Robot Love (Genos X Reader)

By dratiinii

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Who knew that robots could love? ( est. November 2015 ) More



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By dratiinii

(Sorry for being gone so long XD)

"Oh no! I'm going to be so late!"

Genos was supposed to meet with you for training this morning, but unfortunately, the system that controlled his sleep schedule had malfunctioned and led to him oversleeping. Which was very bad. Who knew what would happen if he left you unsupervised. Hopefully you didn't do anything dangerous and just waited for him patiently-

Or not.

Genos slowly turned to face the TV. On the screen was a newscaster reporting from City J, which was currently under attack from a band of monsters that claimed to be a species far more intelligent than humans, the Psychics. They had small, purple bodies and a ring composed of pure psychic power surrounding them that occasionally shot powerful bolts of electricity.

Definitely considered dangerous. And you were fighting them. Single handedly.

Genos felt an array of emotions. Fear. Anger. Worry. He didn't know what to do. You were obviously injured; he could tell by the way you fought and the way you moved. He had trained with you long enough to know when something hurt and where just by looking. It may not seem like it to anyone else, but you weren't going to last much longer if you continued to fight alone.

"Sensei," Genos said, turning towards the C-Class hero who was currently lounging in front of the TV, "If you'll excuse me, I need to go save, (Name)."

"Oi! Wait for me!" Saitama yelled as he began running after Genos, who had already bolted out the door in an attempt to get to you, and possibly save your life, sooner. Saitama wasn't about to let Genos go all by himself; that would just make two dead bodies. Instead, he decided to go with Genos to make sure things didn't get too out of hand.

The two were quiet as they ran through town together, in the direction, of City J. The thought you fighting out there alone filled Genos with determination. You could not get hurt. He wouldn't allow them to injure you any further. He would kill anyone who tried to lay a hand on your precious flesh.

So many thoughts were rushing through the cyborg's brain that he didn't notice how close they had gotten to their destination. It wasn't until the ground shook violently beneath them that Genos saw how close they really were to the enemy. 

By following the trail of terrified civilians, Saitama and Genos were able to find the source of most of the destruction. Buildings were in ruins and the street was completely torn up. Cars and trucks had been laid to waste and tossed to the side by the psychic powers of the monsters, leaving a large open area in the place that used to be the main street of the city. Even the debris from nearby buildings had been moved away, as if they had prepared this place especially for a final showdown.

"Genos! Do you see (Name)? She should be here-" Saitama's sentence was cut of by your scream. It wasn't necessarily a scream of pain or fear, but one of pure willpower and resolve. In simpler terms, it sounded like you were being a true hero, giving your all to protect your friends and loved ones.

Or maybe you were just getting a kick out of being able to blow things up.

A beam of light bright enough that it lit up the early morning sky and the surrounding area erupted from your mechanic arm. It was white hot and the warmth from it could be felt from all the way across the city. The beam of light flew straight through the chest of the leader of the Psychics and out the other side. The impact was so powerful that it sent a shockwave strong enough to knock down buildings through the city, demolishing everything that hadn't already been destroyed. The Psychic King lasted a few seconds before exploding and raining purple goop down on everything.

Genos rushed to your side as you collapsed to your knees. It took a lot of energy to do what you did and you had already been running very low. Smoke was rising from the mechanics in your body as systems began to overheat. You were close to short circuiting and were in need of major repairs and medical attention.

The fact that you had survived made Genos overlook all of that. He knew that being a hero was a dangerous job and the possibility of losing your life was just part of it. He knew how reckless you were and how you never fully thought things out before acting. He knew how unlikely you were to heed his warnings and stay out of harm's way. He knew you.

That being said, he still loved you. Even if he never said it or expressed it, he still loved you. And he loved you too much to not let you pursue your goal of becoming a great hero.

"(Name)... I'm so proud of you."

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