Finding Lou

Von LaurelRogers

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Louis Tomlinson. You know him as the adorable, hilarious, cheeky and sweet heart throb of the boyband One Dir... Mehr

Finding Lou


397 9 17
Von LaurelRogers

Louis' POV

*September 23, 2009*

This morning mum woke me up and helped me dress in my nicest uniform since today is the project. Yesterday Eleanor came over again and we worked on the sound of the song. Unfortunately I still couldn't talk. I just hope my voice will be good at preforming time...


Mum drove me to school and I survived the first few classes. I'm still in quite a bit of pain especially since I haven't moved this much in over a week. Luckily since I'm in a wheelchair I only received verbal abuse. Not physical.

The bell rang and I wheeled my way to the auditorium since it was time for Drama. I'm incredibly nervous. I sat in the back and Eleanor soon walked in with Lucas.

Wait! Lucas!?

She left him and walked towards me so I thought nothing of it. Probably just a coincidence. Hopefully just a coincidence...

"You ready?" She asked.

I nodded.

yes but I'm nervous. I wrote

She laughed.

"Me too."

Mr. Thomas then announced each of the acts and they preformed.

Luckily we were last for today.

They were all really good. I looked at Eleanor who had a nervous look on her face. I grabbed her hand in reassurance. She turned to me and smiled her beautiful smile.

Yes Beautiful. I'm not even going to pretend I don't have a little crush on her anymore.

"Good job Abby and Sarah!" Mr. Thomas announced.

I clapped along with everyone else.

"Next up is our last performance of today. Eleanor Calder and Louis Tomlinson!" He announced

We both took deep breaths and she wheeled me up to the front and helped me walk up the stage steps and into a chair. I nodded as a thank you.

"Okay Whenever you're ready!" Mr. Thomas smiled making most of the snickers and whispers cease.

We nodded and began.

"So since neither Louis nor I can play any instruments well enough to write a song this will be acapella. This is Left Alone!" Eleanor announced causing more snickers.

It hurt but I will say it makes me feel like I have something to prove. So it does make me want to smash it.

Eleanor looked at me and I nodded and began:

I sat in your room and I held your hand.

I watched as you drifted to another land.

I fell to my knees and I cried and cried.

Baby why?

I sang my part and couldn't help but smile. My voice sounded like it always has.

Then Eleanor began her part:

I don't understand you said you were fine.

You said that you always would be mine.

Then I joined her for the chorus:

But now

I'm left alone to cry

To let another tear slip from my eye 

without you.

I'm left alone.

Only me:

Left alone to die.

You said you were mine and I said I was yours.

You were my life line baby I was yours.

But that was before you shut the door


On me.


You were here one day then like a butterfly you flew away.

You flew right out

of my

My life


Now I'm

Left alone to cry

To let another tear slip from my eye

Without you.

I'm left alone.


Left alone to die.

My friends think I'm a fool

But they don't understand

They're not


without you.


You don't know what it's like

To be alive

While you're dying on the inside

To be


Left alone to cry

To let another tear slip from your eye.

Without you.


I'm left alone to cry

To let another tear slip from my eye

Without you.

I'm left alone.

Left alone to cry.

Without you.

I'm left alone.


I'm left alone

To die.

While we were preforming I had tears in my eyes.

This was hard for me.

Putting all my feelings out there like that.

By the time we finished the tears began to stream down my face.

But they were a mix of sad and happy.

Sad thinking of the horrid memories.

Happy that I accomplished this.

It felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. 

Eleanor came over and gave me a big hug congratulating me. I did the same for her.                 

When we finished the song and the class was completely silent.

That bad?

I looked at Eleanor who just shrugged.

"Great job guys!" Mr. Thomas applauded

We thanked him for the complement then Eleanor helped me back to my chair.

Just as I sat  down the bell rang.

Eleanor just walked out.

She just left me?

Maybe she has to go to the toilet?

But I saw  her leave with Lucas again.


I shrugged and wheeled towards the door.

On my way Mr. Thomas complemented me again.

I smiled and thanked him.

It truly meant a lot.

I can talk now by the way since I've now done the song.


When I was wheeling towards the canteen for lunch someone grabbed the back of my chair to stop me.

I turned around to see Stanley.

Here we go...


Eleanor's POV

Yesterday since Louis was absent I was alone.

Or so I thought.

While I was sitting alone in the garden during lunch Lucas came and sat beside me.

I started to yell at him for what he helped do to Louis but he surprised me by apologizing and assuring me that he was going to change.

I'm a person who likes to give people a chance so I believed him and accepted the apology and we had a nice lunch conversation together.

Anyways he's pretty fit...

Today I've been with him all day. He walked me to Drama and after class and Louis and I's performance we walked to lunch together and got a table inside the canteen.

I sat with all his friends.

They all complemented me on my performance today but didn't even mention Louis.

Whatever. They don't like him anyways so I wasn't surprised.

It was fun.

They're a fun group.

I hope Louis' okay...

Eh Whatever. He's used to being alone.


Stanley's POV

Today in Drama we were performing our original songs.

I did mine with Lucas.

After a few more it was time for Louis and Eleanor's.

This should be good...


Louis and Eleanor finished their performance and I was absolutely shocked.

It was amazing!

I had  a few tears since I did realize what it was about.

It was about Hannah.

I felt awful.

He was my best mate. I knew I hurt him but that bad?

Who am I kidding!? I knew I hurt him bad. Hell I  helped put him in a coma twice!

I know that the lie I started is in fact a lie and now I feel awful! I completely ruined his life just so I could gain some popularity and so people wouldn't know I cheated with Hannah.

It was petty and stupid!

It started almost as just a joke but it escalated way too quickly.

After their performance the class was completely silent.

But I knew why.

Everyone realized what it was about.


I noticed that Louis was crying. He truly meant every word of that song. It's too bad it was a sad song that he meant every word of.

After class I saw him wheeling to the canteen so I grabbed his chair to stop him.

He looked scarred and startled.

He probably thinks I'm going to hurt him.

"Louis. I know you probably won't believe me or forgive me but I want to apologize for how I've treated you..."

"Stanley I..."

I stopped him.

"No. Please give me a chance! I'm truly sorry. I treated you like shit and you didn't deserve it! I deserve it! I let Hannah cheat on my best mate with me and started a massive lie just to get some attention. Just please give me a chance." I began crying.

He thought about it.

"Stanley. You're right. You did treat me like shit. You made my life miserable. You hurt me both physically and mentally an insane amount. You got everyone to turn on me.  And I honestly don't think that I'll ever forgive you for that..."

I hung my head in shame.

"But I'm someone who believes in second chances..."

I lifted my head and felt a smile forming.

"So I'll give you a chance." He finished smiling.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I exclaimed hugging him.

He grunted in pain.

"Oh I'm so sorry!" I said.

"It's okay. Wanna go to lunch?"

I nodded and pushed him into the canteen.

We got our lunch and went out to the garden to eat.

It was so nice.

We talked and cleared up a lot of our hard feelings.

It was like old times.

I saw Eleanor in the canteen with Lucas but I didn't say anything. I don't think Louis noticed...


After school Louis came over to my house and we played Fifa football and called all of his and now my old friends to tell them about how I lied about Hannah.

Some believed me but most didn't. But all turned on me for telling the lie.

Louis apologized but I told him it was okay and not his fault.

I deserved it.

I'd much rather be friends with him than people who are mean to my best mate.

After a while he went home.

I truly did feel awful. He looked terrible. He seemed really weak and  was covered in bandages, stitches, casts, bruises, and cuts. I did that... It's like all those things were staring at me and mocking me. Making me feel even worse. I felt even more worse when he told me the injuries that I'd most recently caused and about all the other times. I didn't know I'd done that much. He should've called the cops...

Little does he know I still have his car and am going to get it all fixed up as an apology gift...


Louis' POV

Today was nice.

It was really nice to hang out with Stanley again today.

During lunch I noticed Eleanor sitting with Lucas and them but I ignored it. It's her choice. I don't want to be friends with a traitor. And that's just what she is for doing that:

A traitor.

At home my family all ate together and I told them about my day.

They were all happy for me.

After dinner Mum helped me to bed and said goodnight.

I just lay and thought about today.

Stanley seemed to be genuine about changing so I'm happy to give him a chance.

Truth is I really missed him.

I just hope Eleanor will realize that she's being stupid trying to be friends with Lucas.

I know him. He probably just wants to get into her pants.

I decided to call her and warn her.

She tried to convince me that he's changed but I told her it was  bull. We continued to argue for a bit longer until she told me that she didn't want it to ruin our friendship and that  we'd just have to agree to disagree. I agreed but in all honestly I knew I was right...

Oh well.

She'll have to learn for herself.

I lay back on my pillow and soon fell into a deep sleep.



HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY! For tomorrow! Have a great day! Update probably on Friday!

Check out the video of me singing the song I wrote.

I know it's not great but I still want your opinion...

And read 1D_spn_love 's awesome stories!

Dedicated to her!

She always comments and it means a lot!!!!!

Thank you for reading!







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