter?

Have any predictions? Feel free to leave them! Devan and I would love to see what you think might happen!

Have any questions about something you didn't understand? Feel free to ask and we will answer it for you!!

Please vote and comment. Your feedback means SOOOO much to us! We love reading your comments. They make us smile!!

We love you sooooo much!!


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